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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

The Amount of Butthurt is Strong


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Ah, who cares. They're haters. But we shall soon take the world! And then the, uh, world! And then more of the world... and then, well, the, world, so, yeah. Yeah. YEAH!




"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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It isn't a defensive position as a Brony, it is common sense. If I just ran around being extremely hateful towards certain things without even truly knowing what that thing is about, wouldn't that kind of make me an idiot? Plus, it would mean I am mindless because most likely, I would just be following the crowd, as it seems a ton of haters do.


If they have seen the show and do not like it, fine, that is perfectly fine. It doesn't justify constantly hating the viewers of it, but their opinion is at least a bit justified. If they have not seen and continue to hate it and us for viewing it, then I do personally view that as being a mindless sheep.

we have no proof that they watched the show or not, we have no proof that they're being trolls or whatnot. Actually I don't even care, but it bothers me your choosing of words, that makes you worse or equal than them. 

And no, they are not idiots based on that, they might be trolls, jerks, dicks or assholes. An idiot is a person that lacks intelligence.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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What else do you expect from Whiny little haters, these guys are the ones who give such a great name to all the haters out there, and plus, this is Facebook, expect to see the rabid haters here, because it seems either they're the typical /b/tard or just some uninformed idiot who just heard about Bronies 2 seconds ago.


I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

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but seriously how stupid can haters get?

Even we bronies admit that the Show can be cheesy and not for everybody so why hate!


So true, I find it funny how mad the hater get over nothing really.


Most brony's would agree with some of there points and in the end they are getting more mad then the bronys :).


I'm surprised they have not just given up yet.


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Hating The Hate


Wow. I'm seeing an awful lot of hatred in this thread, which is supremely ironic, if not entirely surprising.


Hatred is a product of fear. You cannot hate something you do not fear. To feed hatred is to feed fear, and to respond to hatred with hatred is to join with it, give it your strength, and spread it to others like a plague.


Why jump willfully into the pit of hatred? Why not rise above it and see beyond it?


Hatred is contagious. So is love.


Which would you rather see more of?

  • Brohoof 1
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we have no proof that they watched the show or not, we have no proof that they're being trolls or whatnot. Actually I don't even care, but it bothers me your choosing of words, that makes you worse or equal than them.

And no, they are not idiots based on that, they might be trolls, jerks, dicks or assholes. An idiot is a person that lacks intelligence.

That makes me equal or worse then them? Really? Okay, we cannot know for absolute certain if they have seen the show. That is obvious. What else can I base it off of then? If they really are spending this much time and energy to drastically hate a show like this, then they obviously are letting society dictate their viewpoint or they are people who don't deserve respect, if they are really this hateful to something that is not bad.


I hate quite a few shows as well (That I HAVE seen) but I don't go out of my way like them to just completely hate the shows.


I am just not one of those 'love and tolerate' type of bronies. I don't have the capacity to tolerate people like this and I do not have to. I just ignore them and at times like this, I just give my opinion on them, which have done and of course it gets scrutinized.

Edited by Kyoshi
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Even though I don't own an XBox, for Microsoft to basically give one giant kick in the crotch to the haters is all I need to make my day. Thanks for posting this! I laughed hysterically.


I could be a little insane here, but if reasoning with the haters is impossible, the least that can happen is for their, ahem... "gods", to unwillingly give them the biggest middle finger in the world.

Edited by Mars Brownie
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An idiot is a person that lacks intelligence.

To me an idiot is someone who is willfully ignorant, in other words they don't understand which in and of itself is not bad but it is that they don't want to try to understand or at the very least accept that just because they might not understand something dosen't mean it is somehow the ultimate evil. To me the "haters" are idiots because they waste their time mindless obsessing over and hating people for liking something a little bit different or unusual, I do of course agree though that hating them back is not the best idea as that is exactly what they want you to do. I may not actively hate on or troll people back but I don't do it not because I am trying to be the better man but because there is nothing that drives a troll more insane than not taking their bait.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't understand why people who don't even watch the show or care about the show even give a fuck about MLP items being on Xbox. Why do they care so much? Why does it bother them so much? No one is making them buy any of it, why should they care about it? There's lots of people who like the show, and they have the right to have MLP items on Xbox if they want to. Why do people go out of their way just to complain about something that doesn't even affect them?




Look, I got no problem with people not liking something. I don't like a lot of things myself. In fact, there's some shows (a lot, even) that I really do hate. Some of these have even gotten downloadables on Xbox just like MLP, and I continue NOT CARING. It's not worth my time to care about crap I don't like, so why do these people have to spend so much effort hating our stuff?


Which brings me to...


the if Microsoft made themes of Strawberry Shortcake or Barney, I'm pretty sure we would be the ones complaining. There are haters everywhere, it's up to use to ignore them or just give them our precious time.


No, I know for a fact, and I would bet money on this, that if Microsoft released Strawberry Shortcake or Barney stuff, most/all non-fans either wouldn't care, or have a few lols at it and move on. Hell, I can honestly see non-fans buying the stuff just for the lulz or the irony. It would NOT have people raging at it like whenever anyone makes ANYTHING even remotely MLP-related.


And that's what bothers me about the haters. It's the non-stop effort to actively rage about this bloody cartoon and make sure everyone knows about it, where they wouldn't rage or make a fuss about anything else they don't like.


EXAMPLE TIME. I don't like American football, I never have and never will. I don't understand the appeal of it. YET, I can acknowledge that a lot of people do enjoy it quite a bit. Xbox released a HORDE of football stuff. Jerseys for basically every team there is. TEN TIMES more stuff than the handful of MLP stuff. If the haters can be justified in spewing venom about stuff being released for something they don't like, then by extension I should be allowed to go and rage and bitch and whinge about the football stuff, right?


But I don't, and nobody else does either, because it's stupid to do so. But MLP gets this and people say it's normal and that "haters gonna hate". It's not normal, this much negative activity is not normal. It's gotten ridiculous.

  • Brohoof 2


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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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Haters are so funny. I love it when people get so upset over mundane things. Just wait, this'll be another argument of shoving mlp down everyone's throat. An argument used only by people with a shallow opinion. It wouldn't surprise me if more than half of the haters are either little wannabe kids or adults with some sort of complex, because no other type of person is stupid and shallow enough to argue with something unchangeable.


In fact, it's not our problem people get upset over the things they choose to be upset over. It's weak. Like, I don't like cheese, but I don't get mad when other people eat cheese.


All I gotta say is:



Edited by Winterbass
  • Brohoof 1
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I really want to go over to my friends house and dress up his avatar in pony clothes now. XD

But those haters just want attention so don't give it to them. Just ignore them. They can whine as much as they want but nothing is going to change.


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Seriously. A lot of these people don't even watch the show or base their judgment of the show off of a few minutes or even seconds of what they saw or heard. Give something a chance even if you might not initially like it. If I can put up with the Call of Duty and Modern Warfare gearheads and Family Guy then you should be able to put up with MLP: FIM. No one's asking them to embrace or love the show, let alone like it. Just stop being such flaming haters.


This is how wars begin. Oh the stupidity of humans at times.

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I am now going to read the posts on this thread to see just how many bronies here are just as whiny and annoying as the haters themselves.

Because you know.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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I am now going to read the posts on this thread to see just how many bronies here are just as whiny and annoying as the haters themselves.

Because you know.


Here, let me save you the trouble of reading mine (as it's rather long), and tell you that I most certainly am as whiny and annoying as the haters.


And you know what? I don't care. If they can be whiny and annoying and get brofists and circle jerks on the innernet than so will I. Screw being the better man.


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>people remarking that they're moving to Playstation because of ponies...


"And then suddenly... Sony adds My Little Pony everything to their Network stores and this whole fiasco starts all over again :P



I mean seriously...

If this keeps up, maybe there won't even be haters on the internet anymore if they keep this thought process up :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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What's this? People switching over from xbox to ps3 because they think that ponies suck???


In this case keep on spreading the ponies, guys! From one sony fanboy to the next, we need more xbox hatred!

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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I find it funny how Pastel Colored Ponies can really ruin someones day. If anything this is a good thing for everyone because it shows Microsoft is more apt to make moves dependent on what people like.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Just this I'm sick of people hating something like this it's just a TV show. I don't go around hating people for liking a show I don't like. I blame the media really.


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I blame the media really.

As fun as it is to blame the media are there have been some media depictions of bronies that have been just a wee bit dishonest and hypocritical I think even without those reports the haters would still hate because the outdated notions of gender roles and insecurities of a lot of men about their masculinity are pretty deeply ingrained into the culture. A culture which granted the media feeds off of but we must also look to the people gullible enough to automatically believe this stuff and not quesiton any of it, that is the problem is people just aren't taught how to properly question anything or use critical thinking.

  • Brohoof 2
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Morons who have nothing to do but backlash as usual? Seen it....


I don't bother with this kind of stuff anymore, any time something pony related is released towards mainstream stuff, haters or morons will constantly try to get at others skin to anger them and troll around.


Like I said many times, this world will go down in heck into an abyssal darkness of stupidity... 

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