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S04:E07 - Bats!

Yellow Diamond

S04:E07 - Bats!  

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I liked how it got kinda grim and scary after Flutterbat was born. I also thought Pinkie Pie was pretty funny in this episode (as always), I hope we can see more Flutterbat in the future considering she still has her fangs.


How about if Flutterbat has an S1 E26 moment?:



  • Brohoof 4
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Howdy Folks!


Just watched the episode.


Gotta say it was pretty good.


Glad theres a AJ/Fluttershy get together in this episode.


The Bat song was gosh darned good.

(kinda reminded me of the Pet song In May the best Pet Win! also sung by Andrea Libman & Ashleigh Ball)


Daniel Ingram does it again.

He wasnt kidding about the Danny Elfman type vibe with this tune.


Kudos to Ashleigh, Andrea and the rest of the cast.

(And a little Kazumi Evans made me super happy)


But yes poor Flutters. :(


Glad the rest of the gang helped her out.


And find a better solution to the bat trouble.


See ya!

  • Brohoof 2


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@@Best Username Ever




Finally the second song!




I'm glad to hear AJ sing again as well as Fluttershy. The mood is awesome

The second song was meh compared to Hearts of Horses, also I forgot how much I loved AJ's singing voice. I mean that twang in her voice is so cute.

I loved this episode simply because Flutterbat. Bat ponies, cute. Fluttershy, cuter. Flutterbat? CUTENESS OVERLOAD! The only part of this episode that bugged me was the song. Some parts didnt rhyme with the rest of the lyrics but I guess i can overlook it thanks to how cute this episode was.


Yeeeehaw, it is the first Applejack episode of the new season. No Applejack episode has ever let me down so I know this is going to be awesome.

I literally gave my computer screen the metal gesture! This was the second best AJ episode in all the series. Though, didn't she re-learn a lesson from the past? Maybe I am remembering wrong but it seems the whole "listening to your friends suggestions" lesson was learned in a previous season





Okay, honestly, why doesn't AJ just grow a load of these?

She spent a bunch of time on that apple. More time then she probably could have spared. Makes me wonder if that was the reason the vampire bats showed up again.


Just what is so scary about bats? They are so adorable!

I disagree. Bats are awesome....I mean Batman is awesome...not cute. Though Fluttershy as Batpony is cute...im confused now ;_;

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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It was an alright episode, imo. I liked it.

One thing that bothered me was that fluttershy's reason for becoming a flutterbat didn't really make much sense.

And i know everyone's raving about the song, but i didn't care for it that much. I can tell Ingram was trying to mimic that danny elfman kinda style, which i usually love, but i don't think its his strong point. The song felt a bit long and repetitive, and the melody was a bit dull tbh. I always enjoy applejack's singing voice though ;)

Twilight's magic as a solution to everything always bugs the crap out of me too. I didn't like Twilight in this one, i don't think she even made a proper apology to Fluttershy for forcing her to do this and causing her to become a monster :okiedokielokie:

The concept of flutterbat was kinda intriguing though. Fluttershy looks cute that way.

Also there was some really nice humor in this one. Rarity's lines and her in a biohazard suit were really hilarious to me.

Edited by crazitaco
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I thought the episode was lame tbh.


It had everyone take the short sighted solution in order to hammer in an environmental message. I expected that tbh but even I, a very non-environmental person, saw that the sanctuary was the better idea.


But the ep also focused on two really static characters and did nothing to change that flaw in either of them. AJ's plotline was still about stubbornness, tradition and her farm. Not explicitly so but still there.


And Fluttershy's was about being pushed around due to her passivity. And the batpony thing did nothing from a character standpoint, she just happened to become a mindless feeder.


Now I still liked this episode but it's certainly not great. It was a fluffy as the ensemble episodes, it just happened to focus on two characters in particular.

Normally this would not bother me too much, but again the characters in question need something more.



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I literally gave my computer screen the metal gesture! This was the second best AJ episode in all the series. Though, didn't she re-learn a lesson from the past?

Yes, but some lessons require a bit more reinforcement than others depending on the individual in question and the situation. Previously Applejack refused help due to her stubborn pride and in this case although she learned from that and accepted help fairly quickly was skeptical about Fluttershy's suggestion. This is understandable as the situation effected the livelihood of Applejack and her family and could even have put a huge dent in Ponyville's food supply, and as she as a farmer knows a great deal about infestations was concerned that if she gave them an inch that they would take a mile. There is another lesson in the episode as well which Fluttershy mentioned at the end and it is that it is wrong to force someone to do something that goes against their conscience. Applejack and the others pressured Fluttershy to use "the stare" to round up the bats when she had serious doubts that it was the right thing to do.


Of course I think it is a bit more complicated than that as it really brings up some important ethical questions of just how much or when does the ends really justify the means? Fluttershy was made to use her stare despite being uncomfortable with it which would normally be a disgraceful act but was done because the others thought they had no other choice in the matter. And Twilight used a spell which brainwashed the bats into not eating the apples which even if it didn't go wrong and effect Fluttershy could have eventually lead to their starvation. While it is likely that apples aren't their only food source with how many bats there are and just how many apples they consumed with that food source no longer being viable exactly where else would they find a nearby alternative food source that would rival Sweet Apple Acres?


It is of course not an ideal or humane situation but there are many situations where the only way to remove is a pest is to kill them, fortunetely Fluttershy's alternate suggestion worked but the question is what would have Applejack or the others did if it did not work? The results could have been starvation for not only the apple family but potentially for the entire town as well.

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That's one sharp tooth...

Second episode on a row where Fluttershy is a monster

Flutter hulk

And flutter bat


This episode could be in for a follow-up by the looks of that fang that Fluttershy still obtained. I think there should be one when she notices the fang and she and her friends try to trace it back to the "Flutterbat" incident and have her find out that the vampire fruitbats are not all they appear to be.

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Text wall warning by rabid Applejack fan.


Let me start out by saying how absolutely stoked I was for this episode. Ever since season 1 ended I’ve been saying that there needs to be an episode focused on the friendship between Applejack and Fluttershy. These two have really had very few major interactions up to this point, so when sources had confirmed that this episode was to split focus between the two, I could not be more excited (hence why I’m donning an Appleshy avatar to celebrate).

The episode’s premise presented the perfect conflict for these two ponies - an outside force causes a threat to Applejack’s farm (as well as the livelihood of Ponyville) so she sets out to take extreme measures to solve the problem. However, the always compassionate Fluttershy wishes to try a more humane approach because she understands the needs of the vampire bats too. If I have any gripes about the structure of the episode, it’s the fact that it took the route of having an ensemble cast whereas I would have preferred it if Applejack and Fluttershy were unaccompanied for more of the episode as they both could have benefited from the extra screentime, but I realize the episode would have taken an entirely different approach had it done that. I’m a bit conflicted about the direction the episode took. By the second half of the episode it felt like the shock value of Flutterbat had eliminated what seemed like a very promising conflict between the two ponies. I don’t think that the Flutterbat concept was truly necessary, and I wonder how the episode would have turned out if there was a greater focus on the opposing ideologies of the two ponies and how they could have compromised instead of the decision to put the ponies in a more over-the-top situation of peril. I can appreciate the unique horror-like feel of the episode, but I typically prefer the more slice-of-life “let’s work it out” scenarios that feel more natural. I’m slightly puzzled as to how AJ and Fluttershy came to the resolution that they did given all of the bizarreness, but I suppose I can roll with it. :huh:

Now, let’s talk about that song. It was a brilliant duet between Applejack and Fluttershy. I for one enjoyed the contrast in the mood when each pony exchanged verses as their perspectives on the vampire fruit bats differed completely. Fluttershy saw the good in the bats and sympathized with them whereas Applejack saw them as vile and threatening. I wouldn’t go around saying this was the catchiest or most cheerfully uplifting or most heartwarming song in MLP, but it was unique, entertaining, and it helped summarize the attitudes of the two ponies and thus contributed to the advancement of the plot. I love it! :D

I know there’s been complaints about how Twilight and the others were so quick to take sides with Applejack, but I felt it made sense. Fluttershy, being the kind, avid animal lover that she is, is far more understanding of the needs of all living creatures which is why she was alone on her stance. This is not at all unlike the situation at hand in Keep Calm and Flutter On when it was Fluttershy who was the only one willing to give Discord a chance. Whether you agree or disagree with Fluttershy’s viewpoint, you have to understand that she has a strength of character like no other when it comes to the empathy of others. As for Applejack, she was picture-perfect in this episode, ranging from excitedly adorable about applebucking to understandably concerned and peeved about her orchard, but what she did that stood out above everything else was when she said “That’s the least of my worries. I just want my friend back.” That one line speaks so many volumes about Applejack’s character that I cannot even begin to elaborate on right now because that's a text wall in itself, but that piece of dialogue combined with AJ’s willingness to sacrifice her prized giant apple from the Appleoosa State Fair in order to lure Flutterbat into the mirror so she could save her was a keen reminder of why, in a nutshell, Applejack is hooves down my favorite pony ever. :)

So far, season 4 has had no shortage of references to objects and elements from previous episodes, and this one was no exception! The underground gems, Granny Smith’s parents, Rainbow’s cider obsession, the stare, Pinkie Pie singing to the tune of Winter Wrap Up, and more were referenced in this episode and I always appreciate the continuity. The writers put a lot of love and care into advancing the storyline and keeping things forward. On another note, AJ’s family were written out of the storyline and were noted as being in Appleoosa checking out the produce competition. I wonder if we’ll ever see any of this produce competition?  :huh:  Moreover, it’s nice to see AJ take charge of the farm all by her lonesome but especially for applebucking season!

Finally, the end of the episode ended up proving that Fluttershy had the right approach to the situation which I don’t mind at all as it seemed like a solid solution overall, plus it offered Applejack an important and much needed new lesson even if it might tie in to her stubbornness just a tad. Now, if I can turn on the fangirl mode for just a second… Did you see how cute Applejack and Fluttershy were when Spike was writing the diary entry? Oh my sweet Celestia, Applejack finally blushed for the first time since The Last Roundup and it was so adorable! :wub: Not to mention AJ’s initiated hug, or how she declared that their friendship was stronger than ever while offering an apple to her beloved friend! So many adorable feels! *Squee* The episode has more than made up for the severe lack of AppleShy the past three seasons and if the fandom doesn't inevitably start shipping AppleShy a lot more, then you can color me surprised. ;) I’m puzzled about Fluttershy’s fang. The loose-ends for season 4 seem to be piling up every episode and I don’t know how they’ll be able to address everything. :/


All of this being said, Bats! is my new favorite episode of the season regardless of whether or not it took the direction I was hoping it would, as it was paced and executed well, had a complex and interesting scenario and strong characterization throughout. I can certainly understand much of the criticism it has received thus far, especially in regards to the episode's unexpected Flutterbat twist which is bound to be a love or hate aspect. Much like most of Merriwether Williams' episodes.

It's totally not my favorite because I am biased for Applejack or anything. :)

Edited by Sugar Cube
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I loved this episode. Vampire Fluttershy is now cannon! I'm really hopeing that ending is going to have ramifications later and its not just to emulate a campy horror movie ending. Also like how as she trasformed she resembled the bat ponies that pull Luna's chariot. I'm also glad that the others saw the error of their ways n made the bat sactuary. I absolutly love bats n I'm disgusted when people try to tell me their vermin, their adorable winged cuties :D

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Now that was a step up from the last episode! That was the kind of MLP episode I was looking for! And there was even a lesson at the end of the show! This felt more on track, and I greatly appreciated that.


Flutterbat was actually cute, but then again, I have a thing for bat ponies. xD The story was quite interesting, and I like how Applejack learned her friend was what mattered. Not her farm.


The song was pretty catchy too! Loved just about every second.

Edited by FeIix
  • Brohoof 3


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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Season Four, Y U so awesome? I've loved every episode so far and right now I'm trying to remember the little details in this one that I liked. Curse my horrid memory.

The first thing I remember is that tiny little hint at Winter Wrap Up; I always love episode references. "Fruit bat roundup, fruit bat round uuup!" Love you, Pinkie. ^_^
Another thing, and I've actually been noticing this since season three, the animators are still improving. I mean, they've always been good but this episode seemed flawless to me, I didn't notice a single error. And the song kind of ties into this,I loved how they changed the lighting as AJ and Fluttershy sang their parts. That's actually another plus all on its own: More singing! :D
But let's see... What else was there? FlutterBat of course. I like how they used the wordplay that we always do in canon. That's always nice Oh, and the fact that she was still cute. Nothing can take away Fluttershy's cuteness!
And you've gotta love the "friendship in danger" part. Conflict is always a big importance with relationships IMO. And speaking of relationships, I also noticed what at least I considered to be little shipping hints but I won't get too into that because I know some ponies don't like it. I used to be one of those ponies in fact, but FlutterDash has shown me the light.

Another great episode overall. Can't wait for episode eight and the rest of the season. <3

Edited by ZomBrony
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Awesome episode. Flutterbat was really good. Wait a second...I just realized something...two episodes in a row...Fluttershy transforms! Song was great, working on a special remix of it. 

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Best episode of the season so far, right here! It was totally different from what I thought it would be after the first 5-10 minutes, but it made sense at the end. From the great song and the interesting re-use of the fruit bats, I was expecting kind of a preachy episode about preserving endangered species or something. Then it delivered one of the biggest surprises in the history of the series.


I started to think it was more than it seemed when Fluttershy took a long look at the apple as she left the orchard, but I thought, "nah. No way it could have been her all along." And as the episode progressed, it seemed like it was only her for that one night when Twilight's spell went awry. But then there was yet another twist at the end when we saw her fang was still there. So...was it there all along? Or was Twilight's magic only temporarily able to reverse her own magic? I've got to know.


A fantastic episode with good writing--IMO, Merriwether's best one yet. I think we'll be talking about 'Bats!' for a long time to come!  :D

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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This is by far one of my favorite episodes yet! :D


The song was amazing, and FLUTTERBAT. She's quite adorable as a bat. :o


Also, I'd like to ask if anypony has a gif of Applejack spinning around in the apples from the beginning of the episode. That made me laugh and clap my hands in enjoyment. xD 


My OC, Starlight. (Better than Starlight Glimmer):


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AJ and Fluttershy isn't a pair you get to see too often. That combined with the focus on a creature made this a really unique episode. And lol, this makes two episodes in a row where Fluttershy's turned into something. The writers are trying to tell us something :P Pinkie was also hilarious this episode. Everything she did was awesome.

  • Brohoof 3


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I thought this was a fantastic episode, and it's definitely one of my favorite Season 4 ones at the moment. Some reason why I enjoyed it

  • The song. It had an interesting sound to it, and it was really catchy. Also, we haven't gotten many songs this season so far, so I was glad to see a song in this episode.
  • Fluttershy's care for animals showed itself in this episode. She just wanted the little bats to have their food source, that's all.
  • Pinkie. From her random digging, to her Winter Wrap Up parody, she was actually pretty funny this episode.
  • Flutterbat. The design was amazing, and she looked even cuter in this form. Also, that cliffhanger!


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Hm, okay, seems this episode was actually written by Merriwether Williams:


Gee, and in my review I was all up in Meghan praise... a little embarassing on their and my part I guess. Is this the first time they got the episode credits wrong? I believe it is. :P:huh:

Well then, I guess I should call this the very best Merriwether Williams episode ever then, 'cuz it was great, and still on the levels of the episodes I mentioned before I firmly believe. Still 10/10. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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I know so many people love the song to death. Hell, I'm a huge fan of Danny Elfman; how could I not look forward to it? Going into this episode, save the song, my expectations were fairly low. When I read the synopsis and saw the previews, I figured I had the conflict all figured out: no matter how many good or bad reasons either side had, it would ultimately present Applejack as the "bad guy" and Fluttershy as the "good guy"; Applejack ultimately learn to accept the bats more than she had before, and maybe Fluttershy would learn that sometimes total pacifism isn't the answer. No matter how much faith I wanted to have in Merriweather to pull it off, there was always that nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me her history of making certain characters meaner than they should have been. So I went in hoping at least the song would be decent.


Then I heard it. And it made me angry. Very, very angry.


Everything from the imagery to the incessant "stop the bats" chanting made it even more obvious than ever who the "bad guys" were: everypony. Everypony except Fluttershy. Any pure intention they may have shown after that song did nothing to soften the blow of the utter contempt, the bitterness they had towards the bats. Yes, the bats were being douches. Yes, Fluttershy tried sugarcoating the situation. Yes, pests are a terrible thing to have on an orchard. Yes, it would take a long time for those trees to regrow, realistically speaking. And yes, Flutterbat was a complete and utter blast to watch while she lasted. But instead of making it a gray-and-grey conflict, it was presented as white-and-gray. Which would be fine, if the gray weren't shaded so dark it'd might as well be black. That was exactly what I dreaded this episode to do. And instead of going into it with no expectations like I was supposed to, I made them low. I made a foolish attempt to make whatever good the episode had (and the good is there, I assure you; we had Flutterbat, remember?) pleasantly surprise me, as if it'd make up for the bad. But it just wasn't enough for me. Though not nearly as severe, it truly was "A Canterlot Wedding" for me all over again; no matter how awesome the Changelings were, the painful, scarring image of Twilight being ostracized by her friends and family will never fade from my heart.


Now look at me. Standing in a tiny camp of anger I'd rather leave, but I can't. Why? Because the tone, the lyrics, the context, practically everything about the song drew out memories of many of my downright least favorite moments of the show. The one thing I was looking forward to in this episode turned out to be a nightmare. These negative feelings are just too strong, and I feel awful about it. So I'm sitting here hoping, praying some reviewer or analyst will step forward and change my mind. Someone, please free me from these shackles of hate, because I truly want to be in love with this episode, but I just can't be.

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I really liked the episode- loved the song, loved that AJ cared more about her friend than her orchard.


But I feel like this is just an episode you'd see in season 1 and 2- cute with a song and friendship lalalalala but we've got bigger fish to fry! The castle? Box? Keys? Equestria games? PRINCESS twilight?


I don't know I just feel like each episode should be playing a part of this story arc in some way.

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