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I am not going to bolster only one side of this... But I have a deep love of Mech's & I recently found one for Discord & Rarity (ignore Shining Armor with Discord, I can't split them cause I don't have the software) Soooooooo... Here you go!


That Discord themed Dark Gundam is epic and so Discord. :P

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Applejack lost. That makes me sad. Rarity is winning. This makes me a little unsad. Continue to make me unsad by voting for Rarity!


Really getting to the meat and potatoe with these match ups now. Lots of close ones. I really like Discord, but RariJack is one of my favorite things.

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I walked in here expecting a slaughter, the fact that Rarity is going so well is a testament to how much her popularity has increased as well as how outspoken her fans have become. Discord was the character that got me into this show so for that as well as a few other reasons like him being one of the best villains I have seen in any franchise in a while made me case my vote for him. I love that smartassed little troll.



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:blink: Wow... admittedly, this one is considerably closer than I thought it would be.  I think this bodes well for your chances in the semi-final Luna; whichever one of these two gets through, you'll still be the wildcard of the entire round.


We are very nervous indeed at the prospect of facing either of these foes (though Rarity Unicorn does have a lovely voice, we must say... sounds so familiar :huh:).


Don't worry Luna, whatever happens I'm sure you'll do great!  :muffins: 


And no matter what, we'll always have muffins!  :catface: 


We are not quite sure what that last statement has to do with anything, but we do enjoy partaking in the eating of pastries with you two.  :comeatus: 


All right, well there you go.  Oh, and in case anyone's interested I voted for Rarity.  Good luck everypony!!!  :D 



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I walked in here expecting a slaughter, the fact that Rarity is going so well is a testament to how much her popularity has increased as well as how outspoken her fans have become. Discord was the character that got me into this show so for that as well as a few other reasons like him being one of the best villains I have seen in any franchise in a while made me case my vote for him. I love that smartassed little troll.



It says alot about the invisible struggle of Rarity fans when she beats Discord in a popularity contest...
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It says alot about the invisible struggle of Rarity fans when she beats Discord in a popularity contest...


True true. When Discord won (the last match) I internally groaned. But Marshmallow are many ... hidden ... waiting.



BTW, sometimes you're a hard guy to read. I think you're a Joker fan so I give you this. You really do epitomize this meme (not that that's a bad thing)




And and on a related matter


Rarity loves her tea.



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Will Discord use his trickery and magic to send Rarity another Tom?





Who needs fashion? Wrap yourself in a comforting Storm of Chaos!


Vote Discord!




Coach: YetAnotherDiscord (myself)

I dare to say that you are not me. Or are you? 

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Discord isn't gonna do anything anytime soon! As long as i have my avatar a us army ranger Discord won't cause chaos! Am here to keep peace!  :okiedokielokie:  and to be fabulous!  :D

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Tom? TOM!

Thou shalt not discuss that cursed name for Tom is a deceiver of all that would be generous.

I shall return to my pulpit and set the record straight on Tom. His way is the way of the highly unfabulous.

First thing tomorrow after bagel sammiches and coffay!

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Isn´t Chaos adorable?






But seriously, Discord is the exact opposite of cute. Some things are better left not chibified

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If you dont vote Discord then no chocolate rain for you.

You've been fooled by Discord 

Isn´t Chaos adorable?


Vote adorable! Vote Discord!

This this.............Thing is even more uglier than milena from mortal kombat i need to do my job: kill it with fire 

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