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539 OCs Needed- For A project Government


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Back in November on page 25, I posted my character but I realized I didn't link to her character page, I just said the link was in my signature. Then on page 26, you said you added her to the list, but I still haven't seen that she's been processed on the actual website yet. I can't find her on any of the lists and I just wanted to make sure that you got her. I'm really sorry if this is bothering you and I don't mind waiting at all, but I was just wondering if you guys just didn't get to her yet or what? Thank you in advance

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It doesn't strike me that this has been updated recently, so I'm not sure if you guys still have room or need any more, but I just felt I should mention a couple things and inquire if for certain any more are indeed needed.


Anyway, to start, Saronyx has once again gone through revitalization into what I feel is far more streamlined of a character, making him exist in but one universe but still be able to gaze into many. 

Secondly, his former R63 counterpart, Serenity, has become her own separate character in the form of his twin sister. 

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Here is my OC, he's in my signature. But just in case here's a picture of him right here. Also I'm not sure who decides what branch my OC goes but I think he'd fit well with Twilight(the backstory explains it all) But of course thats your decision.



Edited by ninjamon102938
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I wonder how long it will take you to realize that the project leader has left the forums. I won't blame her. I'd have done the same if I were being dragged around by people who don't seem to care on how much work I'm doing like that.

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I wonder how long it will take you to realize that the project leader has left the forums. I won't blame her. I'd have done the same if I were being dragged around by people who don't seem to care on how much work I'm doing like that.

Yep, it's true.


Rascal has left Tartarus Productions and is now being replaced by someone inside the board of directors. I don't think I can tell you the name, though.

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Yep, it's true.


Rascal has left Tartarus Productions and is now being replaced by someone inside the board of directors. I don't think I can tell you the name, though.

when did this happen? she still has a profile here and posted a few days ago, and theres no indication of this on the website

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when did this happen? she still has a profile here and posted a few days ago, and theres no indication of this on the website

Well of course she still has a profile here, but the title 'Head of TP' thing is now changed to Detective Rascal  :mellow:

And also that the BOD hasn't even updated the Team page. Well, not yet.  :mellow: It happened a few... days ago I guess. Can't be so sure. 25th if not mistaken. I got the news because I work in TP  :fiery:

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Well of course she still has a profile here, but the title 'Head of TP' thing is now changed to Detective Rascal  :mellow:

And also that the BOD hasn't even updated the Team page. Well, not yet.  :mellow: It happened a few... days ago I guess. Can't be so sure. 25th if not mistaken. I got the news because I work in TP  :fiery:

why did she leave? she seemed very passionate about this thing last i talked to her, which admittedly was a while ago,

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Yep, it's true.


Rascal has left Tartarus Productions and is now being replaced by someone inside the board of directors. I don't think I can tell you the name, though.


I don't care about your project. I was only saying something about my friend Rascal.



why did she leave? she seemed very passionate about this thing last i talked to her, which admittedly was a while ago,


She got diagnosed with something that she can't continue working on this project. Neither will she go to these forums anymore. She asked me to tell you people this herself.

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Rascal has left Tartarus Productions and is now being replaced by somepony inside the board of directors. I don't think I can tell you the name, though.

Aww, that's sad. :( Best wishes, Rascal, and to the rest of the team! 

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my friend and i wish to enter our oc's were going to be working on the background story's win we get them finished ill make links for them cus my friend don't have a acc on hear oh and i think my friend said he would be interested in helping if you still need more help if you want i can check with him agen im sure he would prob want to draw maybe other stuff he would prob disagree with me but hes really good at drawing idk about writing since i havint read anything hes written ill attach a example of one of his i havint seen it but he said he also trying to do a comic to see how well he dose post-16548-0-92923200-1394245052_thumb.jpg

Edited by DragonAlex97
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I'm sorry to hear that Rascal had to step down! I hope everything gets better for her!


Does that mean that the other ocs that haven't been processed won't ever be, or will someone else use this list? (I hope that I'm not sounding greedy or impatient or anything of the sort by asking this. I don't care whether my ocs or anyone else's get included as long as everyone in the production team is happy and healthy. I'm just asking out of pure curiosity.)

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I am sorry, but this project has been cut. It was a whim of rascal61 to gain populatrity, and we have neither the manpower nor the time to complete it in a timely manner. You may consider all of your OCs removed from anything Tartarus Productions. If you have any questions, please send me a PM and I will try to explain our reasoning to the best of our ability.


I am sorry for the disappointment that this has caused, and I ensure you that we will do our best to make it up to you.


In apology,

Magos Amphrose/Phoenix Lord Fuegan/Thunder Knight

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It was a whim of rascal61 to gain populatrity, and we have neither the manpower nor the time to complete it in a timely manner.

It's either that, or the manpower she had tried to get just stayed idle without doing a thing because they assigned just to gain some popularity. You're the one in the team. You tell me. That is, if you actually paid attention to the team and project, of course.

Edited by Sky Warden
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I don't know whats going on with this thing, but from what I can tell people need to grow up a little, what's the point in arguing in a pointless argument, their is never a winner in a battle of egos, That is all I really have to say, please don't bother quoting me OR PM'ing me, as I will not even bother to respond as to avoid pointless arguments.


This goes out to all TP participants who should know who they are. A shame that a great idea just got laid to waist, and thank you for taking a dump on all the people that donated OC's...

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In light of Phoenix Lord Fuegan's recent post, it seems that this project is henceforth discontinued. It is unfortunate that this is the case, but I can understand that rascal61 and her team might not have enough time or manpower to effectively tackle a project of this magnitude.  


As such, this topic has run its course and there is no point in leaving it open any longer. 


, if at any point this project is revisited, and you feel confident that you and your team have enough time and manpower to complete it, send me a private message. I would unlock this topic in such an event.

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