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S04:E12 - Pinkie Pride

Yellow Diamond

S04:E12 - Pinkie Pride  

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Okay, this one just sucked. They tried to make it another musical episode a'la Magical Mystery Cure, but they couldn't be bothered to make even a single half-decent song during the entire runtime. Instead, they just used the same awful, grating song every time the plot called for it.


The episode's attempts at humor amounted to little more than just dangling keys in front of your face and ordering you to laugh, and Weird Al's role in general was just pointless. Why bother bringing a parody artist into the episode if you're not even going to make a song parody? It just seems like a colossal waste.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Maaaaan that twist at the end, DAT TWIST! 


It was pretty good, defiantly not the best episode ever. 


I liked when Cheese sang part of the verse of Smile Smile Smile, and the Birthday song at the end had that great up-beat pop feel.  I didn't like the first song, but all in all, I think they did what they could with weird als character without taking away too much continuity from the show.  It was entertaining, I was smiling the whole way through.     


One really good moment was Pinkies second song.  At first I was like "WHY ARE YOU JUST GIVING UP"  but half way through, she brought herself out of that rut and decided to not just throw in the towel, and I liked that.  Normally other ponies would help do that, but here she did it on her own, that was a cool moment. 

Edited by Deesinn
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I easily consider Pinkie Pride tied with Pinkie Apple Pie as my two favorite Season 4 episodes ever!


I'll be honest, I haven't seen much of Weird Al myself, heck, I think I've only heard one of his songs, 'The Saga Begins', so I didn't really know what to expect from him making a guest appearance.


But he was amazing as Cheese Sandwich! in fact, the entire episode was s amazing I almost can't put it to words, the songs were great, the characterization was great, the pacing was great, the writing was great. It was just overall.... overall...


Cheese Sandwich: Epic?


Yes, yes it was.


Though one minor thing I think I liked most was hearing about Cheese's backstory, and how Pinkie was the mare who inspired him to become a party pony, and I'll admit, I liked seeing how apparently Pinkie did move to Ponyville as a filly. Granted, I know it does raise some questions, but I think it does so in a good way; it makes us look forward to learning how and why Pinkie came to Ponyville and it may serve as a plot point for a future episode.

  • Brohoof 2

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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Pinkie Pie has been spot on in the latest episodes. No over-the-top flugelhorn nonsense. Just Pinkie doing what she does best: Making other ponies smile.


I'm also pleasantly surprised at the amount of backstory the writers gave Cheese Sandwich.

In a single episode, they managed to fit in more character development for a one-shot guest star character than Flash Sentry could handle in an entire movie.

I like all the callbacks to continuity in this episode, such as the brief appearance of Appleloosa in the beginning, and all the pictures in Pinkie's room (which she even narrated for us  :lol:  ). The songs fit in nicely without feeling rushed or overdone like they did in Magical Mystery Cure. It's not very often that a guest star sings! Pinkie's Lament is probably one of my favorite MLP:FiM songs yet.



Epic windy mane sunlight shot!


A lot of Derpy appearances in this episode as well. It seems she's improved her banner hanging skills since last time.


Also, roller coasters are now canon!


Even though the past couple of seasons haven't been the greatest, I'm still watching this show thanks to episodes like this.

Edited by Dolphanatic
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Anyone else noticed this in the picture Pinkie was looking about the very first party she ever did (with her family)




Besides Pinkie's parents, and her known sisters "Inkie" and "Blinkie", there is a third sister (you know, at the left right next to Pinkie's hoof) that looks older than Pinkie, Inkie and Blinkie. That means that she's the "older sister" Pinkie has... and her color scheme doesn't look anything like Octavia (her coat kind of looks the same, but Octavia is more brownish and that third sister looks completely gray. The mane and eyes are completely different, that's for sure). That means that Octavia was never Pinkie's third sister.


Just look at the two next to each other:



So, what fan name would this new Pie sister get?

Edited by lucasliso
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This, was an awesome episode. I grew up listening to Weird Al. Where can I find all the songs?! I wanna ad them to my collection!


I really hope they do more "Special Guest stars" in future episodes. I was kinda hoping to see Pinkamena again after seeing her get all sad and upset.....oh well. Weird Al 's performance was epic.  It was just so him.



Edited by ~TGAP Flutterdash~
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Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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WOH that episode was Pinkariffic!!!


The music was utterly brilliant, and the story this week was really good fun.


I was in absolute pony heaven with this episode:


It's hard to really say one part I liked, I enjoyed it start to finish, and I feel so happy compared to how I was feeling earlier after watching the episode that I just had to say something.


Also Weird Al's character was funny and awesome to



Edited by Asherdangerdash
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Pffff ahahaha *oink* ahahah... Just finished to watch this episode. Ha, once again I convinced that this season becomes more and more cool. So much laugh. Pinkie... Pinkie never changes =) So much awesome music. This new guy is great, I thought that he would annoy me, but he's not. He's simply gorgeous! Rainbow also wass great. And Derpy! We get much more Derpy than usual. And also Pinkie prooved that she's not silly (eat that Pinkie haters!) 

  • Brohoof 2


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Wow. Just wow. I.....I.....I can't believe it!
I've been listening to Troy Cassar-Daley's Born to Survive well before the episode went to air due to the similarities between the song and this episode and I have to say that they have hit the mark with this.
To quote from my tweet from this morning:
"I can safely say this right now, this episode was.....was....unbelievable! The best of #MLPSeason4 so far! Enough said!"
What can I say? I thought the debut episode for this season or Scootaloo's episode was the major highlight of the series for me, but despite the events leading up to the episode officially airing I can safely say that this episode delivered on it's hype and anticipation promise from start to finish!
The main highlights of the episode for me were not only about Weird Al's guest appearance as Cheese Sandwich, but also Pinkie Pie and the struggles she had to go through to try and retain her status as the premier party pony and in the process, learns a valuable lesson or two along the way. 
Emotion wise, if you forgot to bring a box of Kleenex before the episode aired then you might just want some tissues on hand. Pinkie Pie was put through an emotional roller coaster ride and some of the scenes actually got me a bit choked up, especially the musical number (Pinkie's Lament) where Pinkie Pie was on the edge of defeat and just about to throw in the towel. I had a bit of a bad day before the episode aired and I was on the verge of tears, so once this song came up.....
"I am openly weeping my eyes out here! No joke! I knew it! It had to be a Pinkie Pie musical number to start the waterworks!"
Apart from that, there isn't much left to say about this episode. 
I also have written my full thoughts on the episode itself on my blog, which can be viewed here.

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"Pinkie Pride" takes a strong second place for me, right after "Rarity Takes Manehattan" as one of season 4's best. This episode was a joy to watch from start to finish, and much like Pinkie Apple Pie, gave Pinkie some much-needed depth beyond sight gags and comic relief. This is why we like Pinkie; Not just because she's funny, but because she's also a great character, with her own conflicts and insecurities to overcome, as well as a genuine love for her friends. "Pinkie Pride" absolutely exemplifies this, and might just replace "A Friend In Deed" as my favorite Pinkie Pie episode.


Cheese Sandwich himself was a ton of fun, and was used just enough to be an entertaining foil for Pinkie without overstaying his welcome. I enjoyed his backstory as an admirer of Pinkie's own party-planning expertise, and was glad to see him as a well-meaning rival rather than a truly malicious antagonist.


Songs were fantastic, and I really got a kick out of Pinkie's "Smile" getting the Weird Al treatment in particular. The visual gags were as over-the-top as you'd expect from a Pinkie episode, and all in all, the whole 22 minutes was extremely fun and brimming with high energy. I really appreciated all the continuity nods to earlier episodes too. A lot of love went into this episode, and it shows.


You just keep being awesome, season 4.

  • Brohoof 7



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Wow, that was better than I expected! And more musical than I expected! Diamond Tiara singing was a cool surprise :) All the songs were good, but Pinkie's sad/determined song was my favorite.

I love the name "goof-off" for a duel :lol: At first it was a little sad to see them fighting, but when it got to the real life footage I really did laugh. I saw that alligator on derpibooru yesterday and thought it was just someone being clever, but then to find out it was an actual spoiler was hilarious :P

I'm kind of glad Pinkie's hair never deflated. If there was an appropriate moment for it, it would have been when she realized she'd gone against the party pony code. Would have had a big impact, but the scene worked without it, and it just gives Party of One even more impact.

And this episode has done the impossible... introduce a single-episode character who is an opposite gender version of one of the main characters (at least he wasn't blue), and actually got me to ship them :D What did it was the grand reveal at the end, that Pinkie herself is the reason he is the way he is. Personal history together makes for good ships, and truthfully, I would have been happy if they fell in love and he stayed as a main cast member from now on.

The key acquisition was interesting, because for Rarity and Rainbow, their episodes centered on teaching others the way of their element. But this time it looked like it was just Pinkie herself realizing she was doing it wrong... except then you think for a minute and realize, she DID teach someone the way of laughter! It just happened a very long time ago. Bravo, Jayson or Amy or whoever came up with that :D And Cheese Sandwich just casually replacing his precious rubber chicken was pretty funny and a great way to lighten the otherwise bittersweet gift :)

The one off-putting thing in this episode is that again Spike is left out for the most part, and then shushed back into the background for complementing Twilight. It's not a significant mistreatment, but I've become hypersensitive to it at this point.

Other thoughts: Derpy everywhere! I'm kind of surprised there aren't more people raging about them shoving her in our face too much now :lol: I don't mind a bit, though. We have a lot of derplessess to make up for :D And Pinkie has a third sister! Didn't see that one coming.


That means that she's the "older sister" Pinkie has... and her color scheme doesn't look anything like Octavia (her coat kind of looks the same, but Octavia is more brownish and that third sister looks completely gray. The mane and eyes are completely different, that's for sure). That means that Octavia was never Pinkie's third sister.

I thought Octavia was theorized to be the adult form of Inkie/Marble, i.e. the top one with the darker hair and purple eyes. Some people have lighter hair when young, so it's perfectly possible for hers to darken to near-black as an adult.


For the new one's name... maybe Amethyst, for her purple hair, and being a form of quartz in honor of their mother, Cloudy Quartz?

Edited by dekutree64
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Reference! [someone probably already posted it somewhere...]


3:10 to Goof Off is a reference to a cowboy movie by the title 3:10 to Yuma


I own the movie and was excited [more than I should've been] to see it referenced in an MLP episode.

Excited to recognize a reference, that is...

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Well it looks like 3 of the ponies have what might be 3 keys in disguise.

Or did I leave anyone out? I am so anxious to see what's

in that crystal box! 


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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Best episode of the season for me, right here. Cheese Sandwich is a fantastic character brilliantly bought to life by Weird Al, and all the songs were great fun too.

Weird Al has always rocked my socks! :D


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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First off, the writing. It fit in with pinkies character, in fact it made sense more than I thought. I normally love slice of life episodes, but up until this one, I wasn't liking the ones in this season. Pinkie is my new best pony, and this episode was giving more info about pinkie ( and cheese!) than I have seen in all pinkies episodes. I almost cried, (couh cough okay I cried) in some parts of this episode.

Now as for cheese, I seriously thought I was going to hate him, and during the middle of the episode, I almost did, but not for the reasons I thought. I thought I was going to hate him because he would be poorly written, poorly done, unessential to the plot, and annoying, but he wasn't ANY if these, in my opinion. I only hated him a little when he burst pinkies bubble. But I gave up, because he is such a fun pony, and his tie to pinkie, DAWW! My heart!!!! This episode made me love cheese, love pinkie even more, and it reassured me that this show isn't going downhill anytime soon. :D

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Also, gaaaah, I'm shipping cheese and pinkie. And it's so sweet! Not forced or ridiculous, like raritys flings have been. Cheese pie is genuinely sweet. Something I have been making noise about is that it seems a little unrealistic to me that six single mares have never ( that we have seen?) had successful romantic relationships. I don't think to repair that we need relationships like flash twi ( at least the highschool flash) but this episode opened things up a little without making it a rarity romance moment. Not forcing anything, but leaving it open.

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I already wrote my brief thoughts on this episode when it was leaked, so I C&P 'em.



There was so much hype leading up to this episode. I daresay PP lived up to, if not surpassed, the hype. THIS is how you fit more than five songs into one twenty-minute episode without having it cramped or sacrificing objective quality, something MMC massively failed to do.

Counting today's airing, I watched this episode nine times. Each time, it gets better and funnier. That's a testament to its strong writing, pacing (for the most part), songs, and execution. As far as the songs are concerned, all seven are great, but my favorite's Pinkie's Lament.

Combined with great characterization of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie, it's a huge home run. To date, easily not just my most favorite S4 episode, but the best S4 episode, too. Well done, AKR! :D


But there was a ton to discuss. Such observations are:

  1. Pinkie Pie was absolutely at her best here. One major problem last season and this season is how Pinkie Pie's offbeat humor becomes one-dimensional, turning her into an incompetent, random airhead. There's plenty to Pinkie beyond it, and she's much more intelligent that what several of the episodes that put her into a secondary role give credit. In fact, she's one of the smartest.
  2. The entire Goof Off was absolutely hilarious. So many gags freshened the hilarity of the sequences, and none of the jokes were used twice. My most favorite was the real-life scenes that shattered the fourth wall and the polka version of The Smile Song. (BTW, seeing Pinkie get insulted by that is refreshing, as Pinkie hasn't been shown to get so angry too much this season.)
  3. How Cheese Sandwich came to Ponyville not as an antagonist. In fact, that point was very clear in Act 1 before the song as well as Twilight asking Pinkie if she could help him.
  4. Every single song didn't feel like they were chopped down to save time, one big reason why MMC was quite bad. The songs were evenly distributed and felt very complete.
  • Brohoof 4

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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