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Everything posted by angels_gal

  1. Applejack and rainbow dash would be in Hufflepuff. applejack is extremely hard working and patient. rainbow is a little lazy but she does embody loyalty after all that is her element of harmony. I see Twilight in Ravenclaw she is extremely intelligent and she not only loves to learn but she's kind of a walking encyclopedia sometimes. She uses her knowledge not for evil but to help her friends out. Twilight's favorite class would be all of them. I could somehow see her ending up in the same predicament hermione was in. trying to figure out which class to take. wanting to take all of them. Rarity would be in slytherin she is ambitious afterall.
  2. not at all, if i die before the end of my life then I will go and not stop it. it just means my time is up and that is something i can be at peace with if/when that time comes.
  3. um do i have to post my list? lol Okay here we go i guess. Miles Edgeworth (Phoenix wright) - I hated his guts at first to be completely honest. and then by the end of case 4 in game one i was like ERMAGAWD. takes guts to wear to wear a red wine colored suit. lol. plus he is very handsome ahem. Detective Gumshoe (Phoenix wright)- Poor guy can't afford anything except top ramen. but he's sooo sweet sometimes. Captain Ukitake (bleach) - He may be an animated character but i don't give a buck! lol he has a very gentle nature I think that's the thing that draws me to him the most. Byakuya (bleach)- Yes he was another one of those I hated his guts but now he's actually on my list of crushes. Roy Mustang (Full metal alchemist) oh heck yes. He may be completely devoted to riza but i absolutely do not care lol He is my hero and he is rediculously good looking (AHEM) Maes Hughes - (Full metal alchemist) i think it's his adorkable nature that draws me to him.
  4. -Bones -NCIS -Big Bang Theory I am also a fan of game of thrones I absolutely love the books. man GRR loves his detail as much as JRR tolkien loves his. I have walked some episodes. I don't have HBO so i can't regularly follow them. but what i have seen is pretty good if you ask me.
  5. Okay, guess i'll bite. and submit this song sung and composed by the wonderful and very talented Forest Rain. I have posted this link various times around the forum but i think this piece deserves a little more attention. The story behind this song is he went to rony con and ended up finding a left plain white envelope beside his table it had a simple note inside that read "it's great to be different. love, Derpy"
  6. Oh trust me on this when I say If I were discorded no one non of my fellow bronies or pegasisters would want to hang around with me, because i would be an absolutely aweful person. lol
  7. oh sorry now i feel like an idiot. derp. It does and it's not exactly easy to undo if you screw it up. trust me on this one. what helps is if you have access to two DS's and both white2 and black 2 Join avenue's Dojo and cafe will help you a lot. EV training isn't for everyone. and if you have a lack of interest that's fine by me. care to share with me the members of your team?
  8. EVs are hidden numbers you can't see them just by looking at your pokemon's stats. EVs are one of two ways to get the best out of your pokemon. Think of EVs as points. you have a total of 510 and six stats that these 510 points can be divided between.. HP, Attack, Defense, special attack, special defense, and speed. Exactly how you devided up those 510 points between those six stats is dependent on your pokemon. but the more EVs you have behind your pokemon the better they will perform in that particular area. each of those six may only have 252 evs total so for instance you may not have all 510 EVs behind special attack stat.. you may however have. 252 EVS behind special attack stat and 252 EVS behind special defense stat. so that leaves you with 504 EVs total you now have six more to spend. Technically you could put those anywhere within your six stats. however if you know your pokemon isn't good at something like say metagross is pretty slow and terrible with special attack. don't invest those six EVs in speed or special attack, either put them behind attack, or HP or special defense. EVs in the end aren't really and truly important to game play. and if you don't care too much about competative battling then EV training wouldn't really be worth your time. However if you have a bad pokemon that you want to make just a little bit better...then EVs would be for you hmm sorry if you didn't understand that too well. apparently i'm not very good with explaining things. .
  9. Ponies. the people my age are concerned about family matters like feeding their kids dinner and bills. and how their husband/wife's day was. I'm not concerned about any of that except for bills but i still want ponies. They would totally look at me as if i was a headless chicken or something. do i hang out with people my age? nope do i care what they think Buck no!
  10. yes sequels characters like N and even NPCs acknowledge things that happened in black and white. they have this new feature in white and black 2 called memory link where if you have two DS' and have finished either white or black 2 you can memory link into your save files and you'll see little bits of the past in white 2 like for instance N releasing his pokemon and why he did so. and if you have done that N's pokemon reappear. He'll say things like " ( character name from white/black taught me this)" you can even access the original parts of unova such as skyarrow bridge and nacrene city again. but you can't tdo that until after you've beaten the game. it's pretty mind boggling. lol
  11. I have finished both black2 and white 2 . My team has also been pretty great ever since i started ev training the once terrible and slow deino managed to tank a STAB bug bite from burgh's leavanny. lived to tell the tale with 2 hit points. and i will gladly give you my friend code for white 2 but I think i will be re starting black 2 so i require just a tad bit of patience while i do that. white 2 FC is : 0949-0405-0626
  12. I'll tell you one song i have on my ipod list is "hey there ms derpy" by forest rain. loudest song ever. lol. I have my cd player on pretty loud to listen to other songs like 'smile song' and 'find a pet' and all the sudden the loud chords of 'hey there ms derpy' will come on and it always gets a jump out of me. first time that happened it happened while i was driving.....never again at least not while i'm driving....lol.
  13. black 2 and white 2 are awesome. one of my favorite things in the games is the marine tube. holy wow. Yes I even managed to see a wailord in my white 2 playthrough. The first thing i noticed and was very very pleased to see was that there was a pokemon center in aspertia city which amazed me, becasue usually there's not a pokemon center in that first city. not only that but a gym and cheren the gym leader. Flocassey town was really awesome because for the first time ever you could catch wild riolu in the ranch. As for Hugh and his help. he came off as more of a 'just there' NPC then someone who wanted to be your rival. Virbank city was really great as well as was pokestar studios. I am totally struggling right now with one of the pokestar movies. (don't ask....lol) Virbank gym (despite annailating the gym with my gliscor and earthquake) gave me a good chuckle because of the background music "P-o-k-e-m-o-n..." lol. Castelia city was just as awesome as ever, and what was more awesome was the addition of castelia sewer where you could also catch wild eevee I caught a few and made one into a vaporeon. I loved the change in gym design. I really liked the change in route four although that stupid pokemon breeder who would battle you evertime you walked by i just wanted to scream everytime i walked by her and got stopped. and I happened to get myself a braviary which you can do every thursday Nimbasa city didn't change although the gym did. it made me laugh so hard the first time i walked in there and there was no puzzle at all, it was just a cat walk. And then there was that whole yancy/curtis and the dropped item thing that was added just for white and black 2. If anyone hasn't done that yet! it's long and tedious but it's well worth it. Driftveil city i see got somewhat remade! i was really glad they added shard move tutors! as well as to see the pokemon world tournament. I haven't entered any of the others yet, i hope to soon. I think my team can handle it. and another pokemon breeder! luckily I managed to avoid that by teaching my vaporeon surf before trading it over. did anyone else get tricked by the fake foongus (what the heck is the plural of foongus anway? foongai?) the gym got another re do. which was awesome. i hope also everyone remembered to pick up N's zorua! Mistralton city: hasn't changed a bit. although the gym sure did. wow seriously? I loved the plain ride over to as for lentimas town wow did anyone else get a little wierded out by the spooky house? sheesh. as soon as the ghost girl appeared then dissapeared. I freaked out a little. undella town - wow when i walked out of reversal mountain i totally felt like i was going backwards. and then i nearly spit out what i was drinking when i talked to that guy who was standing on the sand who blurts out "UNDELLA!" oh man. oh man (they took him out in black 2! ggrrr argh!) Himalau city - Did anyone else feel like they were in the tropics when they entered here? wow. also did anyone else walk that crazy lady's meinfoo? sheesh she was soooo mean. the gym leader for this city gives me a bit of the giggles. Victory road got a huge make over and i loved the fact that they didn't make it uber long like in previous generations. they really didn't change the elite four at all which was nice, they did change the champion which was a little interesting to see. After a battle with alder that damned boufalant of Alder's destroyed my team. grrrr. I haven't made it to the bottom of white tree hollow yet. still stuck on 8. more grrr. guess i'll have to stay stuck on eight for now. Not to mention I am Join Avenue's biggest hog. I found the avenue's Dojo extremely useful for EV training!
  14. I would.most definetely! behind the bronies is a very positive message that more people would benefit from. Heck if everyone got behind a 'brony religion' then the world would be a much better place. but i would not become a jahooveus witness and cram "love and tolerance down everyone else's throat.
  15. I never got scammed but there was an attempt. One night out of nowhere I got a text that says my wells fargo debit card got hacked so they locked my card, they wanted me to send my info in order to unlock it. Well, first things first, i am not a member of wells fargo bank.
  16. my warmest welcome to the herd fellow pegasister! hope to see you around the forum! brohooves do show up on your profile. and yes danger wasp's flying piggys must be watched out for!
  17. bullies plain and simple as well as parents who won't vaccinate their kids because they're afraid that their kids will 'catch autism' derp you won't become autistic from vaccinating your kids. If you really wanted to protect them, you would get them vaccinated besides you can't catch it, it's not contagious.
  18. I associate myself with neither party in politics but I do love and tolerate all ponies and I treat everypony the same way i would like to be treated.
  19. scene 7:40 -7:56 in Ponies the anthology: lol derpy hooves great scene! it's raining muffins! 8:28 - 8:38 lol! 8:52-9:00 aww spike and rarity moment! that was a very sweet moment.
  20. I'll admit i nearly chocked on my own spittle when i read this I had to read it twice to only find out that some of my favorites aren't actually dead at all. I agree though Ichi's entry into soul society to save Rukia was just awesome. and now cause of that arc i ship those two fiercely lol. I have have no idea what's going on. I had a falling out with bleach as soon as Ichigo went in Hueco Mundo after Inoue I would only read and watch ocassionally after that.
  21. yes, I was at petco on my way home from work to get some stuff for my fish. I was wearing my derpy hooves shirt that i got from hot topic as i walked up to pay for them this little girl, who must have been about 7 said 'she's wearing a my little ponies shirt' I was pretty happy she recognized this pony as being part of MLP even though she's not one of the mane six. we talked briefly and then i asked her for a brohoof. and she gave me one which made my day.
  22. I am usually able to distinguish fantasy from reality but there are days where i look up at the sky and think 'what i would give to be able to control the weather' and i will ask my brony cousin for the ocassional brohoof.
  23. If you are worried that your peers and friends will reject you, I will say this that if they reject you then they are not truly worthy of being your friends. as for your family they may be your parents, they are not experts in the things that you can and cannot watch.
  24. it's an article posted in the kansas city star that takes a look at 'gender roles' i'm not sure how 'acedemic' this source can really be considered though. good luck with the paper! http://www.kansascity.com/2012/12/07/3954450/those-little-ponies-mean-a-big.html
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