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Are you embarrassed to play videogames in public?


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I'll play video games anywhere and everywhere I can, although not so much when visiting family. Although I also used to run off from my mom whenever we went to Wal-Mart so I could try to get in as much time with the Game Boy demo unit as possible. Of course, I got a whuppin, but was soooo worth it xD

  • Brohoof 1

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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It depends, if some middle aged person was watching me play some violent game or some game which shows a bit of partial NSFW content, yeah, I'd be embarassed. But as for other normal games, I'm fine with it. :D


"I'm the Messiah the gnashing of teeth, no one meets death until they see me, I am the Alpha and Omega..." -King 810

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Not really, nor do they really care if i do.



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I don't know if I'd say I feel "embarrassed" exactly. But it certainly makes me feel uncomfortable :/ Like, I cannot enjoy myself fully while playing videogames in public, so I usually save the more "fun" parts of the games I play for when I'm alone all snuggled up cozy in my room =^-^=

Public gaming sessions are perfect for getting "work" done; i.e. grinding/ farming lol

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Only if it's in a competitive environment at a Con or something like that... otherwise it's not a problem for me.

Here's an example of how little care I have for playing games in public. I once played Kid Icarus Uprising in the centre of London, very early in the morning while sleep deprived and very tired... with the 3DS stand that came with it as well, making me look quite the madman. Got a few shifty looks from people getting to work while I aimlessly shot down enemies and tried to keep my composure and not bring attention to myself. I can't even remember why I was even up at 7am in the city NEEDING to play the game to keep me awake but it happened.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't actually own any handheld consoles myself, but I've never understood why it's supposedly embarrassing to play them in public. These days it's pretty much common knowledge that video games aren't just for little kids. And all devices like the 3DS, PSP and even mobile phones offer a wide-range of games. And as long as you use headphones to avoid distracting people, there's nothing rude about it.

Edited by Tiny Hoofs
  • Brohoof 1
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oh god that "im too old to play" attitude annoys the crap out of me.

I can understand it was the norm to "grow up" 20 years ago, as geek culture was non existant in the every day society. You were a loser and a nerd/geek/dork if you enjoyed games, comics, sci fic and toys (collectables.) But now the world is mostly made up of all the kids who grew up with games and nerd stuff. It is now cool and acceptable, the lonely basement creep stereotype may still be there, but geek culture is huge and the gaming market has evolved out into the ranks of Television fame. This is mostly due to the internet. We are 24/7 online culture that gaming is a massive part of it. 

Your friend should not have to feel ashamed of gaming. Just show her this thread and let her be very aware how massive games are and how much the female gamer crowd has grown too! Dont be scared to play because youre a girl. You can insult those COD jerks just as well as they insult you. lol 


edit: to comment on having a 3DS - the whole of Japan play on nintendo consoles and carry them around. I also always bring mine along to a gamers event or meet up just to get some street view points. The current generation of people in their 20s-30s are big kids. Most of them will still play games now. Im 26 and my bf is 33 btw if that helps. And we are mad pokemon fans, but the outside world would never guess it. 

Edited by StormBlaze
  • Brohoof 2
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No, as long as I'm enjoying the game, why would I care about others opinions.

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Umm, no. I could not care less what people think about a fully grown man playing video games. Its a pretty common thing for adults to play video games, nothing really to be ashamed of.

  • Brohoof 1


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Naw. Meeps does as she pleases. Hell, I've gotten on a swingset on a kid's playground because I felt like it, idgaf lol. Just do you, most other people won't care so long as you aren't hurting anyone or in their way somehow. Regarding your friend Avery, she reminds me of the girls I knew a while back who believed playing video games was only for boys, and any chick that played them was weird. Such small minds that lock into thinking like that :3 lol.

  • Brohoof 1
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No, why would I? I don't play any games which aren't for my age though, but I don't think I would think differently even if I did.


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I´m not embarrassed by that, but then again I usually don´t care what others think about me, unless they are important people for me so yeah. Plus the last thing I played on a 3DS was Pokemon Moon and I did it sitting in my room for 46 hours straight because I´m cliche like that, meaning I usually play in my house, but even in college people around here usually just think is cool to have something like a 3DS and even ask to borrow it from you. 

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While I don't really play games on the go (I don't own any portable systems and my smartphone is too sluggish to play anything), I can say that my friends aren't embarrassed to game in public. Heck, one of my friends usually brings his Nintendo Switch whenever he goes somewhere.

As for me personally, I wouldn't be embarrassed gaming in public.


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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I own a 3DS and I don't mind if people see me playing video games in public. I don't like it when they stand over my shoulder because it makes me nervous and distracts me, but other than that I'm fine.

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Not really. At my college, I hang in an area where everyone is playing games. I would take my Switch and play Zelda Breath of the Wild at school just cause. Plus I'll sometimes have a Pokemon game with me to play at school or just when walking around. 



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