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You get pony ears.


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I would wake up and be VERY confused. Then run to the mirror and scream at the mirror for awhile. Then get over myself and examine them in awe. And probably end it all without thinkin' anything about it goin' on with my normal life. I mean, i'm already strange and weird, what difference would the ears make??  :lol:

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I would hate having them (or anything other than human parts). The only thing I can do is wear a hat to cover them up and when I do have them exposed and someone gets curious I just tell them they are really good imitations.

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Phase 2: *learns to rotate them like a cat or a horse, notes the interesting effects of being able to selectively aim hearing*  "Huh...okaaayyyy...."




Phase 4: "Whelp, good thing I have a top hat.  My employer is just going to have to accept the fact of me going full-on Steampunk henceforth."







Phase 2: *learns that I can't do magic with it, yet*  "Huh...okaaayyyy...."




Phase 4: Depends on its initial size and orientation.  If I could hide it for awhile under my top hat or a beret, I would probably do that so I could buy time.  I would start putting in the time to practice magick instead of just having books about it. ;)  I'd start studying NLP, hypnosis, qigong, and practicing public speaking.


Phase 5: Write a book and become a rock star of the New Age lecture circuit.  Could Deepak Chopra compete with a real, honest-to-goodness unicorn horn?  I don't think so. *mischievous grin*


Phase 5 (alternate): Learn stage magic and become Human!Genderflip!Trixie. :D


Either way, the sudden appearance of new bodily features would be proof that magical metamorphosis is possible and apparently under way.  I would avoid interfering (attempting to surgically remove the ears or horn) because, who knows what the effects would be?  In terms of Genre Savvy, I don't recall ever reading or seeing a story where someone starts turning into a superhero or magical being, tries to stop the transformation and continue their previous mundane life, and had that work out for them.  Imagine the disappointment if, say, you cut off your uni-horn only to find out six months later that it could have worked magic if you'd just let it grow a little longer, or that you complete your pony transformation and get brought to Equestria, only now your unicorn powers don't work.

  • Brohoof 1
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... Give me the tail and I have no complaints. Seriously, I have no issue with this at all. The idea of being a human with pony ears would certainly be interesting.


... Unless someone tries to call the government and experiment on me. In which case kill me

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd be a freakin superhero!


Jk. I would be freaking out like crazy. I would also be worried about the possible surgery and removal process that I would have to go through to get rid of the ears. 


Overall, for the time being, I would just wear hats, all the time. :P

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I would just love to permanently look like the human version of rainbow dash. Minus the skin of course, rainbow hair, pony tail and pony ears :3

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Immediately open a phonebook and look for a plastic surgeon.

Seriously, being a pony would be nice and being human is too, but anywhere in-between is just one big no-no.

A plastic surgeon to take the ears off or to completely turn you into a pony? Because you know, I'd prefer the pony option if it wasn't so weird.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would be so confused about what to do. Having the ears or horn is nice and all, but if I'm not a full pony then it isn't right. Everyday I would wear a hat everywhere I go so no one notices me until I find a way to get rid of the ears or horn. If anyone saw me, I don't know what I'll do. People would consider me a freak more than they already do. :(

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ears? I'd just have to learn to live with them...no amount of plastic surgery would fix them, as your ear canals and stuff would now be on top of your head.


I'd rather have the ears vs horn.


Not to mention, the ears would react to your emotions and such, so it'd make telling some one  you're happy/upset easier, and they'd have a higher sense of hearing vs human ears,...which would be cool.


the pros out weigh the cons, so I'd be happy with them.

Edited by Flutter Dash
  • Brohoof 2
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  • 1 year later...

Ooh, pony ears :3. 

Oh dear Celestia. Jonas!!! JONAS!!! @JonasDarkmane !!! You won't believe what I got!!! :P





"Watch out. All of your ears are now under threat. Hehehehehehe"

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If I could keep my regular ears and just have these new ears on the top of my head, like a neko girl...

I would be pretty happy actually.

Hehe ^^

How cute :3

I'd be the sensation of animecons *3*

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If I woke up with pony ears?


Stage 1: "I hope this is the first stage in a full transformation."


Stage 2: "Crap, I'm not changing anymore, at least the hearing is fantastic."


Stage 3: "How does it feel when I scratch--Meeerow! That feels amazing."


Stage 4: Proceed to now have a unique pickup line. "Hey, how would you like to scratch behind my ears. It's like cooking. Always better when someone else does it."

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, dude, I'd be stoked.  I so wish that humans had expressive ears that they could droop/flatten when sad/upset/angry, etc, not to mention move to better pick up sound.  The Na'vi have this, so I don't think it seems that far fetched that humans could have evolved this way.

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