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gaming What is everyponys fav rpg game of all time


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Hmm... Radiant Historia and Pokmeon Soul Silver. The first because of the awesome story and the second because of the awesome gameplay. Can't choose :S


edit: also tied for #1:

The World Ends With You (HIGHLY underrated and underhyped)

Chrono Trigger

Deus Ex

Edited by RainGloom
  • Brohoof 1

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Final Fantasy Tactics, I just love everything about that game, even the ballcrushingly difficult Weigraf fight in the 3rd chapter

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The original Knights of the Old Republic is probably number 1, but Legend of Mana is damn close


Runners up would be Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, Mass Effect 2, Most of the Pokemon Series, Fallout New Vegas, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 9, Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger and Morrowind.


Plus on the MMO front I'd have to say WoW. It's a little cliche, but I have such good memories of the guild I was in and the fun we had!

  • Brohoof 1

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The entire 'elder scrolls' series.

Not a doudt.

Best RPGs now and forever they will live as legends.


On a lower note, my other favorite RPG games are:

fallout three/GTA/Pokemon yellow


*technically, every game is an rpg...*

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Zelda is an awesome series.

I want to play Chrono Trigger. I heard that game was amazing


I have so many favorite RPG's. Probably Final Fantasy 4 is my favorite. That was a tough decision. But that game kept hitting me right in the feels. 

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Skyrim, fallout 3, Borderlands. All great games, such fun.


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Zelda's not an RPG though, it's an adventure/puzzle/dungeon crawler. (unless you count Zelda 2 which has the RPG making Level System)


My favorites of all time are Tales of Symphonia, FF6, and Pokemon 3rd Generation


And Borderlands 2. That game is fun.

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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. No contest for favorite RPG of all time.


Close seconds would be the collective Megaman Battle Network series, especially the fifth one "Team Protoman/Colonel" and Mass Effect 2.

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There are so many great RPGs out there it's really difficult to say. I can really only go by series as my favorites in the series' change depending on what I'm playing quite a lot.


The top contenders for me are:


Shin Megami Tensei (current favorite: Nocturne, maybe Persona 2)

Wild Arms (favorites: 2 and 3)

Kingdom Hearts (favorite: Dream Drop Distance)

Baten Kaitos (favorite: Eternal Wings And The Lost Ocean)

Final Fantasy (favorites: IX, XII, Tactics, Crystal Chronicles, Dirge of Cerberus even if the last one is actually more shooter than RPG)

Legend of Dragoon

Last Scenario

Tales Of (favorite: Tales of the Abyss)


Castlevania (favorites: Lords of Shadow...but that's not an RPG. Actual RPG favorites are all the DS games)

Odin Sphere

Demon's Souls


Planescape: Torment


I know I'm technically cheating by listing so many but...I just can't choose. SO MUCH GREATNESS IN THIS, THE ONE TRUE GENRE. :(


There are also games that I didn't list that I love because they are less RPG than even some of the kinda-RPGs I have above like the Scurge: Hive. Technically shouldn't have listed Dirge of Cerberus either.


RPGs are my main genre. It's all I play half the time.

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Whoa, maybe might wanna wait til we're off that new game buzz, eh? :lol:


Not to say you can't think so but that game literally just came out and it's easy to believe the game you're currently playing is the best ever and then think otherwise after you are done with it. :P


Happened to me with Tales of Xillia. I was loving it throughout the game but when the hype died down I liked it (a little) less than I originally did.

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I'm going to have to say the Shadow Heart series (playstation 2)



I've only played Shadow Hearts 2 so far, didn't even beat it cuz I want to play the first game even knowing all the major plot points, but I love the game. I really really really gotta try to get my hands on the other games in the series.


The only reason I didn't list it was because I haven't played enough of the series or SH2 to give it a proper ranking.

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I know some peoples "Opinions" of what makes an rpg hold because of the way they are made.  I just want to throw out this as what I call an RPG;


RPG requirements (imho)

Upgrade/level system

long gameplay/replay value

changeable/increasing difficulty (either a BA boss or a actual control on the level)


and I saved this one for last: ACTION!


So with my said criteria in mind: this is what I think heralds as some BA and #1


#10: ActRaiser

#9 Super Mario RPG/Paper Mario series

#8 Chrono Cross

#7 Chrono Trigger

#6 Zelda

#5 Metroid

#4 Castlevania (DS, PS2/3 [NES is adventure]

#3 God of War

#2 Final Fantasy (1-7 9-10 8's story made me sick)

and finally my personal #1....DIABLO 1-3!


To me honestly, you can't beat a classic when you see one.  That's why my list is how it shows

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I probably shouldn't be posting this but while the line between RPG and some other genre can be blurry when games like God of War start being called RPGs I think there needs to be some kind of reeducation going on here. There is an established genre known as RPG and you can't just throw any game you want in there saying it's RPG because it might have one or two elements that are in RPGs. :lol:


Games like Castlevania on DS? They are heavily action-platformer but they have enough RPG elements to be considered one. Games like God of War are already in another genre: Hack'n'Slash. There are absolutely no RPG elements. The ability to upgrade your items is fairly common among Hack'n'Slash games.


One of the main features of an RPG is that you are given numerical stats that are affected by your equipment, your level, abilities you may obtain. While other games have these sorts of features they aren't generally tied to a number that can be modified and tweaked with minor changes to your equipment or your abilities. You control your character's strengths and weaknesses almost directly as opposed to your stats being tied to whether you can collect x amount of items that increase your stats automatically. The manual control of your character's stats and strengths itself is what gives the RPG it's essence.


Part of what makes an RPG an RPG is that the gameplay, no matter whether it's turn-based or more actiony, is tied to these numbers.


Of course we can argue what makes an RPG all day long but there is an established genre and games like God of War do not fit into it. You can't just change the boundaries to fit your own wishes. There are games you can argue about their genre like Zelda which many argue to be Puzzle-Adventure and are also argued to be RPGs (though a lot of people do not and never will consider them RPGs, myself included) but something like God of War which very clearly, and unarguably, fits into a specific genre will never be an RPG.

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