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Age: Young adult

Gender: Male

Species: Pegasus


Appearance: White pegasus with slightly stocky build, blue mane with red and white stripes, wearing athletic jacket and work boots.

Cutie Mark: None.


Personality: Wind Chaser can be described as a dedicated worker with a strong sense of right and wrong, or as lazy, angry, and not willing to work hard enough.
Wind Chaser has a great moral compass and is willing to stand up for what is right. He was focused on attaining good grades in school and working towards something better for himself and others.
However, Wind is also known to have anger and self-esteem issues. He has idolized flyers astronomically greater than he is and suffers from a lack of confidence in his own talents as a result.


Backstory: Wind Chaser was raised on Stallion Island, not far from Manehattan. As a young colt, he was seen as socially awkward and exhibiting odd behaviors. Other students would constantly scapegoat and bully him. When this came to a head as threats of violence, Wind was sent to special education and came out a much wiser and stronger pony, and a better friend and worker, until his self-confidence issues reared back and took hold of him.
He idolized successful flyers like the Wonderbolts and Best Young Flyer competitors like Rainbow Dash. He wanted to be like them, but is not very physically strong, and not able to fly fast, high, or far. His physical shortcomings caused him trouble in some of his early work, which compounded his emotions and tendency toward frustration, however in other jobs he was found to have as great focus and dedication as he did in school.
Wind Chaser is an adult pony with a blank flank who is still in a phase of trying to find something better for himself. As he attempts to find himself, he is ready to lend a helping hoof to whoever needs it, in whichever way he is able.


Other: "Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun."

-Ecclesiastes 2:11 (New International Version)

Edited by WindChaserPegasus
  • Brohoof 3
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Name: Envy Noson
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Age: Over 500 (looks 21)
Personality: Reticent, Manipulative, somewhat generous

Special Talent: Able to read feelings, able to give false feelings to others (causing others to see, hear, feel even taste things that aren't really there)
History: At a young age Envy Noson was physically weak do to being a unicorn. one day his farther manage to bribe a royal daytime guard into stealing a book from Celestia library. In a slapdash the guard selected a book of dark magic, not knowing what book he has selected he presented the book as a present to the young Envy (10 year old). he has now memorize the book and always keeps the old book on his back hidden within an invisible spell.

Edited by Envy Noson

- Envy Noson was here -

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Name Rainbow Pastel

Gender Mare

Species Earth Pony

Age 16

Sexuality Bi

Appearance Light blue coat, blue eyes, blonde hair with red, blue and green pastel streaks, and pencil+paintbrush cutie mark

Likes Art, humans, costumes, singing, cats, and helping stray animals

Hobbies Drawing, dress-up, being with close friends and special somepony

Affiliation with Equestria Born and raised in San Franciscolt. She was sent to Ponyville to study friendship under Princess Twilight since all those therapists trying to help her with her special needs and socialphobia wasn't worth it.



My cider brings all the ponies to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge


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Name: Silhouette Dusk


Type: Alicorn


Gender: Female


Cutiemark: Red and White outline of a setting sun over a landscape


Hobbies: Tinkering, inventing, drawing plans for architecture & city layouts, sketching out devices, and gadgets, noting formulas and compounds, studying rock, metal and elements, anything scientific. But as of late, her main focus is on reclaiming her throne from the Celestial sisters and continuing the legacy of her old empire


Other Details: An empress of a past incarnation of Equestia, sealed away by the princesses on accusations of being a tyrant. Now set free, she works with the descendants of her subjects, who though generations have toiled in secret to keep the story of their rich history alive, and build a massive army of soldiers and spies to one day retake their home. And after making her grand reappearance, Dusk has issued her challenge to Celestia: face her in a duel for the throne, or face her army and watch as Equestria is torn apart. In an attempt to avoid war, Celestia accepted.

She isn't alone, as her old general and close friend Veracity, has been key to keeping the remnants of her nation stable as acting leader for over 1000 years, becoming a renowned archaeologist and historian along the way.


Until that fateful rendezvous however, Dusk continues to get familiar with her vastly larger empire, educating the public of Equestria's hidden history, and her side of the story, and getting to know the citizens she vowed to protect long ago. Judging by the slowly growing amount of red and black flags around, she seems to be having a little success. when not planning for war, she's off seeking knowledge, studying the many aspects of her new world with in depth gusto. Rumor has it that she has ordered Veracity to keep guard over Twilight Sparkle, leading to speculation hat Dusk might have an "interest" in the new princess.




Not quite how I envisioned her, but it's the best I could do with Ponycreator. Her wings are supposed to be larger, her mane would be shoulder length on both sides of her head, and she would have silver and red colored crown, shoes and breast plate. Think a cross between Sombra's and Nightmare Moon's armor. Stature wise she would be between Luna and Celestia in size. Someday I'll post a better drawing of her. I'll probably do a bio for Veracity too,

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Electric Lightning:



-Dark blue with old eyes and mane

- Can control weather and electricity


If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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Name: Blastbeat

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Age: 22


Personality: Laid back, doesn't take anything too seriously.

Jokester, has a tendency to be a bit of a show off.


Special Talent: Music. Specifically heavy music.

Utilizes his wing tips for intricate guitar riffs. Is the

guitarist/clean vocalist for the reknown metalcore band

"Of Mice & Mares" (had way too much fun ponifying metal bands)



MLPforums resident marksman. Mathlete/Badass MC

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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
Also if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!
Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there

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Name: Peridot.
Type: Unicorn.
Gender: Male.

Cutie Mark: Peridot stones (viewed by real-life ancient cultures as extremely powerful charms).
Special Talent: Charms/enchantments.

Personality: Brilliant, but lazy.

Edited by Anti-Villain
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Because I have to show off...

Name: White Lightning
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light Brown coat, Shaggy, Dark brown mane and tail, Green eyes.
Cutie Mark: A single, simple, encircled white lightning bolt
Hobbies: Relaxing, slacking off and cutting up when not at work (Primary occupation includes manufacturing of storm clouds.),
Additional Details: White Lighting has a talent and calling for producing beautiful storms himself, he's something of an artist when it comes to the dangerous line of work. The calling chose him, as a colt, when he got too curious about the storms while on a school tour to the Cloudsdale weather factory. Stricken by a bolt, he awoke several days later, with his cutie mark.
When not working, he's "one of the good ones", telling jokes and stories, regaling friends and strangers alike with limericks and humerus verses. He is known to be very approachable, with the undeniable allure of a soft-spoken confidence that can be seen in his stride alone.





Name: Rocket Grace
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Appearance: Light tan coat, short, fiery red mane and tail accompanied by orange streaks, Ice Blue eyes.
Cutie Mark: A single missile with accompanying wings on either side.
Hobbies: Being a general antagonist to friends and foes alike, Rocket spends most of her time being snarky and snide. She enjoys being with friends, and in loud environments, markets, gatherings, clubs, anywhere she will blend with the crowd even while being loud and boisterous. Rocket also enjoys solo flights, largely because she's one of Equestria's fastest fliers. As a speedster, she doesn't boast her skill, though this is largely in contrast to her boasting nature.
Additional Details: Gifted with incredible Wing Power, Rocket enjoys tearing through the clouds. When she's not doing that, or with friends, she is known to enjoy her time alone, in silence. During these times, she's known to be abnormally approachable, and not her usual caustic self. In public, she is quite rude and pushy, and some even joke (not to her face) that her name is a direct reflection of her nature - That she is with a Rocket's Grace, direct and quick in nature, often with devastating results. It stands to argue that Rocket can be more than domineering, though some see that she could be destined for greatness if she were to assume a softer side and a leadership role. Her father, a Captain in Celestia's Royal Guard, is one of those who see's the brighter side of her future.



Edited by :WhiteLightning:
  • Brohoof 1

Good Judgement Comes from Years of Experience... and a Lot of That Comes From Bad Judgement.

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  • 1 month later...




Name: Void Sphere

Age: 19

Occupation: High Priest of Chaos's Followers, sorcerer

likes: experiments, eat fruit, talk, make friends

dislikes: bullies, Ponies that judge, haters

aligment: neutral

skills: can create black holes to absorve, White holes to push, wormholes to teleport anything to everywhere and high sorcery

He born blind but he see thanks to his magic


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Righty Tighty, my #1 gal, main character of Dead Space: The Equestria Incident


Frail, timid, awkward in social gatherings. She's jumpy and always nervous. I basically tore of a bit of my soul to give birth to her.

Other than being good at tinkering with mechanical objects and fixing things, I purposely wrote her to be your average, everyday pony. She's more relatable that way, and it makes you feel for her when she gets attacked by Necromorph ponies.


Her color scheme creates psychological feelings of attachment and adoration.





Edited by Dattebayo


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Name: Crimson Katana
Race: Earth Pony
Age: 28
Occupation: Samurai/Assassin/Wanderer/Sensei
Likes: Good ponies, Honest ponies, Hardworkers,
Dislikes: Criminals, Felons, Lawbreakers, Tyrant Rulers,
Alignment: Good Halo.png
Skills/Abilities: Expert Samurai/Swordsman
Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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  • 3 months later...

I have a ponysona :D


Named Spectre. He's a paranormal reporter and he goes across Equestria writing news stories on ghosts and other paranormal activities :D
I guess that counts for something. Don't look much like him, though, at least in the hair and eyes. Obviously not in the rest :please:


  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Well this is my gender swapped OC/ponysona Vera


I look nothing like her, but her back story is based on my own life and experiences. She originally was just my ponysona, before I had largely revamped her character.

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I have three ponysonas really... One of which is my OC, JellyBean... Seen in my avatar


The other one is one I use on a different forum who I don't want to show, the third one I created today, her name is bubble splash :) she looks most like me with brown hair and hazel eyes, she has blue fur and glasses, like mine


Well I would look like this.


Love this OC

Edited by JellyBean


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This would be most accurate.





  • Brohoof 3


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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