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Your favourite pony, and what does she/he mean to you?


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My adoration of Derpy Hooves is pretty well documented, not only on this forum, but a few others as well.

Most people know that I'm a big fan of hers, but I've told only a few close friends as to what extent I actually like her.

Derpy has for a long time been one of the very few lifelines I have.

This show, and especially her, were there to pull me out of an extremely difficult and hopeless situation about a year ago, details of which I do not wish to disclose here.

She proved me that there are wonderful things in this world that are worth holding on to.

She reignited my creative spark after months upon months of crippling artist's block, and inactivity.

And most important of all, she taught me to see integrity in things I had previously thought broken beyond all hope of repair.

She may be fictional, but what I feel towards her is unquestionably real, and I intend to enjoy and cherish those feelings for as long as I possibly can. She's my number one, my mental and spiritual muse, and, for the lack of a better term, my waifu.

She means more to me than I can even possibly begin to put into words, and I'm proud to say I love her.

What does your favourite pony mean to you?

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
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I have made it no secret that I love Applejack, my love of Luna as the one who started the Luna fanclub on here is also well known but though my love of Twilight Sparkle is not as well known but is also quite apparent. Applejack was the first though and holds a particularly special place in my heart, I see a lot of myself in all three of them in Twilight Sparkle and Luna I see much of the struggles I had in socializing with others and trying to understand a society that often singled me out as being different. In Applejack I see much of who I became as I matured, my confidence my strong sense of justice and high value for being true to both myself and others.


But what makes Applejack stand out to me aside from what I already mentioned is that despite all Applejack has gone through by losing her parents when she was just a young filly and being forced to grow up way too fast by taking charge of the family farm and helping to raise her younger sister that she has grown to be a strong, compassionate and independent young mare. What I see in Applejack is two very positive messages firstly that honesty is not just about being true to others but is also about true to yourself and standing up for what is right even when it isn't always easy or popular. And that even though life can often be depressing and cruel that even though things can sometimes seem hopeless that if you don't let it get you down you can accomplish great things. Applejack may have lost her parents at a young age but she runs a successful business has become one of the most well respected ponies in the entire town and has done a good job raising Applebloom with a little help of course from Big Mac and Granny Smith. 

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i would have to say Rainbowdash .

like you, the character actually showed and taught me things... like her, im quick to judge , and obsessed with competition, and being better than everyone. im also obsessed with speed like her :P i find myself looking at performance upgrades for my W202 Mercedes Benz C280 ( because i dont have wings :/ ) ... anyway, throughout the show, since we are so alike, ive learned lessons from what she has learned and applied them in reality. i kinda understand what u see with derpy to :)

  • Brohoof 2

Comet : Just Justing to The Just ...  :wub:

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Rainbow Dash, she is a lot like me, by personality not appearance, and she showed me that it's fine not to be a girly-girl, in fact strictly a tomboy, and I have trouble with that sometimes, and she maybe a fictional character, a Pegasus at that, but she to me is the symbol of being unique.

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I like Fluttershy because that when I first watched the show while flicking threw the channels it was the first pony that I saw. Also she loves animals and me and my best friends also love animals and we have also saved a few animals lives before too! She is also yellow and yellow is my fave colour. Also my bedroom has always been yellow and pink because I love those colours.

  • Brohoof 1

"I have always liked ponys and I always will."

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Lyra, she is literaly a carbon copy of the brony thing (addiction to humans and everything related to them), I find that cute.

  • Brohoof 1

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"—Friedrich Nietzsche


here's the most disturbing / touching sentence I ever read :"You have beautiful eyes" — Scootaloo's last words, The Rainbow Factory

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My adoration of Derpy Hooves is pretty well documented, not only on this forum, but a few others as well.

Most people know that I'm a big fan of hers, but I've told only a few close friends as to what extent I actually like her.

Derpy has for a long time been one of the very few lifelines I have.

This show, and especially her, were there to pull me out of an extremely difficult and hopeless situation about a year ago, details of which I do not wish to disclose here.

She proved me that there are wonderful things in this world that are worth holding on to.

She reignited my creative spark after months upon months of crippling artist's block, and inactivity.

And most important of all, she taught me to see integrity in things I had previously thought broken beyond all hope of repair.

She may be fictional, but what I feel towards her is unquestionably real, and I intend to enjoy and cherish those feelings for as long as I possibly can. She's my number one, mental and spiritual muse, and, for the lack of a better term, waifu.

What does your favourite pony mean to you?

Rainbow Dash means everything to me. If I could give up everything I owened to live In equestria with rainbowdash, I would.  I would jump infront of a bullet for her, Bassicaly anything for her.

  • Brohoof 2


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I have not really made the fact Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony secret really.

She is a lot like me personality-wise.

But me and Twilly are both:

1. Somewhat antisocial

2. Somewhat crazy

3. Somewhat intelligent

4. Somewhat dorkish

5. Somewhat mature, usually.


She also helps me find somewhat of a comfort in this trash bag. She's different than most other ponies in Ponyville and I know I'm quite unique where I live. Her ability to socialize helps mine, but I still can't control the way I act in a public setting.

Edited by Twilight Sniper


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Oh man! Rarity means everything to me!


Like, being as much of a Rarity fan as I am actually helps me with my depression, or so I'm told. :D


I think she does :D

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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I really love Nightmare Moon, I can't really identify with her now that I'm grown but when I was younger, and I was socially isolated by people, that was the kind of power I would have wanted with the kind of charisma I always dreamed of having.


She also reminds me so much of Maleficent, a villain I always loved.

They do share a lot of similarities although Nightmare Moon eventually becomes Luna (a character I still love but that doesn't really have enough spotlight in my opinion).

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My OC Aisling Ink

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Queen Chrysalis is my lord and master. I follow my Dark Queen everywhere... advising her and guiding her as i can... i pray that she listens to me... pray that she hears my voice, pray that she joins the light once again. No matter what others believe i think she secretly wants it to... I lead her Knights. Anyways... that's kind what she means to me...


The greek myth of the shapeshifter Proteus and Metis also a shapeshifter.

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Rarity, cuz she is BEST PONY!!! I luv here, i'd marry her :D 


I'd do anything for here....Even a Nucular (Nuclear) Boom thing. Or even die for her but since thats not possible, i guess I'll suicide (but too lazy to do it right now)


She's so pretty and the character itself is AWSOME. So if anyone has something VS Rarity. ANSWER TO ME  :angry: 


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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My favorite pony? Easy, Rainbow Dash


She means a lot to me.


You see, I've been struggling really hard in school, and I sometimes feel that I don't have that fire just to keep going. Rainbow Dash has showed me to keep that fire burning and never give up. A really great example was from Hurricane Fluttershy, when the tema failed the first time. Twilight was gonna call it quits, but Rainbow stood up and stated they were gonna do it again. This reminds me of the time I was a martial artist, when I felt like quitting. But I just had that fire inside of me, that desire to win and become the black belt I wanted to be. 


Her loyalty (no doubt) has also had an impact of my life, because in fact, I have had several of these moments in my life. Whenever I hear someone in need, I run to their aid. 


Rainbow Dash has taught me so many things, and thanks to her, I feel like my character is steadily improving. 

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My favorite pony in Applejack. And to be honest, although I admire her honesty and her calm determination, she doesn't mean a great significant amount to me. I haven't seen enough depth in her character on the show yet to say so. I probably never will to satisfy me enough, to be honest. I'd need to see her in a very serious episode where she faces the pain of losing her parents or something like that to feel a deep feeling of emotion towards her. Something that will likely not happen.


There's also Fluttershy, another favorite of mine. She means a bit more as I can relate much more to her shyness, and she was the first character who stood out to me due to how accurately she depicted my anxiety. It felt refreshing to see this type of character portrayed realistically. Other than that though, like most of the ponies on the show, she suffers that lack of depth that I need in order to feel emotionally attached to something.

  • Brohoof 2

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Well to be honest I quite like Doctor Hooves. Yeah I know he doesn't do anything but the second I heard about him(which wasn't long ago, I only started watching the show two weeks ago) I completely fanboyed, I consider myself a Whovian as well as a Brony.


But if I had to chose a pony that is more involved with the things that happen in the show I would have to go with Fluttershy. I like her because she is like a girl version of me, she's shy when meeting new people, has a soft spot for animals and she's surrounded by people with 'colourful' personalities. Oh and the random outbursts of anger happen to me too but a lot less than they do with Fluttershy, it's probably because I never go out to do any social interaction outside of my small group of friends.


I'd better stop now before I start rambling.

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My favorite pony is Trixie, and I'll just give a few examples of how I relate to her. Don't expect an entire paragraph like most of the other posts here; I'll just keep this short and sweet for the sake of your attention span(Actually, the real reason is that I don't have enough time to type that much at the moment, but I never told you that)


Trixie is quite the confident extrovert, and that in itself is an understatement. I also share that trait, though maybe not to such an exaggerated extent. It's useful; getting a job is far easier when you have a confident look about you.
To be completey honest, I'm guilty of having a spoft spot for not-so-moral characters. As in, I've had a history of favoring Wario over Mario and Team Rocket over Ash. Well, to clarify, the characters that are far from a paradigm of goodness but not "edgy" either.
I've always loved the witch look. As a kid, I always thought the Wicked Witch of the West was a pretty cool villain, and later on in life seeing Wicked(the musical) only boosted that admiration for her.
Looking back at my first two years of high school, I know damn well what it's like to be "laughed at and ostracized". I'll just leave that statement where it is.
Judge me all you want, modesty is NOT my strong suit. If I get something I'm particularly proud of, I'm going to flaunt it. No questions asked. Expressing how giddy you are about having something makes it ten times more fun, trust me.
So yeah, there's that.
  • Brohoof 2


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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Fluttershy is my favorite pony and thats because I can relate so well to her. I have and always have been extremely shy, timid, told I'm weak, etc. Its always been a struggle for me because people don't understand and that just makes it harder on me. To see a character that faces the same problems and fears as I do, I don't really know how to describe it; It just makes you feel a lot better. She means a lot because shes inspired me to try and overcome my fear of talking. I've actually made progress, even if it isn't a lot. Whenever I'm feeling down about something relating to that fear, shes an incredible source of strength for me. I'm basically the human copy of Fluttershy except I'm probably a bit more shy and don't care for animals as much as she does. Aside from just helping me with my fear, she has helped me be myself more too. I'm always hiding who I really am and shes helped with that to an extent.


I get mad whenever someone says that a cartoon or a character can't change a life or help you. I'm living proof that it can.


Anyway, thats what Fluttershy means to me. :)

Edited by Rough Pathway
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Signature made by the amazing Sir Lunashy   

I make PMVS.


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Rainbow Dashie mostly because I find her tom boyishness adorable, she, despite what a lot of people think, works hard for her goals and even goes too far sometimes to achieve them. She is very competitive, and likes to think she is the toughest pony in Equestria, which I also consider cute, especially when she actually gets scared 90 percent of the time!


All in all I would in my own way considered Dashie to be one of the most adorable characters in MLP, in fact I would put her right up their with Fluttershy, just because I find her personality AWESOME!!!!


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I don't have favorite pony, even though I tend to like Zecora for her wisdom, Applejack for her honesty and hardworking nature and Twilight Sparkle for her intelligence and quite studious nature. 

But I still like the other ponies as well.  

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