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gaming Pokemon X and Y Discussion Thread


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If we are posting teams here is mine right before the third gym.

Honedge Lv. 31

Charmander Lv. 32

Carbink Lv. 29

Quilladen Lv. 34

Amaura Lv. 31

I am doing my best to nickname all of my pokemon but I need to name rater to do Amaura and Carbink.

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Okay guys, just beat the 4th gym and let me just say, the 4th gym  is laughably easy. I literally only used my Charizard and spammed flame burst and took out his whole team without taking damage. He did try to use take down, but it missed. Yeah, I had an easier time with the 3rd and 4th gym than the first and second


Current badges: 4

Current team

Greninja nickname: Frogger level 38

Talonflame nickname: Rainbow  dash level 38

Raichu nickname: Thunderlane level 36

Charizard nickname: Toothless level 38

Mr. Mime nickname: FAIRIES!!!!! level 32

Lucario nickname: Sombra level 36 


Other notes

Wow you get a free Lucario and it can mega evolve that's amazing

Man is that gap between the 1st and 2nd gym a long one

I only have 4 badges and my team is already at almost level 40 can't imagine what the Pokemon league will be like

On another note I forgot to mention, one of the trainers who I think was in physic class said my Pokemon's power levels were over 9,000. How many Dragon Ball Z references are in this game?



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Finally finished EV training my team. Well worth the time and effort (no pun intended).


I'm just baffled why people find the need to use legendary pokemon online. They are so overated. My crobat alone took down a Mega Mewtwo X with one hit. Oh well hahah


On my way to get the 7th badge! This game rocks!


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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You know what I found?


Roggenrola horde battles.




5 pokemon with Sand Attack and Sturdy... WHY?


On the plus side, horde battles involving both Zangoose and Seviper play out exactly how they should, i.e. they attack each other before bothering with you. Nice attention to detail there.

  • Brohoof 1

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Maybe I'm just stopping to smell the flowers too often, but the time between the first and second gym is way too long. I actually thought I had skipped the gym altogether and that my entire team was over-leveled. Not so much the case after I nearly got beaten by the second gym leader and his fossil Pokemon... 


I will say that there's a ton of variety as far as types go. Hell, I already have a dragon type in reserves and generally you either had to hunt those out or weren't even given the option until a good chunk of the way through. Way too many fire types though, especially if you pick charmander, Fennekin and the special Torchic.


So far my team is:


Roku (Fennekin)

Chrysalis (Vespiquen)

Waft (Spritzee) Need to find someone to trade with so I can evolve it though...

Amaura (Need to come up with a nickname)

Gamera (Wartortle)

  • Brohoof 1

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE!


Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I'm having quite a lot of fun with this game!  I just got the second badge (took forever to get there).  My team is almost level 30 since I've been trying to catch all the pokemon I can.  There's just so many!  Every place you go, it seems there's 20 pokemon you didn't catch, it's crazy.  Also, I find it hilarious how when you get a group of sevipers and zangooses, they won't bother to attack you until every pokemon of their rival species faints.

  • Brohoof 2


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Ok, so i've been playing this game a whole ton along with my friends, I have almost 12 hours, although i'm still only right near the 2nd gym badge ;p. I take my time in pokemon, and with how long this game is compared to previous ones yeah ;p.


Although I like it, i like to have time to enjoy the game and stuff, short games leave me disappointed typically ;p.


Enjoying the game so far, very addicting ;p


My team currently(Although not totally sure if its final.)


Absol Lvl 22 Named Destiny

Wartortle lvl 27 named Rocky

Braixen lvl 28 Named Red mage

Furfrou lvl 25 named Sophie

Vespiquen lvl 28 named Royal Pain

And Eevee lvl 20 named Cupid(Will be a Sylveon when i get a chance to ;p)


So yeah. I'm loving this game, the varitiy of the pokemon you can have is crazy, makes me wish i could have multiple saves to play through multiple times ;p.


Its even more fun chatting in skype with some fellow pokemon nerds playing it ;p.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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This game is so awesome! I'm taking my time though, as I have 2 badges yet 9 hours of gameplay.


Anyways, I'm at the weird stone hedge thing at the moment fighting Team Flare dudes. My current team is

  • Braixen Lv.29
  • Fletchinder Lv.28
  • Ivysaur Lv.30
  • Tyrunt Lv.26


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Ok, so i've been playing this game a whole ton along with my friends, I have almost 12 hours, although i'm still only right near the 2nd gym badge ;p. I take my time in pokemon, and with how long this game is compared to previous ones yeah ;p.


Although I like it, i like to have time to enjoy the game and stuff, short games leave me disappointed typically ;p.


Enjoying the game so far, very addicting ;p


My team currently(Although not totally sure if its final.)


Absol Lvl 22 Named Destiny

Wartortle lvl 27 named Rocky

Braixen lvl 28 Named Red mage

Furfrou lvl 25 named Sophie

Vespiquen lvl 28 named Royal Pain

And Eevee lvl 20 named Cupid(Will be a Sylveon when i get a chance to ;p)


So yeah. I'm loving this game, the varitiy of the pokemon you can have is crazy, makes me wish i could have multiple saves to play through multiple times ;p.


Its even more fun chatting in skype with some fellow pokemon nerds playing it ;p.

Where did you find an eevee?! I'm past the fourth gym and I have been hoping I would run into one. So where exactly did you find yours?
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Where did you find an eevee?! I'm past the fourth gym and I have been hoping I would run into one. So where exactly did you find yours?


Don't feel bad I never got eevee either. My friend waited for me to be far into the game to tell me where to get him. What a jerk haaha. Anyway's I dont remember the name of the town, but you get it from someone in the same town you get the bike from.


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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I don't know how people are blazing through this game... I just barely got out to Route 5 to catch some Skiddo lol :P

Anyway, I think I am gonna use Charmander actually, Litleo is kind of dissapointing me in how it's more specially based than physical, not really what I wanted, plus Mega Charizard X counts as new anyway, no? ;)

And now before I progress again I must Super Train this Charmander in attack and speed(really hope it gets good physical Fire moves earlier to help with its Mega form, in gen 5 Charizard gets Flare Blitz at level 77 and not even in any of its previous evolutions unless you breed, ugh) and search for the perfect Skiddo and then train that, this game gives me the option to perfect my Pokémon and I'm sure as hell gonna use it. Yay for slowness! :yay:

(Also, does anyone know what Sylveon's stats are yet? Just wondering, I'm guessing it's specially based)

  • Brohoof 1


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Where did you find an eevee?! I'm past the fourth gym and I have been hoping I would run into one. So where exactly did you find yours?


Don't feel bad I never got eevee either. My friend waited for me to be far into the game to tell me where to get him. What a jerk haaha. Anyway's I dont remember the name of the town, but you get it from someone in the same town you get the bike from.


Or you could do what I did and catch a wild one. Right outside the town where you get the second badge and before the weird stones the Team Flare stooges are staking out, there are several patches of grass you can catch wild Eevees in. 

  • Brohoof 1

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE!


Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Thanks! Seems it's a bulkier special attacker then, which is actually pretty great considering its type. I think I'll enjoy using it whenever I get to Eevee. laugh.png

I would still rather have Gardevoir. Psychic/Fairy High Special attack And ability to use Shadowball, and thunderbolt for extra type coverage, and MEGA evolution. P.S Champion has one so whatch out it will destroy you unless you prepare. 

Mewtwo was so easy to capture, it took me 1 ultra ball with no status conditions. Also, Zygarde was a pain to catch it took me like 30 minutes to capture it, now i have to work on the legendary birds. YAY

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Where did you find an eevee?! I'm past the fourth gym and I have been hoping I would run into one. So where exactly did you find yours?

Mine was in the city right after the second gym, or rather in like the stonehedgy place in the flower grass. 


Not super common, but they are there.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Update time


I beat the 7th gym leader. Man haven't had the game for that long and I'm already 7 badges in. Also it's much easier to level up Pokemon. Usually, I'm under leveled for leaders now I'm either on par or over leveled. Probably due to how the experience share works in the game. Also, Lumiose City I think that's how you say it is so massive that I'm afraid I'll get lost in it. Also, the first rival battle with Saundra is the only battle I've done with her and yet I battle Serena much more in the game. Finally, the 7th gym wasn't ice type again like it was for most of the games instead it was psychic

Current badges: 7

Current team

Greninja nickname: Frogger level 49

Talonfllame nickname : Rainbow dash level 48

Raichu nickname: Thunderlane level 48

Charizard nickname: Toothless level 48

Mr. Mime nickname: FAIRES!!!!! level 48

Lucario nickname: Sombra level 48 



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Well, this is the team I've decided to settle on for the time being. I'm not 100% happy with it but at the same time I'm happy to be using so many newcomers to my usual roster.


Delphox- Fire / Psychic
Modest - Blaze
6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Lapras - Water / Ice
Calm - Water Absorb
252 HP / 6 SpA / 252 SpD
Mawile (Mega) - Steel / Fairy
Impish - Indimidate (Huge Power)
 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Nidoqueen- Poison / Ground
Neutral - Poison Point
252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 Spe
Noivern - Flying / Dragon
Timid - Infiltrator
6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Sableye - Dark / Ghost
Neutral - Keen Eye
252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Spe

Edited by KandeeFlaus
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I couldn't find the answer elsewhere so I'll ask you guys. Now that we've got super training, is there a way to actually look at a pokemon's EV numbers?


AFAIK, the only way to know the exact EV distribution of a Pokemon as you are doing Super Training is to manually keep track of them.

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I watched a guy on YouTube play Y and saw that you don't get Ampharosite until the aftergame. Never have I been so sad or dissapointed.


What are you talking about? I got Ampharosite before the fourth badge. I don't remember exactly where, but I know it was very recently and I just beat the fourth gym.


... Though that might be one of those things that's different between the versions, I'm playing X right now.


Also, REAL SPOILER HERE. Not just condensing something so it doesn't take up as much space.



I feel REALLY BAD about benching the Lucario you get when you pickup the Mega Ring. I mean, my party already has a fighting type and a steel type, but it wanted to fight with me so bad it ran away from its previous trainer... But I can't just ditch my old pokemon for something like that.


I'll have to come back for it later, but until I'm done with the part of the main part of the game or I feel like taking a break I'll just have to feel guilty...


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