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Well, my main OC is Frozen Mint, she is a green pegasus with hazelnut brown mane and tail. Her cutie mark is for musical theatre, it is half a drama mask and attached by a treble clef!


Here is a picture!



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                    Hush hush, Starlights asleep, hush hush, through her telescope she weeps, hush, hush, as she hunts for mars, hush, hush, and head for stars!

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Missy is an alicorn, personal student to Twilight Sparkle and descendant off Star Swirl the Bearded. (Seeing as how it isn't confirmed whether he had children i thought i would improvise.)

She lives in Ponyville, studying magic with Twilight.

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My OC is Cloud Mushroom. The idea for my OC has been in my head for some time. I came up with the name, and designed the cutie mark. Hopefully I'll soon be able to design the actual pony itself.

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-"My little pony, not yours!"

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The curse of the obsessive-compulsive storyteller: I am incapable of creating an OC to represent myself, as every single last one of them needs to have an interesting personality and tragic flaw, yet I couldn't design a good color scheme to save my life.


Anywho, this little mare is the one I generally call "my" OC. Her name is Spearhead, and she's an Earth Pony with the Canterlot Royal Guard who would go to extreme lengths to ensure the security of her homeland. Her cutie mark is the tip of a spear, and it symbolizes devotion, meaning she is unshakably devoted to her cause for a stronger Equestria, regardless of what dark implications that may have in the long run.



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Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Here are my two OCs:




On the right, there is Doctor Manestein. He's a ponified version of Albert Einstein from our Human World, as you can probably guess. He studies Magic of space and time, and he's interested in time travel spells. That's why his cutie mark is a hourglass and why he is always wearing a watch.


On the left, there is a ponified version of myself. His name is Double Rainwave, and he's also a "scientist". He's a student of Doctor Manestein, and he's interested in studying wave motion and Ether waves (such as light, radio waves and atomic particles, which he figured out to be also made of waves in space). That's why his tail resembles a sine wave. The history and meaning of his cutie mark is explained in another thread, "What would your cutie mark be? And why?". There's also one mysterious story involving him and how he came to Equestria, but I'll keep it secret for now, because it's a part of the story of my work-in-progress web comic where ponies will teach us about their Magic/Science. (I have the main plot already worked out, but I need to work some more on how it will begin).

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My OC is a griffin called Icis. Her special talent is speed and if she was a pony, her cutie mark would probily be a wing with speed marks or something. She is a bit crazy at times but she loves to make friends. She is a creative and fun griffin but most of her pony friends don't want to get on her bad side (being half lion and all)



also may i add, she love nature and animals and is anypony hurts an animal or destroys the environment she gets angry. I based her on myself except for the speed thing cus im a real coward but i may change her personality slightly to be a whuss

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My OC is named Ginger Snap and he is my ponysona. (Big image is really big) He is a comedian pony who has an amazing imagination and his cutie mark is the Greek comedy mask. He loves to try new things and sometimes likes to wear bowties and tricorn hats to formal events! I see my self in him (I don't wear tricorn hats though...)


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Here's my OC


Her name is Smiley Bookpony


Her (currently badly drawn) cutie mark is an open book, representing her love for reading as well as the fact that she "never judge a book by it's cover"


As her name imply, Smiley is a mare that is almost always seen smiling. She's friendly and fun-loving. She never judge people and is always ready to give anyone a second chance. She love to read and can read many hours a day if she have nothing else to do. Her biggest flaw would be that she try to solve all her problems by herself, even if she know that she really need help, which often result in messing things completely.



Smiley is a rather normal unicorn. She was born in Canterlot and still live there. Her live was as normal as it could be for a Canterlot pony.

(That was her RP backstory. I'm currently working on a fic where she start to work in Princess Celestia's castle as the new librarian and end up falling for Discord. I'm not sure how I'll make Discord react to this yet, though. I'm not sure about putting that fic on the net neither 'cause I want them to date at least once and people would probably scream "Mary-Sue" because of it. I'll probably write that fic just for myself as a little guilty pleasure)



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My OC: Smiley Bookpony

You have questions? Ask Smiley Bookpony

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My ponysona is Fireball Rush. Here she is:

She is 19, has red hair and purple eyes, but you can see that anyways. I based her on myself (Except for the 19 part XD)
I don't have any other OC's yet.
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"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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I'm not a fan of pony generators too (at least not these simple ones which are the only one so far), since they have too few options for arbitrary posing and observing the pony from different angles, and there is a limited number of "building blocks" one can use. But I also think it's not so much a limit for creativity, and I compare it to music, where you have these 8 simple notes on the scale but you can assemble them in millions of different ways to create unique compositions. And this is also a fast way to kick-start a character, somewhat similar to sketching or prototyping before you'll go with the full-blown drawing. So I use a pony generator to make a first picture my own OC, but after that, when my vision is clear, I can draw him in my vector drawing program or just by hand in many different poses and from different points of view I need ;-)

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Mine's my avatar, his name is the same as my forum name, Crimzo.


He is a type of pegasus pony that has horns.


He is strong and a good fighter, he's sort of a jake of all trades and a fast learner, he can stack up against other ponies in their field in most things but typically isn't ever the best (for instance he is one pony that can really keep up with Rainbow but is never able to downright beat her).


His job is protecting the village and helping people out with stuff when they need it, he gets anxious when there is dysfunction between people or there is a problem that isn't solved, he always wants to settle things and set them right. He doesn't tolerate well when people disagree or don't see things his way, he wants everyone to be on the same page. He is very interested in magic and he badly wishes he could be a unicorn so he could learn how to use it. He also has a peculiar sense of humor that other people don't often share. I had trouble with importing a cutie mark in the creator but if he had one it would be a shield.

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My OC is Lapis Lazuli. He is a travelling researcher accompanied by his young assistant Asteria. Together, they go on many adventures, uncovering all kinds of marvelous things out in the magical world they live in. And all for the pursuit of the absolute truth, knowledge. Lapis was born to a mining family, destined to work underground for the rest of his life. Thankfully, his cutie mark, a book, convinced his parents he was meant to do something else. He got them to enroll him at the local research institute, where he learn how to be a field researcher. And in his travels, he came upon a small village where he met his future assistant. Asteria was eager to see the world, so Lapis allowed her to join him. Here is a picture of my scholarly duo reading together.


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Name: Whimsical Daze (Whimsey-Daze) (My ponysona)


Species: Unicorn


Gender: Mare/Filly-ish


Age: 15 1/2 (human years)


Personality: Silly, euphoric, quirky, sarcastic, hyper, a bit reserved around 'uncomfortable' ponies, irresponsible, a bit lazy, judgmental at times, tomboyish.


History: Growing up in the South, where all those quirky southern ponies reside, despite looking and acting very northern, she spent her hectic days with her all male family household members in a very small neighborhood area with skeptical ponies wanting to spread rumors at any time they can. Whilst growing up her brothers, she occasionally has trouble relating and understanding other mares/fillies.

Special Talent: Whimsey Daze is an art nut. She mostly loves to draw, but also deeply into just about any other thing that is categorized into the 'Arts' genre. She plays the Bb Clarinet and the Piano, but wants the chance to afford plenty of other instruments she's always dreamed of playing. Reading, writing, singing and voice acting are also small hobbies that she loves to do. Animals, nature, fantasy, literature, and visual media are her main inspirations. Being a lot shorter and lankier than most other ponies, she's not to adept at anything sportsy...

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John Mellenclop is a singer-songwriter pony who used to go by "John Hoofer Mellenclop" at the request of his manager. (He later dropped the "Hoofer.")

He is a fan of Graham crackers, which he affectionately calls "grammys."

He's had a few hits during his career: Applejack & Diane, Small Ponytown, R.O.C.K. in the E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.I.A, and Pink Cupcakes.

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Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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My OC is wanted by all the mares, and the stallions want to be like him. Everypony at the Grand Galloping Gala bowed down at him. He and Big Mac had a long talk, with out Eyp or Nope in it. The Cutie Mark Crusaders want him as their cutie mark.


My OC, he is the most interesting OC in Equestia.


He doesn't always join a fanclub, but when he does he joins an OC one.
Keep classy my bronies.
Edited by Sir.Derpington Hoove
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This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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Name: Ultraviolet
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Mare
Age: 20ish in human years

Personality: A mare with no shortage of attitude. She strongly sticks up for what she believes in and is a very reliable pony. She is friendly for the most part and has a soft spot for foals.


History:Her mother was a earth pony and her father, a Pegasus. Ultraviolet grew up on the 'surface'. She prefers to be on land rather than in the sky for that reason, that and she is a very weak flier. She doesn't like to let this show about her so she just travels by hoof.

Special Talent: Fixing electronics. 

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Name: Sunflower Skies
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 8

Personality: Sweet, and shy, but once you get to know her she will be your PFF! smile.png
History: She came from a very small Sunflower Garden in manehatten, and never knew her parents, she must find her talent on her own.




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Well, here is my OC: Blue Moon.


He is my ponysona. He is very shy, but is really funny once he gets to know someone. He is very smart and has a love for the stars. He is very polite and is a true gentlecolt. If you want a full bio of him, just go to the top link in my signature. If for some weird reason you want a different picture, just let me know.


He also has a family as well. Here is his wife: Spearmint.


She is very outgoing and loves the outdoors and running. She is a bit stubborn though.


Here is Blu's daughter: Clear Sky


She is very shy, but has a love for the stars, like her father. She also loves to draw and art in general. Her favorite painting is Starry Night. She is kind, but doesn't like to be wrong.

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My OC is wanted by all the mares, and the stallions want to be like him.




And before you answer, consider that different mares could have different visions of their ideal stallion, so when there are at least two visions which are contradictory to each other, your stallion couldn't have both these features together in him at the same time, or there will be at least one mare who won't be interested in him at all.


For a simple example:

If he likes traveling, and there are two mares, one of which likes traveling and the other one hates it, then either your pony would have to like and hate traveling at the same time (which is contradictory), or at least one of these mares would have to see him as a bad match for her.


One more example: If he would really be so popular and every mare would love him, then there should be some stallions who would be simply jealous about that, and they would hate him from that reason alone.


Keep in mind that characters which everyone just loves (especially without any apparent reason) are simply unrealistic, from the very reasons I described above. And as soon as you specify why is he loved by some of them, you'll find others which cannot just love him because of different points of view. Such is life ;-)


Everypony at the Grand Galloping Gala bowed down at him.

Again: why?

Is he better than the Mane Six, which are not bowed at all, despite they saved the whole Equestria at least twice?

Did he save the world at least once? ;-)

Before you say yes, think about this: Where was he when the Mane Six were fighting Discord? Where was he when they were on their quest to find the Elements of Harmony to beat Nightmare Moon? Where was he when the Changelings were approaching Canterlot? And where was he when King Sombra assaulted the Crystal Empire?


He and Big Mac had a long talk, with out Eyp or Nope in it.



The Cutie Mark Crusaders want him as their cutie mark.

No can do, sugarcube ;-)

At least for Scootaloo, who would rather like to see Rainbow Dash to be on his/her cutie mark ;-)


(Side question: Is Scootaloo a filly or a colt? I couldn't figure it out so far.)


My OC, he is the most interesting OC in Equestia.





Don't get me wrong. Your OC looks really cool ;-) (despite it's from a pony generator). But his backstory doesn't sound plausible for me. These features seem unrealistic, some of them even impossible. And such big claims have to be backed with solid arguments, without which they're just plain old boasting (and this role is already taken by Trixie ;-) ).


In the Universe (even in the one ponies inhabit) there is a rule of Balance or Harmony (especially visible in pony world), which says that there are no positives without negatives. If you create one, you have to create the other to keep the balance. So you just can't have someone who is loved by everyone and doesn't have any flaws, since it contradicts this law. There will always be someone who would hate him from the very same reasons others love him.


Even super heroes which have super powers, have also some super flaws / weaknesses.

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  • 1 month later...

So here's my pony character, I thought it turned out really well and I also used the pony maker from generalzoi and I really enjoyed using it.


Name: Swift Hooves

Nickname(s): Swif, Swifty, Req (to be updated)

DJ Handle: DJ Requiem

Gender: Male

Species: Unicorn

Age: N/A

Birthplace: Las Pegasus

Current Home: Canterlot

Occupation: DJ

Location of occupation: Equestria Underground (nightclub)

Cutie Mark: a combination of musical symbols


Bio: After moving to Canterlot to look for a better life, Swift Hooves now works his days away as a DJ for A night club by the name of Equestria Underground.


More information coming as character is still in development, biography is still under construction.


Edited by DJ Requiem
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I am now running my own tumblr page: http://swifthooves.tumblr.com/


it's a simple ask blog and I shall be uploading audio shows where I will talk about different topics such as:

MLP:FiM, video games, news, etc. Episode 0 is currently up, the episode is mainly an introduction and boy do i sound nervous in it.

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