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What Were Some Flaws You Saw In Equestria Girls?


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Oh boy...


Am I the only one who thinks we're only hearing Celestia's side of the story?


Isn't it a huge coincidence that the prize crown from an alternate universe looks exactly the same as Twilight's element?


A horse's hoof is an evolved finger, so Twilight shouldn't be trying to walk on her fists


Why does Twilight HAVE to earn it back, Equestria's safety is compromised, she just should steal it


Celestia as a principal doesn't work for a number of reasons I wont talk about now (coughshiningarmorcough)


Twilight being framed was a plot line that was resolved before it could amount any tension


"This is Our Big Night" sucks


Sunshit threatens to smash the portal, while it was still active


Spike could open the door earlier


Sunshit's plan was completely ridiculous, if Twilight could barely walk when she came through the portal, how could she expect a bunch of teenagers to do better? Also, the portal opened up to the castle, where the rets of the Main 6, Trollestia, Luna and Blandence were waiting, not to mention the royal guard


Sunshit's defeat is a Deus Ex Machina that completely eliminates any possibility of an interesting situation arising from the elements being used against the Mane 6


Sunshit's heel-face-turn was waaaay too fast


After all the crazy stuff that happened, everyone jut goes back to normal? No one alerted the police, the military, or the government?


RD doesn't know what hands are


Lens glare

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2) The hands jokes, my god were those really annoying. twilight has hands what does she do slam her finger into the keyboard to try and type. *facehoof* hello we see she can use her fingers and yet she never uses them. or how about those funny pikc stuff up with her mouth har har. gah I could go on and on but what really really got me was that one line at the end "what are hands"  *insert image of spike, followed by gilda, followed by iron will, followed by the other dragons ect.



I would have spent a good amount of time of the movie to let Twilight observe the world she is in and get a grasp of how things go.


Make it a musical number similar to "What's this?"

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As Sunset Shimmer popped a balloon at the part with Pinkie, and Applejack, the second balloon committed suicide.



Don't forget to stand there for a bit and give the person you've stolen from a chance to spot you.



Doors open in, which is against building codes for a very good reason.



Leave it to Fluttershy to hand out flyers from this far away.

  • Brohoof 1



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Like how people are not quoting things that have been said from a few of "Things wrong with equestria in some amount of minutes or less"

But whatever so funny. Even if you didn't come up with those words ;p

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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Two things: 

1. What happened to Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart? Even if they've never crossed paths, she still out there. What, did Sunset Shimmer...get rid of her? ph34r.png

2. WHAT WAS RELEVANT ABOUT FLASH BEING SUNSET SHIMMER'S EX-BOYFRIEND? I mean, did that add to the plot at ALL? Sunset already wanted to get Twilight, so Flash and Twilight liking each other did nothing to fuel her dislike. It literally went NO WHERE and was just a stupid, irrelevant choice dry.png

  • Brohoof 1

What fun is there in making sense? 

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Oh jeez...


I think the entire movie was one big flaw, but that's probably not going to cut it. I feel it was rushed, not fleshed out enough, and just not very well written. It pales in comparison to the show.


Also, it was just FULL of fan service. Normally, that's not a bad thing, but they way they handled it wasn't done well. Randomly throwing in popular characters in just 'cause isn't good. 


Example 1: Trixie and the vending machine. (Seriously, what the hell was that??)


Example 2: Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon3 during the cafeteria song. (She sure looks happy that her glasses were taken from her...)


I know there are more instances of this, but I don't feel like tracking them down. All in all, I just don't think it's a good movie, and it certainly didn't do the show justice.

  • Brohoof 1


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In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society~


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If Sunset Shimmer wanted to go back to Equestria with an army of brainwashed teenagers, they would all be ponies. So they would have a hard time walking like Twilight did. Great plan Sunset Shimmer.

I found a few more flaws...


1. Twilight was purple, and that didn't disturb anyone.


2. I would like to see a unique villain defeat for once without seeing rainbows.


3. Celestia was in Luna's office. Kinda suspicious...

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

1. How strange it is to see colorful ppl running around? Purple human, never heard of it. (I mean, really bizarre colorful, cough Rainbow Dash cough)

2. How did Sunset Shimmer manage to win all that princess title "every year" and break up the 5 other characters' friendship when really she was just there for like a day, pay attention to the princess part, you see a gallery of sunset shimmer with princess title, TIME PARADOX!!!

3. Apparently Twilight never went to any of the classes, and she lives in the school (in the library!) 0_o

4. Sunset shimmer was able to hook up with Flash Sentry and break up with him over the duration of a day after she escaped via the mirror? Flash love relationship or signs of potential Bipolar disorder?

5. Apparently no one gave a big damn about things they SHOULD be giving a BIG damn about, like a talking dog?! Wings growing out of people's body?! In reality ppl would call 911, scream, and run around in circles.

6. Where were the teachers and principals when sunset shimmer went badass? Aren't they suppose to be carrying out their "guardian responsibility" by evacuating all the students? Apparently the teachers (especially the principals) vanished, Principal Trollestia alert! 0_0


I don't know there's probably alot more but these are all I can think of atm.

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  • 3 months later...

Twilight Sparkle not asking Celestia for the crown back. The only reason Twilight goes with the Fall Formal option rather than the direct, shortest, and easiest approach; is because she's scared and doesn't understand how things work in that world. Her excuse is just a baseless presumption about Principal Celestia and fear that the converstation would go so far that she would have to reveal her true identity.


This school's policy should be nothing more than like any Lost and Found policy every high school has. Just go in, ask if it's been turned in, maybe answer a few questions to identify the item, and probably sign some paperwork. I've never heard of high school lost and found having proof beyond a reasonable doubt standard to reclaim lost property.

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If freakin Celestia said she and Luna couldn't do it anymore to defeat Discord, how could a simple pony turn into A DEMON because of it!!


Oh and I didn't see BON BON!! She's seen in almost every episode of the show and for some reason they totally forgot her here. Plus I can't choose between two girls which is Lyra. They both have her mane colors but one has long hair and one has short hair. I'm thinking the short haired one, but I think she has a different eye color, and I didn't see a lyre anywhere on her clothes. The girl with long hair had her eyes but had a sunflower on her clothes. I'M SO CONFUSED!! 

I think it was said that she used the formal "negative energy" of the Elements. In books its said that elements were activated, if not, transformed the pony's feelings into energy. IN season 4 we could also see that the Elements of harmony could be used as an extension to spells, to instead of using the pony's magic, use the elements of harmony's magic. So, if the Elements can be used as a spell caster as in season 4, just by knowing how to use the spell (having the elements, or one of them), means you should be able to use them easily by thinking on the spell and trying to produce it through the elements. Also meaning that anypony without a horn could produce a spell with the elements. The mane 6 did that constantly when using them, but through their feelings, not by a mere spell. 

Celestia and Luna in the past had only used the Elements of harmony by feelings as the barers of them. Their feelings where connected to them. They didnt know the other forms of use the elements had. Therefore unable to use them.


Whenever the 6 use the elements of harmony, they use the positive energy, which directs to one use at a time, which also leaves them in peak good conditions afterwards.

However, when using the negative energy, one can do more things, but at a cost. They finish using the element in bad conditions, like sunset shimmer did. No, it wasent because of the attack Twilight produced, since the elements never damadge or hurt, but only transform.


There's your explanation. ^_^

Correction about breaking the portal, doesn't it need the crown to be thrown first to work?

No. Sunset Shimmer entered equestria without the crown, and exited it with it.

Mine was when Sunset Shimmer threatened to break the portal that went back to the pony world with a hammer . Wouldn't the hammer go through the portal if Sunset tried to smash it? :huh: this leaves me very confused.

Sunset shimmer is an ignorant. Lol!

1. How strange it is to see colorful ppl running around? Purple human, never heard of it. (I mean, really bizarre colorful, cough Rainbow Dash cough)

2. How did Sunset Shimmer manage to win all that princess title "every year" and break up the 5 other characters' friendship when really she was just there for like a day, pay attention to the princess part, you see a gallery of sunset shimmer with princess title, TIME PARADOX!!!

3. Apparently Twilight never went to any of the classes, and she lives in the school (in the library!) 0_o

4. Sunset shimmer was able to hook up with Flash Sentry and break up with him over the duration of a day after she escaped via the mirror? Flash love relationship or signs of potential Bipolar disorder?

5. Apparently no one gave a big damn about things they SHOULD be giving a BIG damn about, like a talking dog?! Wings growing out of people's body?! In reality ppl would call 911, scream, and run around in circles.

6. Where were the teachers and principals when sunset shimmer went badass? Aren't they suppose to be carrying out their "guardian responsibility" by evacuating all the students? Apparently the teachers (especially the principals) vanished, Principal Trollestia alert! 0_0


I don't know there's probably alot more but these are all I can think of atm.

4) Sunset Shimmer was in the "human world" before entering equestria and steeling the crown. But it makes me think about the mentality of a pony dating a human. Not even years can probally change that.

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The hammer thing was just stupid, because Sunset believed it would trick Twilight. Sunset had nothing left and was desperate. Sunset wasn't going to carry out the threat because she needed the portal. She would not have gotten the crown either way.

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  • 3 months later...

Uhm..... I didn't really see any other flaws besides the one you just pointed out. All I'll say is that Rarity looks like an actualy human and so does Fluttershy because their skin colo is almost natural. :3 They just have pink and purple hair XD


Actually Fluttershy looks like she has jaundice. Applejack looks relatively normal.


Post is a year late. Seems legit.



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Let's see the only thing i didn't like is the plot, not the ponies plot, i ment the movie plot it's the high school cliche plot wish they could break it with some action you know like uh Let's see the army comes to defeat sunset shimmer after she has the crown but noooooooooooo Let's keep it high cliche BS if you ask me

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The plot was "meh", decent but with a few things I never understood (Twilight Sparkle doesn't have a double in the human universe)

The music was terrible and unmemorable,

Celestia and Luna's character designs.. do I have to say anything?

Derpy's character design looks like a cardboard cutout.

Sunset Shimmer was a mediocre antagonist.

The "love" points in this film were kind of unnecessary and just put in for the point of having a love interest.

Trixie's scene in the film makes me hate her even more than I already do.

The whole thing feels more like a MLP:FiM Fanfic than an actual MLP:FiM movie.

It also feels like a Direct-to-DVD special, even though it was shown in theaters.

It spawned fugly looking dolls..

Snips and Snails acting like idiots, once again.

Every female seems to wear the same skirt with different colors.

Every male seems to wear the same clothes with different colors.

Something about THIS face doesn't settle right with me..


  • Brohoof 1
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1. Sunset Shimmer's transformed design was horrible. It looked incredibly stupid.

2. Rob the Ro- I mean Flash Sentry is probably the worst Mary Sue there has ever been. Let's take the Mr. Enter Mary Sue Test: "Is the character described in more than 2 sentences?" He's a human that has a crush on Twilight. Nope, Mr. Enter, he can't be described in more than EVEN ONE sentence. And that's if you count having a crush as a trait!
3. I only liked Rarity and Pinkie Pie's designs and personalities in the human world because they acted LIKE THEIR CHARACTERS. The rest, such as Fluttershy, acted very OOC.

4. It's rushed.

5. The OP said it best - the sledgehammer won't work!

6. Snips and Snails were in this movie.

7. Unlike the show, this was the world's longest, most boring advert for a collection of ugly toys by Hasbro. For shame, Hasbro, for shame!

9. The only good song was IN THE CREDITS. Well, besides the theme, but IT'S A REMIX!


Equestria Girls gets my "Wasted Potential Award" for having a great idea for a premise, but ruining it with awful characters and a bad soundtrack. In fact, the only parts that were good were the scenes with Spike. If only Meghan McCarthy wrote a Spike episode...


Equestria Girls gets a 3/10.

Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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Mind slaving in a little girls show.

The idea.

Randomly popping I'm a new character with little backstory.

Dog spike.

Princess are now vice principal and principal.( plus where is superintendent Cadence? )

Snips and Snails

And finally Hasbro

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I thought that many aspects of the storyline (such as Sunset Shimmer framing Twilight) could have been interesting but were rushed. I also thought that Snips and Snails were very out of character, they actually enjoyed being turned into demons and were generally evil, in equestria they were just dim-witted and gullible. Overall, though, I enjoyed the movie and I am very excited for rainbow rocks

1. How strange it is to see colorful ppl running around? Purple human, never heard of it. (I mean, really bizarre colorful, cough Rainbow Dash cough)

2. How did Sunset Shimmer manage to win all that princess title "every year" and break up the 5 other characters' friendship when really she was just there for like a day, pay attention to the princess part, you see a gallery of sunset shimmer with princess title, TIME PARADOX!!!

3. Apparently Twilight never went to any of the classes, and she lives in the school (in the library!) 0_o

4. Sunset shimmer was able to hook up with Flash Sentry and break up with him over the duration of a day after she escaped via the mirror? Flash love relationship or signs of potential Bipolar disorder?

5. Apparently no one gave a big damn about things they SHOULD be giving a BIG damn about, like a talking dog?! Wings growing out of people's body?! In reality ppl would call 911, scream, and run around in circles.

6. Where were the teachers and principals when sunset shimmer went badass? Aren't they suppose to be carrying out their "guardian responsibility" by evacuating all the students? Apparently the teachers (especially the principals) vanished, Principal Trollestia alert! 0_0


I don't know there's probably alot more but these are all I can think of atm.

Actually Sunset Shimmer was already in the human universe and just went to Equestria to steal Twilight's crown. Pinkie Pie also states that Twilight's counterpart lives somewhere else (I cannot recall the exact line at the moment). I do agree with your other points however
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THE WHOLE F***ING MOVIE IS A FL- Erm, sorry about that XD. Here are the individual flaws


- There was no reason that the Mane 6 shouldn't have went through the portal with Twilight


- Twilight could've easily stolen the crown back


- The CMC are apparently old enough to be in High School


- The Mane 6 are apparently YOUNG enough to be in High School


- Ms. Cheerilee is a bitch in this movie


- This is how Sunset Shimmer got Twilight in the pictures. She got Snips & Snails to take pics of Twilight, she cut Twilight away from the pictures and glued them onto pics of the ransacked ballroom.


- Luna fell for Sunset's fake pictures..... They made Luna the stupidest woman ever in this movie


- They randomly burst into song in the cafeteria for no reason whatsoever


- The Mane 6 forgived Sunset Shimmer instead of killing her


- They stole music from Elvis Presley and Queen


- Flash Sentry


- This Movie

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