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Nature's Spell

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Everything posted by Nature's Spell

  1. Although the writers have moments of great cleverness (stoping short of saying brilliance) when they go off the rails, they really go off the rails. Spike and Pinky are often flanderized and are so inconsistent that I honestly think the writers don't know how to write them well. Also many of the characters, Celestia for one, exist to move the plot along, but don't have their own storylines. They play their part and that's it. Spike seems to be like that.
  2. Bottom line: No more having Twilight feeling sorry for herself or confused about her role. It's done. She's a full fledged princess with a title, castle, and an awesome role to play. I want Twilight to focus on her princesshood as intensely she did her studies with Celestia.
  3. There are two ways to answer this. First, which character is ackowlged by the other characters as being mysterious and second who has the thinnest backstory. With that consideration Zecora is clearly the most mysterious, with Discord in second place, and the thinnest background award goes to Fluttershy. We know almost nothing about her and the mystery detracts from her character, or at least ads nothing.
  4. :-) Well I'm willing to agree to disagree. I will quibble with your idea that she knew what was coming. Clearly she had no idea that she was going to become a princess until Celestia explained it all to her. I get the sense that you're not full comfortable with her transformation, but I'm one of those who feel strongly that she was destined to become Princess and where the show is now is the best possible place to be. Anything else is relegated to fanfic and real head canon. I will agree that my idea is a head canon, but mostly because with have no supporting dialogue. I do agree she is the same Twilight, but saying reborn isn't incorrect.
  5. Yes the spell is a little loosey goose, but my guess is SSB was trying to gain power or perhaps he found the elements and was trying to use them. But since he didn't understand friendship like Twilight he failed, and never finished the spell. Yes, I've always liked the idea of her symbolically dying and being reborn. The look of resignation on her face, just before she disappeared, always struck me as her accepting her fate. I'd love to read Larson's original draft of the script. He's made cryptic comments that the script was altered. Perhaps the alterations made certain things less clear. What's important to focus on is what Celestia told Twilight and I mentioned above. That is the clear reason she accended and everything else is bad paraphrasing.
  6. My first reply was OT. I think the spell unlocked the Magic of Friendship and her being "zapped" by her friends was the positive version of what the elements do to a villain. Rather than sending her to the moon or locking her in stone it allowed her to internalize all the elements and radiate them back. As Celestia said she showed all the elements, but added the final element of leadership that marked her as a true princess. As an aside that's why Twilight is the Princess of Friendship and her friends aren't princesses. She's always been an amalgam of her friend's best traits, but she's also transcended them and added her own magic. However, she's also beholded to her friends which is why they have their own place in her castle.
  7. Well, clearly it was a symbolic death, but a number of analysts mentioned it around the time the episode premiered. If you watch the scene, and think about the symbolism, it is very clear (to me at least) that she was reborn. People might not like the idea, but I think Twilight left part of herself behind when she ascended.
  8. One thing that has been mentioned about that whole scene, when her friends zap her, is that they actually kill her and she is reborn an alicorn. It actually makes sense if you look at the scene. You see her being zapped and she finally puts her head down as if she's resigned to her fate and all that is left is a scorch of her cutie mark. Finally she ends up in this cosmic realm, read heaven, ( or Celestia's movie theater) and she sees her life flash before her eyes. Finally she descends in her new body and is reborn.
  9. Yeah I agree with the consensus that it's her name. Although the show uses nicknames they are never used exclusively. Also the writers rarely think so deeply about details like that or have hidden meanings.
  10. Twilight has the best design, especially as an Alicorn, but the Mane 5 have designs that are perfectly crafted for their unique personalities.
  11. That Twilight's ascension was right and makes sense for the show. Celestia is not a tyrant or trying to be deceptive and guided (not controled) Twilight to her destiny. Twilight is much more than a neurotic nerd; all the ponies are more than their stereotype. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are not all that and a bag of chips. :-)
  12. Most declarations of "Mary Sue" are code for the "writers aren't doing what I want" and I want my favorite pony to be the central character. Twilight is the central character of show and is no different than any central character. Maybe it's just me, but it seems half the fan base is pining away for a show that never existed.
  13. It's fine to reimagine the show I guess, but what you're pointing out is the show bad writing and all. Plot holes and writing devices are the bread and butter of the adventure style episodes and are generally enjoyed. If the writers could have done better they would have in the first place. What Celestia did is no different than Obi-wan and Yoda setting up Luke to kill Vader. They knew the what, but not the how and Luke, like Twilight, ended up putting their own spin on their heroes quest.
  14. The show creators are as nebulous with time as they are with character ages, yet the show is sprinkled with events that could be put into a timeline. However, I would much rather think that the length of time in Equestria matches the length of the show and is closer to 4 years at this point.
  15. It's important to remember that Rarity's parents were written to be a parody of the annoying and embarrassing parents that one tries to not emulate. There's a thought that Rarity's whole persona is fake, or at least she actively works to project a certain image. Tabitha, her VA, uses a Boston Brahmin or an "old money", upper crust, New York accent; it's likely that Rarity's real accent is much more mundane. Yet, she's done it so long that she has become her persona.
  16. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. The problem with Luna is that the show (Princess Twilight Sparkle 1&2) did a poor job of explaining why Luna rebelled. The impression one gets from Celestia is that duty comes before personal grievances and Luna should have sucked it up. Given that position, and NMM's insanity, I'm not sure there is another way. In Lulleyby for a Princess: Luna's reply a repent Luna, still trapped on the moon sings: Such is the weight of the crown that we wear, sister, Duties we always uphold; It goes on to say that Celestia saved her ponies as a wise ruler must do. Not canon, but very faithful to what seemed to have happened.
  17. Well given their relationship I don't think it would be healthy for the sisters to live together all the time. So, I agree with the consensus that SB lives with her parents, but visits and stays with Rarity a lot.
  18. She's interesting because she was acting under her father's authority-the unicorn King. She was much more in line with the definition of a princess- the offspring of a King or Queen-but was given an assignment as Royal family members often are. She may have even been heir to the throne and would upon her father's death become Queen-reagent. The Equestrian Princessess are sovereign in their realms. Our terminology breaks down, but what it comes down to is they all defer to Celestia, but she's perfectly happy to return the favor. Celestia wants her sister and former students to suceed in their roles and play their part.
  19. Spring?! I've been telling my daughter winter! Yikes.
  20. I've been thinking of Cadence a lot and how her element, the Crystal Heart, fits in with the Tree of Harmony. In the case of Twilight the TOH is literally her Cute Mark and it also shows Luna and Celesta's Cute Mark. Makes sense since the three were all barers of the EOH. Cadence's Cute Mark is the Crystsl Heart, which may also be the source of her power, since her CM is not shown on the TOH. The implication is that the Crystal Heart and Tree of Harmony are equals, although you'd think that love could also be an Element. It makes Cadence uniquely powerful and importan; the most recent in a line of Princesses of Love. As a character who isn't always liked it gives her a boost. I guess Equestria is governed by the Sun, Moon, Friendship and Love. Are we missing anything?
  21. It seems pretty clear that there are only four Princesses of Equestria, but it's also equally clear that other lands e.g. Saddle Arabia and Maretonia have their own peers and leadership. However, they all rank below the four Princessess. Also remember that Cadence was sent to the Crystal Empire by Celestia to protect the Crystsl Heart, which is her element in a way. In other words, she's acting as a agent of Celestia. Honestly no other culture can stand up to the four Princesss, so it's good they are benevolent. As far as the Princess of Friendship title and her castle it doesn't appear that she will be ruling as such. Her role, as she said, is to spread the magic of Friendship and I'd think continue to protect Equestria.
  22. Since Princess Twilight is not really part of that world it makes sense her role to be lessened. She's almost a guest star, however, it's possible that Human Twilight will have a much larger role and Princess Twilight will be a cameos.
  23. Nope. You can never forget that the writers main goal is to get the script done fast. Plus they all seem to love memes. Rock farm, grayness, "Amish-like", rainbow, happy and that's how Equestria a script is made. Maybe a cynical view is the writers, but I think a true one and doesn't take away from the show's quality.
  24. I don't agree with most of your changes so I guess I'm not a Brony. Other than being more consistent and giving us more back story I'm pretty happy with the show. Princess Twilight Sparkle long may she reign!
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