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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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we think we could recognize nightmare moon if we saw her.


Yes but we also only hold the mane characters to such scrutiny because they have the most screen time. It is the nature of society these days, it seems, to squint at whoever the camera is aimed at.
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If she does go Nightmare Moon on us, we'll be ready. Right, Princess?


Twilight, maybe someday you can visit Earth and hang out at my place. Kind of like a sleepover. I hear Princess Luna is able to create portals.

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Twi take all the time you want we dont mind. :)


(I am very sorry, everyone. my computer was being fixed for the last 2 weeks. I'll respond to these questions when I can.)


Twi you mean everypony right? Edited by Mal
  • Brohoof 1
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Twi take all the time you want we dont mind. :)



Twi you mean everypony right?


(No, everybody is whats replaced with everypony.)



Hey, he said his computer was broken--maybe it's randomly replacing words. hehe


Fixed that for ya. :ph34r:


Remember, it was a joint effort. I'm the one sittin in my loftchair sipping on ice cold lemonade, while my parrot bud is the one sitting at your bedside mirror. Whose the real creepy one, I say?


You know what? I can't even tell anymore...


*sigh* What is wrong with Chilly... *shakes head* Anyways, Twilight, walking on clouds must have been an amazing feeling... Do you think you could cast the walk-on-clouds spell on me? I'd love to know how it feels firsthand. But if you don't want to, I'd understand. It's your choice.


That spell is easy. I feels pretty soft to walk on a cloud. I'm sure you'll like it!


Hi twi its been a while how are you doin


Things have been pretty weird, I can tell you that much...


*pops up out of no where* Hey! Twilight! I heard about your "carrot problem" maybe I can help? *beams*


Yeah, help any way you can!


Twi why are you the best pony ever?


Twi are you there?


Why does everypony say that? Im not that special...


I have four completely random questions for you Twilight.


1. Whats your view on global economy and politics in Equestria?

2. I heard that you can't hold your alcohol, is this true?

3. If you could do anything in the world and get away with it, what would you do?

4. What do you think about all of these random questions? :huh:


1: I don't follow that. Try asking the princess!

​2: I don't drink alcohol...

3: Hmm.... Well, if I didn't need to pay for library books...

4: They quickly change the subject...


Have you ever thought about giving yourself a moustache just to see what it felt like?


No, but I'm sure Spike will just love to have one!


hey twilight, how are you feeling today?



TWILIGHT! fight against it we know you can do it!


Who wrote those lies!? Take that away!


If she does go Nightmare Moon on us, we'll be ready. Right, Princess?


Twilight, maybe someday you can visit Earth and hang out at my place. Kind of like a sleepover. I hear Princess Luna is able to create portals.


You know, since I've heard so many crazy things, I am about to believe that.
  • Brohoof 1
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... Speaking of "carrot problems"... I got a visit from Chilly some time ago... She told me she was going to fill my living room with produce... You got any idea how to stop this mess, Twilight? Or am I doomed to a produce-loaded living room? X_X
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... Speaking of "carrot problems"... I got a visit from Chilly some time ago... She told me she was going to fill my living room with produce... You got any idea how to stop this mess, Twilight? Or am I doomed to a produce-loaded living room? X_X


You are doomed the same happened to me...with onions. I've tried to catch him since quite a time. This madness has to stop http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
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(No, everybody is whats replaced with everypony.)




Fixed that for ya. :ph34r:



You know what? I can't even tell anymore...



That spell is easy. I feels pretty soft to walk on a cloud. I'm sure you'll like it!



Things have been pretty weird, I can tell you that much...



Yeah, help any way you can!



Why does everypony say that? Im not that special...



1: I don't follow that. Try asking the princess!

​2: I don't drink alcohol...

3: Hmm.... Well, if I didn't need to pay for library books...

4: They quickly change the subject...



No, but I'm sure Spike will just love to have one!



Who wrote those lies!? Take that away!



You know, since I've heard so many crazy things, I am about to believe that.


If you know about the site called Ponysquare, I know two alicorns by the names of Mother Morning and Father Night. Mother Morning is able to create a portal, but her last effort put her to sleep for a few weeks. I'm thinking if two or three alicorns combined their power it could work without too much strain. What's your thoughts on this?

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Why does everypony say that? Im not that special...


Everypony says that cause its true Twi you are the best pony ever. :)

Edit: Text color was purple.

Edited by Mal
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... Speaking of "carrot problems"... I got a visit from Chilly some time ago... She told me she was going to fill my living room with produce... You got any idea how to stop this mess, Twilight? Or am I doomed to a produce-loaded living room? X_X


Why does everyone think I am a girl?
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Why does everyone think I am a girl?


Because of your profile pic, Chilly. Either way, this madness involving vegetables has got to stop sooner or later. Just so I know the extent of this madness, have you ever been to Earth? Edited by rainbowdash4ever
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Did you know that you are known as Tats, (Twilight) and Kenshin (Dash)? The video is called The Magic Adventure Bus. Dash is not very nice in it though.


Edited by KibaThePony
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