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MLP and Vegetarianism


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OMG Fluttershy's a bloodthirsty carnivore! ROOOARR!!!!  :angry:


Well aside from that particular scene and a few others, MLP: FIM is known for its very "kid friendly" themes, which include a lack of blood, swearing, and obviously overtly blatant sex themes among other things. Unfortunately its neither consistent nor reasonable at times, considering their censoring of Derpy, questionable episode morals and role models, and equally overt and blatant examples of racism and bigotry that sadly have far reaching implications or aren't sufficiently addressed.


Vegetarianism is one of those interesting areas that drew my attention. Not just ponies it seems, but also other sentient creatures seem to avoid the consumption of meat. Dragons might very likely consume meat, but the show successfully dodges that bullet by showing that the likes of Spike have a fond taste for gems and minerals. The show even manages to successfully avoid the discussion of alcohol by having ponies get drunk off salt instead:



I guess that's the Equestrian version of the Salty Spitoon.


Ponies of course are by no means pure herbivores. Not counting meat, they've consistently been shown to consume eggs and dairy products, among other things. A lot of fanfiction writers seem to gloss over this point, which boggles me. Apparently its so shockingly wrong for Twilight and co to realize that humans or any other species or society like Griffons kill and eat meat. Yet its perfectly fine for the ponies that they apparently round up certain animals and exploit them for their own gain, including food production.


Let's just see the wiki's analysis of how Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, treats her chickens:


Domesticated chickens are seen for the first time in the episode Fall Weather FriendsApplejack and Rainbow Dash needed to escort a few baby chickens through the mud pile to the other side as one of the tasks of Iron Pony competition. In Applejack's case, they run away because too much mud was splattering on them, whereas Rainbow Dash safely carried them while protecting the chickens from mud with her wings. These farmland birds play a more prominent role in Stare Master. When they refused to go to chicken coop for sleep, Fluttershy "convinced" them to do so with her stare.


Yes, kindness my ass, pardon my Equestrian. That's nothing short of coercion and duress to some otherwise helpless chickens. I'm not trying to be a bleeding hippie here, but that's not only rather hypocritical of the Element of Kindness, also considering she's supposed to be good with animals, but its a bit inconsistent with the show's vegan animal friendly theme.


Of course if that were just all there was to vegetarianism on the show that would be the end of that controversy. But unfortunately it isn't. You also have characters like Daisy Jo the intelligent talking cow:




And they're being rounded up, herded and ignored as if they were just slaves farm animalsThen of course you have questionable scenes like this:



I'm not even stepping into the territory of mules, yet but really. I don't know who I'm angrier at for this sanctimonious duplicity, the ponies for consistently behaving like they live in a racially pure bubble, or Hasbro and the writers who make the ponies preach morals like friendship, kindness and understanding, tolerance and then pull of stuff like this and crass mule jokes (let's not forget this is from the same show that also tries to teach about race and stereotyping in society).


It would be one thing to treat farm animals like "farm animals" for example, if they were portrayed as such. Its a whole different concept and standard though when those same animals can talk and interact intelligibly. Believe me too when I say I'm being critical. I am a big Applejack fan and yet despite that I find many of her interactions with other characters and species questionable. 


Coming from a show that seems so strongly concerned about promoting its image and "values" at times there really is a lotta horse shit that's smeared our ways at times. So much for promoting vegeterianism.

Edited by Cwanky
  • Brohoof 17
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I don't think there's a problem with eating meat in children shows, but perhaps having a live-looking animal such as a pig would be scary. However, as many children eat fish and don't question it, fish was fine to put in there. That's just my opinion, of course.

  • Brohoof 1

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It rubs me the wrong way too. In the seemingly socially just world of Equestria you think, especially Applejack and Fluttershy, would treat all sentient creatures the same way they treat ponies. These small jokes hurt the image of Equestrian society,


Really solid examples. Nice job.

  • Brohoof 2
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This kinda makes sense because in the season 2 Christmas episode only earth ponys can grow food so maybe fluttershy has chickens for the food

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Now you see, I eat meat and chicken and stuff like that, but this doesn't really bother me as that is just the circle of life, flutters didn't even eat the fish, it was the ferrets. Ferrets like fish. Whatever. (Also, if they used animals in the show as anything other than food it would "rub me the wrong way" because I think Animals should be used by humans ((or poines))  for food only.

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Suddenly I have a hunger for bacon, I kid you not. To me it does not matter, I do not expect logic from cartoons anymore, having grown up with Scooby Doo and Spongebob


  • Brohoof 4






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You've got some good points here, I just don't think it's that big of a deal. That being said, I would really appreciate it if the series would decrease it's use of contradictions for the sake of convenience.


Only thing that really bothered me was when 'Fluttershy' said veggie burger in EG.  A burger comes from the ingredient hamburger, a type of meat, if there is no hamburger meat on it then it is not a 'burger'. A "veggie-burger" doesn't have meat on it, therefore it is not a burger at all, IT'S JUST A SANDWICH.

Edited by Slaigh


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Some good points about some minor contradictions in the show. But it depends on how you look at it: some call it over-analyzing, but I see some valid opinions here. 


The only thing I can really say about it is the time factor...the creators of this show have to constantly work on this animation, story-line, and the countless amount of managerial and production hours that go into it. If it was a team of 5 people (if that was even possible) I am sure communication would be greater, and therefore, less contradicting messages. However, that's impossible...a huge amount of people work on the show. There will always be some slight contradictions. I would just take them lightly...but that is just me. I have to think back to my childhood though...we watched stuff that was way worse then this show in terms of maturity and contradiction. Heck, I accidentally watched something like Austin Powers when I was 10. But I turned out fine! Kids and young folk are not going to have their morals changed or modified because of a show, for better or for worse. Sure it can help, but morals rest on the foundation of the parents, the kids themselves, faith, and other factors. Ok, I'll stop rambling now! 

  • Brohoof 2

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I'm pretty sure that they all don't eat meat save for certain species such as Griffons, and maybe Discord. The changelings probably don't eat anything except living off the love of other ponies.


I think that those chickens and cows are meant for export to Griffon kingdom.

Edited by The Awesome One



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Let's not forget that, in one of the episodes (I forget which one), Applejack is leaning over a table with a sandwhich that obviously has meat on it.




But yet we drill into our heads that they only eat vegitables, grain and fruit, and this influences the way we think about them to the point where fan-made creations are affected.  Just look at Vinyl's sandwhich.



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I really don't remember it saying anywhere that they are vegetarians. They are sentient life forms just like us so I really don't see why their diets would have to be strictly vegetarian. Now that I think about it, some of Pinkie Pies deserts and what not probably have gelatin in them, gelatin is ground up animal bones and such by the way. But I digress, it's a kids show, so kids show logic. 

Edited by Dark Moon
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Interesting topic. It makes me wonder what the cheeseburger Ash Ketchum is always dying for, is made of (Tauros meat?), or any other meat product in Pokemon.


Well there's no need to get too specific about what ponies eat, so basically they only eat veggies. It does get ambiguous about the social hierarchy of species in Equestria when we see that Apple Jack's got a farm for growing apples...and keeping livestock? Aren't both species normally in a farm themselves by us humans? So we don't know why cows and sheep in Equestria seem to be fine with being "enslaved" by ponies @_@. Do both species just live in harmony with one being higher up socially than the other?


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I actually don't mind the vegetarianism. It's clear that the ponies don't eat meat (save inconsistencies) but are fully tolerant of those that do if any.


You do however strike interest on the pony society. Ponies seem to be the dominant species. It's a place where the word mule is practically a insult to others and how farm animals are treated despite shown having some intelligence begs me to think the ponies are somewhat racists.


Especially if you take into consideration their opinions on Gryphons, Dragons and Changelings. They may be dangerous but not all of them are bad.

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To each their own IMO as long as one side isn't rubbing it in the others face. I can't stand people that get in my face because I eat meat and they think its so bad...


In the regards to the show, they basically place the Ponies as the humans of their world. The dominant species.

Sadly this does not translate well when dealing with other species.. Making the other species sentient was the major mistake here.

If they kept it to the same as they had the chickens, than all could be essentially well off, but they ended up making other species sentient and it just got odd.. It is EQUESTRIA after all.. not Bovinia...


For the chickens... She needed them to go to sleep for the night so they weren't out and at risk to be eaten by wild animals in the forest near her home. If keeping them safe isn't kind, even if by mild coercion, then what is? letting them get slaughtered?

I dunno.. sounds like the safer thing to do was round them up.

At least she didn't board them up in cramped, over crowded barns where it'd take weaks to even notice if one got trampled to death by the others like people do.



But I do get a kick out of how people try to deny many "herbivore" animals don't/won't eat meat though..


Give a chicken the taste of blood and they CRAVE it (I had to off one of my roosters over this), they'll devour each other over it. Pretty nasty stuff.. Chickens also love insects. Deny it as we may like too, fish and insects are LIVING things that BREATH (so to speak :P ) and show all the usual signs of life beyond plants and bacteria, and are a sort of meat.


Cows and Horses are the same. If they get a taste of meat, they'll go nuts for it and get extremely violent.

Its terrible for them, but they will do it.


Surprised theres no mention of AppleJack's pig.. 



What possible use could they have for the pig?!

fertilizer maybe?... that aside I can't find anything unless... bacon?


Edit: how did i miss this?



Let's not forget that, in one of the episodes (I forget which one), Applejack is leaning over a table with a sandwhich that obviously has meat on it.



OOOR a slice of eggplant or some other large veggie that can end up looking similar when prepared :P

I mean, ick.. really, but I have seen it before.




Almost looks like a burger on that toasted bun... But nope, thats eggplant.



As to Vinyls sandwich, Most of the time when they'd shown a sandwich (such as in the Ticket Master Episode) they showed it with flowers.. so thats really no surprise..



As i recall it, The first time we saw a sandwich in the series this is what she was eating... well.. trying to eat.. then it rained.

Edited by GrimCW
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Well the fish thing, bare in mind that Fluttershy isn't the one eating the fish. She caught them for her animal friends, just as a dog owner has to feed his dog. A vegetarian may not eat meat, but if they own a dog they certainly have to handle animal products.


Now on to animal products... Yes the show depicts that the ponies are using eggs, milk, butter etc but it doesn't actually show where they come from. What I mean by that is for all we know the milk etc could have come by some sort of mutual agreement. It doesn't have to be through exploitation.


As regard Fluttershys treatment of her chickens, what part of staring at her chickens is unkind? She's not cruel, she doesn't abuse them in anyway or even threaten them. She just stares. It might be intimidating but it's not unkind, in fact I argue at she was just instilling discipline rather than being mean. Let us also not forget that most members of he cast have not always lived up to their element. For Fluttershy the Iron Will episode also betrays type.


I'm not going to try and argue the sheep and mules poi t other than to say.... It was a joke. Nothing more.

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U\you know, I think the problems here arise of the ''Every sentient being is created equal and  therefore they all should be treated THE SAME''


First statement is questionable, the second is plain lie.


The first comes from our own experience. On Earth, the only flesh and blood sentient beings we have met in most cases are humans (I don't wanna start a flame about other sentient beings, it's a whole new topic) and humans all are relatively on the same level of sentience.

However if we look at other well established fictional universes, for example Star Wars or Harry Potter universe, we see degrees of sentience existing.

You can't expect the same from R2-D2 as you expect from Leia or from gnome the same as from Dumbledore


My pony headcannon says that many other animal species are sentient to some level, but, let's say, they have simpler minds. Let's say, let cows be capable of speech, feelings and free will, but uncapable to master using tools and having somewhat poor intellectual skills. It's NOT a disability, cows are just made that way. Therefore they let ponies take care of them, and offer milk in exchange. Sheep are kinda the same, pigs, well they do not have much to offer but ponies are kind folk, sure they take care of them.


Of course, as livestock have free will, there might be individuals who get upset in certain everyday situations, and this is not an allways perfect relationship, but generally that's how it works!

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U\you know, I think the problems here arise of the ''Every sentient being is created equal and  therefore they all should be treated THE SAME''


First statement is questionable, the second is plain lie.


The first comes from our own experience. On Earth, the only flesh and blood sentient beings we have met in most cases are humans (I don't wanna start a flame about other sentient beings, it's a whole new topic) and humans all are relatively on the same level of sentience.

However if we look at other well established fictional universes, for example Star Wars or Harry Potter universe, we see degrees of sentience existing.

You can't expect the same from R2-D2 as you expect from Leia or from gnome the same as from Dumbledore


My pony headcannon says that many other animal species are sentient to some level, but, let's say, they have simpler minds. Let's say, let cows be capable of speech, feelings and free will, but uncapable to master using tools and having somewhat poor intellectual skills. It's NOT a disability, cows are just made that way. Therefore they let ponies take care of them, and offer milk in exchange. Sheep are kinda the same, pigs, well they do not have much to offer but ponies are kind folk, sure they take care of them.


Of course, as livestock have free will, there might be individuals who get upset in certain everyday situations, and this is not an allways perfect relationship, but generally that's how it works!

You are treading very dangerous grounds when you start crossing into this kind of logic. Its the same type of logic used by nativist and race supremacists in the past. Groups would be categorically labelled like, Asians, Native Americans blacks, Eastern Europeans and multiracials and rated from most to least suitable for citizenship in the US based on similar abstract qualities like work ethic, physique, strength, etc. 


As far as the cattle are concerned the only true thing that matters to me is that they all seem to be able to not only talk intelligibly in Equestrian, but they can communicate directly to ponies and other beings, and as Daisy Jo shows, engage and understand their cultural values as she did by engaging in trade with Pinkie Pie. It may seem strict but if they demonstrate that level of intelligence, understanding and interaction with Equestrian society as the ponies do among themselves there's little to no reason why the sentient farm animals can't or shouldn't be afforded the same equal rights and treatment.


The moment you start making excuses and exceptions to take away someone's rights is the moment you start heading down a very slippery slope. Even in the real world where it may be reasonably justified, especially with profiling it causes arguably more problems than it solves. If the writers and producers of MLP: FiM and the bronies want to preach "love and tolerate" then fine. But don't go around and pretend that this only applies just to ponies or whoever, its not only outright hypocritical, but it seriously undermines a lot of the good virtues that the show has to teach. I have read and seen enough criticisms of this show to understand that while sometimes very biased and emotional, they do make legitimate points about how poor writing and direction distorts and taints the show.


So remember, love and tolerate everyone equally, just the same way you would want to be loved and tolerated.

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In answer to the issue, Ponies/Horses can eat meat. Horses are only herbivores because their digestive system is designed that way. There are some little chats on the web of people mentioning their horse getting a bite of some meat.


Ponies in FIM eat a wilder range of foods making them more like omnivores. So their digestive system is completely different from real horses.


In the episode, Just for Sidekicks Twilight mentions she would like to try Spike's cake. This means the ponies are able to eat gems also.

Edited by Singe
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In the episode, Just for Sidekicks Twilight mentions she would like to try Spike's cake. This means the ponies are able to eat gems also.


Or she was commenting on how the thought of a cake was somewhat delicious.

Like a weight watchers member outside a bakery. Unable to eat, but tempted and not afraid to vocalize it :P


I'm just playing around of course mind you :P

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I would say that maybe Hasbro was going for the realistic view of the equestrian family-that is, horses and ponies only eat grass, hay, oats and chaff, with the occasional salt lick for vitamins (my mother used to own 16 different horses, I could give a very long list of each individuals diet, but I have a feeling that hanging yourself would be slightly less depressing then reading that list), but the ponies talk and they eat sugar products such as cupcakes, thus completely screwing up any realism that Hasbro may have been going for. The closest thing to realism when it comes to food is in Equestria Girls. Giving other farm animals the ability to talk just makes it seem like cannibalism to me, and while I know that cows and horses are two separate species, I think along the lines of:

Just because I'm white doesn't give me an excuse to eat black people. DO NOT THINK I'M BEING RACIST...please :) 

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OMG Fluttershy's a bloodthirsty carnivore! ROOOARR!!!!  :angry:


Well aside from that particular scene and a few others, MLP: FIM is known for its very "kid friendly" themes, which include a lack of blood, swearing, and obviously overtly blatant sex themes among other things. Unfortunately its neither consistent nor reasonable at times, considering their censoring of Derpy, questionable episode morals and role models, and equally overt and blatant examples of racism and bigotry that sadly have far reaching implications or aren't sufficiently addressed.


Vegetarianism is one of those interesting areas that drew my attention. Not just ponies it seems, but also other sentient creatures seem to avoid the consumption of meat. Dragons might very likely consume meat, but the show successfully dodges that bullet by showing that the likes of Spike have a fond taste for gems and minerals. The show even manages to successfully avoid the discussion of alcohol by having ponies get drunk off salt instead:



I guess that's the Equestrian version of the Salty Spitoon.


Ponies of course are by no means pure herbivores. Not counting meat, they've consistently been shown to consume eggs and dairy products, among other things. A lot of fanfiction writers seem to gloss over this point, which boggles me. Apparently its so shockingly wrong for Twilight and co to realize that humans or any other species or society like Griffons kill and eat meat. Yet its perfectly fine for the ponies that they apparently round up certain animals and exploit them for their own gain, including food production.


Let's just see the wiki's analysis of how Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, treats her chickens:


Domesticated chickens are seen for the first time in the episode Fall Weather FriendsApplejack and Rainbow Dash needed to escort a few baby chickens through the mud pile to the other side as one of the tasks of Iron Pony competition. In Applejack's case, they run away because too much mud was splattering on them, whereas Rainbow Dash safely carried them while protecting the chickens from mud with her wings. These farmland birds play a more prominent role in Stare Master. When they refused to go to chicken coop for sleep, Fluttershy "convinced" them to do so with her stare.


Yes, kindness my ass, pardon my Equestrian. That's nothing short of coercion and duress to some otherwise helpless chickens. I'm not trying to be a bleeding hippie here, but that's not only rather hypocritical of the Element of Kindness, also considering she's supposed to be good with animals, but its a bit inconsistent with the show's vegan animal friendly theme.


Of course if that were just all there was to vegetarianism on the show that would be the end of that controversy. But unfortunately it isn't. You also have characters like Daisy Jo the intelligent talking cow:




And they're being rounded up, herded and ignored as if they were just slaves farm animalsThen of course you have questionable scenes like this:



I'm not even stepping into the territory of mules, yet but really. I don't know who I'm angrier at for this sanctimonious duplicity, the ponies for consistently behaving like they live in a racially pure bubble, or Hasbro and the writers who make the ponies preach morals like friendship, kindness and understanding, tolerance and then pull of stuff like this and crass mule jokes (let's not forget this is from the same show that also tries to teach about race and stereotyping in society).


It would be one thing to treat farm animals like "farm animals" for example, if they were portrayed as such. Its a whole different concept and standard though when those same animals can talk and interact intelligibly. Believe me too when I say I'm being critical. I am a big Applejack fan and yet despite that I find many of her interactions with other characters and species questionable. 


Coming from a show that seems so strongly concerned about promoting its image and "values" at times there really is a lotta horse shit that's smeared our ways at times. So much for promoting vegeterianism.

I guess I'm gonna have to be that guy who says, "Calm down, you're overthinking things."


You point out Fluttershy using the Stare on her chickens.

1. She doesn't have control of it, she says so herself earlier in the episode.

2. Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness, but that doesn't mean she can't be unkind sometimes. Just like Rarity can be greedy, Applejack can be dishonest or flat out lie ("A lotta construction goin' on in there right now!"), Pinkie can be sad and angry, and RD can be disloyal by eating cake she clearly knew Pinkie was extremely protective of. The whole "the Mane 6 should never act out of line with their Element" is a dead end argument.

3. Parents can be very kind, and still sometimes have to deal strictly with unruly charges. It doesn't make them bad.

4. How does the Stare go against vegetarianism? She isn't killing and eating them, she's just getting them to go back to sleep.


The cows: In Applebuck Season, after the stampede, Applejack asked them what it was all about, and spoke very kindly and understandingly. There is also no evidence the ponies eat them, they only have been shown providing milk. They are not mistreated.


The sheep: Here you have a point. Saying it was just a joke doesn't excuse the implications, I agree. However, the show has to tread a line between "the nature of horses" and making the show identifiable by having human situations, like having domestic animals and farms, cakes and so on.


The show doesn't promote vegetarianism. Which episode exactly had a lesson about how bad meat is and how good vegetables are? Horses are for the most part vegetarian, so that's mostly how they are portrayed.


As for the mules, they are sometimes used as a joke. "Stubborn as a mule" is something we can say even in real life without necessarily having some kind of racism towards mules. The joke being, of course, that the mules can potentially understand and be offended by a pony saying it, which they are usually not. The only time the mule actually seemed offended was when Diamond Tiara said it, and what else would you expect from everyone's least favorite filly? On the other side of the scale, though, we have Mulia Mild. She isn't treated as second class, indeed she seems to be quite a successful baker. Your namesake and Matilda are donkeys, and they're treated fine too.


In short, the jokes are jokes. They are played for laughs. Not that we shouldn't be aware of the Unfortunate Implications, but if you're taking it to the extent that you need to start using words like "sanctimonious duplicity", then maybe you need to take a bit of step back.

You've got some good points here, I just don't think it's that big of a deal. That being said, I would really appreciate it if the series would decrease it's use of contradictions for the sake of convenience.


Only thing that really bothered me was when 'Fluttershy' said veggie burger in EG.  A burger comes from the ingredient hamburger, a type of meat, if there is no hamburger meat on it then it is not a 'burger'. A "veggie-burger" doesn't have meat on it, therefore it is not a burger at all, IT'S JUST A SANDWICH.


Semantics. We do have something called vegetarian hamburgers in real life. It's not such a stretch. Pinkie's reference to hotdogs could also be vegetarian.


Let's not forget that, in one of the episodes (I forget which one), Applejack is leaning over a table with a sandwhich that obviously has meat on it.




But yet we drill into our heads that they only eat vegitables, grain and fruit, and this influences the way we think about them to the point where fan-made creations are affected.  Just look at Vinyl's sandwhich.



"Obviously has meat"? You're making an assumption based on the appearance of it. Please prove it's actually meat. And please don't attempt to shift the burden of proof. You made the claim that it's meat specifically, prove it. By prove, I mean, someone actually saying it's ham or some other meat product. Otherwise we can't be sure what it is.


And the pigs have been canonically shown to be used in show contests, and to dispose of rotten apples on the Apple family farm ("Sisterhooves Social"). Presumably and according to Word of Faust, they can also find truffles for the ponies. Again, there is no firm evidence that ponies eat them, alleged meat-sandwich notwithstanding. 


I may sound a bit harsh here, for which I apologize in advance, but I hope you will permit me to play devil's advocate a bit. ;)

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 3

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Only thing that really bothered me was when 'Fluttershy' said veggie burger in EG.  A burger comes from the ingredient hamburger, a type of meat, if there is no hamburger meat on it then it is not a 'burger'. A "veggie-burger" doesn't have meat on it, therefore it is not a burger at all, IT'S JUST A SANDWICH.


Merriam-Webster Dictionary:


"Bur·ger - noun - \ˈbər-gər\ - a sandwich similar to a hamburger <tofu burgers> —often used in combination."


You are confusing your terms. Yes, a hamburger certainly has meat in it, but only because it's a hamburger. A burger is the neutral recipe - a bread bun and a patty made of whatever you want. Naturally, a veggie burger has a patty made of veggies.


Hamburgers and veggie burgers are types of burgers, and burgers are a type of sandwich.



  • Brohoof 1


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