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gaming What VG Genres are You Best / Worst at?

Ziggy + Angel + Rain

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Obviously you probably aren't great at absolutely everything that falls into a particular video game genre, but I'm generally quite good at platformers.  Specifically: Mario.  I've beaten eleven different Mario sidescrollers without dying; one of which was SMB2 (JPN) a.k.a. "Lost Levels."  I've completed all 32 levels of SMB consecutively without dying (and I've done this twice).  I could maybe make a case for rhythm games, SHMUPs, falling block puzzlers, and old school turn-based RPGs.  If only on a good day lol.


The genres I'm horrible at:


Modern first-person shooters.  Nothing I do is ever right lol.  If you're bad at them, I guarantee I'm worse.

Realistic sports games.  If Mario isn't in it, I probably stink at it.

Realistic racing games.  Again, if Mario (or Captain Falcon) isn't in it...  xD

There are some exceptions, but I'mma say stealth games.  If I can't be Batman, I will probably get my butt spotted by enemies left and right.  Alarms will sound...  *Sigh.*

MMOs.  Not only am I not a fan of them in general, but I tend to not be especially good at them.  I'm not much for the whole...  Team effort / social thing?  In my day, you simultaneously controlled the black mage, white mage, warrior-type, probably some thief guy with so-so stats who usually failed to steal anything...  And you LIKED it!


Your best / worst??

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Well lets see what am i good at in terms of games


Best Genres



RPG's such as Pokemon and FF

Brawlers such as Super Smash bros



Worst Genres




Hm... you know what? i'm going to Raise you Good/Worst and put a Decent Genres on my list (So Hardcore = Sir Derpy Knight XD)








and I believe that is all that the genres that i have played



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I'm probably best at third person over the shoulder action games.


I know the genre I'm worst at and absolutely hate is fighting games. Especially when the game is focused heavily on combos. I hate having to learn the combos, I hate having to remember the combos, and I hate the fact that in most of these games you have to perform the button presses perfectly or it's just a wasted effort.

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Best: Platformers. I've played a lot of platformers as a kid, so I kind of got an idea on how to play them effectively.

Worst: Probably a tie between fighters and first-person shooters.

  • Brohoof 1
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Best: MMO's (WoW) to be exact, altho I did quit a while ago. But really Im kinda good at any game I deem worthy of playing and that I spend time on.


Since im pretty quick at learning and adapting.


Altho its worth mentioning that I dont like FPS games.




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My Best:

  • RPG
  • MOBA
  • Rhythm
  • FPS (I cannot stand CoD or Battelfield players though, so I stick to single-player ones)
  • Bullet Hell
  • Platformer
  • Third-Person shooter
  • Text
  • Adventure

My Worst:

  • MMO (rely too much on good teammates and "Role-Playing" aka grinding)
  • Party (rely too much on luck)
  • Sports


  • Brawler/Fighter (e.g. Mortal Kombat)
  • Stealth
  • Racing
  • Survival
  • RTS

Well, I think that's it...

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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- Hack 'n' Slash. (in fact it's one of my all time favorite game genres)

- Shooters. Both first person and third person (no military shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield, tough)

- Platformer. Super Mario for the win!

- Stealth. Metal Gear Solid and Sly Cooper come to mind.




- Racing (with the exception of Mario Kart and Burnout).

- Fighting games (with the exception of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Bros., Playstation All- Stars Battle Royale, Soul Calibur and Dragon Ball Z games).

- Sports (with the exception of Wii Sports and Mario games).

- Horror (with the exception of Area 51, 1916: Der Unbekannte Krieg and Resident Evil 5).

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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Awful with shooters and fighting games, both require a lot of effort on my part to overcome my sluggish muscle memory, and I don't want to put the effort in.


I'm not really best at a particular genre, it all depends on how much I get into the game in question. If I want to learn something I will, and I tend to become decent.

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Best: Platformers, action/adventure.

Decent: First-person shooters, RPG's (I can't stand turn-based combat, though), racing, puzzle.

Worst: Real-time strategy, sports, survival, fighters (with the exception of Super Smash Bros.).

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I played Ponymon once and got my Rarity to like, level 50...but all my other ones were like, level 4...



Everything :D I suck at games. I don't even play games. Why am I in this topic? :derp:



He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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RPGs (real ones, like FF or Morrowind)

Actiony, hack n slash "RPGs" (like Kingdom Hearts or Skyrim)

Turn based strategy and 4X (civilization series)



Fighting (which is sad because I love fighting games :()


Everything else is somewhere in between.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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  • First-Person Shooter (Yes, Halo, Titanfall, COD, etc.)
  • Hack n' Slash (Dynasty Warriors mostly)
  • MMORPG (Gives me the opportunity to be more creative)
  • Simulations (Mostly games that involve Mechs like Mechwarrior, Armored Core, Assault Rigs, etc.)



  • Action/Adventure (gets boring when you play as just one character, where its better to play as someone else)
  • RPG (Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, are two good examples.  Liked them and soon defected b/c they got so boring)
  • Sports (excluding Football)
  • Driving (Car games mostly)



  • Fighting Games (Some games Im good at, and some Im not.  That's b/c the attack combos are hard to remember).
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What I am good at

RPGs ((Always 100% them because I love FF and TES series))

Action ((Many of these to me are fun like Metal Gear Rising, Darksiders, etc.))

Adventurer ((Dark Souls....do I need to say more))




What I am bad at


Stealth(Sad because I love the Metal Gear Solid games and Dishonored)

Fighting (Played Persona 4 arena online and got my flank kicked 5 times over)

FPS (Cant seem to get a kill online...dont know why)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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I'm not bad at Mario Kart, and I consider myself to be pretty okay a Pokemon (not competitive Pokemon, though - I don't have the time nor care to get into that).


Otherwise, I'd say I'm pretty terrible at video games (like pretty much everything else lol), so everything else?

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Take note that these are genres I'm good at, not that I'm necessarily good compared to other people who play them.


My best genres are:


RPGs, particularly Shin Megami Tensei and Final Fantasy type RPGs


Fighting, particularly the BlazBlue and Guilty Gear type


I'm absolutely terrible at realistic racing games, most shooters, sports games (mostly because I don't understand the sport itself) and stealth. I can fight my way through a stealth game and I love the genre as a whole but I just can't stealth for shit. :lol:

Edited by Discordian
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FPS (Halo, Battlefield)

Racing (NFS, Mario Kart)

Stealth/Tactical: Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed, Rainbow Six: Las Vegas (Tactical aspects)



Side Scrollers (Literally anything on the old Nintendo consoles, with the exception of Mario Kart and Super Mario Kart)

Sports games (excepting football games sometimes)

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Best: Platformers, Shoot'em ups [does not include bullet hell games], Adventure, Third Person Shooters, Beat'em ups, Hack & Slash, Super Smash Bro's Style Fighting Games

Decent: First Person Shooters, Racing Games, RPGs, MMOs, Simulators [wait does surgeon simulator count], Stealth

Worst: Sports, Every other type of Fighting Game.... but I still love playing them anyway. 

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Certain MMOs (like, say, WoW)


Just plain RPGs

Third Person Shooters (like Mass Effect)





Super Smash Bros.




Fighting games that aren't Super Smash Bros.


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My best genres are, or course, the ones I play most often:





Though, that's not to say I'm amazing or even good compared to other people that play those games. 


It's kind of hard to name a worst genre simply because I mostly play RPGs and Fighting... I'm not a big fan of FPS, but I'm better than the average schmo.  

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