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Bronies singing the MLP theme in public. Why?


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I really don't see much if anything wrong with it, people do questionable things in public all the time just for the sake of having a little bit of fun. They arn't hurting anyone (maybe slightly anoying to some) so I say let them have their fun! :lol:


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Well if this is bad then I like you to go and take a look at sports fans they can be soooo out there and it can be quite obnoxious honestly but then again I don't go to sports things and really just use media as a example of what I talk about  http://www.amberunmasked.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/football-fanatics03.jpg,    http://farm1.staticflickr.com/10/11926952_b972e8f501.jpg

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I think it's daft to sing anything that loudly within a public restaurant, because not everybody there wants to hear it. But the fact that it's the MLP theme doesn't bother me in the slightest.

  • Brohoof 1



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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I've seen this video like twenty times.


I've never admitted this... but all those Youtube channels like the "airlessarchives" and other channels solely created to document cringe-worthy Brony videos...


I sort of love watching those.


Don't ask me why. I mean, I am a Brony, yet I sometimes watch videos like this...


If it's wrong to like them, I don't want to be right.



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Just to show their pride in the show, I guess. It's kinda embarrassing. How would the bystanders feel? Pretty damn awkward.


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Well, it is a little odd, and I guess you could say rude, but if it's to show they're "brony pride" than more power to 'em I say! If it's to annoy the people in the restaurant, then I don't think it's right. I personally don't know that I would do that, if I was with a group of people like that, then yes, I can see myself doing it as an in the moment type of thing, but I think it would be better to do it in private or whatever. That way they don't annoy anyone around them. Of course people do this type of thing with other songs all the time I'm sure.....



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Um...why the hostility, guys? Sure, it's pretty much social suicide on their parts, and I wouldn't be caught dead doing anything like that in public (surrounded by bronies or not), but it's just a bunch of nerds having fun; I wouldn't think any differently of a gathering of Star Wars nerds chanting that theme song. Why do we all need to be so concerned about how the behavior of bronies like these "reflects upon the whole fandom"? If a stereotype doesn't apply to you, then it doesn't apply to you. Simple as that. No need to denigrate people who are just having fun because "They make the rest of us look bad! D:"

 why the hostility? because they showed it by telling everyone to shut the fuck up.

and no, i don't feel that "its hurting the brony name" or whatever you're implying,  4chan did that day one, what i'm really asking is, why the hell do people think its ok to do this, with anything, i just kept it pony related, because this is a pony site

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That dude has the same Pinkie Pie backpack that I have!!!!1!!!


But forreals, though, I don't really see the issue. They're just goofin' around. I mean, if people around were protesting their actions but they did it anyway, that would be lame. But all I see is bronies bein' silly.

  • Brohoof 1
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*maximum cringe* 


I have mixed opinions on this. While the video did make me cringe, I don't really think it matters that they did this. But then again, people don't really want to hear it...  :huh: Although, I do have to give them credit for that, and I'll admit it looked kind of fun to do, regardless of it being cringe worthy and rude. 


... Yeah, like I said. Mixed opinions. 

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I personally wouldn't be caught dead singing any kind of song in public, but they aren't really doing anything wrong. I did giggle at the video because I was thinking about how embarrassed I would be personally if I did that. I suffer from social anxiety issues, so I congradulate these people for not being afraid to speak up in public. :yay:


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I thought I was supposed to forget about this video?! Cringeworthy? Yes. Very. 




It would take a lot of courage and self confidence for those guys to sing the MLP main theme. I commend them on that! But on the other hand it does give us other bronies a rather bad image!


There are more "normal" bronies out there than people think. It's just that when a non-brony thinks of us, this is what they usually imagine. I think it's pretty funny actually, but I would never be caught doing that kind of thing in my life. (In public of course! I would definitely do it otherwise!)  :derp:

  • Brohoof 1


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this made me cringe


this is just dumb. no wonder people hate bronies

This... this why people hate us. :|

No. Just no.


Keep the ponies within the Brony fandom, please.

What's the problem? They're not hurting anyone, they're just celebrating the fandom. I'm sure that if some Star Trek fans got together and recited the intro to TOS/TNG, no one would really care. Sure, there are ignorant people out there, or people who just don't know about the fandom, but you shouldn't let anyone stop you from doing what you want. If you don't want to, don't, but don't hate them, or you're being those ignorant people. (Not just against you three.) Edited by rainbowdash1452
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I Honestly don't see why a lot of people are hating on them, or finding it "cringe worthy"...


I come from the Furry fandom....at public furmeets, a lot of us wear tails/ go in fursuits, wear collars and just generally act silly... So to me, I see nothing wrong with this video. Other than maybe their choice of song. They're just a bunch of bronies getting together and having fun. What's wrong with that? Some people like to embarrass themselves.


As for the giving bronies a "Bad image" How is singing an innocent song, in a  fast-food joint, doing that exactly? There's FAR worse things out there that give bronies a "bad image". This video doesn't even come remotely close to it.

Edited by :Flutterdash:
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Pretty funny I got to say I would do it if I had to 


if they are having fun I am 100% cool with it, it may of been annoying for some in the background I understand that but I think we all do weird stuff that annoy others to be honest...

Edited by Everleaf
  • Brohoof 2

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I don't have any problem with this but why do it? I am really a quiet person and prefer my privacy not being interrupted even by the brony pride song. I guess the people around them ((which are nowhere to be seen)) would react to this.

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That was painful to watch. Incredibly painful. One thing people do not like you doing (and I KNOW this for a fact) is singing/doing a song a Capella/playing a song IN PUBLIC. NO MATTER THE SONG. I did a song a Capella in public with a friend and everyone started staring at me and avoiding me. This, on the other hand, is just plain ignorant of other people in the vicinity, trying to eat. Unless someone asked them to sing it, then they shouldn't have. Just my opinion though.

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Lol.  I don't mind this.  It's just funny.  But I always cringe a little at this kind of thing just because the singing is so off-key.  Like at the Hearth's Warming Eve live stage reading when they get the audience to start singing along.  Just sounded like a bunch of droning zombies.  *shudders*  Now, one time, I was eating at the local buffet, when, completely randomly and out of the blue, some senior citizen chorus group just wandered in, stood in the middle of the restaraunt, and started singing for about a minute.  But they rocked.  They knocked it out of the park and got big applause.  Anyway, let these bronies have their fun, I don't care.  I did love the one girl (guy? girl?) who didn't sing and just looked at the ground like, "Oh sweet Jesus, get me outta here."  That would probably be me.


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Just another one of the many reasons I feel ashamed to be a Brony.


It's alright man, just do like I do and tackle and citizens arrest any Bronies you see in public to maintain your mancard.


I'm at thirty three Bronies and counting, dawg.



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