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Unpopular opinions? Okay, I think I can contribute to this.


  • I enjoyed the Equestria Games episode despite how much of the competition wasn't shown.
  • I also enjoyed Games Pony Play.
  • I like Cadance and Shining Armour despite their flaws.
  • Flurry Heart isn't as bad as people are making her out to be.
  • Brohoof 1


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I never found Changelings all that interesting and I never understood why so many people latched onto them.


Not sure if this is unpopular or not....


Starlight Glimmer should have been punished severely. She possibly caused the worst damage out of all the villains, and yet she got off very lightly. Maybe she should have been turned to stone and then banished to the moon.


That being said, she's my favourite character though.

The Mane Six should've put one of those magic-suppressing rings on her horn until she proved herself trustworthy.

Edited by Silvestra Spooner
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I never found Changelings all that interesting and I never understood why so many people latched onto them.

My guess is because they're designs and lifestyle were something that no one in their mind My Little Pony would have. When I heard about changelings when I started watching the show, I had thought they were simply unicorns who could look like anypony using a spell and just wanted to prank on others. Of course, I was completely wrong.

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  • The Mysterious Mare Do Well isn't that bad of an episode once you look past the faults.

Discord's reformation worsened his character.

Sunset Shimmer was good at being a villain in the first Equestria Girls movie.

King Sombra is underrated.


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-Crystal Empire was a good premiere. One of my favorites. In fact I like every episode in the Crystal Empire, I just love that place.
-Spike's episodes are usually funny and entertaining.
-Applejack is not a background character but has a likeable and well made personality.
-Newbie Dash and No Second Prances were excellent episodes, two of Season 6's gems.
-I like the show's villain reforming trend.

  • Brohoof 3

This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight.

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I think Magical Mystery Cure was great. That's an opinion not shared by most people. Sure, it was more music than episode, and the plot was terrible, but meh. I was thoroughly entertained.

Enter the Forest...

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-Discord sucks. Chrysalis forever.


-I like the idea of Zephyr and Rainbow Dash


-I like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoin


-Less Derpy


-Twilight X Timber


-I hate the fanon portrayal of Vinyl.


-I like Twilicorn


-Thank you for getting rid of the Elements of Harmony


-I like Twilight's castle

Edited by Dr.Egoshire
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Not about the show, but about the fan "love and tolerate" thing.  Lots of people seem to take the phrase seriously.

toleration is bullshit.  

at best it's a bit mediocre, and at worst, it is a severely negative thing.
we should CELEBRATE our differences, and help people to improve themselves.


I can't figure out if I should be bro-hoofing the posts that I hate, because they match the theme of things that are hated, or the posts that I love, because I like the things they like.

Edited by weesh
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Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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I'm not gonna say she's my favorite or the best. But I really think Babs Seed is a good character. They should do more with her. Also I don't like Thorax. Not sure if that's popular opinion or not but I dislike Thorax, mostly his voice acting.

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Despite being overly condusive to pluralism and chock full of occult references, it wasn't that bad for a godless show about adorable ponies trying to teach kids and grown men the meaning of friendship.

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Hmm... Perhaps I can think of a few.  Here goes nothing!
King Sombra is best villain
- Fluttershy is actually one of my least favorite characters.  I don't particularly dislike her, I just like others much more.
- One of my favorite unpopular pairings is Zephyr Breeze and Tree Hugger.  ZephyrHugger.  I just feel like these two as a couple would have a lot of potential and wish it had more fanart.
- With that being said, I don't care for the ship of Octavia x Vinyl.  I just don't see the chemistry.  I see them as close friends/roommates, nothing else.
- While at first, I was completely against it like the majority of fans, I've actually grown fond of Alicorn Twilight.  This is not to say that I want other alicorns on the show, of course, but Twilight as an alicorn had actually grown on me and I actually don't mind it.
- Celestia is my favorite princess.
- I feel that background characters: Vinyl, Octavia, Derpy and Doctor Whooves tends to be very overrated.  Even Lyra and Bon Bon at times.  There are other background characters too, and I wish they'd get more love as well. 
-  Steven Magnet is one of my favorite characters despite him not having a lot of screen time.  He's just so charming to me!



Thank you for the amazing signature, @Sparklefan1234❤w❤

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show isn't all that great

i miss season 1


  • There isn't enough Fluttershy
  • Season 1 and 2 were the best seasons
  • Too many new characters and lack of development on the existing ones
  • There isn't enough Rarity
  • The mane six are not funny anymore and lost a lot of their old personalities
  • CMC episodes are boring
  • Chrysalis is favorite villain
  • Too much Fluttershy transformations
  • Not enough cider


1. not unpopular

2. not unpopular

3. not unpopular

4. not unpopular


- Celestia is my favorite princess.


sun horse best horse

praise the sun

Edited by Kiti
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I really don't like Fluttershy.


She used to be my favourite character in the show, but after a time I saw that she is just Mary Sue. She haven't got any flaws. Ok, in the first and second season she was impulsive, but now she is just PERFECT. That's the reason why I like the most Rarity - she has got a lot of flaws and she is not perfect.


I think that the show should ended with third season. Magical Mystery Cure maybe wasn't a best episode ever, but Twilight's alicornication was a good end of story. In the new seasons (4-6) Twilight lost a character, writers cannot show what exactly Twilight's wings changed and there are too many characters for one episode.


I think there are too many action in show. Mane 6 have a great characters and on this characters show should focus. When I want to see a cartoon fight I am watching Dragon Ball - not rainbow ponies. That's why Discord was a perfect villain for this show - he wasn't using a POWER, he was using characters of Mane 6. And that's why I hate Tirek.


Sombra was boring.

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Outside of Discord's little subplot (which was amazing), I found Twilight's Kingdom to be pretty forgettable.


I don't think Twily becoming royalty really had any impact on the show or her character at all. Which isn't a good or a bad thing, really, but I feel MMC really oversold how important it was for her and made it seem like things were going to change more than they really did. Still prefer UniTwi visually, though.


A Canterlot Wedding is unintentionally hilarious. It isn't a bad episode, but I felt it would've been much more interesting if it'd addressed Twilight's intense jealousy and paranoia. Thankfully, What About Discord (which I greatly enjoyed) finally got to that.


A perfectly run of the mill, average, 5/10 episode of the show doesn't really feel worth watching to me anymore. Unless I can watch with friends, in which case they're fun :)

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Honestly, the only unpopular opinion I have is how the writers have been treating the Royal Family in season premieres/finales, with To Where and Back Again being the latest, and probably the worst, treatment they've had from the writers with Luna being the only member seen in Part 1, then all of them being shown trapped in cocoons for God knows how long since they were kidnapped near the end of Part 2 before being freed, brought up-to-date on recent events, confronting Chrysalis, letting her escape, then Celestia having her only dialogue in the finale with speaking to Thorax and then suggesting the ponies head home for some well-deserved rest & relaxation, leading to the last scenes of them remaining silent as they join Starlight in her old village, then head off to enjoy the Sunset Festival.


I really hope they get a bigger role in the Season 7 premiere or something next season...


The way they are being treated lately is really starting to get on my nerves and boil my blood with being rendered helpless against the villain every time...

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Lets see...


- S1 is overrated.


- Luna is overrated.


- Sunset is massively overrated.


- Starlight is an amazing character.


- Alicorn Twilight is better than unicorn Twilight (and the best character in the show).


- RAINBOW ROCKS - one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

nothing special was done with sunset, the music is forgettable, the plot is simple,

the villians are terrible and cringeworthy.. its just painful to watch.


- I don't like what they did with fluttershy in S6 (being all smug and sassy), it doesn't feel like a natural character development - its just a random,forced change.

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Silver Spoon is adorable and both her and Diamond Tiara have a lot of potential as characters.


Flurry Heart doesn't bother me.


I don't care one way or the other about Newbie Dash. I thought it was a "meh" episode and moved on with my life.


I found Zephyr Breeze funny, if only because he was so over-the-top.


Quibble Pants annoyed the crap out of me, which is strange considering I'm a fan of Patton Oswalt.

Edited by Silvestra Spooner
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