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I don't care for the episode ''Pinkie Pride'' 


I love Equestria Girls 


I don't like The Flim Flam Brothers song from '' Super speedy cider squeezy 6000''


Just curious, but what did you think of the Flim Flam Brothers song from "Leap of Faith"?



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Just curious, but what did you think of the Flim Flam Brothers song from "Leap of Faith"?


It's not one of my favorite songs but I still liked it 

  • Brohoof 1


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That's not what the handbook says... also in the same link. Remember this wikia is fanmade and in all seriousness can't be taken for being 100% true. 

@@Washougal_Otaku,Changelings are largely equine in appearance but possess insect-like characteristics. Changelings are a race of creatures in Equestria.


While this doesn't say whether or not they are ponies as i said the handbook says it. 


I have no idea what "handbook" you're referring to.

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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Its like a little manual for Equestria i guess. Havent read it all but feel free to google it. Journal of the sisters is coming too.

I'm sorry, but I use Yahoo! for my searches.




...sorry, I had to do that.

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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Season 3 wasn't actually that bad. I do think it's the worst out of the 4 seasons, but it had it's moment.


I think Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 was too much like Read It and Weep, although both are still good.

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- I disliked the season opening episodes of S4, feeling they were far worse than anything out there including the S3 opener of Crystal Kingdom.  It made no sense, imho, for ponies to run up to Twilight and start saying she'll know what to do.  Though she has saved the world -- alongside her friends -- there is a huge difference between leading 5 other ponies and an entire nation.  The title felt like a slap in the face with all the whimsical titles that I've read in the past.  Even Twilight Time had a sliver more originality than Princess Twilight Sparkle, as well as Twlight's Kingdom.  For me, I wanted to see those ponies distrusting Twilight to show that even though she is a princess it doesn't automatically make her a ruler/royal figure others will respect. 


- I think that Hasbro needs to stop interfering or whoever has a fascination with the crystal kingdom needs to stop it.  That crystal tree thing that's Twilight's castle is atrocious.  At least try to make the dang blasted thing the color of a tree, instead of that light blue crystal color.  Perhaps they could have used the box to resurrect the library into some grand treehouse castle or something.  Please, please stop with the obsession over the dang crystal stuff! please!


- With S4 over, I want the obsession over "Princess Twilight Sparkle" to be dead, done, buried and forgotten.  Have the S5 opener be about the others of the group, like S2 opener with Discord where each pony played her part.  S4 just felt like one gigantic stick beating an equally larger dead horse to drive home the fact Twilight is now a princess... whoopie.... 


- Show me an original villain like Discord or Chrysalis.  Tirek was an ok villain, but I was drawn into the show in regards to the originality of unique character designs.  I don't want to see rehashing.  There are TONS of mythos out there to draw from.  Go to Saddle Arrabia maybe? Or, perhpas they could go to the Zebra territory/homeland, and show some unique villains from that area where Twilight can't defeat them because they are immune to alicorn magic. 


- I'm annoyed with the lack of Celestia as of late where she's pushed further back into the background characters.  I mean holy bucking sake here, Derpy had more camera time than Celestia did.  (No offense against Derpy since I love the googly eyed mail mare)  Feels like after S1, Celestia's importance was deminished as each season came about.  With Twilight now turned alicorn/ms. supreme pony, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence aren't as important. I'm also displeased with how Zecora was treated.  She was in the S4 opener then poof, nothing.  Zecora is a special character that served as mentor to Twilight when Celestia couldn't.  Of course, I guess she gets the same treatment where the character who helped the pony is no longer useful.  The only time she's considered is for some minor exposition type role before being thrown back into the closet.



Anyways, just a few of my gripes with the show as of this point.  Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3, is the only episode out of S4 that I actually liked Twilight because she acted like the Twilight I came to care about, wings or not.

Edited by Genepool
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I don't like Trixie. It's not like I HATE her, I just dislike her and hope she doesn't come back ever.

This one is less unpopular, but I despise Babs Seed. I cannot stand her. I know she was all forgiven, but I still hate her for what she did to the crusaders. She reminded me too much of the bullies who tormented me daily for three years.


Hey there! I'm ~Sylveon~. You can call me Sylveon. xD If you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here for you. :)

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- I'm not a fan of the CMC episodes. They add in a mean-spirited and unpleasant nature that I'm never happy to see.


- Diamond Tiara is the worst character of the show.

... No, I don't mean I dislike her because she's a villain. I dislike her AS a villain. I HATE her. She's the most two-dimensional, pointless, mean-spirited, uncaring, underdeveloped waste of animation I have seen in a long while. Her archetype of character is the worst archetype, and I'm sickened by how prevalent they are.


- Ponyville Confidential is the WORST episode of the show. It's dark, mean-spirited, and overall an absolute pain to watch.


- Flutterdash is canon and nopony can convince me otherwise.


- Applebloom is the cutest Crusader. I mean, the big bow, the country accent, the big eyes... THAT FREAKING bow...


That's all I got for now

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*thinks long and hard about actually saying this* ......





I thought Suri Polomare was kinda hot appealing and i loved her voice because she reminded me of a woman from Jersey i dated a few years back :blush:  




  • Brohoof 4

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Twilight is BEST PONY. Praise Twilight! BEHOLD BEHOLD, A princess here before us!



I would love to see Flash Sentry get officially shipped with Twilight just because of all the butthurt it would genetate.


Flash Sentry X Twilight is best ship. BEST PONY


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I have absolutely no problem with Twilight becoming an Alicorn. In fact, aside from the fear she would become a Mary Sue, I don't understand any of the fanbase's issues with it.


While we're on characters: Fluttershy is not a simple, one-note character (a one trick pony if you will) and her episodes are not the same or redundant.


I like all the songs (or if they're a gag song I find them funny)


The Crystal Empire and Magical Mystery Cure are top tier episodes


Season 3 > Season 1


Season 3 & 4 > Season 1 & 2


Don't understand why Lauren Faust is held in such high regard. The episodes she wrote are average and the show has gotten better since she left imo. McCarthy > Faust

I'm not exactly holding my breath for her episode in season 5 (not that I think it will be bad, but I don't expect it to be the best episode ever)

Edited by LZRD WZRD
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- Fluttershy is the worst of the main six and shares some character attributes with the common "mary-sue" type.


- Rainbow Dash is a wonderfully complex, flawed and thought out character and although her fandom is big, and albeit, at times unpleasant, she shouldn't be called overrated.


- Celestia is 2nd best pone. And unlike the others, I don't have logic behind this. This is just purely my irrational opinion. :P


- I don't actually want to be a pony, but I wouldn't mind living in Equestria

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I loved Derpy's new voice. I thought it was super cute. And I also liked it because I hated her old one. :D

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~I like 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well'.


~I don't understand when people say MLP has 'innuendos'. It really doesn't.


~I don't think the animation is as great as people say it is.


~I don't really find Pinkie Pie funny.

Edited by Dr. Frasier Crane
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  • I enjoy "Dragon Quest" purely on the tonal differences between the episode and the rest of the show.

I find the second part of "The Crystal Empire" to be one of the most entertaining episodes of the show.

I respect Luna and Trixie, but I do not fawn over them.

King Sombra was a good villain. His competence as one overcomes his lack of a backstory, as he actually goes down fighting and comes closer to breaking down Twilight with his traps than any other villain has to defeating her without resorting to gloating as a downfall device.

Likewise, I found Tirek's lack of a valid motivation distracting throughout "Twilight's Kingdom".

If anything from Sherclop Pones ever becomes canon, I am liable to commit a ritual suicide.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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