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Is crying a sign of weakness or strength?

Sugar Pea

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Just as the titles says. :)

To be frank, crying in my opinion may make you feel weak, but in reality it's only making you wiser and more invulnerable to certain situations.

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My mom calls me a f*ggot (in Spanish) any time I tear up, so I was kind of raised to feel like it was a sign of weakness.


I always wondered what'd it be like to enjoy a good cry. I bet it feels nice.

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Strength.  and thats a fact.


its human to cry and realeases chemicals from the brain.  Crying also shows you have empathy and emotion.  


People who never cry are either lying or they should be ashamed of themselves for never getting to know themselves on that level.  I love when something makes me cry.  except for death, thats hard to deal with.

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I'm naturally weak of spirit so I tend to be moved to tears easily when frustrated. It's a good release and I always feel better after, so it's definitely not all bad but... It definitely looks bad. I'm a messy crier.

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It's a sign of both in my opinion, more so strength. Whatever makes you cry assuming it's something that's hard on you is a sign that you've gone through something hard on you. Weakness if you're simply crying because of something not worth crying about. But I do consider it a sign of strength, one may not know what that person has gone through.

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It is neither there are times in which you cannot control overwhelming sadness. Times where you might become very depressed or other situations that may cause you to cry but why would that be looked down upon? I would think it be a bit odd to cry about small things or every little thing yeah. But if someone is truly hurting on the inside I am not going to belittle that person if they are crying at all.... Come on now really?? I mean if someone is crying over something trivial and stupid that is a different story. 


Also remember not everyone is the same in this world. Others might just be more sensitive than others. My aunt is a very sensitive person too but I always try and be there for her if she wants to talk about something. Support those around you don't  belittle them.

Edited by Lucky Dice
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I have this weird habit where I kinda bite the skin of my index finger's little knuckle thing to prevent myself from crying.

Not hard or anything, just to prevent my mouth from pursing or clattering.


I've been told it's very weird. x)

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I haven't cried in years, but I think it's better than bottling up your emotions which will probably make you feel sick.

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I haven't cried in years, but I think it's better than bottling up your emotions which will probably make you feel sick.

Oh yeah, you don't want to do that unless you want them to eat away at you. Always good to cry every once in a  while...it's actually healthy.

I have this weird habit where I kinda bite the skin of my index finger's little knuckle thing to prevent myself from crying.

Not hard or anything, just to prevent my mouth from pursing or clattering.


I've been told it's very weird. x)

It's not good to bottle your emotions like that! D:I

It's unhealthy, and nothing to be ashamed of! It's a human emotion. :3


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Oh yeah, you don't want to do that unless you want them to eat away at you. Always good to cry every once in a while...it's actually healthy.


It's not good to bottle your emotions like that! D:I

It's unhealthy, and nothing to be ashamed of! It's a human emotion. :3


2 ulcers ago, I would've loved your advice... xD


That stuff was NOT encouraged at my house.

I dunno, it's pretty crazy seeing how differently people were raised.

Such variation!

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I'm not afraid to say I recently bawled my eyes out several times whilst watching through "Clannad" and "Clannad: After Story." It takes a lot to make me cry, but I'm glad to know that I can still feel something on that level. It's a sign of empathy or extreme sadness, it's humanity shining through an otherwise robotic exterior in my case, and I'm glad that it's still there.

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I'm not afraid to say I recently bawled my eyes out several times whilst watching through "Clannad" and "Clannad: After Story." It takes a lot to make me cry, but I'm glad to know that I can still feel something on that level. It's a sign of empathy or extreme sadness, it's humanity shining through an otherwise robotic exterior in my case, and I'm glad that it's still there.

I heard Clannad is very sad. I'm scared to watch it to be honest. lol

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My problem is my sadness comes out in anger, not tears :/

That said, It can be either one.

Can show that your are going through a hard time and its taking its toll on you, so strength.  The other, for example, is when you cry for not getting what you want. It shows you are weak and a spoiled brat.

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It is neither. It depends on why you are crying that defines its underline meaning.


If you cry because you broke a nail, I'd slap you.


If you were crying because a loved one passed away, you have every right to shed some tears.


Crying is a neutral and natural element of the body.


Sometimes there are moments when we literally cannot control our bodies, and they cry.


Crying also is scientifically healthy.

Edited by Celestial Wish
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I heard Clannad is very sad. I'm scared to watch it to be honest. lol


It's soul-wretching, but it's a beautiful story about many things (I'm not spoiling it). I would recommend it. It's one if not my favorite anime ever, but make sure you have tissues nearby, you'll need 'em.

Edited by DryColt84
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We also have to include that some people have more sensitive pain receptors than other's. So if someone were to feel something extremely painful, the body would only react normally. 

Clannad is sad. AnoHana is worse.

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   Crying is an emotion, unfortunately people repress too much of their feelings, they do things to others like spreading misery by telling others it's weakness. Going back to my military years, we did sob occasionally, not all the hard things that happened to us in the service, civilian life was very tough too, however crying is a release from that moment, it is a natural response to difficult times, so it is a real loss when people pretend something is not bothering them, we are people not machines, for I will say to anyone don't be afraid to show your true emotions, feeling something is better than expressing nothing, the true moment of strength is to harness that energy, and turn it into potential, so that the melancholy can be happy again.  

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   Crying is an emotion, unfortunately people repress too much of their feelings, they do things to others like spreading misery by telling others it's weakness. Going back to my military years, we did sob occasionally, not all the hard things that happened to us in the service, civilian life was very tough too, however crying is a release from that moment, it is a natural response to difficult times, so it is a real loss when people pretend something is not bothering them, we are people not machines, for I will say to anyone don't be afraid to show your true emotions, feeling something is better than expressing nothing, the true moment of strength is to harness that energy, and turn it into potential, so that the melancholy can be happy again.  

Nice to see someone who actually knows the true meaning of suffering, and you are right, it's not weakness...at least not in my eyes. I salute you sir. :)

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