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Will your favorite/least favorite ever change? (Mane 6)

Twi Rubix

Changing faves.  

108 users have voted

  1. 1. Will your favorite and least favorites change?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Don't Know
    • Depends.
    • I like them all.
    • Yes, but only one of the two.

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Yes my favourites will literately change constantly. When I first started it was Pinkie Pie for awhile, then I had this huge Trixie faze which lasted for awhile, then came the point where I loved Luna, oh that was a great time. There was the time I had a love for DJ-PON3 because I had fallen in love with dubstep music, and there was also the Rainbow Dash part. Now there is my sudden love for Trixie again, which will most likely be awhile, but I am sure it will change again eventually, whether or not this week, next week, a month, or maybe a year.

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Actually my favorite and least favorite don't change. Its the others in between that change position regularly, I suppose they won't solidify properly until the entire show is finished,

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Heck no, Dashie will always be the best. I can't imagine ever demoting her. My least favorites and people lower on the pecking order than Rainbow are definitely subject to change though. Pinkie Pie used to be around 8th or so in my favorite character list but at some point she illogically shot up to second ( It's Pinkie Pie, of course I don't understand it! Silly me) Applejack could maybe pass Fluttershy in the Future and Rarity is actually insanely close to passing Twilight as well. I guess I'll say that Dash and Pinkie are locked in their positions pretty solidly, and the rest are semi flexible, but they won't move withought a dang good reason

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Mine changes all the time. However Rarity is usually in the front and Rainbow Dash is usually in the back. (Sorry, RD fans!) But my favorite mane 6 list never stays the same for long.



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Eh, I doubt it. Rarity's personality is great, as well as her character design. She's my favorite, and there is no other pony that can even get close to that spot. Now for Fluttershy, my least favorite pony, she's gonna need A LOT of character development. The blatant shy pony when she can throw a mood swing and act aggressive sometimes isn't really what I'm looking for.

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Well for me I can't nessarly say my opinion changed per say. It has just locked in for me. like I never really thought about my least and best favorites in order until I thought about it, right now my favorites fluttershy, Twilights a close second. But Fluttershy's adorableness and cuteness, and the fact I can relate to her makes her slighly above twilight, but I can actually relate to twilight on a couple things to. And shes also really adorable :D


So the two of them are very very close. Oh and I like twilights singing better then fluttershy's.

As for my least favorite. It's been Applejack for a while, but only because shes been very under developed in my opinion. Though rarity is right above her. Those two might swap to.


As for 3rd and 4th I always have pinkie third, and I doubt that will change. And rainbow 4th. Those probably won't change.


But I love every pony alot, And like I said the only ones who proably won't change in position are pinkie and rainbow.

I can't see how anyone can hate an adorable pony :D, And even if you do they all have their redeeming moments.

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I really doubt it. My rankings used to be a battle between Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie, but then came along character development. Rarity and especially Rainbow Dash really proved themselves to be contenders as well.


Since I liked every one of the mane 6, I decided to destroy the ranking system and place them all at #1. They all truly deserve the top position. Chances are that unless one of them falls out of favour, the ranking system will be ever broken.

Edited by Celtore
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No. Rainbiw Dash is above all other ponies in Ponyville, at least to me. (And she is, quite literally). My least favorite is Pinkie Pie, and I don't think that'll change anytime soon. I've never been a fan of her excessive happiness.

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My favorite pony is Fluttershy, and I'm pretty sure that won't change. But Twilight is a close second, with Rainbow Dash next, then Applejack, and a tie between Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Really, though, all the Mane 6 are awesome. I just like Fluttershy the most, however, Twilight is really close because I can relate to her most. And I do mean the most: Posted Image

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My choice of favorite pony is Pinkie Pie, but Applejack was so close in 2nd. I first had a really hard time choosing between the two.

However Fluttershy was my third favorite, but then during season two Rarity became my third favorite. So I don't know if my favorite will ever change.


as for the other three, for now Fluttershy is fourth, Twilight is fifth, and Rainbow Dash is sixth.

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For as much as I like to rave about Twilight being best pony (which she is), I've long been about 50/50 with her and Applejack for the top spot. I see a lot of great qualities in them both, more so than any of the other four, and I can relate to them both very well. Twilight, however, shares a few more similarities with me than Applejack, so naming her my favorite is more of a formality.


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Well Applejack has been my favourite for her character. Twilight comes close sometimes, depending on how....freaky she is portrayed; freaky OCD Twilight is a no.


But of my least favourite, it used to be Scootaloo who I abhored, but in season 2 she became a much better portrayed character and not my least favourite. Lesser-used ponies of course are lesser liked (Snips and Snails for the lose!) but of the main and secondary cast, I guess Sweetie Belle is in last place these days.

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Seeing as I like ALL THE PONIES! Equally, (Except RD, she's slightly more equal than the others) I don't think it COULD ever change. I mean, Fluttershy wins out in the adorable poll. AJ wins in the "Reminds me of my adopted sister" poll. Twi wins in appealing to my bookwormish side. Rarity reminds me of my niece. Pinkie pie I just can't NOT like, and RD...Well, RD is just that awesome. B)

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fluttrshy comes first, then its either pinkie or rainbow, then ALL the other are in fouth. pinkie and rainbow are a little mixed up simply because of cupcakes. crazy i know but because of it, i cant decide.


apparently im this:Posted Image but this makes no sense, im more like fluttershy in my opinion!

Edited by darklord260

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I don't think so. Dash has been my favorite ever since I finished season two, and after thinking thoroughly and sorting the other Mane Six, my like of Rarity the least makes the most sense. Unless something major happened that altered my view I don't see it changing.


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I never really picked a favorite until recently. I always used Rainbow Dash avatars and usernames because she was the first pony I was introduced to and sort of saw her as a symbol of all bronies, so I stuck with her. After watching all of the episodes once or twice again, this time with close attention to character and plot development, I decided that Twilight was my favorite. She's like me in several ways, and I always liked her type of character. However, I could change my opinion based on a particularly great episode about another pony or if I maybe watch the episodes over again paying more attention to ponies that I look at a little less, like Applejack.



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For me, my favorite will most likely always be Fluttershy, but as soon as you start to talk about the other mane 6...I mean I love AJ for her honesty and hard work, but Dash is just awesome and always herself, one of my closest friends acts very similar to Twilight, and I always enjoy the super hyper characters like Pinkie Pie. If any I would have to say Rarity is my least favorite, but even then I don't really dislike her she's such an interesting and dynamic character.

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I used to hate Pinkie Pie until "A Friend in Deed" aired and I totally fell head over heels in love with her singing voice and positive attitude. I thought that she was annoying and all but now she is almost my (I couldn't think of a better way to say this than...) role model. She taught me that I should just keep smiling, and try to make others happy. :)

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I've changed my least favourite of the mane 6 a couple of times maybe, but it's not something I really keep track on. It's been going between Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie.


I haven't ever and will not change my favourite pony, Twilight Sparkle. She resembles myself quite a bit and for me to have another favourite I would almost have to change myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I've been on and off the forum most the day and have tried to read as much as I can and I've seen a lot of drama, some over reacting, mean ponies and some jerk offs destroying some kids art project and the pony wrath that follows.


Back in the day when Otherkin where fairly new, they were a lot like I've seen the fandom here. Just kinda there, doing their own thing, but some of them would do some dumb ass thing and all of us would get slammed for it. This lead to a Council being formed that eventually turned into just a few community "Authorities" that helped govern, lead, teach and help guide the community as a whole.


My question is thus: Are their prominant Bronies out there that have garnered the love and respect of the community....someone who the community by and large would listen to?


Should there be a group like the Mane Six in the community who is around in case the stuff hits the fan?


Should the community go on unregulated and just do as it pleases.


The thought base here is that Equestria has Celestia, Luna and now Shining Armor and Cadance. The Main Six arrive when the its an earth shattering movement. This arrangement allows for most of the ponies to live in peace and harmony withouth getting involved. Should we havbe that here?


Obsidian Winter

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I've seen posts on youtube where haters usually criticize Bronies to not police their own. That they accept anyone into their fandom regardless of how disgusting their fan works or interests are on the show. Such as cloppers and Bronies that take a more rated R approach and present their thoughts about it openly. Personally I don't know about leaders that would go "nazi" on the community and don't approve of it. But I can see spokesmen and celebrities that could make the show have a better light on it.


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>inb4 Sethisto

>inb4 Living Tombstone

>inb4 MandoPony

>inb4 Rina-chan

>inb4 Mic the Microphone

>inb4 Purple Tinker

>inb4 Yamino


No, they're all terrible, and I don't think there's a single guy out there who is esteemed by the whole community.

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