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Apple      Bloom

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Name: Brush Stroke
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Stallion
Appearance: Light blue coat, brown mane, blue eyes.
Cutie Mark: Pallet and paint brush.
Hobbies: Painting, drawing, Talking about his ideas.
Additional Details: He is very sensitive and has a hard time accepting criticism. He can be very cocky, especially when it comes to his paintings. His specialty is painting, but he is open to other mediums. He mostly paints and draws, though. He loves being praised and admired for his art. He's my ponysona. 



Edited by RarityFan01


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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Name: Cherry Bloom
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Appearance: pink coat with bright blue and pink striped curly mane and tail and deep pink eyes
Cutie Mark: two cherries
Hobbies: Loves baking! She always had loved making tasty treats especially cherry pies.
Additional Details: She is shy and very sweet and loves to laugh and have fun.



  • Brohoof 1


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Name: Adam

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Appearance: Full Red, shaved/bald head, wear black vest and wear a watch


Cutie Mark: Superman symbol covered with Union Jack

Hobbies: Reading, traveling, playing video games, writing, drawing

Additional Details: It OC of me. Do have a strengh of Earth Pony.



Proud British Brony

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Name: It's actually Gwen, but Grape is more popular
Race: Sheep-Goat hybrid (Ewe)
Gender: Female
Appearance: She's about a head smaller than a pony, but her big ears almost reach the height of the average mare. In the spring, when the purple fleece on her legs and neck are shaved off, her purplish-pink skin is revealed.
Cutie Mark: Sheep don't have cutie marks, but she believes if she was to have one it'd be a rabbit getting pulled out of a hat because she's a really mischievous kid.
Hobbies: Playing outside and exploring new places, bothering ponies, and slipping into places unnoticed are just some of the things she likes to do. She does enjoy reading though, and is a very reliable source when it comes to historic information.
Additional Details: Magic wool reflects magic! Your attacks are useless!


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Age: 21


Gender: Male


Species: Pegasus


Appearance: Rising Shine has a cyan colored fur and a darker blue Mane/Tail. Wings too. Cutie Mark: His Cutie Mark is a open book, because Rising love to make Stories.


Personality: Nice and friendly, but when too much negative happening to him in short time, he can be getting angry.


Backstory: he had a normal life, like most other ponies. He lived with his mother and father in a small village. When he goes to the school, he really find out fast, that he has just a big fantasy for creating own stories. He start to write little stories about everything, that came in his mind. So he get really fast his cutie mark. After school, he start to search for a writer job. After he find it, he make stories and books for the company. With the money, he buy a house to live.

sometimes he flies above all the Equestria in search for inspiration for his stories.
Father is pegasi, mother is earth pony. Other: He is a friendly pony, but he not really have much friends.

Currently living in Ponyville.

Edited by Nightmare Boop

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Name: Kirby Morgan


Age: 22


Gender: Male


Race: Earth Pony


Appearance: Tan fur coat with brown mane and tail. Rocks a handlebar mustache and has emerald green eyes. Cutie Mark is a Mark V diving rig with two crossed anchors (mostly covered by work clothes)


Hobbies: Sleeping, hanging out with work buddies, telling stories.


Personality: Quiet but perky and quite talkative when spoken too. Has a minor ego but is very much aware of it.


Occupation: Deep-Sea Diver


Hometown: Seaddle


"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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This guy started out as me as a pony, but has since grown into his own separate identity. 


Name: Gallantry

Race: Unicorn 

Gender: Male

Appearance: Steel-grey coat, red mane/tail and green eyes. Can commonly be seen wearing segments of armor like the chest piece.

Cutie Mark: A mirror shield with a four-point shine


Hobbies: Dancing in the rain, card games, writing, reading, crossword puzzles

Additional Details 

Gallantry once has aspirations to join the Royal Guard, but ended up not making the cut when he tried. Now, he works as a blacksmith in Canterlot, mostly making armor for the Guard. Also works as a part-time editor at times, thanks to his eye for detail and his blunt honesty, which makes him a pain to deal with sometimes. While generally an easy going pony, a word of warning: do not insult the Princesses within earshot of him. It's very hard to make Gallantry angry, but when you do...it won't end well. 

  • Brohoof 2

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE!


Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I've already posted OC details in here, but I thought I would share a pic I commissioned that was recently finished. Thanks to lovelyneckbeard. <3


Sojourner and Autumn looking at a scroll.



  • Brohoof 2

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Name: Sweet Pen
Type: Hybrid (Deer and Pony)
Gender: Female
Appearance: ZUxqlY7.png
Cutie Mark: None
Hobbies: Drawings, music, handle knives
Additional Details: Since she's half deer, she's a bit taller than others ponies, and is a "leader" of a rebel group, stealing and vandalizing ponies and small places. Doing that, she got famous, and everyone afraid of getting in front of her, except for her partners and friends. 

  • Brohoof 1

Totally not a support main.



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name:Lightning Rider


appearance:Light grey coat, Black and red mane and tail, magenta eyes


cutie mark:Lightning bolt

other details:Lightning rider has a need for speed. Though his curiosity usually gets the better of him. Lightning Rider is a rather introverted pony, but does try to make himself known in the community.




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Name: Kivil

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Age: 18


(credit goes to whoever drew her for me)


~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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Name: Times S. Hay (The S doesn't really stand for anything)
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male

Age: 19
Appearance: Crimson coat with a white foreleg, mane is very messy and is crimson and light blue. His tail is the same. He has glasses and a watch.
Cutie Mark: Clock (No he can NOT time travel)
Hobbies: Playing Cello, Reading, and Breaking the Fourth Wall, he also likes to change the script if he has to. or if he just wants to
Additional Details: He likes Waffles, and has no love interest because he tore up the script for his love story because it was too corny.

Edited by NCR Veteran Ranger

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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I have a bunch of OCs, so here they are. I'll give a brief set of info for each too.

April Showers

- Unicorn mare from Sydneigh. Gardner. 


Brightwing Blitz

- Pegasus mare from Cloudsdale. Wonderbolt. Youngest ever Wonderbolt member at joining. Sister of Script Scroll.


Ezel Sketch

- Earth Pony filly from Neighagra Falls. Artist. Loner. Wanders Equestria.



- Male Griffon from Griffon Kingdom port city of Gavlestalon. Merchant. Sassy and sarcastic. 



- Female Zebra from Zebrabwe. Seamstress. Only survivor of her village after an unexpected wildfire. Lived with and trained under Graves for a short time. 


Nox & Sweet Peaches

- Male Changeling and Earth Pony mare. Nox was the former Commander of the Changeling Swarm under Queen Chrysalis' rule. He left the Hive and traveled Equestria, trying to become a chef. He met Sweet Peaches, the first pony to be kind to him. She sheltered him at her peach farm in Dodge Junction. They eventually moved to Ponyville and got married. Nox opened up a restaurant as well.


Psicópata Le Chupacabra

- Male chupacabra from The Badlands. Mysterious. Scavenger. Violent tendencies. 


Script Scroll

- Pegasus stallion from Cloudsdale. Lives in Ponyville. Author, reviewer, private librarian, information broker, and carpenter. Hoof-built his own home. Older brother of Brightwing Blitz. 









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look at my avatar <-

Name: Quick Draw
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Silver coat, neon green mane, fez, glasses and a vest
Cutie Mark: a Pokéball.
Hobbies: playing video games, playing with his niece, training

Personality: a mix between Pinkies goofyness, Discords jerkishness and Rainbows drive to win and how to get there and stff like that
Additional Details: I was always a very talented, but lazy flyer. Tell me what to do and I did it, but I didn't do anything, but sleeping, on my own and protect Derpy, my sister, from bullies. One day my health worsened bad (so bad it sometimes returns, just when I think about it) and the doctor said the only way to get better was intense physical activity. So when a letter for an early scholarship at an elite flying school in Fillydelphia arrived, I joined them immediately. My condition got better, thanks to my 24/7 drill instructor and one day during training, I started off so fast, I created a vaccum. When it refilled itself, the molecules smashed into each other so hard, that they created an explosion made of dark matter. I called it "the Big Bang". That's also when I got my cutie mark (emphasizing my theory that the mark itself doesn't have to tell you your destiny or talent, but it's the moment it appears). In order to celebrate it, I took a couple of days off and flew back home. But what I found was my sister being beaten up by bullies and gave them a beating so hard, they ended up unconcious in the hospital. From that day on, whenever I look at my cutie mark, I see it as a reminder that I failed to protect the most valuable thing in my life. That I was a failure. I decided to become a teacher, because I saw it as the best way to stop and prevent bullies. And I currently train to join the Shadowbolts (because Wolderbolts are too mainstream), which caused a friendly rivalry between me and Rainbow Dash. We had a thing once, but now we're back at being rivals.

Edited by Woodie Pecker
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Seamore Sandwich, the son of Seamore McCormick and Cookie Munchie, adopted by his stepfather IceCream Sandwich who married Cookie, changing her last name to Sandwich. His sister's name is Patricia Barbara Jean Sandwich, or PB&J Sandwich for short. she is a nanny working for a family that travels often. His stepfather's brother's son is Cheese Sandwich. Seamore McCormick was a retired naval officer, and a fisherman. Seamore Sandwich was named Seamore McComick after his father. He is an Earth Pony working as a lumberjack, and he brings home wood that isn't building quality to burn in a fire pit, over which he cooks marshmallows for s'mores. He doesn't like the taste of marshmallows by themselves but he does love s'mores. His special talent is the ability to cook a perfect golden brown marshmallow. His mother has an identical twin named Cracker, who married into a branch of the Pie family. Seamore's uncle's names are Chip Munchie, Crispy Munchie, and Crunchy Munchie. Seamore's friends sometimes call him S'more for short. He has a strong build, he is white with dark brown splotches, and graham cracker colored mane, tail, and feathering (long hair around the hooves). His cutie mark is a S'more.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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This is a character I still have in development. I wanted to start a new character since my other ones can't really be improved on. I've been wanting to make a draconequus for a long time, and when I was in junior high before MLP, I use to draw dragon horse hybrids, so I have lots of designs I'm hoping to adapt into MLP style art.

Name: Tiamat 'Tia' (Name after the primordial goddess of chaos from Mesopotamia. Nickname is in no way because of Celestia's nickname.)
Sex: Feminine
Age: Young adult by dracoequus standards. You can tell her age by her small antlers and immature form. 
Species: Draconequus
Eye Color: Green
Coat Color/ Species list: Purple, charcoal, white, magenta, blue colours. King Cheetah, Lynx, white tiger, gold finch, raptor, lemur. 
Physique: Built like a big cat, very strong, and has superb endurance. Not built for speed or agility. 
Cutie Mark/special talent: No cutie mark, but specialized in time and dimensional chaos magic. Because Tiamat is young, her magic is still immature, and hard to control, but will improve with age. She can beat most unicorns in magic, however most alicorns she could not match yet. She isn't considered a dangerous draconequus, and would be considered a non-threat, or mild irritant. She is very smart, and creative. She'd much rather make new friends than get into a fight.
Origin/Residence: Visiting Equestria. Likes to sleep on random roof tops, or in trees.
Motivation: Having fun and being silly. Learning about new interesting people and cultures. Curiosity is her main motivation for everything she does. 
Character Summary: (Picture in icon, more info at link)
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Name: Blade Waltz

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Appearance: White coat, Long white mane/ Tail, Yellow eyes, A bit taller then avrage

Cutie mark: A silver sword comming out from a yellow portal

Hobbies: Teleportation magic, Swords, She is a captian of the Canterlot military force

Additional details: She cares very much about her appearance and always dresses in red and silver or red and black, She has quite a temper and is easily irritated, Slightly over confident, She lacks sympathy

(She is wearing her armor in the picture below)


Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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;;Wipes forehead;; 


I FINALLY finished work on this latest incarnation of my MLPsona. It was heavily inspired by my own experiences with a bit of a fantasy twist. Here you go:







Age: Young Adult (23)
Gender: Female
Species: "Diamond Dog" (Dog)
Appearance: Anatase is not your typical pony. That is because she is a "Diamond Dog." Although she prefers to be called a Ruby Dog, as "Diamond Dog" is actually the name of their most well-known clan rather than the species. The actual name of her species is Dog, which is capitalized to distinguish them from regular non-sentient dogs such as Winona. 
As she comes from a different clan as the notorious and well-known Diamond Dogs and is a female, her traits are slightly different. She has a very small snout (about the size of a pony's) in lieu of the gigantic jaws of the Diamond Clan with tiny fangs tucked inside. Her face is round, soft, and also very ponylike, with small folded dog ears and a tiny red nose. The body is curvy and anthropomorphic, shaped similarly to a real world human's except with short pawed legs and long arms with huge handlike crimson clawed paws that have opposable thumbs for gripping objects. Standing upright, which is her preferred stance (as opposed to the more primal sloping gait of the Diamond Dogs), Anatase is the same height as a regular mare. 
She is covered in pinkish white fur with a very fluffy tuft over her chest and has a rather long tail in comparison to her size, which itself has a dark reddish brown tuft of fur on it. The whites of her eyes are yellow, an adaptation from living underground, with brown irises, and two eyelashes that curl upwards. On her head is a wavy curlyish mane of moderate length similar to a pony's, which is also the same color as the tuft on her tail. This mane is styled into a very loose ponytail using a red band, which she typically drapes over her shoulder. She also has bangs over her forehead, which on the right side have a long strand of hair that curls upwards and downwards. This is topped off by a small red flower hairclip she wears to keep her ponytail in-place and draped over her shoulder.
Being a Dog, Anatase is expected to wear clothes unlike a pony. Her main outfit is a red shirtlike coat that has a coattail and sleeves trimmed with white and rubies. Around her neck is a maroon collar that is speckled with white quartz and has a large ruby dangling from it onto her chest. Lastly, she wears a maroon ribbon around her tail, which also has a ruby on it.
Personality: Summary: Intelligent, but lacks experience. Naive, strong-willed, emotional, passionate, restless, cautious, introspective, quiet, creative.
Long Version:
As a result of her upbringing, she is rather strange. Anatase lacks understanding of others and the world around her, having withdrawn deep into her own personal worlds, and mostly keeps to herself. Though she is deeply knowledgeable about her own emotions and mental state as a result, she comes across as a very awkward and overly formal individual as a result, having no ability to simply relax and be casual around others. But if there’s one thing she exudes, it is passion. A passion that can be charismatic and intoxicating to the directionless.
Will is something she isn’t in short supply of. Stubborn and short-tempered, she has great passion and ambition for her goals and is very willful about her own desires. Intensely focused, she walks along her own path with a fierce will and determination, unfettered by a world around her that doesn’t understand. Anatase ruthlessly blocks out everything except her mission. However, the problem is that she lacks the means or knowledge of how to accomplish her goals, and builds ones within her dreams instead. And she struggles with the sadness of the knowledge that she’ll never be able to live up to her big dreams. 
Anatase relies heavily on others and doesn’t have the confidence to do things on her own, rarely lifting a finger unless she is sure she can do it. However, her passion and strong words tend to draw others towards her. She can best be summed up as a manipulator - although not in a bad way. Unknowingly, she can control others and inspire them to great heights with her immensely strong personality. The unabashedly honest and innocent nature of Anatase makes others trust her more easily. She is who she is, and no matter how much she tries, it isn’t something she has the ability to hide from others. 
Her mood generally tends to be rather subdued, timid, and withdrawn. However, when she is alone, it tends to be very unstable. She suffers from much depression, anxiety, and other various mental instabilities, and displays trauma from the events of her childhood. This is something she hides through her silence, due to her lack of ability to really lie. 
In spite of her lack of knowledge about others and the world around her, however, she is also quite intelligent and competent at her specialties and the things she has researched heavily. When she is in her element, she gets right down to business and acts much like a stern librarian/boss, obsessed with getting the job down and getting it done right. It becomes an almost ruthlessly efficient demeanor and dedication.
Although Anatase doesn’t pick up on things as quickly as others, once she fully understands a concept, she will generally retain it for a long while. Her mind is generally very slow and deliberate, not being able to function well in real-time. If it is given time though, it can produce very potent results. She is generally quite intelligent, and merely lacks experience.
Because of her Gem Wand (see Fire Ruby Wand in Additional Details bellow for more on that), Anatase tends to write her thoughts in magical ink to communicate rather than speak with her voice when she encounters creatures of other species. (such as ponies) Through text, her personality is somewhat different. It is more confident, and more of the librarian and stern demeanor. It is also generally more humorous, but also attempts to be polite, regal, and distinguished. Although her facial expressions often betray her. 
Due to a lack of experience, she finds many things to be pointless, perplexing, or intriguing. Her typical reaction to something is that of fascination and confusion, with her highly expressive facial expressions cracking her emotions wide open.
Backstory: (This backstory will make more sense if you read "Ruby Dog Society" under the Other section. Thank you!)
Anatase was born far away from the reaches of ponykind, within the Carbuncle Caves. This locale exists quite some distance away from Equestria and has not been fully explored. Therefore, she was raised in a very insular and niche culture, surrounded by others of her own kind. However, she always resented this culture, and had a particular disdain of her parents.
With her mother's overly strict standards even within the confines of Ruby Dog culture, everything had to be flawless and immaculate. She didn't really trust a pup like Anatase to do anything, and was immensely concerned about family honor. Due to this, she would often scold her in her failures when she attempted to learn to do things on her own and then snatch it out of her hands to do it herself. Anatase's mother would even ruthlessly nitpick at flaws in her appearance and choice in clothing. Such left her confidence shattered and self-esteem low.
As for her father, he acted in a similar manner, except he was more distant and didn't really do anything to stop these acts. He would only appear to give Anatase new gems, digging tools, and clothing, then slink back to his corner.
Because of such an upbringing, Anatase began to find comfort in being all alone and found the presence of other Ruby Dogs to be immensely exhausting and tiring. For the most part, her parents would neglect her anyway except when they had to keep up appearances for the other Dogs. Anatase would often dig up her own burrows in the ground where she could be in peace, and came to dig up many different tunnel systems that only got farther and farther away from the Carbuncle Caves.
In her caves, she would often spend hours consumed with creating stories and fantastic other worlds and dreams in her mind, depicting them in the form of drawings on parchment with a quill. These stories would always be about her, going to where she could not go, and being with who she could not be with. Of course, drawing was always somewhat painfully limited to her in making her stories come to life. So, she spent hours studying up on the innate magic of certain types of gems and how to use this magic to her advantage. Modifying a Gem Wand given to her by her father (a digging tool used by certain Ruby Dogs), she added a limited function on it to create drawings of light that would manifest temporarily. And for a while, this was enough.
One day in trying to create yet another tunnel, she hit the surface. This happened frequently anyway due to her general directionlessness, but it was a rather unique occasion. When she hit the surface, she saw a pony for the first time. Several, in fact. Although she had heard of this species, she had never really thought much of them other than perceiving them to be annoying and overly obsessed with cooperation based on the stories she heard. These ponies were a group of assorted Equestrian explorers, mapmakers, and researchers who were trying to get more information on this land. Curiously, she emerged from her burrow and watched them from behind a tree to see what they did.
Their behavior was quite fascinating to her, as they actually seemed genuinely interested in learning about the things around them rather than showing off as Ruby Dogs usually did. From then on, she started watching them. Watching as they came back day after day, and following their progress. She would often watch them sit by the fire, recounting stories about their various relationships and friendships, hopes and dreams, and sadnesses and disappointments. Anatase came to know these ponies from afar, and they were the closest thing she had to friends, though she would never approach them.
One of the most memorable moments about them was when they discovered a very ancient unicorn artifact and excavated it. Although she did not understand the significance of this, she cheered quietly along with them and felt their joy spread to her heart.
However, this soon ended as they approached the Carbuncle Caves and decided not to explore due to the extremely poor relations between ponies and Ruby Dogs in the past. They packed up back to Equestria and ended their expedition. In disappointment and great sadness, she watched them go...
But they would not be gone for long. Their expedition revived interest in the area and brought more ponies forth, who wanted to discover more artifacts. Some more genuine expeditions like the first ones, and others were out to make a quick buck. She observed them all, overwhelmed by so many differing personalities at first, but so so very fascinated. There were those who she came to love and respect greatly, wishing she could speak to them, but never mustering the courage. 
This went on for several moons, until the ponies began to discover that there was nothing more to be found in the area, and left little by little. Saddened, she retreated back into her caves and began to create stories about meeting these ponies. And for quite some time, she wished she herself was a pony. She drew so many pictures, obsessing over exactly what she would look like as a pony, and even drew and redrew what she think would be her "cutie mark" as she heard them discuss. Completely under the noses of her family, who were only concerned with outer appearances to the rest.
For the most part, her peers at school ignored her as well, not very interested in a Ruby Dog who kept to herself. Although there were some who would mock her for her less than bold and non-flamboyant attitude. She gained a paltry few friendships, all of which fell apart horribly due to their flimsy basises. Anatase was lonely and would take anyone for emotional support, but most of the Ruby Dogs were not interested in emotional support and truly deep friendships as the ponies seemed to be. They were shallow and obsessed with their image, and some even as critical as Anatase's family.
She came to hate her own people over those years, denouncing them as sickeningly false and shallow. But with little means to escape from her situation, she merely continues to fantasize about the impossible, immersing herself in other worlds and thoughts with only dreams for company...

Additional Details
Ruby Dog Society: The Ruby Clan of Dogs that Anatase comes from is very culturally different from the Diamond Clan, taking residence in the far-off Carbuncle Caves. Rather than behaving similarly to trolls and ruffians, the Ruby Clan is focused more on displaying their gems in very flamboyant ways in attempt to one-up each other. Their behavior is based on the adage "keeping up with the Joneses'" and they are very competitive about their physical appearance and wealth. Often, they throw huge noisy parties which largely involve showboating their various jewels and acting in a very overly friendly, fake manner. The Ruby Dogs are loud, bold, and proud, greeting each other with grand sweeping gestures of hugs and kisses. And whilst they seem charismatic on the surface and understanding of the concept of friendship that ponies tout, in reality, it is all an act to try to look better than everyone else.
Being very proud of themselves, they are also very stubborn about their culture and become offended when they do not receive grand greetings, seeing the person in question as being snobbish and thinking they're too good for them, ironically enough. So it is important to greet a Ruby Dog properly. And most of all, do NOT refer to one as a Diamond Dog or you will regret it. They look down on the Diamond Dogs who make no effort to make their appearances palatable.
Ruby Dogs have a very strong work ethic in spite of this though, and similarly to their Diamond Dog counterparts, also labor to get the gems they showboat. They see their gems as a display of their hard work, and whoever works the hardest is the best in their society. However, they can be just as underhanded as the Diamond Dogs, and many often take similar shortcuts to obtain their jewels.
They can best be summed up as sweeping all of their flaws under the rug to each other, displaying a false veneer of flamboyant goodness, and pretending that everything is fine and their society is the best of all.
Of course, not all Ruby Dogs are like this. This is just a general overview of the society and individuals may vary, such as Anatase.
Note that ponykind does not know very much about them due to lack of research. Ruby Dogs tend to prefer to stay among their own kind due to being easily offended by those who do not know their culture, and have no real interest in interacting with ponies or other species. Attempts have been made by ponies to reach out to the Ruby Dogs, but all have ended in failure as knowledge of these creatures became obscure over the years. Even with expeditions in the vicinity of the area, the ponies made sure to keep their distance from the Ruby Dogs due to past dealings.
Species Traits: As a Ruby Dog, Anatase has differing abilities from ponies. Although she lacks the strength, magic, or flight of their respective races, her physical structure allows her to do things ponies could only dream of. With her yellow glowing eyes, she is able to see in the dark far more efficiently than a pony. She is bothered by brighter lights, but can still see colors in normal light just fine. Her bipedal structure also allows her to manipulate things with her handlike paws, which are also large and ideal for digging. By her own species' standards though, she is a subpar digger due to being very meticulous and careful about it rather than emphasizing speed.
She can also walk both quadrupedally and bipedally. Anatase, like many other Ruby Dogs, walks and stands on two legs and runs on all fours to reach faster speeds.
Also, Anatase can wield a wider variety of tools than ponies can with her paws. Dogs in general have higher emphasis on creating weapons and technologies through gems.
Fire Ruby Wand: To make up for her lack of magical ability, Anatase is one of a few Ruby Dogs to utilize a Gem Wand. This is a special tool that is infused with magic which is natural to certain types of gems. These tools are known for being temperamental and requiring precision of the paw, which is why they are uncommon. But Anatase's delicate paws are more precise than many others of her kind, and her meticulous nature makes her a perfect fit for this tool. She keeps it stored in the tuft of fur on her chest.
Although not as versatile as a unicorn's magic, it does the few functions it can well. It has three functions:
  • Flare: A red magic burst known which removes huge chunks of debris or rock.
  • Shield: Creates a small magical bubble around Anatase which protects her from certain dangerous situations underground. Has a short duration time and cannot protect against more powerful amounts of force.
  • Dreamlight: This special function was something that Anatase installed within it haphazardly after studying about magical gems in her spare time, but it has no practical applications. It is able to emit a special type of magical ink which can be used to write on any surface - including in mid-air, and creates drawings made of pure light.
Skills: Although naive, she has very specialized knowledge for certain areas. Anatase knows a lot about gems and gem magic, more than many of her Ruby Dog counterparts. She also has a very precise hand and can write impeccably as well as draw. Her eyes also carry the same amount of precision, able to find flaws in images and gems down to the smallest detail.
Character Database Form: This is just a slightly truncated version of my Character Database form. For a few more details that I didn't include here, go here to Anatase's character page.
  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: In the picture I have their is no cutie mark. However my characters cutie mark would be a magical aura surrounding a microphone.

Personality: He loves to talk to others and make friends. Special Speaker is good at magic, he can do most things like telekinesis, but is not developed enough in mind to do more complex magic. He loves to listen to music and watch movies but is not very creative himself. Backstory: Special Speaker was very shy in school and rarely used his voice. One day while he was learning magic with his tutor, she offered to help him with his shyness, and he accepted. She taught him the art of speech and debate, brought him to special tournaments in Canterlot, and made him realize that knowledge was power. Now special speaker loves to socialize and to make friends. He recently graduated from school and is trying to start life on his own.


Edited by The Extemper


Sig by: yayayayayala :3

Twilight Is Great ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

My OC Special Speaker: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/special-speaker-r8528

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