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Subtle yet pony

Ember Gleam

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OK, I am sure something similar to this has already been posted but....here I go. I have found that the most effective way to weed out the bronys from the other crowd is to display something that is pony in public but yet in a discreet way. For instance, I changed my ringtone to a rock version of the mlpfim opening song. To the none brony it sounds simply like a rock song, but any brony would pick up in a second. Just curios to hear how other bronys try to weed out the bronys in a crowd?

Edited by Ember Gleam
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I have no idea, i haven't met any other bronies yet xD But if i were gunning for it, i guess I'd just wear a brony/pony shirt of some sort :)

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I might slip in one of dem famous quotes from the show when I talk to others to see if they notice that it's a MLP:FiM reference. ;)

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Well I was about to make a post about Closet Brony Codes asking those who are still closet Bronys such as myself, if they ever used an FIM quote like a code to find other Bronys. But this fits in this topic nicely


The reason why I ask is that... although I am still a closet Brony, I have learned to have a little *very little* open fun with this once in a while and today I guess you can say I found another Brony.


Today I was at the local mega mart doing the whole check out thing and talking to the dude at the register and I'm not sure how or why I even said it but I slipped out the comment of "the fun has been doubled" and the dudes reply was "Haz-za!"


Turned out were both Luna fans

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I changed my ringtone to a rock version of the mlpfim opening song


Isn't the theme song already a rock song?




Just curios to hear how other bronys try to weed out the bronys in a crowd?


Hmm.. Maybe some tattoos/stickers with the Mane 6's cutie marks? Or using the official color swatches of MLP heroines for some stuff, like what you wear? Using some popular quotes & catch phrases from the show? Rainbow-colored hat? :D (but this last one could be also mistaken as gay symbology, since we're being convinced by the mass media that rainbows are the signs of gay).

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I kind of weed out very bluntly. I tell people that I hang out with or know that I'm going to Brony Con and they either go Huh? or YAY! I haven't had any haters, but only two YAYS! So I guess that's a pretty good track record :D

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I have one very good and very sneaky way for you to find out who is and isn't a brony. For the past several months I have worn the following shirt regularly in public and nobody has given me any dirty looks and nobody has said anything unless they were also a brony.




In case you are wondering this is where I found the shirt



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I wrote this on my binder for last year:


Austin Reyes


Makin' everything 20% cooler in ten seconds flat


I don't think anyone got it. mlp-rteehee.png

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I don't know any bronies and am to closet brony to really try frankly.


But if I where to try, i'd probably use a subtle quote in a conversation to see if anypony recognized it. 

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I have Avast Octavia's Ass as my mobile ringtone, and the sound of a scroll being received via Spike as my message sound.


Beyond that, I have three little pins with ponies in the right side of my pants.

I got quite a few bronies already. x3

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Well, usually, I just wear plain-out pony shirts and merchandise and such with no regrets. But, I do like using pony references from to time in my speaking. I know for one thing in school, we had to create a new candy type thing and my slogan was, "Huzzah! The chocolate has been doubled!" No one said a thing, so I don't think anyone noticed. ph34r.png

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah I usually just mention it outright if the topic of tv shows comes up. It comes out a little quicker than I'd like sometimes if I've had a beer or two, but I make sure not to go overboard, lol. So far nobody has ever even tried to make fun of me. I wonder how many seeds I've planted and if there's any blossoming Bronies out there because of me.

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Well as a cashier, I have a great view of a certain shelf that contains: MLP Card, Keychains, as well as Various trading card games (YGO Pokémon, MTG)... A Brony will stand directly in front of the YGO shelf, which is exactly next to the MLP shelf, and survey the merch by craning their neck, and I have confirmed this by watching several bronies nabbing Keychains while they thought no1 was looking, using the same tactic.


Another dead giveaway is if you purposely say "Anypony: Everypony EXT" to Some1. A regular person paying a normal amount of attention will not pick it up, not being in the loop. A Brony.... will almost INSTANTLY go beet red or fail to keep eye contact (Or even stifle a giggle)...

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I don't really say anything, but when I"m out I wear a hat. and my hat has a Fluttershy pin on it as well as a couple random cutie mark  buttons on it. People have never asked about them though.


my SS road bike also has a couple subtle Fluttershy stickers on it....only noticeable if you really look at the bike.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Do I use any subtle hints? Eeyup, that way people know I'm 20% cooler than everypony else. I'm a closet brony, so people finding out would be the. Worst. Possible. Thing. Fortunately, bronies are becoming less of a Rarity these days. 


In all seriousness I will sometimes quote the show. My friends who know I am a brony don't catch any of my references and think I'm a bit weird.


But then again, what fun is there in making sense?

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Wearing color-coded stuff. You'd be surprised at just how much we remember subconsciously.
OMG thi sis so cool i recognized them all except some of the last row :00 lol:

twilight,AJ, fluttershy,RD,pinkie,rarity,celestia, luna ,spike,BigMac,granny smith, (not sure),zecora, the CMCs,(skip),cheerlie.etc xD 

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... Everyone is recommending being subtle in the whole scenario.


... Okay then. As for me, I'll be wearing my MLP shirt, carrying around my creative binder covered in ponies. So picking out bronies wouldn't be too hard. I am NOT a subtle person when it comes to my fandoms.


... Problem is, I'm very shy. So I likely wouldn't really be in a crowd anyway.

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I quote Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity occasionally, but most of the time they don't notice. I also have a Rainbow Dash wallpaper.


Once, someone asked me who I was quoting when I spoke of 20% cooler things, and when I told them RD, they said they lost all respect they'd ever had for me... oh, well. Gee, I need to find some better friends. sad.png

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