Foxx 258 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) Being a female, most of my pet peeves are based upon my own gender. I don't get why girls paint their nails, wear a ton of makeup or get all dressed up for the littlest things. I've never been into girly stuff though, I'm always "that tomboy". My friends all tell me that I don't get it because I never do anything feminine. I guess they have a good point though. At somebody's huge "Black tie" party, I just wore my jeans, high-tops and a Big Bang Theory shirt. Edited April 24, 2014 by Foxx 3 Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash ^Amazing Signature by the great and powerful Lunia!^ >My Request Shop< MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress. > My Deviantart< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) I hate it when boys adopt a dumb bad boy attitude. To me, being a bad boy is calling one’s friends “bitches” or whatnot, doing reckless stunts, saying “swag” and laughing at those who are doing things that aren’t “socially acceptable”. It’s in my opinion another way of attention seeking. Doing reckless stunts makes you look like a fool, saying “swag” and “bitches” every 2 minutes makes you look like an idiot, laughing at others who have interests that are different to what society expects (e.g., guy likes MLP) makes you look like a closed-minded jerk. I am fully aware that not all bad boys are like this, but all the ones I’ve seen so far have a stupid attitude like the one I described. -_- Also… I hate it when girls worry so much about their appearance. Seriously, I’ve seen a girl who said to her friend that she shaves her own arms. It’s sad to see that she isn’t aware that the hair on one’s arms grows faster when shaved. Edited April 22, 2014 by Sawk 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dattebayo 2,850 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 When girls try to dress hippie-like on purpose because it's the in-thing. ESPECIALLY that stupid headband style. pls no. Hippies are a dying breed for a reason. Now that Sawk mentions it, it really irks me when I see girls with thick, visible arm hair. x) ^Click for my Deviant Art^ You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) Here's one that REALLY pisses me off: When I say or do something and women say "it's because you're a guy" as if my gender had anything to do with my decisions or opinions. For example: I watched Frozen a few weeks ago. People rant and rave about the soundtrack of it. I didn't think all that much of it. I was told that it's because I'm a guy. Let's forget the fact that I'm the "guy" who likes musicals in my movies and TV shows, that I'm always ranting and raving about how awesome the songs in Disney movies are. But because I didn't care about the songs in this one movie it's because I'm a guy. Fuck that. Edited April 22, 2014 by Discordian 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dandy 73 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 When females say how hard it is for them, at least in the western world. I'm not going to pretend there's no sexism in this world, but there are so many things females get to do that males can't, or at least can't with out being cast out as a freak or wuss. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dattebayo 2,850 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 When females say how hard it is for them, at least in the western world. I'm not going to pretend there's no sexism in this world, but there are so many things females get to do that males can't, or at least can't with out being cast out as a freak or wuss.If I could get all the special treatment and/or manipulate people half as good some woms do, then I'd be set for life. ^Click for my Deviant Art^ You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dandy 73 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 If I could get all the special treatment and/or manipulate people half as good some woms do, then I'd be set for life. I'm not referring to those manipulative (forgive my langue but I do feel it's needed) bitches of women. I'm talking about sharing emotions to people, wearing female clothes, getting to feel beautiful. Like I said, just the things females get to do men can not. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadOBabe 19,013 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) I haven't lived with any guys in years, but seriously... Put the toilet seat down with you're done. Especially at night. EDIT: Just gonna add this here, so I don't get "geniuses" that feel the need to copy/paste the comment with flipped genders for the entire life of this thread. And so my argument is known. - Both males and females will need to use the toilet with the seat down. Only males will ever need to use it with the seat up. If you put it up, then you should put it down. I clean the lint out of the dryer after I'm done drying my clothes. I don't expect my roommates to do it. I put it there, I take care of it. - The toilet seat is meant to be down when not in use. Just like the door of a microwave is supposed to be shut when not in use. Sure, having the seat up or the microwave door open isn't hurting anyone, but it looks stupid. - This is mostly a matter of not falling butt-first into the toilet water in the middle of the night. Sure it could happen to a guy if he had to go #2 in the middle of the might, but they put it up in the first place, so it's not the chick's fault. The more likely thing is that you'll have to #1 though. Guys will be facing the toilet to do that. So they can see that the toilet seat is down, even if they're half asleep. Groggy girls have a greater chance of not noticing, since your body is basically on autopilot and is saying, "Okay, you got to go, so just sit down like you always do." If any guys reading this have ever accidentally fallen butt-first into a toilet because the seat wasn't down, please tell me. I'm pretty sure it's happened at least once to almost every woman on Earth, but what with Murphy's Law, I'm sure it's happened to SOME of you dudes too. Edited April 23, 2014 by ShadOBabe 4 Check out my artwork any time: "OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CadetGrey 267 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) [This post is hidden. No offense to anyone, but I am no longer part of the community and no longer wish to be an (active) part of the forums. I treasure the friendships I made along the way. Thank you!] Edited March 28, 2021 by CadetGrey 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shimmer Down 668 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 I have pet peeves with gender. To think that any issues that you have with people stem directly from their gender instead of the person is a bit prejudiced. 1 "My past does not define me 'Cause my past is not today." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celestial Wish 349 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) Going to be honest and admit that women tend to piss me off more than guys do. Both can irritate me though. For girls: When they're an extreme feminist and want to use their sexual organs as an abusive method to receive a higher stance in society. When they feel that they're less than men, so they're going to absolutely bicker about everything that offends them, and call someone sexist. I can understand certain things can be aggressively offensive to women, but every single thing doesn't mean you need to remind people how women are considered a minority and feel that people owe them something, especially men. I also don't like when girls assume I like "GIRLY" things. If you're girly, go for it but don't drag me to a mall stating that "you need to contact your girly side". There is no girly side, get over it girl. For guys: Relating to what I described about women, there are SOME men that tend to use the "get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" joke a little too seriously. Though side stepping that, most men I've met on a personal level have always been more sensitive than me. From a dating perspective, I don't want to hold a man as he cries over spilled milk. Man up and ride it out cowboy. I'm not saying men can't cry or have emotions and express them. It's just numerous times I've dated men who are completely emotionally crazy. I like men, not little boys who pack their toys and go home because they can't have their way and win the argument. I guess in a sense I have pretty strong pet peeves for both sides but I hardly have any chicks that are friends because of how much we contrast. My exact thoughts today when I was standing in line with groceries, the chick in front of me had purchased all this make-up.. earrings.. and just stuff she didn't even need. All I give a crap about is food, my games, my computer, and my cat. Besides... have you ever tasted lipstick? ITS DISGUSTING! Ahem.. Anywho.. those are my crazy thoughts.. Edited April 22, 2014 by Celestial Wish 2 "You die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GottlosMann 221 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) Listen, ladies, no decision you're trying to make could possibly take the number of years you're taking. And if I see one more huge gallery of nothing but mirror selfies with a filter and duck lips, I'm gonna scream. To make it fair, guys, I don't want to see nudes of your lady. She sent them to you, not me. Edited April 22, 2014 by GottlosMann Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windseeker 546 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 There is nothing more vicious than a pack of teenage girls, especially if you are a male all by his lonesome. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cstriker 737 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) When my Wife asks me to do something the second I sit down. There is something about a man sitting or laying down that triggers a Womans irritation. I just sat down, not for funsies, not to piss you off, but probably because I had the alterior motive of sitting my a** down because I am: A) Tired B ) going to relax C) going to read D) wondering how comfortable the couch is E) I WANTED TO SIT! Also other typical trends: Duck lips, selfies (my wife is great though and does neither of these!), CONSTANT FACEBOOK UPDATES, a billion pictures I have to download due to her being computer backwards, getting mad at the computer for user error, working on projects and then dropping what you are doing to talk to your sister for 1.5 hours, telling me how much you dislike my gaming (I don't point out your hobbies and say I don't like them), I haven't lived with any guys in years, but seriously... Put the toilet seat down with you're done. Especially at night. This, I retort put the seat up when you are done, or at night. This can be a two way street and I dont want to pee on the seat. Yes it isn't hard to take a half a second to put it down...just as it isn't hard for you to take a half a second to put it down...or up. This issue between the genders I always have felt is asinine, seriously both genders need to get over this micromanaging BS. Also @ShadoBabe, this is not a stab at you just me ranting from the otherside of the fence. Edited April 22, 2014 by Cstriker Fashionably Camouflaged Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadOBabe 19,013 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) This issue between the genders I always have felt is asinine, seriously both genders need to get over this micromanaging BS. This isn't a matter of micro managing. This is, "I don't want to fall in the toilet when it's dark and I'm half-asleep". Don't take that as combative, that's just seriously what I believe should be the case. You put it up, you put it back down. The only person who is going to need the seat up is the guy. Put things back the way you found it. I take my lint out of the dryer when I dry my clothes. I don't expect my roommates to do it. I put it there, so I take care of it. Edited April 22, 2014 by ShadOBabe 2 Check out my artwork any time: "OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Lie 67 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 Being a tomboy I hate the things females do farrr more than the opposite gender.. I hate it when I see chicks talk about their breasts and sex life in front of men to try and tease. Not attractive. But I hate it when men take their shirts off for no reason. You're trying too hard. Staaahp. Also the guys at parties that get drunk and then want to fight. Both genders: Flirting with other people when you're taken. Making friends is one thing, flirting is totally different. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revertz 159 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) Urh the one that makes me want too pull my own hair out every time is when women try to make their own opinions like jeez, men you know what i'm talking about. Woah okay bad joke relax! in all seriousness it really annoys me when you girls change your mind every two seconds, girls i love you but sometimes you just have too take a deep breath and relax. Edited April 22, 2014 by Revertz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dargent 80 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 I hate when women ask my opinion when they aren't actually going to consider it. "Kyoshi is Oprah, but with med kits. You get a med kit! You get a med kit, everyone gets med kits!"-Metal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) If I could get all the special treatment and/or manipulate people half as good some woms do, then I'd be set for life.With that logic, why aren't all women already set for life then? >:|News flash, men can be equally as manipulative as women. As for special treatment, I usually try to do or pay for things on my own. It's the guy who always insists, because he's so desperate to impress apparently. Which reminds me of another pet peeve. The "nice guy/gentlemanly charade." That's just it, it's a charade, basically a form of bribery that the girl is aware of. Every single guy I've known tries it, and then the guys all complain that the reason they don't get the girl is that "they're a nice guy" and girls like abusive jack holes better. I personally see it as a dishonest attempt it get in a lady's pants, and I'd personally rather get to know the guys real self than see him be what he thinks I want. (Of course, if the guy is an abusive jackhole then I'd dump his ass in a heartbeat) But that's just me apparently, other girls enjoy being bribed and manipulated. I welcome any guy who approaches me as their equal rather than an object to be won. Edited April 22, 2014 by crazitaco 5 *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 Another thing I hate, is how certain girls react to my interests. I have a large variety of different things I like and some of these women seem to be unable to accept certain things. I like something violent, gross, disturbing, or scary? "Eww, that's gross. Why do you like those things weirdo?' I like something cute, innocent, and friendly? "That's for children! Are you a pedophile?" I have never gotten those reactions from other males, ever. I've been made fun of by other men, for plenty of reasons, but not for the media I like. It doesn't make sense, what do you think I'm supposed to like? I also really don't like it, when I don't react to some "hot" girl, and they assume I'm gay. I don't even know you lady! My experience with other males has just been better in general. I know most girls aren't like that, I just happen to be unlucky and meet all the wrong ones. Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 I hate it when I see chicks talk about their breasts and sex life in front of men to try and tease. Not attractive. Yeah I say save the "teasing" for the bedroom, as a guy I know we often have to struggle between thinking with the head above and necks and the one below our waists and that kind of stuff sure dosen't help. That brings up another peeve though and that is why girls wear revealing clothes and then get pissed as guys for noticing, it is not an excuse for guys making jackasses out of themselves but at the same time ladies have to realize that guys are very very visual. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frith is Magick 1,471 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 After spending a bunch of time thinking of points for both genders, I realized it all comes back to one thing: vanity. The amount of time spent on styling hair, deciding what to wear, obsessing over what looks good or is in. I can't stand perfumes or d*****baggy body sprays, THEY SMELL HORRID . I don't like females who show more than needs to be shown but expect some perfect and handsome guy to come along who likes them for their personality. I can't stand @$$hole jocks who obsess over muscles and tans, not for the sake of being healthy and building strength, but for the sake of trying to look good. I don't like guys who take sexist jokes too far, I can't tand people who do things not for the merit of the act, but for the sake of showing off or looking good. I can't stand when anyone won't speak to the point, I'm not a feckin' mindreader (I can and will play the stupid card until someone gets to the bloody point).I don't like guys who do the whole "manly man" thing. Yes I like a show about cute, colourful ponies and don't shoot guns, but I will pulverize your bloody skull if you hurt my family. I don't like people who put on a show, be yourself. This has become more of a rant about people in general with a couple gender specific things thrown in, but I don't believe gender is really the deciding factor in this. 2 Keep flyin' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kay Dreamer 884 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 @@crazitaco, AMEN, sistah. The 'nice guy' charade really rubs me the wrong way. Being nice does not equal a ticket into my pants. Girls are not vending machines you insert 'niceness' into until sex comes out. And sure you can pay for my coffee if I'm short on change, but be very aware that I'm paying for yours next time. Fair's fair. (Besides, niceness is shallow. It's a surface facade. It's kindness which is actually meaningful, and genuine kindness is a very attractive feature.) On that note, the 'friend zone'. I hate the concept. Like being friends with someone is a punishment? Really? Someone sharing a trusting and meaningful platonic relationship with you is worthless because it's platonic? I have known plenty of men who I have really, really fancied, but who did not fancy me back. That's just the way it works, people can't magically conjure up romantic feelings when there are none. Was it heart wrenching watching them choose other girls over me? Yes. Do I sometimes hurt inside, thinking of what may have been, but wasn't? Yes. But have I ever once complained about being 'friend zoned'? No. It's not their fault that they just don't feel that way about me. And you know what? I'm still damn proud to call myself their friend. Their friendship means more to me than some hypothetical relationship. Basically, I've been 'friend zoned' plenty of times, and I still think it's a stupid, self-centred concept. Like a child throwing a wobbly because they were told they couldn't have something. 10 The Crystal Minstrel Pony Tumblr Kay Dreamer's Roleplay OC and Cast Character Archive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,202 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) @@crazitaco, AMEN, sistah. The 'nice guy' charade really rubs me the wrong way. Being nice does not equal a ticket into my pants. Girls are not vending machines you insert 'niceness' into until sex comes out. And sure you can pay for my coffee if I'm short on change, but be very aware that I'm paying for yours next time. Fair's fair. (Besides, niceness is shallow. It's a surface facade. It's kindness which is actually meaningful, and genuine kindness is a very attractive feature.) On that note, the 'friend zone'. I hate the concept. Like being friends with someone is a punishment? Really? Someone sharing a trusting and meaningful platonic relationship with you is worthless because it's platonic? I have known plenty of men who I have really, really fancied, but who did not fancy me back. That's just the way it works, people can't magically conjure up romantic feelings when there are none. Was it heart wrenching watching them choose other girls over me? Yes. Do I sometimes hurt inside, thinking of what may have been, but wasn't? Yes. But have I ever once complained about being 'friend zoned'? No. It's not their fault that they just don't feel that way about me. And you know what? I'm still damn proud to call myself their friend. Their friendship means more to me than some hypothetical relationship. Basically, I've been 'friend zoned' plenty of times, and I still think it's a stupid, self-centred concept. Like a child throwing a wobbly because they were told they couldn't have something. So true. I could say so much on the "Nice Guy" phenomenon. I do think that trait reflects very badly on the guy, and shows that they are, in fact, not nice at all. It's a HUGE red flag. Especially when they are relentless. These same "nice" guys will turn around and bluntly let down a girl that he doesn't find attractive. So they do understand the concept of just not being attracted to somebody. Funny how they expect the girl they like to come around and like him even though she doesn't, but when a girl asks him out, he would never set that same standard for himself. It says too much about them. Ultimately, on the matter of "Nice Guys" and the nonsensical "Friend-zone" I have one thing to say, and that's: If you can't value their friendship, and, in fact, find it insulting, you are NOT in love. End of story. Edited April 22, 2014 by Envy 5 Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 So true. I could say so much on the "Nice Guy" phenomenon. I do think that trait reflects very badly on the guy, and shows that they are, in fact, not nice at all. It's a HUGE red flag. Especially when they are relentless. These same "nice" guys will turn around and bluntly let down a girl that he doesn't find attractive. So they do understand the concept of just not being attracted to somebody. Funny how they expect the girl they like to come around and like him even though she doesn't, but when a girl asks him out, he would never set that same standard for himself. It says too much about them. Ultimately, on the matter of "Nice Guys" and the nonsensical "Friend-zone" I have one thing to say, and that's: If you can't value their friendship, and, in fact, find it insulting, you are NOT in love. End of story. I think there's two sides to this. What you're describing is the negative side. There's also the guys that start up a friendship with a girl and develop feelings for her after the fact. They eventually say these feelings. Sometimes the girls let's them down easily and they remain friends. I had a friend who developed feelings for a girl he'd been friends with for years. After he told her, she didn't want to be friends anymore, because she thought it was too awkward, instead of telling him this however, she just started avoiding him. He was heartbroken. It's a two way street. One party isn't always in the wrong, you can't blame someone for developing feelings. Trying to pressure someone into a relationship is wrong, but that's not always the intention. Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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