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My Little Pony confessions and secrets


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I noticed a lot of ponies are mentioning they like shipping in their confessions?  I don't know what this is?  Could somepony explain please?

Shipping is the creation of a relationship brethren two characters. Often shown with "Character 1" x "Character 2" or a fusion of involved characters' names (Rarijack being a Rarity and Applejack ship)   

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What I mean by this is: is there a character/episode that everyone loves but you hate? Equally, is there a character/episode that everyone hates but you love? Are you secretly a massive fan of gore fics? Do you have any supposedly embarrassing pony merchandise? It can be anything you want, as long as it's a confession or a secret



I love Feeling Pinkie Keen, and until I joined this forum, I did not know it was hated so much. I will say, there has yet to be an episode I do outright hate.  I really want Hot Topic or some other place to come out with FIM speedo for guys, because I really want to buy one for my husband (who has no pony merchandise).  I have been waiting for months, and I am so close with bikini's and trunks....

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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Psst...I have a secret. Promise not to tell? Okay, here goes...I watch a little girls' show about polychrome equines. *is pelted with rocks*


But in all seriousness, I'll give you a top ten:


1. There is a handful of clop material out there that gives me wing-boners. Which I'm sorta (kinda [not really]) ashamed to admit.


2. I always mute the iconic My Little Pony, My Little Pony, ahh ahh ahh ahhhhhh~? part of the intro whenever I watch an episode. Don't want family barging in and being like "ZOMG U WATCHIN' PWNIES!?"


3. For someone who claims not to be a hardcore brony, I spend way more time than I should looking at pony art...


4. I kind of squee a little (on the inside, of course) whenever one of my favorite YouTubers / Internet personalities slips ponies into their videos.


5. I am actually extremely eager for the day to come when I can meet a fellow brony IRL. Many of these shall be had -> /)


6. I find Applejack's accent terribly attractive, to the point where I almost want to take a trip out east just to flirt with some spicy Southern ladies. wub.png  (I do have family in Texas, so maybe I'll use them as an excuse...)

7. I sometimes like to imagine playing some well-made, ponified versions of some of my favorite games, like Sonic, Zelda, Mega Man, Dragon Warrior etc. (Hint, hint, any amateur programmers who may be reading this.)


8. This one's a biggie: For as adamant as my opinions are concerning issues such as AliTwi, I admittedly haven't even seen season 3 yet. (*BOO! HISS!*) This is due to the facts that A.) I like to take my time watching a series through, and B.) this stuff was spoiled for me by Internet memes long before I ever took an interest in the show, so I feel somewhat justified in formulating opinions without having actually seen these things unfold yet. On the remote chance that viewing the episodes in question will change my thoughts on these matters, you'll all be the first to know.


9. For as new as I am to the herd, I've already got some quite extensive headcanon brewing.


10. I'd actually really like to get a plushie of RD, AJ or Pinkie...I'm just terrified of what my family would think. They're okay with me liking the show, but plushies? They know I'm weird, but that would probably take me to a whole new level of weirdness in their eyes. blush.png

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I really don't like Trixie. I know there are fan clubs for her. But I personally expect that pony is in jail, or posing in a Canterlot garden somewhere (if you know what I mean).

She is just too vain and selfish to even visualize any shipping with her.


Trixie is fine as a villain, but I don't want to see her again.


OK, thats my deep dark secret...

Look back on this! Look back on it! You foretold an episode! QUICK, say more things like a BG Pony episode! But make sure you say you don't want one, or else we won't get it. (I honestly do not know what I am saying  :3)



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   I do not like Trixie, Gilda, or the Flim Flam brothers. Also, I am a fan of the Pokemon Anime shipping Advanceshipping (Ash+May). Now that's off my chest:




   Before anypony judges me!

Edited by Alkryn

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I personally would love to see Chrysalis again and have her turned good so she can make even more appearances. It's quite a boring and weak story plot, but w/e I just wanna see her again and not as the evil ruthless villain (at least in S02E26 she said she is doing it for her subjects).


Aside from that... I can't stand the MLP intro AT ALL.

  • Brohoof 1


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More into the music scene that sprung up around the show than the show itself at the moment, to be honest. Not like I'm not done with the show or anything, I'm just not particularly hype for Season 4 or Equestria Girls, any more than I am for other stuff I'm in the fandom for. 

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I have a confession.


Before I became a brony, I hated MLP, and I found the concept of men watching it to be utterly stupid and I also saw bronies as quacked in the head.


Then a friend of mine on PSN stepped in and successfully got my mind off hating this stuff and got me to embrace it. I guess i'm just one of those "converted former haters".

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1. There is a handful of clop material out there that gives me wing-boners. Which I'm sorta (kinda [not really]) ashamed to admit.


2. I always mute the iconic My Little Pony, My Little Pony, ahh ahh ahh ahhhhhh~♪ part of the intro whenever I watch an episode. Don't want family barging in and being like "ZOMG U WATCHIN' PWNIES!?"


4. I kind of squee a little (on the inside, of course) whenever one of my favorite YouTubers / Internet personalities slips ponies into their videos.


7. I sometimes like to imagine playing some well-made, ponified versions of some of my favorite games, like Sonic, Zelda, Mega Man, Dragon Warrior etc. (Hint, hint, any amateur programmers who may be reading this.)

1. Same thing has happened to me


2. I hate the intro to MLP


4. I do the same exact thing


7. I always thought a ponified MGS would be really cool

  • Brohoof 2

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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my secret is that im adidicted to my twilight plushie. and i mean ADDICTED. i never leave home without it and i even take to school. when im depressed i will always have my twilight right next to me.

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I have nothing really to hide from other bronies. I don't ship, I don't hate any ponies, I don't read fan-fics that much. I just hide my brony ways from people who aren't also bronies. My family will think I'm insane (they already think I'm mad), my school friends will beat the shit outta me if they find out I like a show made for little girls. But I have nothing to hide from Bronies


Also I dreamt one night that I was in equestria. I'd overslept and my mum was stood at my door knocking and I thought it was Pinkie pie trying to invite me to a party. I called out "pinkie! I'll be over in a second" and my mum then questioned me about it the same day :D which was very awkward.

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Yes there is a "secret" that I have.first of all i like the character trixie even though she was bad, now she's good,everyone takes her for granted.Well thats it and also I like twilight sparkle,when not that many do:3



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I used to have a HUGEE Crush on Spitfire. Even with her no suit, ITS IRRISISTIBLE. Like everytime I look at her with no suit I immediatley download the picture, no matter how the quality is.


                                                        Give me a Dash of Loyalty ~

                         Just got 20% cooler


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Confessions... I'm going to need to dig deep to find something to confess. Hmm...


  • I super duper want to pony cosplay. I just need to find a con to attend (and a pony that I could pull off)!
  • It really, REALLY pisses me off when people ask the VA's to say something in a pony's voice. Do you have nothing better to do than waste their time? You could be thoughtful and inquisitive, but no you decide to blow your chance by being a nuisance.
  • I have nothing against you cloppers (you're into what you're into), but I still am bothered by R34. I just feel like not everything needs to be sexualized, especially something as sweet and pure as ponies. Guess you can't help a thing like attraction, but I just kinda wish ponies were left untouched by R34.

I hope you guys don't hate me for the last one. I have nothing against cloppers... just the art.

  • Brohoof 3


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Also don't think I'm weird but I kind of have a crush of scootaloo. Only a very small one, I just think she's a badass that is awesome in every way. I don't clop so don't assume it's like that, I just have a slight obsession with her. Also Luna :3

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I feel I'm slipping away from the brony community. I barely ever watch the show, and Fruits Basket seems to be shoving its way into my mind. I know from past experience that my brain only has one slot for obsessions, and anime is starting to make a comeback.


Although I tell myself that I have an OTP, I change it. A lot.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with gorefics. If they're written well, like Cupcakes or Rainbow Factory, they can even be quite enjoyable.


I like the fact that the ponies aren't always happy happy sunshine, like the haters expect them to be. I love episodes like Lesson Zero and Party of One for that reason.


Sometimes I see pictures that defy my pairings (AppleDash, RariSparkle, and Pinkie Shy), but they're so adorable I can't help not hating them. Usually I'm so strict about that stuff, but with ponies, it's just... *squee* ;-;


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How about two? First, I secretly wish I had a pony plush that I could cuddle with and go to sleep with every night. Second, I actually like the Notebook. And yes, I'm a guy and I'm straight.

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I have a crush on Vinyl Scratch. I think its her punk/music look that I just totally dig. I also think that Pinkie Pie can get to be a pain with how little consideration she has for others such as always eating everyone else's desserts or the messes she makes.


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I also think that Pinkie Pie can get to be a pain with how little consideration she has for others


Wait, little consideration for others? I know this is all opinion, but... look, just watch this video. She has tons of consideration for others.





@ Topic: Yesterday night I spent about an hour and a half looking at a single image of Pinkie Pie. That's today's confession.

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