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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by angels_gal

  1. I never thought i'd be back here, but being way older than most of you, i will give my 2 cents. I have some very strong opinions on this matter. it's something that should be mutal waited upon until both sides are ready to take that next step, it's a decision that should never be forced. and ending the realationship because someone won't? that's absolutely the stupidest thing have ever heard. If someone is refusing to respect your personal boundaries by all means get out immediately because that is absolutely not the relationship for you. if someone refuses there should be no begging, pleading, whining, temper tantrums or anything else of that sort. a simple 'no' from either party is the absolute END of that discussion.
  2. I really thought i had left here for good. but i've been reading this thread for a while now. So I thought what the heck. lol. I have both games but i will not be starting either one any time soon if at all. I have half a soul silver nuzelock to finish not even beat the elite four yet. The another playthrough. I want to to do. After that, I'll start whatever nuzelock variant sparks my interest. and then maybe i'll start X and Y (i'm really not that interested in this new generation all that much) See, I traded in a bunch of stuff that i didn't need or want anymore and was offered more trade in value if i preordered one or both of the games. I took it and paid off both otherwise I would have just left the trade credit in store (gamestop) for my brother to use. But i figured since it was mine to begin with I would just take it.
  3. i'm still up for this. sorry for not being around too much to talk about this but for the most part i've left this board. Ponies is not the only thing that's fun at con cosplay chess is a must attend evvent. at least in my book it is!
  4. I really like my first name! I knew several people who share the same name i do. Although I prefer being called by the first four letters of my name. if you call me by my full first name. It makes me feel like i did something wrong.
  5. What do I collect? I think the answer to that one is a fairly simple one. I collect dust. I mean there's so much of it all over my room. lol. Just kidding. - I have a small collection of teddy bears - Movies (I have some anime as well) - MLP shirts -MLP brushables -Anime figurines. (most of them are from full metal alchemist, I have some bleach figurines and some rurouni kenshin figurines) - Art from artists alley at anime conventions
  6. Well, I ordered another $150 worth of shirts but i ordered it on christmas eve. obviously they weren't there . but i was totally shocked when I woke up on janurary 11th. apparently they shipped it out on the 10th using overnight shipping. what? I was expecting them to take a little longer than that but they were really really fast this time around.
  7. It's supposed to be fire/psychic although that is something that is something that i heard and not been officially confirmed by anyone else.
  8. angels_gal

    technology Operating Systems

    I was forced to use windows 7 becaues I had to buy a new laptop. before that I had a laptop which had vista on it. and a desktop with Windows XP on it. I really need to save up some money and get away from windows and use a mac. tired of windows running my life like this. lol.
  9. wow, I didn't even know you could do something like that on an Xbox.
  10. I choose you, fennekin! Yes that will be my starter, I had also imagined something like Kirara from Inuyasha. maybe we'll also get something akin to vulpix/ninetails.
  11. even though i'm not on a minecraft server I really should start playing.
  12. oh you are sooo sweet <3 thank you so much dearie. you have really made my morning. I really can't tell you how much this means to me.
  13. angels_gal

    Ask HT

    Do you have a food that you won't eat? if so what is it?
  14. yes! I have two of the most amazing plushies ever! made by our very own Elizapony who takes commissions. I can't stop showing them off because they are both absolutely amazing!! the links will take you to Elizapony's thread where I have pictures. if you all want to see what they look like. the first is Derpy Hooves, she is actually the first plushie I got. but for christmas she was running a buy one get one free. so the second one I chose was Luna: Derpy: http://mlpforums.com/topic/21939-now-taking-pony-plushie-commissions/page-23#entry1026716 Luna: She is actually a first season luna. Elizapony gave me a choice between first and second season lunas I chose first season because she already had the stuff and I love luna no matter what she looks like! So i was more than happy to take a first season luna! http://mlpforums.com/topic/21939-now-taking-pony-plushie-commissions/?p=1070511
  15. Nuclear....although my extended family all live within 30 minutes of each other. So, I see each other twice a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. but it's usually at least once a month. This is my mother's side of the family.
  16. how about "I dreamed A Dream" from Les Miserable. IMO, if you can pull this song off, singing this song, would be a fantastic way to show off the full range of your vocal capabilities.
  17. I think i have a few okay okay that's a huge lie! I loved all of them. Sometimes a song takes a while to grow on me. like "Raise This Barn" It hasn't yet grown on me but it will in time. They've all ended up on a CD which I carry in the car, and listen to on my way to and from home and work and wherever else i'm going.
  18. Alot of bronies don't care what the public thinks about them. there are some that do and are closet bronies cause of it. But what I think is. The worst enemy of bronies is other bronies. I don't mean watch out for other ponies around here cause they're bad. I simply mean that sometimes i come in here and i see people character bashing it's mostly AJ and Derpy (other ponies get it to but not as bad) that get the brunt of this. And that in my opinion is the quickest way to make enemies.
  19. I think these photos are kind of large, sorry guys. yeah I sucked it up and spent a small fortune over at we love fine before Christmas! but worth every cent that i spent! I just got these yesterday. Yes, I am a vinyl scratch fan! lol and I got the sweetie belle shirt because the text on that shirt is something I say on a regular basis. Pretty much every day! So I totally could not resist getting it! The muffin deserves her own photo! I accidentally got two of these . derp! Stupid, stupid me! now I need to find someone to give the other one to. Been staring at that luna shirt for a while! I'm so glad that I made the decision to get it. This muffin shirt was the best $25 I ever spent! lol And a first season luna plushie which i've had for about five days now from our very own Elizapony. I just haven't had time to post a picture of her yet. I totally love her!
  20. If I start a series I usually start with the anime first and then if I like it enough i read the manga. It was no different this time around. My answers to these questions are both the same Full Metal Alchemist: brotherhood. Oh my god I cannot even tell you how much I love this one. I saw the original series To be honest I thought that the original was kind of lame in hindsight but whatever. When brotherhood came out. I watched the first 2 episodes and thought "I don't know about this" It didn't really appeal to me. because i had seen the original and that's the image of it i had in my head. In fact, I down right refused to watch anymore of ,Brotherhood. Until one day I realized I shouldn't be so hard headed about this. So there I went, I re watched it from the start. and after about 5 episodes I was hooked. As it went on I was soo hooked. By the end I felt as if I was suffocating under the sheer weight of everything that was happening to everyone. And I loved all the characters, yes even the villans. with the exception of 2 people. I have never been able to say that before about another anime series.
  21. I don't think that's a flaw at all. giving a character a name sometimes is the hardest part of writing. Sometimes, inspiration can come to you in the oddest places. you'll see something and think "if i an switch it around it would make a great name" Sometimes though bouncing ideas off someone else is a great help as well.
  22. I love lyra! she gained my love and completely cracked me up when I saw her sitting on that bench in an unpony like manner! lol I hope she gets some lines to say.
  23. I like froakie! That adds to our 'frog pokemon' along with politoed, croagunk, toxicroak, palpitoad, and siesmetoad. I wonder what other new pokemon type combinations we're going to get. fire/psychic would be kinda cool. or fire dragon.
  24. there is a way to breed shiny pokemon. I've not tested it yet it's called the matsuda method. It's named after Junichi matsuda. Basically it works like this. You know the odds of finding a shiny pokemon. they are reduced if you breed your pokemon with a ditto from another country. now in game trades like Surge's french pikachu don't count because you are still playing the game in whatever country you're playing it in. If you can obtain a ditto from another country your odds of getting a shiny pokemon to hatch are reduced by a bit.
  25. angels_gal

    movies/tv Don Bluth

    I actually a few of his films that i absolutely adore An American Tail - The first time i saw this film I was a small filly. One of my favorite songs of the movie was "Somewhere Out There" oh my goodness. Anastasia - Yes I know This one is cheesier than the older films such as American tale and land before time. But I can't not love this film. Land Before Time - Again this is one movie that I saw as a young filly. I absolutely love this film. All Dogs Go To Heaven - I will watch any movie that has dogs in it, but the end always makes me cry!
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