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Your thoughts on the new site: stop the cloppers

Skeleton Kin

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Who cares what you get off to? Don't like it, don't clop.


Who the fuck cares about this? I'm don't approve clopping, but I don't care. Some cloppers are really nice, and some also are true bronies. If you think this is a weird fetish, then to the person that made this web: Welcome to the internet!

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The fact that they have to start a website just to get rid of something that is about as prominent as an abandoned corner of the internet.


I just asked my friend over whatsapp, if he knew what clopping was. His reply: Isn't that when a horse walks?


That is no joke. I'm not even kidding right now.




The only people who give a damn about cloppers, ARE BRONIES! And half of us are probably cloppers anyway.

Edited by WunderWaffen
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Honestly, though, I'm a clopper; I won't discuss it past that much, but I am a clopper, yes.


 If they're trying to offend people like me, all I can do is laugh :D


"Stop liking what I don't like."


That's all this is, and the less attention we give it, the quicker it'll go away. :D

There aren't enough brohoofs in the world for you, good sir.


I find the very title, "stop the cloppers," to just be ludicrous.  Stop them?  Stop them how?  I mean, wat?  It's like (in a mocking voice) "Cloppers are evil and must be stopped at all costs!"  I mean, if a person want to encourage others to stop making MLP porn, fine, I can respect that.  I mean, gl with that, but at least it doesn't sound so ridiculous.  But stop them?  It just sounds like these folks are saying cloppers should be killed or something.  Or forced to stop finding ponies sexually appealing.  You can't stop someone from liking something.  The intolerance....ugh...stuff like this just makes my head a splode.  I've done enough thorough posts on this kind of thing elsewhere.  I've spoken my peace, so I'll stop now.

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*facepalme self* *sigh* welcome to the internet 

And my laptop is filled with r34 and nsfw but thankfully am gonna delete it all................soon enough and mostly its human so might as well leave it

That's just pure ignorance among our community. i mean, c'mon, to each their own, lets cloppers do their thing, it's not hurting any of us.

*but it give our community a bad name!* said someone who is a *true* brony 

Edited by Saudi brony
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I honestly don't care what these people do with their freedom.

Stop someone for what they like to do? Sounds like a dictatorship.


I'm a clopper, and I don't mind anyone else being one either.


Clopper forever

Edited by TheDarkMysteryMan
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They're fighting a lost cause. There's porn of everything, no exceptions.


What people like to get off on is none of my business, and I'm sticking to it




(Bold) As unfortunate as it is, that is true....

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Has anyone else pondered that the site may be a giant troll?


The line that got me in the site description in the first post was the bit about drawing "pictures of characters in the show performing sexual acts or even kissing each other."


Okay, I know sexual pictures of the ponies aren't everyone's thing but, seriously, "kissing each other"? What the heck is wrong with that, on any real level? This just makes the site admin sound like either the most adamant kind of puritan who thinks the sight of a woman's ankle is pornographic, or the most ardently homophobic because it is happening (likely) between two characters of the same sex.


Either way, I can't much take them seriously. This sort of thing happens in every fandom, and has been doing so for decades, for many many different shows, movies and genres. It's impossible to stop, but nor is it necessary to look.

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I really couldn't care less about what people "get off" to, as long as they aren't public about it...I don't like it when people try to tell others what they can and can't do though. If you don't like it, don't do it. They shouldn't force their views upon other people.

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I'mma just put it out there again that the title of this topic is misleading since the website was started two years ago and is not nearly new by any sensible standard of the word.


It was probably made a Brony looking to troll other Bronies or just some random dude who thought he was being funny.

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Honestly, the thought of what cloppers does makes me wanna puke.


However, this fandom is built on the slogan "love and tolerate." So cloppers don't bother me. I don't really care what they do. I will love and tolerate them all the same. Just please don't involve me in it, and keep your clopping private or in a secluded area.

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Honestly, the thought of what cloppers does makes me wanna puke.


However, this fandom is built on the slogan "love and tolerate." So cloppers don't bother me. I don't really care what they do. I will love and tolerate them all the same. Just please don't involve me in it, and keep your clopping private or in a secluded area.


This post made me realize this topic is more like "The Clop Survey" since most people aren't here sharing their thoughts on that old website but are just saying what they think of clopping.

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This post made me realize this topic is more like "The Clop Survey" since most people aren't here sharing their thoughts on that old website but are just saying what they think of clopping.

Most clop threads get shut down pretty quick, so now that there sort of is one I guess people want to talk about it.

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Most clop threads get shut down pretty quick, so now that there sort of is one I guess people want to talk about it.


I understand that sentiment, I've been in a few of them and they get slapped out of sight before they really get anywhere.


I'd just be careful straying to the topic of clop itself. This topic is bound to get closed as well if it does.

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Good luck with that. One does not simply stop someone from doing what they like.



Only maybe if you break the law, the police will stop ya...



Edited by ~Luna Squee~
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You clop?




Ah well, at least they're not targeting the entire fandom like most people do...

Edited by Asterisk Propernoun
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I personally don't give two flying shits about this website!

Cloppers or not, they are flipping bronies!. I hope you can see that and eventually other bronies as well...


If you think I am right or at least making a point here please like or brohoof my post.

Edited by NightGuard
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