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request shop Dil's new request shop (closed)


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Sorry I'm not doing colour requests at the moment


Then if I can't have color, then just make a Flutterbat version of my current avi.


I still want the different headphones, though.









(That's for Reading!)

Edited by DJ Shy-3
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@, @,


Here you go guys, hope these are to your liking!




...I don't like it...







Thanks so much, I never imagined it would look this good!



I give it 8/10, because nothing is perfect, but this came close.

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PLEASE attach the reference pics in your request, "link is in sig" gets rather irritating when im flipping between web pages on an ipad.


Seriously guys, read the rules. The least you can do is make it easy for me

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You gots a Deviant art or other art site?  I see styled up the wazoo arts and would rather quite like to follow ya.



-read signiture,  ignore my question-

Edited by ~Chaotic Skygunner~
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Could you possibly do a picture of my pony here in olden-age full body armor?


I can give you an armor reference idea here post-19171-0-33922300-1394299270.jpg


Here is my pony as well.




Finally, if possible could you throw this pony on Aqua's back while she is wearing armor with a serious expression?




The above one isn't needed, and the armor would be full body armor similar to the reference.



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Youll have to be more specific when you say "on her back". Is she carrying her? is she being hugged? Is the second pony balancing on her for some reason? Also, that picture doesnt show a lot of the pony in question, it doesnt even have all of her mane included so it would be difficult to say the least.





Not used to drawing griffons at all but this one turned out quite well I feel.

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Youll have to be more specific when you say "on her back". Is she carrying her? is she being hugged? Is the second pony balancing on her for some reason? Also, that picture doesnt show a lot of the pony in question, it doesnt even have all of her mane included so it would be difficult to say the least.





Not used to drawing griffons at all but this one turned out quite well I feel.


Flann is the tan pony, her whole mane is what is in the picture. (She wears it in a bun)


As for being on Aqua's back, Aquaspark is indeed carrying her.


But like I said, she doesn't need to be in the picture at all. If it is easier, you can do just Aqua in the armor.


Thank you for all the time, and effort you may or may not put into my request!

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This IS a request shop, and I just drew a Griffon so I'd say I do.

It's kind of a wild request. But I've been searching for so long and no one seems to want to do it or even try to consider it.

If you're wondering, I'm requesting a drawing of a Leviathan.


If you don't want to, I'll request something else.

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This IS a request shop, and I just drew a Griffon so I'd say I do.


Whew.. Since that's out of the way.. I was wondering if you would mind drawing a couple picture of my fursona and Harmonic Revelations' cuddling or something? 


Harmy's fursona, 'Nexus'. Bat/Wolf/Dragon Hybrid





My fursona, 'Autumn'. Mermaid Seal





..Yes, we are an odd couple.

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I'm requesting a drawing of a Leviathan.


I can give it a go, but you'll have to provide references. Historically the Leviathan has many forms, not just the ones seen in the likes of Final Fantasy.

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Could you possibly do a picture of my pony here in olden-age full body armor?



One pony in a suit of armor. I think this is what you meant, as body-armour is something else entirely.

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