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Do you feel that you could actually date anypony in the Mane 6?

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Well in that case! If I were to turn into my OC Ocelot, and travel to Equestria, I would totally date vinyl scratch :3 she seems like the perfect "watch some movies and eat junk food while snuggling" Type of girl. 

There you go. :D

I think Trixie and I would have each others' backs. We both can be jackasses when we want to, so it works. Also we'd show each other off to everypony. ;D

  • Brohoof 1


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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Hmm, let's see.


Rarity-I'm not sure this would work out the best. She's into the attractive gentleman type figure. Yes, I'm sure I could be a gentleman, but I fear she would be a little bit on a control freak. Basically I don't think she would take me for who I am, she would probably want to change me. She seems like a nice pony, but not dating material.


Rainbow Dash-I love girls with this kind of personality. However, her feeling like she can't read because it's "for dweebs" is very unattractive to me. If she enjoys something, she shouldn't have to hide it to be all "Cool". I've had friends (girls) like her in real life, and they get so annoyed by me being shy, and socially akward. (Basically like Fluttershy). I don't think she could deal with me.


Fluttershy-This wouldn't work. She's all sweet, and nice. The way I voice my opinions on some topics would probably scare her away. She's calm, and kind, and cute. I want an adventurous girl, as I am a tad shy myself. Fluttershy and I would be a boring couple. Also, I don't think Fluttershy needs a second Angel Bunny in her house.


Twilight Sparkle-I love her personality, and the fact that she's intelligent. I don't think she'd like me back so much. She seems to have a thing for the "cool" guy *cough Flash sentry cough*.


Pinkie Pie-She's funny, and easy to get along with. I need somepony who could be serious. Also, the whole random party thing would probably annoy me slightly. She's great and all, I just don't think I could deal with somepony who is all just fun and games.


Applejack-She's a hard worker. Me, not so much. I'm not incredibly lazy, but I wouldn't to have an apple farm to tend to every single day. It would be bucking annoying...get it? Hehe...my bad jokes would probably annoy her.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I'd personally have to say Rainbow Dash. We're a lot a like....even though I have Fluttershy tendencies ...I'm an active person...so Dashie would be my first pony. My second would probably be Applejack...since I like working with my hands(or hooves)...


We'd get along pretty well..I think if I ever dated either one of them.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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i think rainbow dash could be the only one that i would date, i like to go to the gym, Formula 1 and WRC in my opinion are the two greatest things to have ever graced this earth. i go to the gym as often as i can. but i think one of the most important things is that we could both stay loyal to each other, while being laid back. i know for myself im not one to be super serious in a relationship (hence the 100% friendzone approval rating) but i think out off all the mane six we would have the most thing in common, and maybe get along the best!

anyone can become an artist, but a true masterpiece can only come from someone who is truly in touch with spirit and mind

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Fluttershy - It would be hard to get beyond her social issues. And I don't have a lot in common with her.

Rainbow Dash - I HATE people with severe hubris. I'd probably end up punching her in the face instead of connecting with her.

Twilight Sparkle - If she'd ever find time to commit to someone, perhaps. But we don't have a lot in common.

Rarity - Sorta like Rainbow Dash. I'd probably punch her in the face, lol.

Applejack - More likely than the above, but I don't see us relating a lot.

Pinkie Pie - She's pretty flexible so I might be able to relate. I'm pretty random too, and she's my favorite character. More likely than the rest.


I probably would have issues dating any of the mane six for the reasons above. 


Winter is coming.

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Fluttershy: I think Id find Fluttershy more suitable to date than any of the other mane 6, mostly because I find her to be on a very relatable level. I do think that I'd probably find at least one or two qualities in the other mane 6 that I can relate to but, Fluttershy is easily the most relatable to me. I also really admire how kind and considerate she is along with how much trust she puts into her friends. That and I tend to be a very shy and quiet person as well.


Twilight: Now, I do like Twilight because of her smarts and passion for gaining new information and knowledge but, really other than that I cant find anything that I'd be able to relate to her with... so... yeah...


Applejack: Applejack is nice enough and I think the quality I love about her the most is how honest she is. She would never lie to you nor hide something from you but, her over all personality I dont think wouldn't suite me at all as Im not really the hard working labor type. Im kind of lazy and tend to stray away form something that involves labor. XD


Rarity: Rarity, is a bit too much drama for me. She is really over dramatic and tends to be a little more selfish than she is giving. I mean come on, if you go camping in the woods do you really need to bring everything in your house with you? And why would you force somepony else to chary it?


Pinkie pie: I like Pinkie pie's randomness and over all quirkiness. I also think any kind of date Id go on with her would never be boring but, I do see her over hyperactive personality become a bit of an annoyance. :\ 


Rainbow Dash: I love the fact that she would stay loyal to me and never try to hurt me in anyway but, other than that I would see her more as a good friend than a girlfriend. She is just overly tom-boyish, extremely competitive, and Im not a very athletic person ether.


Over all I cant see myself dating any of the mane 6 other than Fluttershy.  :wub:

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It seems I could match Applejack, since in my psychology document, it says that an INTP (me (Or Twilight)) could match an ESTJ (Applejack). Or probably an ENTJ (Trixie), but she's not a mane 6..


And since Applejack is my favorite mane 6 along with Twilight, I guess it's right.

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Most Likely


Applejack: I already have a borderline waifu crush on her so I am sure that helps. Like her family is very important to me as is being honest and true to both yourself and others, and we both have a strong sense of honor though we can also both be very stubborn and opinionated so some of our disagreements might get a bit heated but I am sure the make up sex would be pretty awesome.


Twilight Sparkle: I also have a crush on her, though not as much of one as Applejack. I also have a love of learning and reading and am not adverse to the occasional geek out, I also prefer to have a fairly consistent routine. I am not as anal retentive or OCD ridden as her though I did have some OCD like tendencies when I was younger so I would be fairly understanding toward that. I have a bit more street smarts than her so maybe us dating will have some of it rub off on her.



Rainbow Dash: I am not as competitive as her but I am also an athlete though I am a bit more power/strength based than speed based. I have a thing for tomboys which also factors into my attraction to Applejack as she is just as much of a tomboy as Rainbow Dash is and I find her softer side to be very adorable and attractive. I think that though she dosen't want to admit it she is a big softie and I like that in a woman.




Least Likely


Pinkie Pie: I like Pinkie Pie's positive, upbeat attitude and having a sense of humor is a big plus but she a bit too loud and hyper for my tastes. On the plus side she would get me out of my shell and remind me that things aren't always doom and gloom but dating her may be fairly exhausting.


Fluttershy: I like animals but not nearly as much as her and I love meat which I have a feeling she might have a bit of a problem with. We have almost nothing in common .


Rarity: I don't really pay much attention to my appearance aside from basic hygene and dressing up for special occasions and her vain side may drive me a little nuts. The one things we do have in common is a strong creative side though my mediums are music and writing instead of fashion.

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Rarity: As ironic as I may sound saying this, I don't think I'd date Rarity. She seems like she will cost a lot of money in the long run, i'd probably have to take her out to 5 star restaurants, agree on everything she says, and she'd probably make me sell my cars, oh hell no.


Fluttershy: Yes! I love her personality, shes very caring and loving, one of the key features I look in a woman. Although she might have some social issues, I wouldn't mind as I don't like to be around lots of people and sometimes would rather stay home. Plus I know she'd take good care of me when im sick.


Twilight: Yes. She's smart and an egghead. I like smart women.


Pinkie Pie: No, too hyper and I hate parties.


Rainbow Dash: No no no! I can't stand tom boys.


Applejack: Yes, I like her work ethics and i've always had a thing for women with southern accents....


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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Winter is coming.




Well, to begin I'm homosexual, so that tends to make things problematic right off the bat. Assuming we're going simply off of personalities to avoid this issue...


In all likelyhood me and Rainbow Dash would be Vitriolic Best Buds. We'd be far too busy verbally (and maybe physically) destroying each other to consider romance.


Would probably avoid Rarity like the black plague. I mean, I can understand looking presentable, but past a certain point I just cease to care. Us dating? I'd probably run in terror the moment she mentioned a beauty salon. Alternatively, she'd probably spend more time criticizing my lack of interest and poor taste than giving out compliments. Just no.


Applejack and I share the fact that we're stubborn as hell - one difference in opinion and we'd probably be at eachother's throats. I don't think this is very conducive to a romantic relationship, not to mention I probably wouldn't be too interested in helping run an apple farm, so that may be problematic.


Though I do find Fluttershy's social anxiety endearing, and would agree that she is 'adorable', I think I could only take so much. Eventually, I would likely become just as fed up with it as Rainbow Dash - I can understand some degree of anxiety, but sometimes her fears are so ridiculously exaggerated or debilitating that I would be hard-pressed to not chide her for it. Not sure if that would ruin a relationship or not.


Pinkie Pie... Shit. I've noticed that I tend to gravitate towards the Cloud Cuckoo Lander types, so I'm conflicted. On one hand, I would find her spontaneity endearing, and consider her the most suitable partner. On the other hand, she's fucking Pinkie Pie. She isn't a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, she is the queen of Cloud Cuckoo Landers. I'm not sure how much I could take of her without going absolutely bat-shit insane.


As for Twilight... Nah. If we were acquainted I'd expect we'd spend a majority of our time arguing (or speaking about) intellectual subjects. I don't think we'd have any interest in romance - rather, we'd be more interested in using each other as collaborative partners and devil's advocates for establishing positions and theories (I imagine we'd share a lot of viewpoints, meaning a lot of arguments would start with 'Playing devil's advocate here, but...').


Basically, most likely I would only have a shot with (not to mention any interest in) Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, and that's a bit of a stretch. There's also the fact they're fictional characters - I still find the concept of looking at them in such a way peculiar, making it hard to seriously consider how such a relationship would work.

Edited by Durandal
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Signature by Blue Moon

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For me ummm Hold on let me get mah list:


Rainbow Dash: Im not the Sporty Competitive type and i hate braggers so no, i wouldn't mind her being my Friend as long as she would understand that i would probably not spend much time doing her kind of stuff


Fluttershy: I LOVE animals, im not as shy as she is but if i wanted to be your friend you need to approach me first(I know, #MyBrain)

but i would soon show my real personality


Rarity: im not much of a looker or a good dresser(I mostly wear a Hoodie and some Baggy Trousers(Comfort before Awesomeness) 

and im not upper class either


Pinkie pie: Im not one for Parties but if it's one of pinkie pie's then ill go, i love making people laugh and i try to make jokes and keep friends and family happy. i also am quite Random....BANANAS!


Applejack: I would work my back out for this...er...pony, she is everything i would hope for in a GF. Natural Blonde, Honest, Hard working,Also those Green Eyes >U< also if she was a human.....ERMERGERD!


Twilight Sparkle: Im not much of a Bookworm. i mean, i will read books if there is nothing to do, i love to learn but i tend to keep my learning to words Animals and Biology, i am a nerd/Geek whatever but im not that nerdy like Twilight, but she would make a good friend and i would share a lot of interests with her. but nothing else :3


(Thats the most i've wrote on the MLP forums)

  • Brohoof 1


http://dascottishbrony.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt Page.


Why Only Tuesdays, I'm Not even in this fandom, i've just been sent here to spy on all of you. You guys are defenseless without your tin-foil hats!
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I think I could, key word there "Think". The only one I don't think I would get along with to well is Rainbow Dash, Not a big fan for sports and all that good jazz but as for the others oh yeah.


Apple jack- oh yeah she's a lot like my wife.

Pinkie Pie- Very much so, I love to have fun and party but I don't think I could keep up with her.

Rarity- yeah I know a lot of girls like her and we get along just fine

Twilight- yup I don't mind she is so much smarter then me, and I do love a good book from time to time.

Fluttershy- Yuppers, I love animals a great deal, I was shy like her too so I can kind of put myself in to her shoes.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I doubt I would be able to date any of them for one reason, none of them would seem to want to be in any sort of relationship...


And even if they did, chances are none of them would like me at all... The closest one I can think of is Fluttershy, but I know she would be way too shy to like me, even if I am just as shy as she is.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I feel that I could date anypony in the Mane 6, but I would really want to date Rainbow Dash as long as I'm a cute pegasus after all. As for the other five ponies, I think I could still date Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Just to make it fair, if Rainbow doesn't work out.

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I'm the kind of guy who's a total bro IRL, the sort who keeps an open mind and gets along with most, and I usually adapt myself pretty well to get along with an individual. So I think I could very well casually date any of them. So I think the question for me is, how would dating them go for me? As in, what I'd probably feel about dating each of them.


Twilight - She'd be cute to date, what with all her awkwardisms, though I'd probably get annoyed by her neuroses at times. She's a quick learner and adaptable when not under pressure though, so I think she'd be somepony I can date for the long run. 


Rainbow Dash - I'd be the one she'd chill with when she's being lazy. If anything, we might be a bit too lazy if taken together as a couple. 


AJ - Level headed, which counts for a lot, so I think we'd get along very well. She'd probably be the easiest to date, just because she has no particularly major isms about her except a pride streak which would really only show itself in certain scenarios.


Rarity - Man I'd have to put a lot of work into this, but I'd definitely get a lot out of it as well, since Rarity can definitely give as much as she'd take. Also as the most overtly artistic of the six, that'd be a lot of fun. Shared artistic sense.


Fluttershy - I'd have to be the assertive one most of the time, but I'd be able to have a good time with her. 


Pinkie Pie - This would take a ton of energy, but because Pinkie's such a bro as well I think she'd be super easy and fun to get along with. 


TL;DR : I'm probably way too confident in my ability to get along with girls. 

Edited by Katskratch
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Twilight: Maybe? I am smart and nice, so I guess she would be the one.


Applejack: Possibly, although she may not see it.


Rainbow Dash: Maybe I can see this one sort of happen.


Rarity: I know I'll try her first, and maybe a big outcome of good will come.


Fluttershy: I think she might be a bit too easy.


Pinkie Pie: Possibly, but I like girls who are more calm. 

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well, it's actually quite an easy choice for me, but here's the rundown:


Twilight: no, i can't see it working, we're both very intellectual, but that's not what i look for in a relationship. we could be awesome friends, i'd love to test my wits against her, but only as a friend.


Rainbow: she's a little too arrogant, and appears to be more of the 'work comes first' type, so she'd always be putting training ahead of seeing me (let alone the basic physics that i cannot enter Cloudsdale)


Fluttershy: fucking adorable. no other words for her, however, never being challenged, and always being in charge would make the relationship too much of a chore.


Apple Jack: while i love her personality, and her adorable accent, we're too incompatible. im fairly idle, and i enjoy sitting and thinking, so i don't think we'd find any common ground.


Rarity: i *can* be a gentleman, all charming and whatnot, but im not sure either of us would be truly happy, as id always have to be on my best behaviour, and sometimes i just wanna be a bit childish.


leaving the winner: Pinkie Pie! I'd *love* to be in a relationship with pinkie, i don't think i'd ever tire of her quirkiness, she seems like the sort of girl to wake me up by slapping me with a wet fish and using "because i love you!" as her reasoning. i can't stand a routine life and i think Pinkie would just keep everything interesting, all the time :D (besides, i have a history of dating bat-shit bonkers girls, so this seems like a logical next step to me XD)


WOW this was a longer post than i thought it would be :blink:


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It seems I could match Applejack, since in my psychology document, it says that an INTP (me (Or Twilight)) could match an ESTJ (Applejack). Or probably an ENTJ (Trixie), but she's not a mane 6..


And since Applejack is my favorite mane 6 along with Twilight, I guess it's right.


As an INTJ, I don't see a match in any of the mane 6. There is a "maybe" when it comes to Fluttershy but I'd probably cheat on her with Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash or Applejack... or Twilight. Definitely not Rarity.


What? This is all hypothetical, right?

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  • 8 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Applejack- Probably since I enjoy farm life and would probably get along with her the most so I would try dating her given the opportunity.

Twilight- Like AJ we would have a few things in common for example I enjoy reading books and science etc. So I would give Twilight a shot too. 

Fluttershy- Probably not since my personality is radically different to hers and the way we act it would make a relationship a lot harder so I wouldn't date Fluttershy.

Rarity- Similar to Fluttershy. We wouldn't be all that compatible as she seems to enjoy the high life and living lavishly which is almost the opposite, she would probably be the pony I'd get on with the least.

Pinkie pie- I'd say there would be a 50/50 chance of a date going well with Pinkie so I'd say maybe since her energetic personality might be a bit too much for me.

Rainbow Dash- Probably not we'd probably just be friends.



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  • 1 year later...

If they were real people? Realistically, maybe Twilight or Fluttershy, but that also is a big fat maybe. The others probably not. :rarity:

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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