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What's a videogame you didn't think you would like, but ended up loving?


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the ace attorney series I didn't think to brightly of it til I played it

Me too! I recently played through the first one on my Nintendo DS. After getting hooked and playing it one day for 8 hours straight to completion, I had a feeling of: " Why did I not play this game earlier 0_0"

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the ace attorney series I didn't think to brightly of it til I played it

This too, who knew a game about lawyers could be so awesome?

Edited by Randy Marsh
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I think when I first knew of Team Fortress 2, before it released, I thought "Well, it might be fun to try after I'm done with HL2: Ep2 and Portal. But the Team Fortress games were always just the reign of elitists who master conc-jumping and stuff."

But honestly, even from the first few days playing TF2 it was so incredibly fun. It's very difficult to make the game fun for newbies, and simultaneously an engaging game for pros.

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I thought Minecraft was gonna be doo-doo, but.. them castles, them dungeons, them mines.

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Skyrim. I don't typically play RPGs at all, but a summer sale appeared and now the only reason I don't play it is because its a massive time sink and I still have a few weeks of classes.


Perhaps the game that most fits this thread for me is Bastion. I heard a lot of good things about it but it didn't really interest me. Then I played it and loved it since. It's easily one of my all time favorites.

  • Brohoof 1

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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Perhaps the game that most fits this thread for me is Bastion. I heard a lot of good things about it but it didn't really interest me. Then I played it and loved it since. It's easily one of my all time favorites.

Me too! I had initially assumed that Bastion was just some over-rated indie game that probably wasn't very good, but holy sh*t, it absolutely blew me away when I gave it a chance. When I think about it, Bastion probably is the most fitting game for the topic of this thread for me as well.

  • Brohoof 1
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A long time ago when I went to my friends house saw him playing for along time of Animal Crossing at first I thought it was going to be boring ! But no because thought all do is talk to random characters in town and just fish and pay off debts !  So I thought about it so I bought a used copy could not read disk it was broken so for a brand new one cost about $20 dollars even on amazon !  I finally realize that I love Animal Crossing the fact events are different each day and night I love that you can dig for dinosaur bones !  Wonder what would happen if real dinosaurs did exist in Animal Crossing?

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Usually I think games will be good but they just end up disappointing me...especially in their writing *cough* Dishonored *cough*

It's rare that I get pleasantly surprised (I usually won't buy something if I don't think its going to be good) but that's what happened with Tenchu Z. I bought it because it was cheap and was a ninja game actually about stealth instead of hacking monsters to bits. I love it! The graphics may be terrible and its obvious its a low-budget afterthought game churned out between more high profile Tenchu installments in order to help fund the next game but its one of the best of the series. Stealth kills, character creation and a fuck-ton of customisations, not to mention a great deal of depth in the ninja powers (like disappearing in a puff of smoke and reappearing behind the enemy) make the game really good. The multiplayer co-op is really fun with a couple of friends too but matchmaking can take a while as there's few people playing it and you'll likely be thrown in with a Frenchman, a Russian, and a Japanese guy, crashing the frame rate. Plus, with no communication, it becomes a competition instead of teamwork.


Sig by [member=~TheGammy~]

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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Not that I thought I would hate it, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving it. No, not the multiplayer, screw that! No, I mean it's marvelous campaign!




Between it's Cold War setup, Manchurian Candidate twist reveal, and a scene straight out of The Deer Hunter, I thought it was surprisingly cerebral for a shooter. Maybe it's only redeeming quality is one story element, but it's played well enough that I think the story goes sadly underrated.

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The Spyro games. When I was a lot younger, I would never give the games a chance because I was too attached to Crash Bandicoot, but when I finally did play the original PS games, I loved them.


Final Fantasy X. Four years ago, before I had even known about the Final Fantasy franchise, I played it on a complete whim to show my older brother I had variety in video games outside of Yu-Gi-Oh! related stuff. :P Never expected to get into it, and nowadays, I own a lot of the Final Fantasy games.


I've also played several games reviewed by the Angry Video Game Nerd that I actually ended up really liking in spite of my low expectations, Friday the 13th, The Terminator, and Castlevania II just to name a few.


Comet meets the original Comet.

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Mother 3. JRPGs can be hit and miss at times, and I typically think the gameplay takes priority over the story but after I played it it's now tied with Super Smash Bros Melee as my favourite game ever.

Edited by Flakk

frick tumblr

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ArcheBlade, came out yesterday, and I like the game after my first match in the game.

Figuring that its an anime game, I figured it would be either bad, or good.

It goes like this.


Anime Manga/Show + Video Game = Bad

Fours words, one goal: DROP DA BASS MAN. ~ soniccam1

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Kung Fu: High Impact and Kinect Star Wars.


Since it was a kinect game, and the whole "SO-SO-SO-SOLO" buzz going on at the time was still at large, along with endless amounts of hate to the kinect itself, I was instantly turned away from it because, quite honestly, I was scared I would be written of as casual and other nonsensical insults that hold no water.


But despite telling myself otherwise, I got kinect Star Wars and got a demo of high impact. Once I figured out that you just need to slow your movements down a bit for them to register, I had quite a blast with both games. I mean, who would not want to star IN THEIR OWN, *buy some apples* COMIC BOOK?! Or pick up droids and throw them off with your own hooves?!

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When I first heard of Batman Arkham Asylum I thought it was just going to be a lame superhero beat 'em up. But it's now one of my all time favorite series. 

Same here. Licenses from different media than video games on video games tends to make me wary.


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3 Words... League of Legends... When my friend first showed me the game, it looked really un-attractive, I mean the whole overhead view looked pretty dumb. Now a few years later, I play it quite a lot, and have nearly every champion.

  • Brohoof 1


- For The Horde!

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3 Words... League of Legends... When my friend first showed me the game, it looked really un-attractive, I mean the whole overhead view looked pretty dumb. Now a few years later, I play it quite a lot, and have nearly every champion.

This. A thousand times this! I went into League with a really closed mind. I had no intention of playing some watered down, unoriginal, no-life, online fantasy game. But after I finished my first match...I played another. And another. And another!


" Just one more match."  I would find myself saying until the wee hours of the night.


I never could have anticipated how much the game would capture my heart and my imagination for months on end.

Edited by jackleapp81
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Bioshock, I thought it would be another overhyped shooter, then I played it and it became one of my favorite games of the generation


are we related? I am sensing a twist in time where you and are must be connected from different timelines. ;)

  • Brohoof 1

"You die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."



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ArcheBlade, came out yesterday, and I like the game after my first match in the game.

Figuring that its an anime game, I figured it would be either bad, or good.

It goes like this.


Anime Manga/Show + Video Game = Bad


I started playing that today. I have absolutely no idea what in the world I'm doing as I suck at fighters. But it is indeed fun. Lol. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Persona 4. JRPGs are about as pleasant as fresh dog crap on a warm sidewalk in my eyes. There is literally not a single one I liked (Especially in the Final Fantasy series) but even though it's incredibly slow build up, the character development and story is phenomenal. Sure the gameplay is nothing to brag about but turn based has never wooed me in the past but for once I still enjoyed dungeon crawling. Quite a few of them made no sense but the enemies that were a manifestation of a characters thoughts and inner feelings really made me realize how much was put into the characters. There are some anime cliches that really have no reason to be in it but they're so minor and minimal compared to other games I didn't even notice for quite some time.

The soundtrack really helps convey the exact emotions the game is trying to get across in scenes and god damn if I can't help but whistle the bloody battle music and pop like songs throughout the game for weeks on end ><


I'm not going to spoil but the ending really caught me off guard. I had already guess the mystery villain but the game did such a fantastic job of making me think I was wrong I felt a mixture of a greatly impressed by the game and ashamed of myself for being duped so hard.

I can't really remember what possessed me to buy it (though the constant praise of one of my favourite youtubers certainly helped) but I am definitely glad I chose to give it a shit instead of throwing it on the pile of the rest of the genre that has failed to keep my interest past the trailer.

Edited by QuirkyUsername
  • Brohoof 2


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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Half Life. At first I thought it was just one of those boring, dull FPS shooters where you shoot zombies and no plot happened. But the internet was all like 'This is better then portal.' and I LOVE portal so I decided to see what all of the fuss is about. I now love Half Life and i'm waiting for GODDAMN Half Life 3.


Also Ace Attorney just because I thought 'Oh my god, it's just lawyers, what' but now... heheheh... I love Ace Attorney.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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