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[some silliness]





Name: Marshmallow (yeah quite creative I know)

Species: Alicorn (lol )


Age: 18y (same as my age... I'm quite the creative person tonight)

Lives in: Cloudsdale

Personality: She's a bit mischievous and likes to mess with people. She's a bit squishy too.

Special Talent: She does not have a visible cutie mark... oops lol.  I'll think of one later

Back story:

History: I'll think of something later.


Decided to update my OC since I first made her as a joke and that's kind of lame to be honest :P





Name: Marshmallow

Cutie Mark: marshmallow :3

Species: Pegasus


Age: 18 (I'm not sure how old ponies live compared to humans, but she's about the same age as the mane cast)

Lives in: Cloudsdale

Personality: She's a bit mischievous and she enjoys playing pranks on other ponies (but it's always done in good fun) She likes hanging out with her friends and having fun. She has a tendency to judge others too quickly and sometimes has trouble accepting authority.

Occupation: She works part-time as an assistant at Cloudsdale's Flight School

Special Talent:

History: Her father was a pegasus pony adventurer. He flew across all of Equestria looking for various treasures. One day, he went to the city of Cloudsdale where he met Marshmallow's mother. She was a Pegasus pony who worked in the weather factory in Cloudsdale.


Marshmallow never left Cloudsdale in her life. When she was a filly, she went to flight school like most pegasi. She was quite good at acrobatic figures, but not so much at speed.

She enjoys flying around and squeezing them to make them rain.

[...will add more later on...]

  • Brohoof 2
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Ha, I remember you saying in some other thread that you came up with the name "Strong Hooves" with a name generator, along with Cloud Chaser. Your OC certainly seems to suit his name! Hm, is always traveling Equestria and therefore avoids making friends? That's so sad :blush: ! The wandering pony archetype is always a fun one to choose for character creation, and I like Strong Hoove's determination to become an even stronger pony! That leaves good room fr character development. Good stuff bro!




Firstly, I really like her hair style. Secondly, a mischievous pegasi flyin' around and squeezing clouds to make them rain; that sounds like a pony I'd wanna hang out with! I like how Marshmallow's father is a pony adventurer, somepony who must've seen all sorts of wonders and dangers, while Marshmallow herself has never left Cloudsdale! I can imagine her father telling her tales of grandeur, escapades with their fair share of perile and Marshmallow just sitting there awe-struck and eager to the world for herself! I dig it!


Here's another OC of mine:


Name: Jet Pulse

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Age: 45 years

Hometown: The Stratoshire

Posted Image

Personality: Jet Pulse is a sea-hardened pony, and as a result, is very stoic and stern. He takes a sense of pride in his masterful sailing capabilities, as his skills as a ship captain is second to none. Although he is a strict equine, he enjoys singing some of many sea shanties that he knows while on long voyages, and encourages his crew to sing along while they work. Jet Pulse is respected and considered among sailponies as the quintessential captain.


History: Jet Pulse grew up in the Pegasi metropolis known as the Stratoshire, which sits ontop thunderous clouds above a vast ocean. He showed a great deal of interest in the ships that sailed below his home, and decided that that was what he wanted to do. He became a deckhoof onboard many trade ships, eventually becoming captain himself.

Edited by Halfbreed
  • Brohoof 4


If you wanna see, go on and tear it outta me!


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My first OC.

I'd like some critics.


Won't be getting any from me. She's cute! Some back story would be nice though.


Ha, I remember you saying in some other thread that you came up with the name "Strong Hooves" with a name generator, along with Cloud Chaser. Your OC certainly seems to suit his name! Hm, is always traveling Equestria and therefore avoids making friends? That's so sad :blush: ! The wandering pony archetype is always a fun one to choose for character creation, and I like Strong Hoove's determination to become an even stronger pony! That leaves good room fr character development. Good stuff bro!




Firstly, I really like her hair style. Secondly, a mischievous pegasi flyin' around and squeezing clouds to make them rain; that sounds like a pony I'd wanna hang out with! I like how Marshmallow's father is a pony adventurer, somepony who must've seen all sorts of wonders and dangers, while Marshmallow herself has never left Cloudsdale! I can imagine her father telling her tales of grandeur, escapades with their fair share of perile and Marshmallow just sitting there awe-struck and eager to the world for herself! I dig it!


Here's another OC of mine:


Name: Albatrot (a play off of "albatross", a seafaring bird)

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Age: 45 years

Hometown: The Stratoshire

Posted Image

Personality: Albatrot is a sea-hardened pony, and as a result, is very stoic and stern. He takes a sense of pride in his masterful sailing capabilities, as his skills as a ship captain is second to none. Although he is a strict equine, he enjoys singing some of many sea shanties that he knows while on long voyages, and encourages his crew to sing along while they work. Albatrot is respected and considered among sailponies as the quintessential captain.


History: Albtrot grew up in the Pegasi metropolis known as the Stratoshire, which sits ontop thunderous clouds above the vast ocean. His father was a soldier who participated in a ferocious war involving the nations of the Griffons, while his mother was a nurse from Cloudsdale. Al, a nickname given to him by his mother, shown a great deal of interest in the ships that sailed below his home, and decided that that was what he wanted to do. The young pegasi moved to Port of Prance and became a deckhoof onboard many trade ships, eventually becoming captain himself.


During a return voyage to Port of Prance, Albatrot's ship, the Weathermane, came under attack by a group of hostile Hippocamps (sea-horses) and in the resulting battle, Al lost his right eye. He now dons an eye-patch to cover his wound; a reminder of an horrific event that still haunts him today.


All right. THIS guy is a badass! Did you base him off of someone you know, or just decided to make him the pony version of Captain Ahab?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I updated the first post since it was kind of out of date. Anyways, I have redone my OC a bit. Since it would be redundant, here is a link to her character form in the Database from RP World.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I'm assuming that everyone who knows me knows Sky Charmer, so I'll do my second favorite OC.


Name: Mint Petal

Gender: Female

Special Talent: Alteration/Illusion

Cutie Mark: Star with the left side black, right side white (Since you can't see it in her position)

Place of Residence: Ponyville

Personality: A very antisocial pony. She does her best to try and avoid all contact with any pony whatsoever, and hates talking, interacting, and generally being around other ponies, usually going so far as to make herself invisible when she notices a pony looking at her. Her only friend is Sky Charmer, who tries her best to keep her in line and to try and open up.



I did not draw this, by the way. Credit goes to Zonra.


I know her name doesn't match, but the reason being is that her mane and tail used to be a cool green color. She earned her cutie mark by accidentally turning it black.

  • Brohoof 2

Just your average antisocial unicorn.

Retired fan-fiction author.

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Name: Strong Hooves

Species:Earth Pony

Gender: Male

Age: 18


Personality: Strong Hooves is commonly known as a 'gentle giant'. He is quite passive aggressive for the most part, unless somepony repeatedly annoys him. He is very helpful and values hard manual labor

History: Strong never lived in one place for too long, he is always traveling around Equestria. He doesnt tend to make many friends because of this. another reason he doesnt have friends is because many ponies shy away from him because of his large size, he is slightly larger than Big Macintosh and very muscular. He values his physicall well being and is usually seen working out to make himself stronger. He lives by the quote, "What doesnt kill me makes me stronger".


Special Talent: Very strong


Dang bro!

You strong! Just earth pony strong right there my friend, big mac can't compare

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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Oh hia there thread!


So yeah, I'm looking for some critique on my OC Top Hat. I'm not a big fan of her backstory, but overall I'm pleased with how she turned out. But I would really love some other opinions besides my own. So yeah, link to her profile is above, no fancy picture there though cause I can't draw and Pony Creator doesn't have the accessories she has, which isn't many, but I felt like it would compromise her design if I just removed her two accessories.


Oh goodness I'm off rambling again. : P But yeah, critique please?


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Name: Silverhoof

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: appears to be in his early 20’s as a pony.


Personality: Cautious. Tends to think too much. Fan of science fiction, MST3K, conventions…and of course, a brony.


History: Brian Theodore Wilson was born a human. He angered a very human Trixie at a convention, and was sent to Equestria as a punishment. He became a unicorn as a direct result.


Today he lives in Ponyville near the railroad station. He is on call with the Equestrian govt to travel to any disaster zone where he can make food and shelter for ponies in need. He works as the occasional tree doctor, but mostly sells flowers that glow in the dark and veggies at his booth in the open air market. Everyday a shipment of his glowing flowers is sent to Canterlot and sold. He NEVER sells apples.


His home is a massive hollow tree (it started out a blue spruce). The needles sparkle and twinkle with bioluminescence at night.


He has discovered a number of other Bronies who have crossed over, and they have a bar and grill. Silverhoof is working on a variety of tree grown eggplant that can be processed to taste like beef. The bronies have successfully made cheese burgers, but steaks still need more experimentation. Younger ponies do seem to like the burgers, but only Twilight seems to have deduced the darker origins.


Rose the pony florist hates him. Silverhoof seems to have more luck on his trips to Canterlot. Unfortunately, Canterlot fillies are high maintenance, and he wants a more down to earth gal. At the moment he remains single.


Cutie Mark: a tree


Special Talent: Tree-Shaping. His magic is to do pretty much anything he wants as long as the target is a tree. He can make any veggie, fruit, or even roots (like carrots) grow from trees. He can heal trees of disease, make them grow, even reshaping them as he pleases. In one instance he used tree roots to entangle and kill a manticore. He’s pretty versatile as long as a tree is nearby.


Silverhoof confronts (and tries to talk to) the Manticore...

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Shadowflare Persona

Name: Shadowflare
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 24

Backstory (It's a little long)

Born 3000 years after the Mane 6, Shadowflare grew up in a dystopian world. Princess Celestia and Luna had been gone for centuries, and thus the country of Equestria had fallen into a multitude of warring nations. Shadowflare was born into the largest of these nations known as Armentia. Being a fascist community, Shadowflare was ostracized growing up for being smarter and more athletic than the other ponies. She eventually began to repress her abilities just to be welcomed. When Shadowflare turned 10, her parents gave a book on how to draw. She was instantly hooked and spent all of her waking hours drawing thousands of pictures that she put on her walls. Again this was looked down upon, for there was no use of drawing in the community. Her parents began to regret giving her that book, and decided to take it away. They told her that she was already top of the class and the fastest Pegasus in the country; she had no need for this “hobby”. But Shadowflare kept on drawing, determined that it would be her special talent. Unfortunately, Shadowflare’s intelligence and strength had not missed the eyes of the Government, and she was conscripted into the military at age 13. She was put in a prison like barracks where they were trained 14 hours a day. Up until this point, Shadowflare had no real friends. Nopony wanted to be around someone better than them, so she was left alone. In the barracks though, there was a unicorn called Fury. He never gave out his actual name to other trainees and all of the officers used that alias too. Fury was a diminutive pony that never spoke unless asked a direct question. His size never seemed matter on the training grounds, for he would always take down the largest ponies in ten seconds flat. Shadowflare and Fury were immediately pushed together for being the best two ponies in the camp. They soon started confiding in each other everything. Shadowflare told him about her ambition to be an artist, and Fury told her that he had wanted to be an actor. However, they both knew that if you were conscripted into the army of Armentia, you stayed for life. Even after you became too old for battle, you were forced to be an officer or train new recruits.

After several years of training and eventually battle, both of their personalities were mutilated by the harsh conditions. Shadowflare had become a cold and senseless pony that could deal death without thinking twice. Fury had descended into a realm of insanity and had become a psychotic maniac. He would constantly have to be tranquilized after a battle so as to stop him from attacking ponies on his own side. Only Shadowflare dared go near him, for they continued to trust each other with their lives. They went up the ranks and became the co-leaders for second in command under the general. During one fateful battle the general died, and one of them was going to have to take his place. Shadowflare and Fury promised to follow whoever got the position’s orders, and not be jealous of their power. The government took a long while to decide, and Shadowflare couldn’t stand the suspense. She snuck into a discussion the leaders were having and found an alarming discovery. They had unanimously picked Fury to become general. This put Shadowflare in an intense rage. Had she not worked almost all of her life for this position? Why was she being beaten out by a stunted pony with an unstable psyche? When she got home she took out her anger on Fury by yelling at him. If she was still a younger pony, she would have realized she shouldn’t be angry at him. But any sensitivity she had was flushed out by war. Fury did not know what to make of her anger. Shadowflare didn’t mention that he had gotten the position, all she was saying was that she hated him and wished he would drop dead. This horrible action caused Fury to lapse into a psychotic episode and without thinking he lashed out at her with his magic, causing a gash to be created in her face. Shadowflare screamed and kicked him in the face as hard as she could. A hideous crack sounded and Fury slumped to the ground, dead.
Shadowflare ran, knowing she would surely be executed for killing one of Armentia’s best ponies. It took her three days of flying before she was caught. Surprisingly, no charges were held on the condition that she takes the position of general. Shadowflare took it and led the Armentian army to many victories. She had yet to feel any remorse for Fury’s death. Killing him was the point at which she stopped being a pony and became a machine of war for the government to use as they please. For the next four years her army continued to conquer many of the lands around. Armentia swelled and started to become too expansive to keep under control. Attacks came from all sides and the opposing nations started to band together. Two weeks after Shadowflare’s 24th birthday, the capital of Armentia was overtaken. The land was reunited under the name of the New Equestria. Shadowflare was never killed, for once her army was gone she lost all reason to care about battle. She wasn’t a real threat to the other ponies, and they realized that quickly. Besides they were all too aware that she could easily kill them if they tried to take her.

Now she roams the New Equestria alone, trying to figure out what to do with her life. Nopony wants to be with her. Even if she won’t hurt anypony now, she was the general of the evil country of Armentia; a killer. Shadowflare seems doomed to a life of being hated and unwelcome.

Personality: Shadowflare started off as a shy and ambitious pony. She never was inherently mean or deceitful as a young filly, but she wasn’t exactly kind and loving either. War changed all that as she became a cold-blooded killer. She lost basically all personality at that point and retracted any feelings she had into herself. After the fall of Armentia, Shadowflare has become hollow and reclusive. She keeps to herself and rarely speaks to anypony.

Special Talents: Drawing, physics, athletics, and battle though she never got a cutie mark because she never knew what her true talent was.

Occupation: Currently gets along by foraging and doing odd jobs for people. She hasn’t fallen to begging, but it has come close.

I made what she would look like on the deviantart pony creator because I can't draw at all. There would also be a big scar down her face but there never seems to be a scar option on any pony creators:

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Name: Whiskey Barleycorn.


Species: Earth


Gender: Male


Age: Young Adult


Human Age: 21


Personality: Introverted, Very Contemplative, prefers to be alone and to distance himself away from having friends. Although getting acquaintances is fine though.



Whiskey is born in a noble family who lived in Manehattan. They owned a brewery and a very well known Bar at whitetail woods. Despite the fact that alcohol wasn't really in with Equestria's market, they were able to make themselves known. This is why Whiskey's parents didn't have time for rest or fun. They were busy people trying to find "fortune". Unfortunately, however, they never did get to find it. Things turned out for the worse.


There were cast down to the lowest of the low of society. Having to fight for scraps of food in the slums of Manehattan. Whiskey's father had to work at the coal mines by day and at the streets of Manehattan by evening. His mom spent almost the entire day at the tailoring factory. Whiskey's mom was never used to such kind of work because of her very fragile body and very weak system. This had caused her death. Before her death she gave a compass to Whiskey and told him to use it when the time came. Whiskey never did get to understand what it meant. But he kept it for her nonetheless. This event never did leave the memory of his father.


After many years of struggling to get back up their hooves, they were able to make a name for themselves again. But his father was weak to carry on the family business. Still heartbroken and weak, his father died. but before he could left, he gave Whiskey a journal and had told him to experience the things that he was not able to experience when he was still a foal.


After months of contemplation he finally figured out the reason on why his parents were so busy. He finally figured out the reason what the compass and the journal was for. He Immediately sold everything they owned and used the money to travel the world. He still continues he family business through his travels. Bringing to the world their signature drink one town at a time.


Special Talent: Has very little knowledge of concucting medicinal drinks. But he can still make basic medicinal drinks such as headache remedy, herbal cough syrups and the like. He can distinguish if certain alcohols are naturally made or machine made. He has great adaptability to almost any kinds of weather since he travels often at great distances. The only person who could rival Berry punch.



Posted Image


Additional Info:

His story hasnt even begun. You'll be able to know more of him when I finish Whiskey's Journal.

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Xaxidoro(Lord Valor) and Rasebair(Master Bristle)





Pegasus and Unicorn, Respectively



Both Male


16, 62 Respectively



Xaxidoro: A jumpy young man with the heart of a ten-year-old child. Though smart at some moments, he spends most of his time cracking jokes and pulling pranks. He loves Equestria so much that he opened a door in the Master's Head to the place, allowing access back and forth for everypony.

Rasebair: An old weathered man who has spent his years traveling dimensions in an attempt to reason with lost souls. He has no place for humor, and finds things such as philosophy and reasoning to be very entertaining. He does not exactly enjoy being with Xaxidoro. After the Master's crash, he came to reside in the Master's Head, living with Xaxidoro.




As the Master opened his eyes for the first time in his life, Xaxidoro was born. A pure image of his joyful and puerile form, they co-existed since the beginning, spreading humor among people who crossed them. He has resided in the Master's Head ever since. However, in time, the Master came to lose his sense of innocence, because of his crash among those impure. Rasebair traveled to this dimension to save the foundations of his sanity, only by completing synergy with Xaxidoro. They have both lived in the Master's Head since this incident, crushing any mental opposition.


Special Talent:

Xaxidoro: He can pull really good pranks and tell really good jokes, as told in the earlier passage. His cutie mark, however, is one of strings. These strings represent his will to control the Master's movements for some time, as well as other figures.

Rasebair: Having spent much time traveling, his special talents extend to dimensional travel, philosophy, art, and having absolutely no sense of humor...


I'll post up some pictures of them later, I didn't draw them yet.

Great adventuring for great treasures!....Except when I'm hurt...


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Ah, why not.


Name: Ribbonshine


Species: Earth pony


Gender: Female


Age: 13


Personality: Can be a little nervous around meeting new people, but absoloutely loves having her friends around.


History: Not sure if I want to give out much yet, but she was once a ruler of a kingdom hidden in a forgotten part of Everfree Forest. She treated everyone fairly and was in turn respected by her subjects. A few ponies had become jealous of her wealth, and forced her out of the castle. Whenever she gets mad, she screams, "FILTHY PEASANTS!" at anyone who offends her.


Special Talent: She only knew her parents as a toddler until they left for reasons unknown. Her mother was a unicorn, so she had slight magic capabilities. She can weave bands of light into ribbons and bows and fabric.



If I can get a picture, I'll probably post it.

Hi there. I'm SRAS. This is the most boring signature ever made.

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Name: Zero Sonic


Age: In his 20s (young adult)


Gender: Male


Species: Pegasus



Posted Image


Cutie Mark:

Posted Image


Special Talent: Puts all his resolve into everything he does.


Personality: This pony is a very friendly type. He will go above and beyond anything to help out his true friends, a great pony to have at anypony's side. He's very good at keeping his cool, although if pushed enough he can be annoyed. Keeps his cool for the most part. A bit overprotective and a great listener, almost always willing to help if asked enough.

Edited by Zero Sonic


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It took me some time to make myself a ponysona. He is personality and background is quite similar to mine in real-life


Name: Wildcard


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Species: Pegasus


History: Wildcard was born in Canterlot, where he lived with his parents(and after their divorce with his mom) until he graduated. After that he studied 1 year quite unsuccessfully in the capital and decided to move to Ponyville. Now he tries his luck at becoming a teacher there and has a part-time job in Twilights library. Wildcard is also member in a Flight Team called the "High-Rollers" he founded with his long-time friend Ace who lives in Canterlot.


Personality: Growing up as an only-child Wildcard needed his time to fit-in in high school but his friends helped him and he was normally popular in the last years before the final-exams.

He still is shy but when he is around ponies he knows and likes he is extravert, light-hearted and jokes around a lot. However, he still is very insecure around mares and feels very unconfortable when he needs to be proactive. Apart from his isolated youth his nervosity may rise from a light congenial heart-defect that makes his pulse rise easily and him slightly hyperactive.

As somepony who grew up in Canterlot he was used to wear clothing and feels unconforable when he leaves the house naked. Wildcard also almost never drinks Cider because he worries about his fitness and behaviour. Additional to being overall a bit clumsy he injured his right hindfoot permanently after a sports accident, which makes him hobble a bit while walking. Therefore the pegasus prefers flying

He can be kind of a hot-head but overall he's a nice guy who almost never yells and this stallion can be quite a dreamer from time to time.


Special ability: Because of his high pulse when under pressure Wildcard has excellent reflexes and he also is quite a good flyer. The stallion is also very lucky when it comes to crashes and hardly get injured badly




In High-Rollers suit





OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Im sorry if my story is too long or if it makes anypony mad but this is my backup story. My real story was considered to be a Mary Sue. But it was very interesting, very very long, and it was just a summary. The non summary of the real story would take up 30 pages of Microsoft word documents. I typed it XD. Anyway, this is my BACKUP backstory. And hopefully the pictures show. The cutie mark is on the drawing.




Name:Prince ScarletDagger


Age: 2,000


Gender: male


Appearance: black moving mane, red inner hairline. Red eyes, crown, royal black necklace with cutie mark in center.


Cutie mark: Ruby bladed diamond shape with lowered side points and black splotch around the Ruby.


Personality: created elements of harmony (personality should explain itself from that)


Backstory: blood born brother of the royal sisters, prince scarlet searched for the value of friendship. He always tried to make everypony happy. Although some wouldn't give in. he was the loner. Never talked, never tried to make friends. Until one day, 2 ponies decided to talk to him. The 2 ponies were bowheart, and sugarsprinkles. They became immediate friends, and they even got scarlet to speak. He later found in himself a power he couldn't control. He found 6 stones. And they sucked the power from him. He had No idea what happened.


He watched the rocks. Not knowing the abilities of the power in each. When he tapped his horn on the rocks. Each one gave him knowledge of harmony. He had created the elements of harmony. He did not know their true power until celestia defeated Luna. He couldn't bare to see it. When the mane 6 were born, scarlet gave each one a spirit of harmony. he knew the spirits would turn Luna good again. . Scarlet, bow,and sugar went to ponyville one day, and they met the mane 6. He and fluttershy immediately fell in love. Scarlet was very shy when he wanted to tell fluttershy his feelings, but she knew. They had ended up with a newborn filly names angelshy. side by side. The 3 royal siblings watched equestria prosper in harmony. But all was not peaceful. A giant beast soon started destroying equestria. Scarlet and the girls defeated the legendary octopony, but it was only killed by scarlet self destructing with his horn in octopony's throat. He barely survived, and the elements of harmony almost disappeared. But in time, peace began to set over equestria once more.


Other: Below is my deviantart photo and my drawing. The drawing has The cutie mark.





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  • 2 weeks later...

So i finally thought of an OC and i just wanted some feed back. Yes i used the Pony creator but it's just for the visual, or pre-alpha really lol i'm going to start drawing him with Photoshop and other various art programs or just good ole fashioned pencil and paper :]


Name:Gizmo/clockwork (not sure wich i'll choose yet)

Occupation: Clock maker/fixer (might change to something to do with engineering or something lol)

Bio: Born in Canterlot and raised by _______.(still working on parents, this is only a rough draft) Through out his childhood he always had a fascination with tinkering with clocks and other mechanics curious as to how they worked. As he grew up he started crating and inventing various contraptions and always had a satchel full of springs cogs and his favorite gears of various shapes (hence his cutie mark). He has since moved from Canterlot to the quite(Sometimes not so quiet) town of Ponyville where he works with his magic to create and fix miscellaneous devices and contraptions. His shop is located near the Farmers market and about a block away from Sugarcube Corner.


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So i finally thought of an OC and i just wanted some feed back. Yes i used the Pony creator but it's just for the visual, or pre-alpha really lol i'm going to start drawing him with Photoshop and other various art programs or just good ole fashioned pencil and paper :]


Name:Gizmo/clockwork (not sure wich i'll choose yet)

Occupation: Clock maker/fixer (might change to something to do with engineering or something lol)

Bio: Born in Canterlot and raised by _______.(still working on parents, this is only a rough draft) Through out his childhood he always had a fascination with tinkering with clocks and other mechanics curious as to how they worked. As he grew up he started crating and inventing various contraptions and always had a satchel full of springs cogs and his favorite gears of various shapes (hence his cutie mark). He has since moved from Canterlot to the quite(Sometimes not so quiet) town of Ponyville where he works with his magic to create and fix miscellaneous devices and contraptions. His shop is located near the Farmers market and about a block away from Sugarcube Corner.


If you wish to garner commentary and opinions on OCs' bios/appearances that have not been drawn by you, instead of making it a separate thread, please post it in the Pony OC Club. Your thread has been merged.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Name: Commander Sonch
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Age:over 500

Personality: loyal, honorable

History: Once a great military strategist and defeated many enemies.

Special Talent: Magic, and a great battle strategist


Edited by --Eve--
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http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/ac307/fastandbad/northernflash001.jpg unfinished~



Name: Northern Flash

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Age: Teen (15 I suppose)

Personality: As a pegasus, he enjoys flying and generally being fast. Has a tendency to be blunt/rude and has a short attention span. Otherwise he's a pretty nice guy. Has aspirations, but often too distracted to follow them.

History: Born and raised in Ponyville. Wants to be a Wonderbolt but lacks the determination to bother to train/get there attention.

Special Talent: Gaming. He always thought it'd be flying, but he spent all of his time gaming it became his talent. Can blitz any game her comes across. Which also gives him fast reactions and logic skills, y'know besides what he learns from games XD

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All right guys; the purpose of this thread is to post OCs for commentary and feedback. If you just want to post your OC for showing off and archiving purposes, there's the Character Database for that. I just wanted to make that clear.


Also, I really rather like


I'm assuming that everyone who knows me knows Sky Charmer, so I'll do my second favorite OC.


Name: Mint Petal

Gender: Female

Special Talent: Alteration/Illusion

Cutie Mark: Star with the left side black, right side white (Since you can't see it in her position)

Place of Residence: Ponyville

Personality: A very antisocial pony. She does her best to try and avoid all contact with any pony whatsoever, and hates talking, interacting, and generally being around other ponies, usually going so far as to make herself invisible when she notices a pony looking at her. Her only friend is Sky Charmer, who tries her best to keep her in line and to try and open up.



I did not draw this, by the way. Credit goes to Zonra.


I know her name doesn't match, but the reason being is that her mane and tail used to be a cool green color. She earned her cutie mark by accidentally turning it black.


What a glorious design! I think her personality is rather interesting. She seems sort of like a less social Twilight Sparkle. Kind of reminds me of myself with the glasses and the way she seems to act. :P
  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I made my own pony a few months ago. He's very.......different from the others. I worked hard on him, it took me a very long time to think of a name. When I had him finished, I drank a Moutain Dew and went to sleep. Here's his profile:



Age: as old as Big Mac


Mane Color: Scarlet

Coat Color: Black

Eye Color: Sky-blue

Cutie Mark: Scarlet Superman S

Talent: Being a hero

Abilities: All of SUPERMAN's powers.

Weakness: Sadness drains his powers

Family: He sees Princess Celestia as his mother even though she only created him. He refuses to see Prince Blueblood as a relative.

Loved Ones: He cares about everypony equally. But is in love with Rainbow Dash.

Found: Either with Rainbow Dash, looking for trouble high in the sky, or babysitting for Ditzy Doo.

Edited by ANGEL


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ohh so is this the Offical OC thread?


I have a link to my pony persona now, but I guess I can submit a little info about my little pony, here it goes.



Posted Image

Posted Image

Name: Violet Spiral

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Age: 16



Kind hearted, shy, and can be very timid at times, but anything pertaining to her passions, she has no problem being assertive, becomes very lively, and brave. Often stubborn with mild aggressive like behavior, she is quick to temper, with flaring moments, but just as quick to recover her composure.

Very honest, sincere, and known to be dependable, is often easily distracted with many things revolving around her. While open minded and very affable, she is gullible by nature and is often tricked into doing things she would normally never do. With that in mind, Violet Spiral often has break down periods, and descends to a low level of self esteem and paranoia due to carrying a heavy past burden.

Overtly indecisive has been a major flaw in her life, however this has led her to try pursuing many talents in the world, making her experienced in a various degrees of skills, trades and crafts, making her a "Jill" of multiple trades.

Generally, she is seen as a fit, responsible, and genuinely positive Pegasus.



Residing in a little town not known to the vast majority of other ponies, called Mareville, she attends several of the manyschools there, like automation, cosmetology and fine arts. Questionably, she also attends one for divine magic arts, despite the fact she is not of Unicorn or Alicorn kin. She studies nonetheless in the field of special artifacts, endowed with magical properties capable of giving any one pony, an adept awareness and capability to harness said magical attributes.

She has also taken a liking to alchemy-reagents, however, has been known to stir up the community with her multiple failures.

After reading and studying many related scrolls, books, within the Mareville Library, Violet Spiral begins to explore possibilities of wandering out in search of artifacts, not entirely sure of what it is she plans to do with them.

Aside from her study of magic, and machinery, she openly participates in a number of other hobbies. Most notoriously, any that revolves around "pulling a trigger".

Along with her favored activities, she has pursued other interests, only to be meted out with unlikely results


Violet Spiral has a long history of much elusiveness. While loving and admires her friends very much, she prefers to be very much on her own for long durations of her days, fantasizing about the future. She isn't the most tidy housekeeper at home, but enjoys many activities with the other Pegasi, along with her own personal interests. Unintentionally, she harbors many secrets from her friends.


Special talents:

Aside from her gift of being a guiding light in the dark skies, many traits and trades of specialty remain unknown to her.

While still undiscovered what her inner dormant talents are, She likes to believe she has a knack for everything she tries, even if she does fail a few here and there. She remains undeterred by her outcomes and pursues to find that one thing she'll be great at. Generally, she is good with her hooves and can produce many things, ranging from culinary dishes, pieces of art, fashion appeals, to a wide variety of mechanical automations.


Click link in sig to learn more.


I'll eventually get around to drawing up my pony via deviant art. please bare with me >.<



Edited by Dizzy Leeane Rage
  • Brohoof 2
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Forget my ponysona OC on page 1, this is my real OC




Background and other vital info is in the OP of that thread but I can summarize here


Name: Wingnut

Species: Pegasus


Age: early 20s

Lives in: Cloudsdale

Personality: Funny, helpful, loyal, and very serious/intense when it comes to being a hockey fan

Special Talent: Cloudsdale Red Wings super fan but also likes to help others soar above their challenges

Back story: Daughter of two blue-collar pegasi chariot builders for General Floaters, River Rouge and Assembly Line, Wingnut has been a Red Wings fan for as long as she can remember. As the Red Wings are considered the class of the Equestria Hockey League, Wingnut strives to display the same high quality and class when helping others and living her daily life.

History: Cousin of Colgate, skilled bicyclist, has a non-permanent cutie mark as a star is added for every time the Red Wings win the championship due to her super strong bond with the team.

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Some of you guys, should try this out...you know, too see if you character is a gary stu/Mary sue




now, here is a two part OC sheet...usually I try to stay away from characters that would be affected by the show's story, so I'm bringing it here for other's thoughts


it's part of a story, Mask of Chaos


Part 1





Name: MidKnight

Other Name: Mask of Chaos


Species: A black Wolf-Pony, but as his name says "Mask" it can change into any kind of chaotic form, from being that of an army of ants, to griffon wings to a scorpion tail

Gender: male

Age: ????


Personality: mostly wild, especially when it comes too vengeance, but he finds it that vengeance is best when saved for the right time...though, there is another part of him that is calm, especially when he wishes to know something


History: As there are the Elements of Harmony, the universe has created something for their balance, the items of chaos: one of them being, the mask of chaos.



During the reign of Discord, Mid Knight was unleashed upon Equestria, but was sealed in the everfree forest by Celestia and Luna with the help of the elements of Harmony,



Upon the present day Lunar eclipse, the seal on his coffin is unleashed and he goes and takes his 1000+ years of vengeance on the present day Elements of Harmony


Motivation: Vengeance, he had been sealed with in a coffin for over a thousand years in the everfree forest, all his mind could see was complete darkness, the only thing he had was counting all the seconds that would pass by until his freedom


He wishes vengeance on to the bearers of the elements, as well as making the princesses suffer, for it was their fault they did not destroy him when they had the chance.




Special Talent: umm...causing chaos

side note: the moon, just like for a regular were-wolf causes effects on Mid Knight, he is at his strongest during the new moon, and he disappears on the full moon




part 2 will reveal whom is behind the mask


okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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