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Jan animations shut down by hasbro/C&D

M'aiq the Liar

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Thats... Kinda sad. As i said our copyright laws are obsolete and need renewal. This hasbro cd thing is getting tiring.

I think in double rainboom they did but it still got taken down... I think.


Thats... Kinda sad. As i said our copyright laws are obsolete and need renewal. This hasbro cd thing is getting tiring.

I think in double rainboom they did but it still got taken down... I think.

I read something that it was using Flash from the episode.

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Legally, being subject to American laws over weighs your British citizenship. The laws regarding this are mainly used on bigger things such as financial, abuse, and war related illegalities.  The same is vice versa, given the legalities regarding copyright over in the UK in regards to some IP such as Dr. Who (I don't know UK laws, but if you had the same as America, Hasbro could face British illegalities for even barely referencing Dr. Who in the show)....But as far as all this goes, no one is going to charge you over something so small because it's too much work, and they won't get heir money from you to compensate. Plus, it would really mess up international policies if they focused on such little things....

A C&D order has no basis in law in the UK,

think about it, how will Hasbro enforce it if it was obtained in the States. To stop me, they would have to issue proceedings in the UK courts, which can take months, even years. There was a case about a unofficial Harry Potter book some years ago. Yes, the book was withdrawn, but The case took over a year to complete. Meanwhile the book sold like hotcakes.

I wonder if that's why none of the Doctor Whooves parodies haven't come under as direct fire?

Both bloated legal systems are afraid to step on the other's toes! XD

One difference between FIM and Doctor Who.

Hasbro is a private company, Doctor Who is produced by the BBC which is paid for by a TV licence, and the British public don't like their money spent on court cases!

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This is exactly why I think Lauren should have the rights to the show. Not only would the quality of the stories be better (I think they've decreased the last two seasons) but we also wouldn't have the problems regarding things like Jananimations or fighting is magic.


I really hope Lauren will be able to create a show of her own one day and keep it's rights, that way I think most bronies would also watch it, and we'd have creative freedom with something that could be like FiM. Of course I'd still watch FiM but like I said before the quality of the stories have decreased IMO.

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One difference between FIM and Doctor Who. Hasbro is a private company, Doctor Who is produced by the BBC which is paid for by a TV licence, and the British public don't like their money spent on court cases!


I see. Well I'm glad I live in a country where creative license infringement can be pursued without a public poll. Even if it leads to annoyances like this stifling of creativity, I consider it better than public funding.


"Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom, must bear the fatigues of supporting it." ~Thomas Paine  

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A C&D order has no basis in law in the UK,

think about it, how will Hasbro enforce it if it was obtained in the States. To stop me, they would have to issue proceedings in the UK courts, which can take months, even years. There was a case about a unofficial Harry Potter book some years ago. Yes, the book was withdrawn, but The case took over a year to complete. Meanwhile the book sold like hotcakes.


One difference between FIM and Doctor Who.

Hasbro is a private company, Doctor Who is produced by the BBC which is paid for by a TV licence, and the British public don't like their money spent on court cases!

But that's just what I am saying. Hasbro COULD enforce it, but it's too much time, energy, and $$$ to do so. The same goes for the BBC with the Dr. Who IP, and with the BBC, if you follow the money trail as far as copyright and legalities are concerned, Dr. Who IS owned by some Private system, just as all American PBS shows stateside are as well....Dr. Who is not public domain, and thus is own by some private company


Legally, in both cases, they could.....practicality wise, they won't and probably never will. 



edit....not sure a random A got in my previous post....

Edited by Treble Bolt
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I see. Well I'm glad I live in a country where creative license infringement can be pursued without a public poll. Even if it leads to annoyances like this stifling of creativity, I consider it better than public funding.


"Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom, must bear the fatigues of supporting it." ~Thomas Paine


You're lucky. In the UK it's actually a criminal offense to own a TV if you don't have a licence! And they're quite expensive, £140 a year for mostly mediocre programming!

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I liked his animations but I don't give a crap that he's gone. I just know i'll never see his animations again...well after i watch something I normally don't watch it again. I understand why others are upset about this.

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That . . . is actually not a bad idea.


However, because Jan and Vox, both of the creators receiving the C&D aren't pursuing this, we hardly have a right to as a whole. It would be wrong to hijack two fellow bronies' misfortune to advance a cause, they themselves, are not willing to champion.




A tv license?! And I thought the Stamp Act was bad! ^_^


Stay strong, brother.



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That . . . is actually not a bad idea.


However, because Jan and Vox, both of the creators receiving the C&D aren't pursuing this, we hardly have a right to as a whole. It would be wrong to hijack two fellow bronies' misfortune to advance a cause, they themselves, are not willing to champion.




A tv license?! And I thought the Stamp Act was bad! ^_^


Stay strong, brother.



I know! People have been sent to jail for refusing to pay up!

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Revenge suggestion:


We all flag Hasbro's videos.

That seems like you would be punishing YouTube more than Hasbro, because you would be creating a bunch of work for them in checking false reports.

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Damn! I'll never complain about our President again. :lol: . . . .  :huh: Okay maybe one or two times more . . . . .  :okiedokielokie: Or once a month . . .  >_> Or just keep doing it, but still!  :yay:


"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." ~Thomas Jefferson


(I could do this all day!  B) )

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@@Steel Accord, Pretty much. although I would add, "We can do this because we have more money than you" as well, because that's really what it boils down to....


As far as my personal views are concerned, I was expecting this all to happen, especially with the fan works getting bigger and better so much more quickly than other fandoms in the past. It doesn't help that the internet as it is today allows for creativity to spread like wildfire....Back in the day before the internet, fandoms were fairly benign in terms of what they could do "wrong" in regards to the owners of what they are fans of. Hasbro doing what its doing today is not only expected in my eyes, but also setting an example for what other fandoms will go through in the future, as the internet gets more and more saturated with creativity as well as community controlling influence (i.e. the government and those who have the $$$).  I don't necessarily feel bad because of the logic behind it all...it just makes me worry all the more about the future of the internet....

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I am so sad to see Buttons Adventures go, i loved it so much!
I do see the point Hasbro is making, i don't agree with it however and to be honest i think actions like this are rather cold and mean spirited .

Art works like Button Adventures is a expression of love for the show. It's not a rip off, it's a homage and artists like jan animations are the people that shape our love for us. 

Sure it did includes show original characters, but it's a tribute, not some cheesy moving doodles that try to cash in on the shows success. 


Maybe companies should stand in front of a mirror, look them selves in the eyes and ask them selves do we really want to spend time and energy into people that do not damage our image or reduce our income in any way? 
I don't think they will, but hey, wishful thinking right?

Copyright laws are from year 0 and some people need to start ignoring the big bucks that big companies trow at them and just look honestly at these laws, might not change a lot, but every little bit is better right?

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@@Treble Bolt,


I don't think it's money, or at least that's not the primary motivation. (After all, it actually costs money to issue those C&Ds, whereas they'd loose nothing if they just let it be.)


I think honestly it's more reputation and accountability. If we can produce something so akin in style and presentation to the source material that it's practically indistinguishable, that could lead to problems for them. Sure, Button is pretty innocuous, but where do they draw the line? If we are allowed free reign to emulate as we see fit, we could put in content such as alcohol or bad language. If a child saw the video and couldn't distinguish it from the real deal, they might pick up something that wasn't meant for them. Next thing you know, Hasbro is getting sued by an angry parent for something that they didn't even create.


Hasbro's actions could be seen as nipping a lawsuit in the bud. It's remote helicopter parenting, and utterly paranoid, but if that's how they want to run their company, well, so be it. Caveat Emptor

Edited by Steel Accord
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Crappy news, but not altogether unexpected. We're better off for the time we had it.


Re: Intellectual property and copyright laws; most people (I think most people anyway) believe that intellectual property describes a legitimate category of claims, and that the owners of intellectual property should have rights to permit or disallow its use (even arbitrarily, if they want). Unfortunately, as anyone with any measure of familiarity with IP laws, and copyright in particular can tell you, those laws are so frequently open to interpretation that it's difficult or impossible for people to know in advance that their use of someone else's IP is legal or illegal. Only after a claim is made and tried would any party know for sure.


I think an unclear law is a bad law. There's a need for these claims to be codified, but there's near-unanimous agreement that they're in dire need of reform. How to do that is way outside the scope of my interest here, but it's a good question for those who want to learn about it.

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Let's be honest, even this forum gets pretty close to the wire sometimes. Me and my girlfriend have a 8yr girl and I wouldn't let her on here!


Probably going to want to stay away from those -chan imageboards then.

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I liked those videos but Hasbro had a good reason to do it.

I don't think they wanted, its more like they were forced to. Just hear me out,

If Hasbro did not enforce their copyright The US government will get rid of it.

And that means MLP is free game!

I personally, do not want the MLP copyright falling into the wrong hands

Because that could be catastrophic for the Brony Fandom

Edited by Times Core
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