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Why do so many people dislike Rarity so much and like Rainbow Dash so much?

Sazama Ichida

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Whatever you want to believe man. That is just how I see her. Granted you make some good points.

Very well. Agree to disagree then.


I'll even ignore that little rhetorical tactic.

Edited by Whatevs
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Very well. Agree to disagree then.


I'll even ignore that little rhetorical tactic.


I don't know why I dish out all my hate on Rarity. She isn't even my least favorite of the main six, and I still think she is adorable.


The whole "Dog and Pony show" excuse I used I just blew out of proportion, made it seem like a bigger deal then it was.


But I still don't like what she did in "Putting your hoof down." I just hate seeing women taking advantage of men by using their good looks, and through sweet talking.

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I find that Rarity can be a stuck up cow, and Rainbow Dash can be an overconfident, cringe worthy, cheesy character. But honestly, what ever floats your floaters is fine by me.

well I disagree that Rarity is stuckup.

Maybe in LBYS, sure. But overall she's pretty amiable with her friends and others.

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I think outwardly that Rainbow Dash and Rarity act selfish and conceited respectively because it facilitates inner conflict for them. This makes it an ultimately bigger sacrifice for them personally when they give in to the element that they represent. Becuase being succesful in their respective fields is so important for them (virtually all consuming) it shows greater personality traits in the end that RD and rarity will always eventually put their friends first. I think it's primarily to facilitate the plot and I am a fan of both ponies despite obvious character flaws. We all have them, yes?

  • Brohoof 1


De Oppresso Liber.

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I think it's primarily to facilitate the plot and I am a fan of both ponies despite obvious character flaws. We all have them, yes?


And most of the time it's played for laughs, especially Rarity in pretty much episode with the mane 6. 

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Ughh. This topic is cancerous. Why won't it just go away?


Personally, I think Rarity hate has been decreasing significantly in the fandom since S4 started.

Honestly, man, this topic is more outdated than Top Hats and Monocles in the fashion world.

I'll just keep clinging on to my little belief that one day people will realize that none of the mane 6 are bitches, though, because someone's gotta catch the ass end of people just needing something to hate, and since it's starting to turn off of Rarity, some other pony has got to get it.


People hate just to hate, and that's all there is to it.

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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I gotta ask, Seriously, Why exactly do so many people dislike Rarity so much and say that she's their least favorite pony? And why exactly do so many people like Rainbow Dash so much and say that she's their favorite pony? Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy I can easily understand why people like but Rainbow Dash? Really? She's alot more selfish and obnoxious than Rarity if you ask me...She's a conceited show-off and mostly seems to only think and care about herself alot of the time...She's definitely my least favorite out of the mane 6...Why exactly do people like her? (Don't hurt/kill me for saying that please RD fans)


But at least Rarity shows acts of generosity sometimes and does things for other ponies like making dresses etc...What exactly do people have against her?

Both Rarity and Fluttershy may drop in my least favorite ponies but RD comes a close second... Pinkie Pie is the bomb...


I dont understand why alot of people hate Rarity but really? SHE IS THE ELEMENT OF GENEROSITY GUYS!


Plus RD betrayed the mane 6 and Bulk Biceps for Team Cloudsdale in Episode 10 of Season 4... (Rainbow Falls)


Signature by the Epic And Artistic,  Azura!!!

Whoever looks at this signature they should play U.N. Owen Was Her?

My OC Ponies: Astral Dash I Lightning Dash I Lunar Dash

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Both Rarity and Fluttershy may drop in my least favorite ponies but RD comes a close second... Pinkie Pie is the bomb...


I dont understand why alot of people hate Rarity but really? SHE IS THE ELEMENT OF GENEROSITY GUYS!


Plus RD betrayed the mane 6 and Bulk Biceps for Team Cloudsdale in Episode 10 of Season 4... (Rainbow Falls)

Because people need something to hate and Rarity is an easy target.


She's got a major flaw that can rub people the wrong way similar to Rainbow Dash's, but minus the large fanbase that RD has.


It's just like picking on the little guy. That's all.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Because people need something to hate and Rarity is an easy target.


She's got a major flaw that can rub people the wrong way similar to Rainbow Dash's, but minus the large fanbase that RD has.


It's just like picking on the little guy. That's all.

Oh ok... But Rarity does become a pain at the butt at times...


Signature by the Epic And Artistic,  Azura!!!

Whoever looks at this signature they should play U.N. Owen Was Her?

My OC Ponies: Astral Dash I Lightning Dash I Lunar Dash

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Oh ok... But Rarity does become a pain at the butt at times...

As does Rainbow Dash, but the reason this whole topic exists, hell, I'll just say it, is because people are too damn scared to dish out their weird fetish for hating things on Rainbow Dash because she has a larger fanbase than the whole state of Wyoming has people, dammit.


That's all. Rainbow Dash can be more of a pain in the ass than Rarity, in my honest opinion (I love you, Rainbow Dash.) but people don't say anything because she's got a large fanbase due to her macho tendencies and apparently "awesome" character design.


I do like Rainbow Dash quite a bit, by the way, this is just my honest take on things.


Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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but people don't say anything because she's got a large fanbase due to her macho tendencies and apparently "awesome" character design.


I think it's because she was on like all the merch for awhile, especially the "brony" stuff. 

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But I still don't like what she did in "Putting your hoof down." I just hate seeing women taking advantage of men by using their good looks, and through sweet talking.

this is a complicated topic here.


This whole 'manipulation' tactic Rarity uses to get what she wants can be easily seen as something negative and unforgivable, however the focus point wasn't the nerd pony, it was Flutteshy who was taken advantage of, not once but 3 times I think, and it was all witnessed by Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

She was trying to teach Fluttershy to be confident in herself in her own way. Rarity's way was to use her looks to persuade the nerd pony, besides, she made a fair exchange with because she paid for the sparragus and she never let him down when she, of course, lied to make him feel better, because she easily could have told him that he was hideous, ugly, weak etc. after he gave the sparragus to her but she didn't.


Is it bad to be confident in yourself and display it to others? Rarity doesn't think so, neither do I.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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this is a complicated topic here.


This whole 'manipulation' tactic Rarity uses to get what she wants can be easily seen as something negative and unforgivable, however the focus point wasn't the nerd pony, it was Flutteshy who was taken advantage of, not once but 3 times I think, and it was all witnessed by Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

She was trying to teach Fluttershy to be confident in herself in her own way. Rarity's way was to use her looks to persuade the nerd pony, besides, she made a fair exchange with because she paid for the sparragus and she never let him down when she, of course, lied to make him feel better, because she easily could have told him that he was hideous, ugly, weak etc. after he gave the sparragus to her but she didn't.


Is it bad to be confident in yourself and display it to others? Rarity doesn't think so, neither do I.


To be fair, I kind of thought that that was a jerk move. But, Rarity is a fictional character who's controlled by other people's ideas, so I just kind of choose to say that it was bad writing.

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Oh ok... But Rarity does become a pain at the butt at times...

She does but people often overblow when she does and ignore/trivialize what the others do.


For example, Sonic Rainboom Rarity was unknowingly being a bitch. But the same goes for the other 5 in Suited For Success. Yet it is given far less exposure.

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Rarity is one of my favorite characters on the show, especially after her last episode. I like her personality and her great and sometimes over the top moments are some of the best in the show honestly. She's probably one of the most 3 dimensional in the show. I have to say that Rarity takes Manehatten is my favorite episode this season.(Unless this week's episode changes that). Personally I think Rainbow is the most overrated character. I will say that lately she hasn't been so arrogant and self centered in this season and last season.

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  • 1 year later...


I like Rainbow Dash but I neither hate Rarity ( actually, she's my 3rd favorite). I like RD not just because of she's being cool, rainbow design or wear sunglasses. I like her for her tough personalities. Sure she can be childish sometimes but in much episodes, I really appreciate her decision and thoughts. She's NOT lazy. She PRACTICES A LOT to impress the Wonderbolts. She LIVES FOR HER DREAMS by working hard and nurturing it since she was just a filly. She does thing that once thought impossible. Sure, she still has much too learn just like anypony else. Making mistakes helps you improve. That's why Twilight Sparkle isn't the one in my top list because she's already perfect, not much changes seen. On the other side, RD has serious attitude problems but seeing her grown through episodes is always exciting.

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This day and age, being Femine or OVERLY Femine, is looked down upoun. When is the last time you went to Walmart and seen a women in a skirt or dress? One with her hair "done up" and not slapped in a pony tail or hacked off. These are just our current state in culture, heck at one point women wore bussels that made there flanks look big and white gloves. Hell in the 30s EVERY women wore a hat!


Characters like Rarity is considerd "A girly girl", due to her looks, her ego, and her personality. Now I for one do NOT agree with the Rara hate. She owns her own Buisness! Is self sufficent, a good Sister, an Element of Harmony, and now a "Knight" to a Princess! Suire she is brash, sensative, and out spoken. But she is always the first Mare to offer help, and has come a LONG way from worrying about getting Dirty..though it still makes her cringe.


Rainbow is what every girl (and boy) wants to be. Strong, fast, powerful and infamous! She has an ego the size of AJ's Flank and makes friends with anybody. Her presentation is of a Brave Mare who stands up for those around her. She is the anti-bully (i am really sick of hearing this word used all the time, but meh). 


Also, I think alot of Bronys to be or in the closet Bronies attach themselves to RD because she is the "Safe" choice. Being a Tomboy its alot easier for men and boys to associate with her. Shes into sports, guys love that. She has shorter hair, again many males prefer a leaner cut, and she even has a bit of a raspy voice, in short males tend to use her as an "entry pony" to the fandom. As time goes on, some shift to loving others, or stick with her :shrug:


I will go to my Grave loving me some Rarity, but I don't mind RD, she has her Moments...and one of BEST SONGS EVER! 

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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The heck is up with all the necrobumping nowadays? But anyway yeah Rarity is way too hated. And I think the main reason why Rainbow Dash is so popular is because so many people love tomboys.

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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