SrFrog 927 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 Personally i've never encountered anything of the paranormal but my mother swears that while she was helping a midwife she saw a woman give birth to a Nahua, seriously she doesn't even like talking about it. Before you ask this happened in an indegenous part of Mexico where they still believe in those old legends. "Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikael 46 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 Once when I was young I experienced a whistle that made sound and it actually flew in maybe 3 seconds. I and I just stared at it in like 15 min and then ran of to my dad, almost crying xD I don't know what it was and have always wanted to know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FedoraMemes 582 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 Personally, I haven't had any experiences, but my grandad has had experiences. We live in the channel islands, some islands that are in the English Channel/Bay of St. Malo, and during WWII, the islands were occupied by the Nazis. Anyway, waaaayyy before I was born, my fanily were living on Alderney, one of the islands. I don't know what year it was, but my grandad claims that he saw the ghost of a german soldier walking down the stairs. He was complete in uniform. There was another claim about when they first bought the house in Guernsey (where I live), they saw a figure floating up the hill they lived on. The Anime Thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swordfishtrombone 384 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 Well this one time I was in this town at 3 o'clock and I see a man sleeping in a swag on the side of a river. So I came back an hour later and it was just some ducks. Pretty spooky stuff huh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envoy-in-exile 101 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 I often think that paranormal stuff are just psychological stuff. Like your brain's messing with you because you've been a dbag to your brain and whatnot. I just had one of these. I saw someone get out of the shower and walk off. So I went in. A minute later I heard talking outside and I saw the same person walk the opposite direction and just vanish. The whole time I was aware that I saw something from my memory, rather than something that was there. But it was rather freaky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gdrlowmgqwmhopqw 107 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 Hmm yeah.. There is this very odd thing that happens when i click my signature banner. It is hard to explain, but it involves anagrams. ^ Clickable ^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SweetJeans88 408 January 8, 2013 Share January 8, 2013 I love paranormal stories and local folklore and legends. I'd like to hear of some from the community here. It can be any tale from personal experience, or a friend you know, or something passed down about a place in town, or the region you're in. It can be little superstitious quips, or just a freaky event, or a lengthy in depth description. I'm personally terrible at retelling stories, so forgive me:My friend Creepy Joe (yes that's his name around town...) was away at college in South Carolina. He was unemployed at the time, so he did odd jobs and usually yard work for a little cash on hand. A fellow student approached him and mentioned that his aunt was moving into a new house and they needed help getting the furniture there and up the stairs. Joe agreed and later that evening he and his friend Trevor met at the new house. The house turned out to be an old plantation style that had been shuffled around in the family for years. No one had really wanted it or they couldn't afford to fix it up. The lady moving in wanted everything in the house removed so she could clean the place up before settling in. Joe and Trevor moved up the stairs and found a room with only a child's rocking chair and a doll sitting in it in the corner. They casually threw both into a heap down the stairs with the other discarded items, then shoved everything into the pickup truck and hauled it away to the dump. Joe remembered feeling a curious melancholy as he watched the doll being crushed by the front-end loader at the landfill. It was sad to see other peoples' memories destroyed. When they got back to the house and rounded the top of the stairs to keep working, there in the doorway stood the rocking chair and doll they had just thrown out. The boys refused to stay upstairs, but managed to keep working and clearing out the first floor. D: so yeah, wall of texts are fine <3 1 GO CONTRIBUTE! my art: here, and tumblr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DR Leper Lupinstein 410 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 okay so here's my story... on a couple of occasions i have had this experience of being between sleep and wakefulness. Everytime i always felt like i couldn't move, talk, or even scream. it was like i was being held down and i could feel hands pushing down on me or something. on one occasion i was able to move a little bit only to be shoved back down on my back and pinned. now the scariest part is on seperate occasions, i had heard either a high pitched growl-scream beside me or heard a woman or maybe a young man/ little boy whispering something messed up in my ear. i did my research and science calls it sleep paralysis where you linger between sleep and awake and have strange hallucinations and feelings of terror and helplessness. but, ancient cultures called this the Hag Attack. the Hag being like a night spirit that terrorizes sleepers, particularly men, and is often associated with a sucubus or the demoness, Lilith. it hasn't happened lately, but i can tell you it was prolly the most terrifying moment in my entire life. if anyone can relate to this... gimme your input and maybe a solution for if it ever happens again. but, in the meantime share your stories of your own experiences. 3 hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc ^ - BLOOD FOR BLOOD/OUTLAW ANTHEMS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Circadian 1,273 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 I get those too. They were pretty scary at first, but if you do your best not to fight it, it usually transistions into a lucid dream. The key is not to panic, as hard as that sounds. My first experience with lucid dreaming occurred during an episode of sleep paralysis where I remained conscious without waking my body up. The unspeakable horror gradually faded away, and my entire room dissolved into an incredibly vivid and shifting watercolor painting. I don’t know how long the dream lasted, but after what felt like hours the painting began to brighten and resolve itself back into the solid and familiar shape of my dorm. I had transitioned from sleep to awake with no break in consciousness. It was beautiful. Other lucid dreams I've had involved being swept aloft by the breeze, flying, etc. Sleep paralysis can be a powerful tool if you learn to control it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ColtofPersonality 855 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 Sounds like it could also be sleep paralysis a condition where the body is still asleep but the mind awake. Like Circadian said it's best not to freak out and relax soon your body will underp itself when it realizes infact your not sleeping and are fully awake. It's happend to me a couple of times and I thought I was dying but nope. Still here. 1 Look in my eyes...what do you see? The ColtOf Personality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sugar Sprinkles~ 638 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 The only experience that I think was haunting was a long time ago, I used to get baby sat by my aunt and uncle. I was maybe like 10 or 11. Maybe younger, I forget. Well, there house was an old Church like 100-200 years ago. It was an old house, but looked like it was well taken care of for years. The floors were creaky, the windows shook, the house creaked, and it was kind of creepy. Well, my aunt Kristie has told me and everyone else that their landlord has mentioned about the house being a little haunted. They had a CREEPY basement that had like..chicken coop cages and it was all dusty, old, smelly, and cob webby. They also had this old creaky door that closed off the basement. Ok, well one day, when I was being baby sat, me, my cousins and some of the other kids my aunt baby sat (Because her job was baby sitting) were all eating Lunch. The kitchen was like right next to the stairs that lead to the basement. It was one of them calm days, no wind, no NOTHING. Just a normal calm day. So, after some of the kids left, It was me, and my 2 cousins. All of a sudden, we heard a HUGE SLAM!!!!!!!!!!! Like as if someone was VERY mad and slammed it as hard as they could. I was surprised the old door didn't fly off. It made us jump and my aunt even came out yelling wondering if it was one of the kids. we said it wasn't ANY of us. And then my aunt did remember the landlord said there has been complaints of the doors slamming because of the hauntings yeah. that basically what happened to me 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaliel 116 February 17, 2013 Share February 17, 2013 actually, I believe there is at least one ghost in our house. I will sometimes think to hear my mum or dad taling, but they are not even in the house. But I haven't actually seen him or her yet, and prolly never will, though I am really curious about that matter, as long as it is harmless spirits and not something evil as poltergeist 1 <-plz click Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Vallo~ 409 February 17, 2013 Share February 17, 2013 (edited) No. Supernatural beings most likely do not exist. I remember I had a friend once who would always talk about how he had ghosts/bigfoot in his basement. Edited October 18, 2013 by ~Vallo~ 1 Your breath stinks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SCS 7,537 February 17, 2013 Share February 17, 2013 okay so here's my story... on a couple of occasions i have had this experience of being between sleep and wakefulness. Everytime i always felt like i couldn't move, talk, or even scream. it was like i was being held down and i could feel hands pushing down on me or something. on one occasion i was able to move a little bit only to be shoved back down on my back and pinned. now the scariest part is on seperate occasions, i had heard either a high pitched growl-scream beside me or heard a woman or maybe a young man/ little boy whispering something messed up in my ear. i did my research and science calls it sleep paralysis where you linger between sleep and awake and have strange hallucinations and feelings of terror and helplessness. but, ancient cultures called this the Hag Attack. the Hag being like a night spirit that terrorizes sleepers, particularly men, and is often associated with a sucubus or the demoness, Lilith. it hasn't happened lately, but i can tell you it was prolly the most terrifying moment in my entire life. if anyone can relate to this... gimme your input and maybe a solution for if it ever happens again. but, in the meantime share your stories of your own experiences. That sounds terrifying, but it sounds a lot like sleep paralysis, which thankfully is, if I understand correctly, not a paranormal phenomenon at all. Here's some helpful information about what sleep paralysis is, and how to avoid it: I do believe in the paranormal though, incorporated in my non-religious spiritual beliefs. I have had a total of 6 or 7 paranormal experiences that I can remember, the great majority of which having to do with out of body experiences (remembering, attempting, or almost happening accidentally). The two that didn't were an orb and a voice. The voice one might have been my imagination, but the orb one was definitely not, and is one of the most fascinating paranormal experiences I have had. I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom one night, and suddenly this orb just appears out of nowhere midair, flying at a very high speed. It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, flying a very short path by my face in the bathroom. However, I was able to get a good look at it even in that short period of time. It looked like it glowed from its inside, and its substance looked nothing like I have ever seen, in person or otherwise. It was not a solid, but it was not a liquid, but it was not a gas. It had these strange shapes or patterns fluctuating on its surface. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nim 28 February 22, 2013 Share February 22, 2013 Hello, folks, your good lurker friend Nim here. So i wanted to get some other peoples opinions on what they think of the supernatural. I personally believe in things like ghosts, demons, cryptids and other legends along those lines. I find it very interesting, and i actually think there's quite a bit of proof for stuff like that you can find almost anywhere. I want to hear what you guys think on this matter, and I hope i haven't posted this in the wrong place. Thanks for reading. Bonds of people are true power Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Chaotic Eddie~ 479 February 22, 2013 Share February 22, 2013 (edited) I neither believe in them, nor NOT believe in them. The reason for this is, I don't WANT them to exist. Anything supernatural that science can't explain, like ghosts, etc, SHOULD NOT exist, in my opinion, because I don't see how they can if they scientifically cannot. It's for these reasons that I suffer from atephobia (a fear of old buildings). Edited February 22, 2013 by RainbowIzumi 2 I do poetry. Give it a read? Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celtore 2,770 February 22, 2013 Share February 22, 2013 (edited) I try my best to keep my opinions to things backed up with evidence and a reasonable explanation, but I do sort of believe in some kind of ghost. I had a personal experience (well what other kind of experience COULD it be, sherlock?) where I had a book thrown at my head from across the room in an empty home. So yeah, that's a bit convincing. I also really love legends and old folk tales, but of course I know they aren't real. They could be based on a true story, but look how much hollywood has butchered that phrase. EDIT: The book throwing incident has been solved as I've found evidence that it was nothing but a realistic dream. However, there is still another rather freaky experience I've had when I was young that keeps my mind in question. Edited June 16, 2013 by Celtore 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nim 28 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 Hollywood butchers a lot of things when it comes to the paranormal. They take cryptids and turn them into huge, big scary monsters that'll kill you on site. There is no definite way to prove that if a cryptid existed, it would act in such an aggressive way 1 Bonds of people are true power Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 I've never had any personal Ghost experiences, so I don't believe in that kinda thing. It doesn't seem very likely to me personally, but who knows maybe that'll change. I believe in spiritual things I guess though, since I am Christian. Just not the sterotypical ghost type of spirits. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 I've never had any personal Ghost experiences, so I don't believe in that kinda thing. It doesn't seem very likely to me personally, but who knows maybe that'll change. I believe in spiritual things I guess though, since I am Christian. Just not the sterotypical ghost type of spirits. Same here. I'm a Christian as well, but I do believe in spiritual supernatural miracles. I never really got into the ghost stuff, but I've seen it on TV, and jeez, does TV exaggerate it. 2 Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 I believe there are things beyond this world. I can just feel in it deep in my heart that us humans are more than just flesh, bone, and blood, That there's such a thing as a soul, that we all have someone out there watching over us. I'm sure I'm not the only that has felt in a moment of doubt that sudden feeling of being safe, like someone just told you it would be okay. But as for ghost here on earth? I've felt that chill down my spine, that feeling of being watched while outside at night. I've walked through a deserted and trashed house and felt that icy cold on a summer day. I've walked into one at night drop off building supplies and lock up. The house I live in now is almost 100 years old and could've been a funeral home at one point. It's even got a sun room with a big, stained glass accented picture window where they would've laid out the casket for services. I've been at family's house and we all heard a voice call "hello?" from a empty upstairs. My Mom has seen salt and pepper shakers fly across the room and hit the wall of their own accord. I think I've started to ramble a little, but the point is: Yes, I believe in the paranormal. 2 "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dev 251 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 There's got to be some logical explanation for everything, and I haven't had any experiences which I would consider paranormal... But I just sometimes get the watch my back.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalliongrad 982 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 (edited) I think that ghosts exist because i have had an experiance and my mother has as well. When my mom was younger my Great Grandmother would get her up fix her breakfast and make her get ready for school. My mother told me one day after my great grandmother died she saw my great grandmother in the hallway walking toward the kitchen with her voice saying "hurry up and get ready for breakfast". You just cant make up something like that. That being said i don't think that all ghosts are "Evil" and i think Hollywood plays on this a lot so that doesn't help. But I definitely think there is something beyond us that we as humans can't comprehend yet. Edited February 23, 2013 by EQRoyalGuardSGT 2 ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RichardIII 37 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 I believe in the supernatural, even though I'm a Christian. I believe ghosts are everywhere, but you can't see them. And I also believe one must not do life-costing rituals such as eating an apple in front of the mirror, playing the Ouija board, and practice evil magic rites. Should one do any of these, he will be gone in a blink of an eye. 1 'Shine forth! Brave sword and defender of the weak! Blaster Blade!' -Blaster Blade card, English version. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
decoherence 183 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 I don't personally accept that there is any such thing as 'supernatural.' If there are ghosts and such then I vehemently believe there is a scientific explanation for them. There are scientific domains that are untouchable at our current level of sophistication, particularly with regard to things that are otherwise hidden from our view such as the other 6/7 dimensions that string theory demands exist, as well as the various 'hidden reality' theories that are a part of many mainstream theories. There is plenty of room in a totally natural, scientific world for the things people consider 'supernatural.' 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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