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How do bronies compare to other fandoms?


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The Non/Disney Fandom. Well, about all of it. A lot of it gets on my nerves with all of its mad shippings, since most of the shippings don't even make a lick of sense. They also never ship anything canon. EVER.


JackFrostxRapunzel says: "o, look! flyn and rapunzel got married! =D nah! fuck it! lets go make some more jackunzel fanart! ^.^

JelsaShippers4Ever says: "no ! jackunzel sux ! jelsa rules and stuffz ! :3 they both hav sno powerz! lets ship them!


Also the most horrifying part of it is the Lorax part. Fuck me in the ass with a shovel. I regret going to the Once-ler fandom...They made him fuck himself. ;-;

Edited by Imagine


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@@Anci3ntArtiFact, forgive me if I'm showing my ignorance, but what do you mean by "Bros"?





*Some* Members of the Pewdiepie fandom... I believe they call themselves 'Bros'.




I honestly try to isolate myself from his channel as much a I can.....



Don't hate on me, Pewdiepie fans. I'm voicing my opinion.  :umad:


I found myself in the fire burnt hills
In the land of a billion lights

My OCs: Green Tea Lionheart Abnoba Auto

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@@Anci3ntArtiFact, I haven't watched a single one of Pewdiepie's videos, but "Bros" is honestly the most generic nickname for a group of fans I've ever heard in my life.


I'mma start calling Bronies "Pals" in that case. Maybe that way we won't catch so much hate.



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@@Anci3ntArtiFact, I haven't watched a single one of Pewdiepie's videos, but "Bros" is honestly the most generic nickname for a group of fans I've ever heard in my life.


I'mma start calling Bronies "Pals" in that case. Maybe that way we won't catch so much hate.









Bros is very generic. It's like one day, a dude wakes up.


"I had a dream about Pewdiepie! I'm going to call myself a bro."



Hmm.... really original. :/



And brofist is one of the most ridiculous things I've honestly ever heard.



Brohoof is different. At least bronies have an eccentric fandom name.


I found myself in the fire burnt hills
In the land of a billion lights

My OCs: Green Tea Lionheart Abnoba Auto

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Comic book fans can get pretty brutal. That's quite possibly the most cannibalistic fandom I know of. I get told I'm not a real comic book fan because Captain America is too popular all the time

  • Brohoof 1

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move,
your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
"No, you move."

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On reading your replies it would seem clear you have become disillusioned and cynical of the Furry Fandom because of the actions of the worse of this community...

Yeah, which is pretty much common and consistent among the furry fandom, what are you getting at?


And I completely GAFIA'ted from the community, I'm not gonna look back.

Edited by Flandre Scarlet Pony
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Yeah, which is pretty much common and consistent among the furry fandom, what are you getting at?

And I completely GAFIA'ted from the community, I'm not gonna look back.

Might I then suggest staying away from the community while still enjoying a good comic here and there?


Also what I was getting at is don't let the worse of any fandom ruin your enjoyment of the subject.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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The worst group of people that I had ever laid eyes on would have to be the French Revolutionists and their gutter trash they call an "Army", but no man is worse than Jean Valjean.

You get a Krabapple HA for that right there


Now go jump off a bridge ;)



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Now that my little Les Mis post is done, I do not like this topic one bit. This question is flawed, and is filled with what I can only guess is an inconsistent view of what a fan is. Are we talking about fans and fandoms? Subcultures? The vocal trolls of a fandom? How about the 14 year old who watches every PewDiePie video, but doesn't comment on any videos since it's watched via device streaming? Soccer hooligans represent millions if fans, hardcore and casual?


This is a very dangerous line of thought. It allows a person to block out the humanity of another and allow representation to become a perceived truth.


But then again what do I know, I'm just a neck bearded gay man child who lives in my parents basement collecting disability.

  • Brohoof 1



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Wait... What?! Pewdiepie has his own fandom?

Have I missed something?  :o


Now regarding the original topic, I don't think there are any "worse" fan bases than bronies.

That said because there will always be people who do sketchy things around. 

Though to a lot of people when they think of bronies... imagine well... All we need is college humour to answer that.

  • Brohoof 1


Now with more added tea leaves!

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Internet communists.

That is all.


EDIT: As an added note, I don't really think there are any fandoms (No, the Nazi party is not a fandom) that are worse than us. Just as bad, maybe, but not worse. I mean, we did produce this, which is utterly horrendous when you think about it.

Oooooh... I was totally gonna brohoof until I saw the picture. It seriously isn't difficult to beat that, especially since you provided a amazing example by mentioning online Communists. A group of people who are mostly ignorant Stalinists who praises the man and constantly flips off the 40+ million people killed under his terrible regime.


Not a fandom, but still a terrible subculture of it's own nonetheless.

Now regarding the original topic, I don't think there are any "worse" fan bases than bronies.

That said because there will always be people who do sketchy things around. 

Though to a lot of people when they think of bronies... imagine well... All we need is college humour to answer that.

The OP probably means the number of said people who do sketchy things in a fandom.

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I didn't know what a juggalo was. I look it up. I see Ronald McDonald. I exited out of the window.

The moment we condescend to others we think inferior to ourselves is the moment we sink to their level.

Technically some of us are them so it doesn't change much.


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Otakus (now, there are some really cool otakus, as I am one myself! But all lot of them ARE... how should I put this... well, I'm sure you already know... ;)


Miley Cyrus fans


The Sonic Fandom (from what I've seen)


There's probably more I could put here... but I won't. Like... the Minecraft fandom (which I'm a part of, buuut...) Haha. XD

Edited by Curly Swirl
  • Brohoof 2


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From my personal experiences, my list of worse fanbases include:


 - Pokemom (anime, card game, video games)

 - YAOI (Gay anime/manga)

 - Dr. Who (Children's TV show from England)

 - Star Wars ('80s sci-fi movies, and everything along with it)

 - Queen (Music band)

 - Supernatural (TV show that should have ended after two seasons)

 - College football (Nowhere near as good as the NFL, for many reasons)

 - Firefly (A TV sci-fi series)

 - Soccer (One of the most boring sports EVER)

 - John Cena (One of the worst wrestlers ever, based off of wrestling skills)

 - Justin Beiber (A Canadian that shames its homeland, and now nobody wants it)



There's quite a few more, but these are the worst that I can think of at the moment.

Pewdiepie's fans, Justin Beiber's fans, Miley Cyrus' fans, and One Direction's fans... like seriously they go ballistic if you say you don't like them

Honestly, as a Pewdiepie fan, I can agree that many in our fanbase need to take some chill pills.  He's still funny, though.

Edited by Washougal_Otaku

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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People who like Adventure Time. they don't have a name for some reason but yeah there super annoying.

never have i seen a group so annoying and act like its a perfect show when its really unfunny and un-creative.

they just bother the hell out of me and i wish they would keep to themselves 

  • Brohoof 1
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