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Everything posted by angels_gal

  1. I think it was last summer after the first MLP convention here in washington state. one of our local news studios (we have three) did a little thing on the 'bronies' i remember seeing things about bronies combing pony hair on TV i remember thinking 'wow I *really loved this series as a child....did this series totally get a reboot?" that's when i took to youtube and found out yes this series did get a reboot. I had to get over my giddiness over this. but then it took me about 10 seconds to understand why the bronies love this show. and one thing to note they didn't bash the bronies.... in fact they were fairly positive towards the fandom in general. which now thinking back on it, makes me happy to see.
  2. The one show that I really wanted to see get rebooted got a reboot 2 years ago.. so I'm happy and won't say anything more about it!
  3. angels_gal

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    I have seen the extended edition of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and i absolutely love them. not sure which is my favorite i think it's return of the king. I haven't read it all the way through, it's a little bit dry reading for my taste so i read about half of it a long time ago and then gave up. yes i know i'm an awful person for saying that. I dunno, I suspect it will be good considering peter jackson is director. I will go see it, eventually. maybe not on opening day. i thought that they might do three. that's more money for the studios.
  4. I have a question for every pony! Do you ponies EV train your pokemon? If there's anyone who doesn't know what that is, It's a way to get the best performance out of your pokemon. or pokemon that normally don't fare too well in certain areas you can make better. My EV trained gliscor took a STAB Ice beam and lived with 2 hit points left.
  5. i think it's a good idea, especially when members begin to really wonder whether or not they're apart of the forums. and are considering leaving because of that.
  6. Derpy Hooves hands down. there is something very wonderful about our muffin loving mailmare. I love the way she doesn't let her clumsy nature bother her. She just picks herself up after falling down and does it with a smile on her face and there is something truly special about that. No matter what happens to her. she represents the little things in the show that makes it just that much more amazing.
  7. I love you derpy! Somepony had mentioned that 'the derp has been doubled' and it took me a moment to realize what that pony was talking about. I paused because i thought that pony in the right corner was derpy but then i realized her eyes were the wrong color. I thought it was cloud chaser but she was in the audience. and then i saw her! our muffin loving mailmare! I will go make muffins and celebrate! It's great to know she hasn't been forgotten. or deleted completely!
  8. I bought them but have not received it yet because it's a commissioned plushie from our very own Elizapony. it's a 16 inch derpy hooves plushie and a 16 inch luna! I can't wait and considering places like ebay will charge $300 + for a commissioned plushie it was a great buy. and trust me on this when i say i went back and forth for days trying to decide if i really should or not.
  9. uh no, too sugary for me. I can't tolerate too much sugar in my diet. it gives me a headache. if i had to eat them i would eat the unfrosted ones. and preferably strawberry.
  10. I was too especially when zecora said 'use the six' that was when i was expecting her to use the elements but then that would have just been too easy. so i'm glad that the episode didn't go that route.
  11. Good Episode! baby apple jack and baby rarity wow i just.. it was just way too much cute! and did anyone else have a moment when Zecora was training twilight? I had a very luke and yoda moment. more specifically the scene where Yoda says "Do or do not there is no try" lol. I never thought Trixie would return so i was a little surprised to see she had another episode. . and i sort of started to like her after her "i'm going to try to be humble" moment. poor fluttershy! "brave! wanna be brave at home!" the fourth wall broke!
  12. baby rarity and baby applejack was just OMG wayy too cute for me to contain myself. Zecora training twilight was like yoda training luke. specifically that scene where yoda says "Do or do not there is no try' (gah!) I never thought trixie would return but she came back worse than ever and had sort of a "i'm gonna try to be humble" at that part I started to like her. good episode.!
  13. Partly there are some who are and some who have misconceptions or just flat out refuse to care. I think it's also partly a case of. "this show is for pansies like you" meaning real men don't watch my little ponies. (which is just outright not true if you ask me) If anything I think the bronies of the world are making everyone re think (if they haven't already) "gender roles" it's not blue boys over here and boys much play with boys stuff and pink girls over there and girls must play with anythink pink!"
  14. welcome to the forums! "San jorse' made me chuckle. lol. anyway welcome aboard!
  15. me as a pony! sorry that's all your getting! i'm not about to show my ugly mug in front of all these handsome and lovely bronies and pegasisters!
  16. It is an aweful lot of pressure he puts upon you. HE should be pleased as punch that you are succeeding in life. but more than anything *YOU* should be proud of how well you're doing. And if he can't see how great you are (you are even more great in the eyes of all of us bronies and pegasisters because you love and support the show) then that is his loss. not yours.
  17. I'm supposed to choose how? I absolutely can't choose, I love them all so very much. I love Cadence and Celestia for their kindness and love towards a certain purple mare by the name of Twilight Sparkle. I love them for their generosity. and Luna. i'm not sure I can properly put into words why I love her so much I just do!
  18. It sounds like a case of 'tough love' gone really bad. but that doesn't mean it's acceptable. And his 'attitude' is only putting his own health at risk. That's his own fault for being so angry all the time. as for your brony friend I would keep them closest to you right now because their the ones that you need to keep closest to you. Sounds like your old man has forgotten what it means to be a dad "be supportive without pushing you away. don't blame yourself for his attitude just cause it fits outside the 'social and gender norms' doesn't mean he should be so hateful on it. but i guess in his mind its 'hate what's different than you' still doesn't make it right.
  19. Luna is one of my favorite ponies! and giving her an episode to herself was just sooo awesome to see. Derpy's costume made me chuckle, but when she popped up out of the bottom of the bobbing for apples barrell and with a huge grin pulled the plug up and then frowned as the water went away made me spit out the water i was drinking at the time. What was the lesson *I* took away from this episode? don't take a sip of water when Derpy's around. lol!
  20. The length of the episodes may be slightly unappealing to you at first considering if you want to watch them all there are 104 episodes i think? I know it took me a little while to get over how short they were. and oops! lol sorry everypony! I should have put a warning something like "warning: may cause ocassional outbursts of "OMG that's sooo cute!"
  21. Wow, what a well written article! You bronies have made it big! and thank you to USA today for bring MLP:FiM into a positive light instead of berating the show and its fans. What I love most about the article is the part where the he stats 'The show broke a barrier and it's no longer pink girls here and blue boys there"
  22. If you and any other pony, who wants to check this out don't mind watching a show geared towards children no older than 6 years old. I may just have a suggestion for you. This show follows the daily life of a young kitten who one day gets seperated from her mom and siblings. each episode is about three minutes long. but if you're an animal lover. or want to watch something that will cheer you up this is the anime for you. then this anime is for you. episode one if you want to watch is in the spoiler tag.
  23. Oh man oh man what a fantastic episode. I reaally love the song that they used in the episode. The mane six each got a solo part. and that choir wow...just.... wow. and we got to see another wonderbolt speak. spitfire already got a few lines in a previous episode.... so it was just wonderful to see another one get a few lines.
  24. Arcanine! does it always end up on your team? somehow it always ends up on my team. it's actually on my team now. EV trained and everything. and bred to know close combat.
  25. I don't blame people either for wanting to hide. I was more talking about people who hide IRL. but i don't blame them for wanting to hide especially if they are getting verbally abused because of it. forgive my silly little post!
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