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That... Was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

derkerkerleh would agree with that statement. joke OCs r fun, actually i drew that in about 15-30 minutes a while back because i got bored one day and thought "wouldn't it be funny if i made darkly an alicorn with 500% more edginess?"

  • Brohoof 1
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derkerkerleh would agree with that statement. joke OCs r fun, actually i drew that in about 15-30 minutes a while back because i got bored one day and thought "wouldn't it be funny if i made darkly an alicorn with 500% more edginess?"


I know right joke characters are great. I literally created a character based on the ongoing lamp joke on friday movie night. All hail Amber Lamp!

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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oh which should i do, got two of them here, hm alright got it
Name: Autumn Breeze
Age: 22
Race:Earth Pony
Cutiemark: dagger
 Appearence: http://shadowworrier.deviantart.com/art/Autumn-Breeze-526608218

Autumn Breeze was raised in Manehattan and when she was in her teens she began to hang around the wrong type of ponies. Several years passed and she began her career as an assassin, around 17. One day she was hired by an unknown group to kill Shadowfire. When she found her target she decided to get to know him so she can find a weakness. She then tried to kill him later on but failed due to Shadow's skills with his sword. As she was awaiting death Shadow forgave her but in term losing all trust from him. She then realized that she had feelings for him and vowed to stay by his side until she died. This decision made her quit her job as an assassin and join the Equestrian Army. She then was assigned to be on Shadow's Platoon in Ponyville.
still kinda in development and i am still working on her color palet

Edited by Shadowworrier
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So this thread i really neat and i thought HEY why not post my OC so here he is:




btw: if anny of you would like to HAVE such a sheet or the lite version of it for your OCs, just go to my free charactersheets thread ^^ i will happily make you one =D

  • Brohoof 2


    Just send a Message to me or visite my Free Charactersheets post !

    link to my thread --> https://mlpforums.com/topic/136316-free-rp-charactersheets/


    feel free to check out my first english fanfic aswell --> https://mlpforums.com/topic/138791-the-strange-salespony/

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ok so im actually going to post Lightning Strike in her new form. so, here she is:


Name: Lightning Strike


race: pegasus


age: teen years (16 - 18)


gender: female


cutie mark: gray cloud with a lightning bolt striking the ground. represents her very fast speed and..lightning powers (will explain in other details)


appearance: turquoise pegasus, cerulean mane with yellow streak going through it


other details: she is extremely fast, almost as fast as RD, but not quite, and she has lightning powers. her lightning powers are connected to her mentally, so, if she is angered or has to get defensive to protect her or her friends, a storm cloud will form above her, and lightning will strike from it, or if she just wants to show off a little, she can concentrate really hard and the storm cloud will appear, is shes really mad, sometimes thunder will rumble inside the cloud.


and here's her picture



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Picture by by Misscupcakee on Deviantart.


Name: Storm Lantern
Type: Unicorn/Fox
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark gray coat, with light gray accents. Mane and tail are also light gray. His fox form adds brown accents to his ears and the tip of his tail.
Cutie Mark: A candle in an old-style candleholder. Absent on fox form.

Personality: Quiet and relaxed. He keeps to himself most of the time. Optimistic, but has a dark and morbid side, especially in his sense of humor.
Hobbies: Hiking, beachcombing, reading, and writing. He also makes bracelets, necklaces, and other jewelry out of things he finds while beachcombing.
Additional Details: Can change between pony and fox form at will, but does not do so when anyone can see him. Never seen without his orange scarf.

Edited by Storm Lantern

I've gotta keep on moving.
I got troubles on my mind.
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Name: Blackened Blue

Type: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Cutie Mark: None






I've not come up with a backstory for him yet. He's currently more of a ponysona if anything.

  • Brohoof 1

"Have you ever felt the need to see more than you can see?"

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Name: Spring-Stone
Type: Zebra/Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Appearance: Deep royal purple with light strips of lavender and mane and tail of light tones of purple and dove gray.
Cutie Mark: A shining jewel

Personality: Often seen as intelligent and wise.  Spring-Stone  good at communication given she speaks many tongues   in her type of job of traveling a lot.  She has  great confidence in herself in anything she mostly does but has moments of weakness.   She loves her friends and mare-friend without a doubt and will do anything to keep them safe.
Hobbies: Magic,  jewelry design, traveling, spell-crafting,  archaeology
Additional Details: Springstone wears the first magical jewelry she ever did which is craved from a stone her mother gave her as a filly.   It's only magic is to glow but it helps Springstone know she has a gift and to feel her mother close by.


Drawn by: Quartz Aegis



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This was my first OC I made, and is still one of my favorites. His name is Blaze MacCloud. He has a chunk missing from his right ear from a bar fight he was in. He is a folk musician who plays guitar and sings and is also a music teacher. He thinks he is way cooler than he actually is and he likes to help others, but he doesn't like to let others help him. What do you think?






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Fever Dream.

You know those really weird dreams you tell your friends about the next day? Fever Dream is responsible for them.

She took form as a creative exercise between my artist friend and I, a theoretical offspring of a Discord/Luna pairing.

She has elements of Nightmare Moon as well as Luna in her appearance but is fairly friendly. She delights in surrealism and jumpscares as her prank of choice, and that she's scary-looking to most ponies helps this. Her powers are a muxture of her parents; she can bend reality but only pertaining to herself and her appearance, and her dreamwalking consists of changing them to be "more fun."

For a silly idea I like how she turned out. A vaguely sharky vaguely feline vaguely equine quus thing.
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Name: Nintenboy195

Type: Earthpone 

Gender: Male

Appearance: A true Mlg gamer! And you can tell since he always eats and drinks Mtn Dew and Doritos. With a noice dark purple coat.

Cutie Mark: Hitmarker

Hobbies: Creating games, playing colt of duty and fallout equestria 3 and new pegasus, and obsessing over twilight sparkle.

Additional Details: Would do anything for twilight. And I mean anything. (this oc represents me)






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  • 2 weeks later...

And another addition to my family of character; a male deer by the name of Trailblazer. Bio to come later. :P


Drawn by the talented @deerkittens!



  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Name: Purple Breeze

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Cutie mark: A wolf paw behind a pencil which is drawing a spiral. (It represents both her love for animals and drawing, and her job; she studies wild animals and sell drawings of animals.)

Personnality: She is shy, quiet and lonely, but she's rather friendly with the ponies she knows. She loves animals and is creative. (I didn't really develop her personnality yet, I'll surely edit things)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Stardust Shadow
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: A star split in half: one side gold and one side black. Surrounded by golden dust

Backstory: Stardust Shadow sought out to learn about magic but was rejected from Celestia's school. She taught herself and wanted to be the most powerful unicorn in the whole Multiverse. Her goal is to destroy every bit of good magic there is so nobody can compete with her for power. She is the Element of Dark Magic.


Name: Limelight
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: Two spotlights

Job/Special Talent: Limelight is a film student who dreams of becoming an actor on the big screen. She idolizes filmstar Taffita.


Name: Moonlight Shatter
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: Crescent moon with Mirror shards

Job/Special Talent: Moonlight Shatter is a mirror maker and a student of Celestia's


i'll post pictures once i get the oppurtunity to scan them

Edited by LunatheNightmare


              "Mirrors in amber reflect my delight.Someone sang at dawnbreak, leaving her cherished home"

                                               "You will be in December again with me"


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Name:BlackHole is the name he goes by, but his real name is unknown

Age:Unknown beginning of time forward



Backstory:Unknown. Only thing known is he lives alone in the country. But he loves visitors. No matter what species they are.

Cutie Mark: His cutie mark changes with his mood.


Humanity is never the same. For it can go either way white, gray, or black.

For we can be the loving dove of white or the death driven crow of black.

So be careful for humanity can go either way white, gray, or black.

Edited by BlackHole(TimeLord)
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Name: Winter Moon

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male (or Stallion if you prefer)

Appearance: Light Blue Coat, Blue and White Hair (Not sure what shade of blue, maybe it's Sky Blue?)

Cutie Mark: Two Crossed Blue Pencils

Hobbies: Drawing, reading about astrology (and reading in general), listening to music and playing games. He likes to sneak up on other ponies for fun. :3

(He's quite good at it)

Additional Details: He's usually relaxed and reserved, and is generally kind to everypony. Want's to be Luna's student/apprentice. And has no love interests.


(I don't know what else to add so here he is)


(I also give credit to AmberDust for helping me)








This was his first look before I used another program and added his cutie mark


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Name: Zarosian (his real name has been lost with the passage of time)

Age: 4000+ (Nopony knows how old he was before he came to Equestria)

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Cutie mark: The Symbol of Zaros (It shows his Loyalty and Devotion to the Alicorn of Fate & Control named Zaros)

Appearance: Purple coat, Golden Blonde mane (length varies at different points in his history), Red eyes


Current Appearance (Hasn't changed for 1000 years):


Appearance Prior to 1000 years ago and before:





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Some Basic Info on Zarosian Here / My DeviantArt Here  / My Profile Here / Sig by Kiyoshi




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Red Diamond, female unicorn.

Live in Ponyville.

Special talent - fine telekinesis, can make very fine metal work.

Work - jeweller.

Like parties, high society and too much cakes.
A little similar with Rarity, but are calm, equanimous like Applejack


Casual name and casual genesis: i needs a random pony for inside the model layout's house. I just got a clay (too much, pony went a bit fat), random paints and i try to draw a red diamond on her flanks. Success.



Later i discovered that she are cute pony and deserves more development. I use her in Legends of Equestria game. If you meet that pony in game, that mean - im in.

high octane nightmare fuel

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  • 2 weeks later...

NAME- Tesla Rae

AGE- ~25


SPECIES- Earth pony

COAT COLOUR- Pastel purple

EYE COLOUR- Turquoise

MANE AND TAIL- Deep plum purple,long wavy, tail drags on floor if she doesn't hold it up, mane usually up in pony tail with black hair band and still reaches shoulders.

PHYSIQUE- Average mare stature

CUTIE MARK- Two maroon cogs, aquire when she built her own pair of working wings because she wanted to fly when she was young

OCCUPATION- Contractual structural design engineer, but in spare time works closely with hospitals to use her engineering skills to build prosthetic limbs and wings for disabled ponies

HOBBIES- Steampunk cosplay and bass guitar

FAMILY- Was an only child Braughing up by single mother now has step father(still WiP) Now has a partner and baby twins

FEARS- moths and not being able to giver her children the best upbringing she can.

ADDITIONAL- Likes to wear hoodies and has two black hoop earings in left ear, also has tattoo on left front hoof


Picture in link (doesn't usually wear lipstick was just trying something out)



More info follow the link on my sig



  • Brohoof 1


fluttershy is best pony

Tesla Rae

Terra Byte

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