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Everything posted by SpadesOfDarkness

  1. The one in Everfree 2-4 is right near the exit in a that weird building. In case you didn't know this, type in "the fun has been doubled" into the password area. It will save you a lot of trouble getting it.
  2. I view myself falling into the chaotic good category. I'm definitely a free thinker and a free spirit. I am a kind person at heart but I hate when people tell me what to do. I would hate to meet the people who are in the evil category.
  3. I'm not sure if it was just a bunch of good guesses, but former President Bill Clinton might be a brony. When asked three questions about it, he got them right. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=cUYuuAleyBA&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcUYuuAleyBA
  4. Maybe Someday by The Cure Propaganda by Play Dead God In An Alcove by Bauhaus True Life Story by Virgin Prunes The Witch by Rosetta Stone
  5. My only shipping would be Lyra and Bon-Bon because it is kind of what they are known for the best. Maybe Doctor Hooves and Derpy as well, but I don't take that one as seriously as with Lyra and Bon-Bon. It's probably because of the whole Doctor Hooves and the Assistant series I hear on YouTube.
  6. I watch PewDiePie sometimes. I find him funny at some times and extremely annoying at other times on how he doesn't take anything seriously. I will admit that I find his fanboys to just be unbearable at times.
  7. Actually, during an interview on PAX Prime 2012, Metal Gear Rising was confirmed to be canon. It's just that they stated it's not part of the Solid series simply because of it's drastic change in gameplay. As with Olga, I also found her story tragic as well. Along with the beauties from Metal Gear Solid 4. Their back stories were just horrifying.
  8. Even though Twilight is my favorite, I'm going to go with Rainbow Dash on this one. It seems like something she would never do and when you see her like that, it is really unexpected.
  9. This sums it up for me. Almost every Metal Gear game has at least one of those moments that make me cry. Heck, you even feel bad for some of the bosses like Sniper Wolf, Psycho Mantis, and Fortune. Another sad moment I had in videogames was the ending in Kingdom Hearts. I played it when I was young so my emotions were a lot more vulnerable. Similarly, there are moments in videogames that made me cry in joy such as the ending to American Mcgee's Alice or the True Lover ending in Catherine. Raiden doesn't die. If you watch the end of MGS 4, you'll see that Raiden is in a hospital bed being greeted by his wife and son. Heck, he even has his own game set three years after MGS4 called Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Here's the first boss fight: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RypphRK14t8
  10. Over the summer, I've been volunteering at our local library and it turns out that EVERY guy who volunteers there is a brony. But all of the girls shake their heads in disapproval. Heck, one of those people was the one that got me into MLP in the first place.
  11. It's going to be the PS4 for me. Microsoft really messed up when they made the XBox One and drove some of their customers away. But at least they fixed those problems with the XBox 180.
  12. I'll be getting a PS4. It's not that I'm a fanboy. I believe that the PS4, Wii U, and XBox 180 have different strengths. Similarly, they all have their own flaws. But while I had a PS3, I've been a hardcore trophy hunter. Heck, check out my completion rate. So I might as well get a PS4 to continue it. http://psnprofiles.com/SpadesOfDarkness
  13. I am an only child. Honestly, I prefer it to be this way because I don't have to deal with annoying siblings and I get everything to myself.
  14. Three organs come to mind. The first is my skin. It keeps out bacteria from enering my body and without it, life would be very painful. Second would be my brain for obvious reasons. And third...my penis. You people know why!
  15. I've never eaten horse meet and I probably never will. It's kind of on the same level for me as dogs, cats, or dolphins. Never going to eat it if I'm aware of what it is.
  16. I hope those people know that the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. This is the reason why other countries hate America! It's filled with a bunch of idiots who claim they are patriots and they don't know the first thing about it.!
  17. Which one am I fighting. I could take on Fluttershy but Rainbow Dash would kick my ass.
  18. My favorite color is purple. It actually has nothing to do with Twilight being my favorite pony. Purple's just my favorite. After that is black and white.
  19. My parents know I like My Little Pony, it's just that they don't have an opinion about it. That's how I like it. I even told them that people my age like the show as well. They still don't have much of a reaction.
  20. Just because she's the element of loyalty, don't expect her to be loyal 100% of the time. We've seen the other characters brake their elements a lot! We've seen Applejack lie to Pinkie Pie to her face about what was in the barn to hide Pinkie's surprise party. Fluttershy became a flutter bitch after she took Iron Will's self-help seminar. Pinkie lost almost all her laughter after she thought her friends didn't like her anymore. And Rarity has shown selfishness multiple times such as choosing to hang out with the nobles instead of finishing Twilight's birthday gown and also taking Spike's Ruby during his birthday as well. I'm not saying Rainbow would cheat. She would probably be more loyal than a lot of other people, but there is still the possibility of her breaking her loyalty element.
  21. I feel like Rarity had it the worst. She ended making disasters that gave others frost bite and sun burns. She also could have endangered herself with that as well. On top of that the entire town ended up hating her.
  22. I would say my favorite Disney movie of all time would be The Nightmare Before Christmas. I fell in love with the story and the songs. Especially Oogie Boogie's song. You don't know how happy I was when I saw The Nightmare Before Christmas in Kingdom Hearts!
  23. I'm not really a big anime fan but there are two animes that I absolutely adore. They are Deadman Wonderland and Rosario+Vampire.
  24. SpadesIdDaehvess You try typing with your eyes closed on an iPhone!
  25. I remember my worst pain. Has anyone ever had a tube stuck down their penis? I have. It was a medical procedure I had to go through that was incredibly painful! I hope I never have to go through something like that again.
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