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movies/tv Is South Park going to talk about bronies?


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let's face it, the brony community is simply too big to ignore, so is south park, the tv show that specilises in taking certain groups of people and making fun of them, going to talk about us?


and if they do talk about us, will it be in a positive or negative light? on the one hand, they could say that we're a group of people who refuse to live by societies rules. but on the other hand, they could say we're a bunch of immiture men who need to grow up and stop watching a show for little girls.


what do you think they will do?

  • Brohoof 3
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Ahh I got to say its a 50/50, they just might. When season 4 starts up I think they might do something. But as for what they well do in the episode, ahh more then likely make us all look like, a bunch of crazy pony buckers....

Edited by xPrincess Celestiax
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Funny, I was thinking about the same thing recently. South Park is a very intelligent show and although I'm a bit afraid of it tackling the brony fandom,one of the great things about it is that it usually doesn't take sides. It makes fun of everyone equally and it acknowledges both the positive and negative aspects of what it is talking about. I would actually quite like to see them make an episode on us just to see what they would come up with. I am sure it wouldn't portray us in a completely negative light. I don't think a Brony episode will happen though.

Edited by Armchair Adventurer
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Um...don't get me wrong. While MLP: FiM's fanbase is EXTREMELY rabid, there are quite a lot of people who are completely unaware of the phenomenom, and South Park's creators just might fall into that category.


That is something I would like to see though. I have a feeling they'd do it in both a positive and a negative light if that makes any sense. South Park never takes sides, they make fun of everyone. :P

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I would hope so, that episode would be fracing hilarious. I'm pretty sure South Parks creators know of the "brony" phenomenon, they kind of make it their business to keep up on things to make into a satire. 

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I wouldn't really mind, but I'd say it's not really that likely. South Park tends to go after things people tend to view as controversial or untouchable (religion, politics, social values, Hitler...), bronies aren't really that, seeing how even the worst trash of the society feels it's ok to make fun of bronies.

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South Park always finds a way to talk about something or make any references. They do mention a lot of real life issues or make fun of any topic known to man but, I highly doubt that they will mention bronies.

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I wouldn't really mind, but I'd say it's not really that likely. South Park tends to go after things people tend to view as controversial or untouchable (religion, politics, social values, Hitler...), bronies aren't really that, seeing how even the worst trash of the society feels it's ok to make fun of bronies.

I agree with this. Making an episode mocking bronies would only offend us, and not even all of us. Trey Parker and Matt Stone want to focus on something that is going to make the audience react like "OMG! Dude, too far!" 

I mean its possible that they would, they would probably combine it with another thought like maybe a influential figure is a Brony and is some kind of pedo/flaming homosexual.


To be honest I would enjoy an episode mocking bronies. Really anything that touches on the subject, be it negative or positive I find it enjoyable to watch/read. I'm not stranger to satire and I say bring it Southpark! 

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For the love of all that's holy I hope not, we get enough flak and there's a large fandumb of SP that takes anything the writers say as divine word of God and parrot it endlessly. Remember the whole "ginger don't have souls" incident and how hating gingers suddenly become cool after that little episode aired?


They've already planned a episode and decided against it once, maybe we'll get lucky and that's a sign they won't do it. 

Edited by Shoboni
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If creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker were to do an episode about us, we'd be packaged in there along with 4chaners, Whovians, rule 34ers, shippers, the online gaming community, everyone.  Why limit it to just one fandom?

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The question is rather do you guys want them to make a episode about us? I mean we are talking about South Park, they wont show any mercy to us.


If they do one, expect something in the line of real life-horse molesters/rapists, pedophiles, perverts and probalby many more.


I for my part hope they just ignore us, better unknown than hated or despised.

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While it's possible for them to reference the brony fandom, I don't think they will make an entire episode about it, but they did that with Pokemon, so you never know. South Park is one of the only comedy shows (aside from The Simpsons) that I actually enjoy, so I wouldn't mind seeing it on the show. Some of my family members watch South Park so if they portray bronies in a negative light, I probably wouldn't hear the end of it. There's a 50/50 chance of that episode being either positive or negative, South Park makes fun of everything, though, so it wouldn't be too bad.

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Yeah, I'd find it amusing, even if it doesn't take the fandom seriously. There will probably be people who won't see the joke, and get offended but then again, as the others have said, South Park isn't supposed to be taken seriously. They've crossed many lines which many other cartoons have feared to go.

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I actually thought through a potential storyline for a South Park episode about bronies. It was more than a little dumb, but managed to be both making fun of the show, and leaving it alone. The key, though, is who gets converted. If Cartman becomes a brony, it's gonna be mostly making fun of bronies. If Stan/Kyle become bronies, it's complementary. Someone once mentioned a worst-case where Stan's dad becomes a brony.


Keep in mind, though, it's probably not a big enough issue for them to bother with. In some ways it's comparable to an internet meme. Honestly, a lot of people on here would benefit from that advice too.

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So this has been asked before and from my understanding, probably not in the foreseeable future.


The makers apparently release a bunch of episode titles for an upcomming season and see which gets the biggest reaction. MLP was an episode in the last season, but at the time bronys never hyped it up and no one made a big deal of it so it didn't get made.


However, with the further growth of the fandom, its very possible there will be one at some point :)!

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If they did, I'm not so sure Trey and Matt would slam Bronies. Slamming other people for slamming Bronies without reason (other than saying it's weird) would make for a better episode because it'd be funnier - not just for MLP: FiM fans, but for everyone. That would also be more in line with the shows modus operandi, I think.

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That would certainly be very interesting to see but we can't hide from the fact that not all Bronies are very mature.. Which actually would probably just be more reason for them to make one. It would have one heck of a reaction for sure... I might just start watching South Park again if they do.

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God I hope so! I mean I really hope they give us hell! I will love to see one of my favorite characters, maybe RAndy being a brony! That would be freaking hilarious, and I hope they make fun of them while giving us bronies a good name to.

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I doubt they will reference the brony fandom directly, but I wouldn't at all be surprised if the made an episode centered around a topic very similar. South Park is usually pretty good about keeping their references vague while still completely obvious... that makes sense right?

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Maybe too off-topic, but I've thought of scenarios in which the Ponies could make cameo appearances in both The Simpsons and Family Guy.


The Simpsons would be pretty straightforward: Lisa, who's never had many friends, contemplates a life completely devoid of them. Fellow egghead Twilight Sparkle shows up near the end of the show to set her straight. (Lisa loves ponies & magic fantasy, and voracious reader Twilight would be her idol at age 8.) Maybe it happens in a dream sequence.


Family Guy could have Chris Griffin, who loves to draw, start drawing the Ponies as a hobby, and making Lois worried that he'll never grow up. Maybe Chris is working on a piece of art with the Mane 6, and they start talking to him from the paper...

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Keep in mind - an enormous number of level-headed people are suspicious and fearful of the NSA currently - and they just made an episode making fun of those guys.


Heck, if I'm honest; I wouldn't mind an episode making fun of bronies as long as they're witty about it. As in, the opposite of that dumb CollegeHumor sketch that just has a fat pervert bringing home his new Twilight/Fluttershy toys, who then try to work out an escape plan.


I just worry that a lot of bronies would take offense anyway. There are a lot of "adore ponies or DIE"-type image macros out there.

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