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Rainbow Dash

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Everything posted by Rainbow Dash

  1. Flies and Spiders. They have got to be the two most invasive insects on this planet. Hot day and need air? BOOM. Theres a fly in your house now. Have a garage or storage unit outside? BOOM. Spider webs galore. Ive had to quarantine half my pad because spiders in the pacific northwest have no chill at all. They will pop up within a day. Im pretty sure the world would be a better place(at least a little bit) if those two insect species just poof out of existence.
  2. I hate that changelings suddenly broke off from having a hive mindset to being free thinkers. I argue passionately with others that this killed the shows lore. The inclusion of new species was a decision that was worse than anything Equestria Girls did. even worse though is not including cat people in the show. I would sacrifice sea ponies for cat people.
  3. Beat Sekiro again. Here i thought this was supposed to be as hard as Dark Souls. 

  4. GTA 5 roleplaying is a thing and so far its complete garbage.

  5. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice? More like Sekiro: Bosses back you into a corner and spam their best attacks....or Sekiro: Only bosses have magical sword/spear powers that let them change momentum enough to strike my hitbox. 

  6. I miss the old days of massive skype groups. Now all i have are dead discord groups. Whatever happened to the days of talking in massive groups? Did everyone become more anti-social or something?

    1. Odyssey


      I would've thought having Discord around would've made people far more social than ever before. At least, that's what I noticed. Most popular Discord servers I seen are mostly circlejerks.

    2. CypherHoof


      Been known to say the same, but for me it was IRC and Usenet :)

  7. First off Itd be a movie about how all Marvel characters were a creation of Mister Mxyzptlk in order to usurp the justice league and the others. Thanos was actually a super weak Darksied, Ultron was actually Metallo, and So on. The climax would end with DC being on top. Batman would be played by Daniel Radcliffe. Superman would have Kevin Smith as him Flash played by Jason Mewes
  8. Sonic 2019 is coming out and I may have been the only one to think it was a joke when they teased the idea of a major motion picture. Detective Pickachu came out with Ryan Reynolds as Pickachu....Ryan Reynolds. i began to wonder if it’s just me or if anyone else has had moments of “why is this a movie” when seeing a trailer for a Movie others love. Im curious, what did you guys say/do when first having this moment? What was the movie? Did you end up seeing it, or do you need to be forced to even think of seeing it? as stated before, mine are Detective Pickachu and the new Sonic Movie. sonic 2019: hoorible cgi, and the cast is out of place. Jim Carey is good, but not THAT good. The trailer is also the start of every cringe inducing fan ficus of sonic. *Gangsters Paradise blasts because that’s all sonic is: a gangster of speed. Suddenly the beast awakens in him and he turns into beast sonic of OP’ness.* all that was missing from the trailer was Sonic reading Marvel comics or a Deadpool reference. detective Pickachu Would have been great if it was Danny Devito and not “meme me, I’m Ryan Reynolds.”. I don’t see how it’s fair the dude who’s early career was all about being the guy who tried dating every HOT girl, and making fun of uggos gets to headline kid movies. He should have faded into obscurity when it came out he stole from comedians and directors.
  9. To be frank, I'd have to change my name.

  10. Happy Birthday, dawg!

  11. I was banned from a race track for making the 'professionals' look like chumps. V6 YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

  12. dont gas me

    1. Widdershins


      *Is standing by with a pumphandle still connected to the gas pump dragging behind it & clearly yanked clean out of its socket from the nearby gas station*

       aWW, MAN! An' here I wuz all ready tah gas yah!

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      *Throws the planet Jupiter at you*

  13. Sometimes I get woken up from a slumber and my heart will be racing, and I have to move around. I often try not to think about it. If i have to, I just drink tea or meditate to get over it.
  14. I can not get into the Dark Souls series. I get they're angle is difficult game with hidden lore, but the controls and camera are infuriating.
  15. I wear dark colours cause it keeps me warm. Sometimes i'll put on bright colours, but its primarily darker colours.
  16. You know youre old when you think this is a good idea. Hear me out: Kids today already sit in front of screens for more than 5 hours. If not they are usually outside playing.Schools ,at least in my area, go from 8am-2pm. Thats 6 hours. If kids can play Fortnite for hours on end, they can read a book or learn something practical besides flossing. School does need to change how it teaches, but saying it should be banned makes no sense. How did you even learn to read or write? Kinesthetic learning wasnt a thing till 2009. Recess just enforces bad habits. Oh you studied for an hour? go play for 30 minutes. I get the need for recess and playing for kids, however if you look at other countries you can see recess doesnt mean higher or lower scores or an impact on learning abilities. http://uwsslec.libguides.com/c.php?g=187028&p=1235659
  17. Online I dont care usually. Here, im tame compared to sites like reddit, twitch, or Deviant Art. I swear more than 10 sailors, and I call people out which makes me not well received sometimes. Offline Im chill..at least thats what 20+ people have said. I am open minded, have too much empathy, and I still curse more than 10 sailors.
  18. Like a stereotypical cowboy in a John Wayne flick, I drink or smoke them away.
  19. Postal 3, though that game was barely playable. DOOM 201X had glorious gibs, and was almost as offensive as the Postal franchise.
  20. i was called either: Bambino, my name in baby talk, boy(by my sister mainly), and troublemaker.
  21. Kids these days are more about Fortnite, and becoming an online celebrities like Lil Tay. These kids dont even know the names of 90's icons like Corey Taylor, Hayley Joel Osmand, or Jeffery the Giraffe. I grew up on old television and radio plays. I seem like the most annoying hipster at parties because i'll be referencing Looney Tunes, Ed the Horse, or Buster Keaton.
  22. Railroad tracks. Back in my hometown, there was abandoned rail road tracks due in part of a bridge that wasnt safe for trains. Repairs would cost the city millions so they left it for nature. Me and me friends would use these tracks as our chill out spot. We'd spend hours eating some primo munchies and talking about current events and pop culture.
  23. Ive been made fun of for: My race, my gender, my looks, my sensitive nature, and my upbringing. When i tried standing up for myself i was painted as a pyscho, which made almost no one wanna hang or talk to me. I find it funny that this was back in middle school, yet its 2019, I have a job; and i still get ridiculed for half of whats mentioned. The real kicker is when I try to stand up for myself I just get called toxic.
  24. My idea of happiness would be a long open road in space. I'd be driving a sweet classic car....maybe a Tucker Torpedo. Id also have brony music blasting; all the hits from 2012-present.
  25. Feet just weird me out. Like....what are they? Why cant we just replace them with metal parts? I have giant man feet, which is great for working and stuff. However, when i want to wear heels, well...i have to throw down extra money to special order giant heels that look like they house several families.
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