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I would show them Lesson Zero or The Return of Harmony (both parts). If they start to give the show a chance, show them the Nightmare Moon episodes. Save the more girly ones for later.


Agreed. The first two episodes are not the best to start someone off on. Season two's pilot is much better, in my opinion, and doesn't feature any songs, so there's nothing to be complained about by non-bronies or haters.

  • Brohoof 1
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Either Lesson Zero, May the Best Pet Win, or Party of One. These are the episodes that made me a brony, and they're still my favorite episodes.



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The Return Of Harmony is a great one. I showed someone the scene where Pinkie Pie got discorded and they said they felt bad for her. On the other hand, the idea of "the elements of harmony" might turn someone away.


Lesson Zero has been another one that got a positive response, and until the very end, it's not cutesy at all. The beginning is a little slow though. 

  • Brohoof 3

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I always use "A Bird in the Hoof" because it is a good all round example of many of the best things the show has to offer. You get an on edge Twilight (But not Lesson Zero crazy), a super adorable Fluttershy and of course the crazy antics of Philomena. 

  • Brohoof 1

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I was wondering about this myself the other weekend...a friend I hadn't seen in a while dropped by and I felt duty bound to help him experience ponies. I tried "Party of One" as like many others in this thread I felt it was a good one, quirky, funny and easy for anyone to enjoy. Sadly fellow bronies and pegasisters i failed and didn't convert him ;_; but he did seem to enjoy some PMVs I threw on later, especially the ones with original music as this friend also does a fair bit of music producing himself


But yes I think: Party of One, Lesson Zero, Return of Harmony (if you have time!) Also I actually thought the first episode of season 1 was good to start with (though perhaps not as visually impressive) it does give a really nice overview of the universe and an introduction to each individual ponies personality.

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I would go with Lesson Zero. It has a simple not to “into friendship” topic, can watch funny and ridiculous stuff shows most of the key chars and crazy Twi is just too good for anyone to hate. I would have fallen much faster into the show with Lesson Zero as my contact with MLP. 



I realy think "cannon" episodes are not to a good aproach for new commers as for some dodos out there “Saving the world with harmony and friendship” would look like ridiculous. 

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Even if it really isn't one of my favorite episodes, I might recommend Lesson Zero, mainly because it does a fantastic job dispelling myths about the show. Rainbow Dash nukes a barn, Fluttershy (sort of) kills a bear and Twilight goes absolutely nuts. It isn't what FiM is about, but I think that watching that one would make it more difficult to dismiss the show as only for kids.


I would also suggest Party of One for similar reasons.

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I usually show them the Season 2 Finale,

'cuz it shows a war and some mild romance and broadway-style songs.

And of course, Vinyl.


If all else fails for me, I don't show them any more.

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I know I'm late to the party and all - jeez, October! I don't know why you'd want to 'convert' people. The only reason I'd want to do any of this is to just make them see that MLP is not what they think of in their ignorance, if they haven't seen it before. I've shared Hearth's Warming Eve to my best friend for Christmas because she's really open minded, so that helps. Still, even though I'm her friend, I'm not trying to convert her. Just let her see what it's like for herself... and because it's festive. Plus, I do think she'd enjoy it because there's plenty of feels in that one episode.


Therefore, Hearth's Warming Eve would be a great choice if I were to... make the ignorant see that MLP isn't what they first thought. Also, I have a firm belief A Canterlot Wedding would be a great choice. It poses that stereotypical girly nonsense, but when they get 15 minutes in... holy shit they are gonna be blown away, hopefully. Especially when this moment kicks in. 


The organ in the background just really strikes a perfect note and Twilight's expression is the absolute best from any moment of MLP/ So wonderfully chaotic.


Also, I feel It's About Time would be a great candidate as well. The plot's fun and at the same time gritty.

Edited by TooTsaka
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I would show the show from the beginning at season one, episode one. First off, non-bronies aren't sure what to expect from the show. They probably have poor expectations and I think that the first episode is rather shockingly contrary to their imagination; well, at least they were for me.


If they show moderate interest, move on to episode 2 and let the brainwashing complete at their own free will. I can also see the Discord episodes would be pretty effective as well for the same reasons.

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I would show the show from the beginning at season one, episode one. First off, non-bronies aren't sure what to expect from the show. They probably have poor expectations and I think that the first episode is rather shockingly contrary to their imagination; well, at least they were for me.


If they show moderate interest, move on to episode 2 and let the brainwashing complete at their own free will. I can also see the Discord episodes would be pretty effective as well for the same reasons.


The thing is, I already tried the first episode on someone else, someone who was in that same group calling us "immature faggots". I showed season 1's pilot, but his final judgement was, and I quote, " while some references...could...be enjoyed, there was still too much 'cutesyness' in it that it's still a show for little girls."


So, no, season 2's pilot seems better for a starter. Then maybe some backtracking later on, but let's stick with the present, if it works, awesome. If it doesn't, well...I tried.

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Definitely "Read it and Weep". It's a very well-constructed episode. Hell, it's message is to not knock something until you've tried it. It would be even better if you are showing someone that is an athlete because it would apply even more. I was thinking about going into this into a lot more detail like some others have, but eh...

  • Brohoof 3
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Applebuck Season

Lesson Zero

Party Of One

Return Of Harmony, both parts.


These episodes were some of my favourites in the series, and they were the shows that made me proud to be a brony.

  • Brohoof 1

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Party of One. Hehe, isn't that just the best episode EVER?  :lol: This episode is great to show to like complete haters because it is absolutely hilarious! It shows that My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic actually is a great show and not for just little girls! ;)

  • Brohoof 2


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Hey, just adding one more thing. What first got me interested in the show was the song Discord (the remix by TheLivingTombstone). I loved the song and I eventually started watching the show just so I could see the Discord episodes. I would suggest (if your friend likes a more rock/dubstep type thing) that you have them listen to that and then show them The Return of Harmony 1&2. That's what got me hooked! If your friend likes a different type of music, just surf around and find a song that matches their taste. Then, show them the episode that goes with the song. It just adds an interest factor, you know?

  • Brohoof 1


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My friend used to be a hater, then he took a friendship to the knee.


XD Skyrim reference!


I think that the first episode is actually the best because that is the episode most bronies watched first (im assuming) so.. yeah

But what got me into mlp was this pmv that showed me it wasn't a show for little kids: 


Edited by Pegasister1
  • Brohoof 1


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Hey, how about Fallweather Friends? The competitive spirit in sports is something that almost everybody will be able to relate to outside of MLP, plus that episode shows off some pretty impressive animation and good-hearted humour. Only issue being you only get to know four of the mane 6, but that's still the episode I'd show to a non-brony friend.

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I've found that it really depends on the individual and their own interests. One friend got hooked with 'Suited for Success' and 'Green isn't your Color' because she's a fashion designer. One liked 'Baby Cakes' because he's an old-time Looney Tunes fan. 'Hearth's Warming Eve' worked well on a bunch of people I know who are stage actors, because they recognized themselves in the scenes where the Mane 6 are getting ready for the performance.


Of course my friends in general find the idea of something being 'for girls' and 'for boys' bizarre and rather Victorian. Most of them are artists, musicians, or performers themselves, and you're not going to get very far in live theatre if you have a hangup about gender roles or sexual orientation.

  • Brohoof 2


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I've found that it really depends on the individual and their own interests. One friend got hooked with 'Suited for Success' and 'Green isn't your Color' because she's a fashion designer. One liked 'Baby Cakes' because he's an old-time Looney Tunes fan. 'Hearth's Warming Eve' worked well on a bunch of people I know who are stage actors, because they recognized themselves in the scenes where the Mane 6 are getting ready for the performance.


Of course my friends in general find the idea of something being 'for girls' and 'for boys' bizarre and rather Victorian. Most of them are artists, musicians, or performers themselves, and you're not going to get very far in live theatre if you have a hangup about gender roles or sexual orientation.

I was going to say the same thing. No single episode will appeal to every single person. Like before I watched the show one of my friends constantly showed me all of the action packed episodes, but the one that hooked me on the series was actually one that I decided to watch on my own. It was Lesson Zero and it hooked me because I am more into humor than anything else and had she shown me this episode first I would have loved it right away.

  • Brohoof 1


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I was going to say the same thing. No single episode will appeal to every single person. Like before I watched the show one of my friends constantly showed me all of the action packed episodes, but the one that hooked me on the series was actually one that I decided to watch on my own. It was Lesson Zero and it hooked me because I am more into humor than anything else and had she shown me this episode first I would have loved it right away.


Then I guess I'll have to ask him, discreetly, whether he prefers comedy or action. I'll have to choose a good episode/few good episodes based on that, but I've been given some great suggestions here, so thanks to everyone here!

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But honestly, I would start them from the very beginning. There's so much character building and development in the first two episodes, that you really need to see them before you can fully appreciate anything else.


Here's the thing, the first two episodes are a bit too "girly" for non-bronies to take seriously, or at least that's been my experience.

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What other shows do they watch? If they're the kind of people who wouldn't watch things like Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Jack, Animaniacs, and the like back in the day because that stuff's 'for kids', it's going to be a tough row to hoe.


Normally I don't like starting people off in fanmade works, but some people respond better if they are thrown into the deep end first. If they're animation fans, some of the fan-made works like 'Picture Perfect Pony' might be a good hook. If they're Doctor Who fans, there's a ton of reasonable Doctor Whooves stuff out there. Personally, I have a fondness for radio plays, so the Vinyl Scratch Tapes and other Pony-in-a-Box productions fascinate me.

  • Brohoof 2


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I think most of the Rainbow Dash episodes(admittantly, including Mare-Do-Well) are pretty easy to get nonbronies to watch, I know a lot of people who got into the show through Read it and Weep and Sonic Rainboom in particular. Some other episodes like Lesson Zero and Feeling Pinkie Keen also would probably work as well

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