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Everything posted by Katskratch

  1. My life wouldn't be narrated. What I'd want is Snoop Dogg Lion to do a casual rap play by play of my life with his incredibly mellow delivery and style, accompanied by random ambient style instrumentals. Even during the drama he'd be discordantly mellow rapping my life, which would fit my character well.
  2. Weird that Pinkie is suddenly a terrible cook but for the her sake I would eat it. I really can eat almost anything intended to be eaten anyways, I just have my obvious preferences. I'd try to subtly ask her not to make whatever she made for me again in the future though. Slip it into conversation, 'oh, I usually don't like [X]' or some such.
  3. Let Pinkie sleep, check to make sure she's not injured and looks okay. When she wakes up I'll figure out WTF just happened. I might admire her in her sleep just a bit, depending on how she was brought over (anthro, human, cartoony pony, actual real life pony?)
  4. I've heard comparisons of the brony fandom being increasingly similar in scope and mentality to Star Trek as a fandom, and I think that's the future of this fandom. To be a series that will never quite die, change for sure, but continue on and have fandoms that spring up around each new iteration with previous fans remaining strongly tied to the series.
  5. Not in a place to judge the production, though here's what I think (though you're right, the piano vst could stand to be improved because it sounds really blah right now). It's a nice piece! At times the cello and the piano don't really jazz well together (even considering that i think you're going for a discordant timbre) so I'd look into changing the progression just a bit?
  6. Hm? What? Oh sorry, didn't see you there Fluttershy. I swore it was just a mouse squeaking around or something like that. ... Come again? Oh hey, where are you going? Come back, we can talk! ... I'm sorry, I don't think I quite caught that...
  7. LoL account name is RsncKATnip, feel free to hit me up whenever I'm on, I mostly ARAM now a days since I hit gold V but I'm cool with whatever.
  8. I'm insanely self critical, and virtually everything I do is judged by that annoying voice in the back of your head that hates everything you do. It's why music is so hard for me to make even though I love it. But for others, I'm only ever jokingly critical or if I'm serious I'm pretty light about it.
  9. All forms of electronic though within that category I tend towards electro house/complextro. But I listen to pretty much anything.
  10. Yeah I'm sure she's probably seen dreams of that nature before from the stallions- and mares, who knows- of Equestria. Possibly some focused onto her since her recent return. If I had such a dream I think she'd be flattered by it but no more. Unless she has a human fetish, in which case, good game my friends.
  11. As in, hang in a non romantic sense? I could probably do that with any of them, then! I'd still prefer somepony like Pinkie or Rainbow though. A more chill character I wouldn't have to put so much effort into being anything other than myself with.
  12. Yeah, I think Singed has one of the highest potential defensive abilities in the game, just because of his inherent scaling in numbers and passive and how much regen his ult provides. He sort of becomes a quasi diver in that he has so much goddamn health he can ignore the frontline and run through it and into the backline, doing god knows how much damage to squishes with flips and poison. In short, if your enemies have a Singed and they reach the late game, hope your team can kite the hell out of him.
  13. Well I'm lower in actual rank and mmr than you (Gold V and III respectively) but I honestly find that the only way to survive the nonsense of solo q is to not actually care about the outcome of the game. Just play your best game, ping and communicate when necessary. I have horrible mechanics and decent game knowledge, so I think anyone with decent abilities in both who has a lax attitude might be able to get further.
  14. She's ruled Equestria for a thousand plus years by herself and by all accounts it's virtually paradise, especially in comparison to the nonsense we've got here on Earth. So yes, I think highly of her as a character, especially if she's in a good fanfiction where the little nuances she might have are explored.
  15. I get a lot of really good ideas, I feel, so yes, I am creative. Where I struggle is translating those ideas into reality, but I'm working on that since I do want to be a musician when I grow up. Beyond that, my ability in all arts are at least decent. I can make sketches, write, and all that.
  16. Oh, hey, League of Legends thread. I play quite a bit, and I just recently got promoted to Gold V. Which means I'll probably be playing less and just playing ARAMs when I do play, but still, would be nice to play with some pones when I do play. Summoner name's RsncKATNip in reference to Homestuck, it actually used to be CheerileeSin but I changed it when I briefly left the fandom in the summer. Feel free to hit me up, I'm down for whatever. Normal games, troll games, ranked games.
  17. A bit of what's been said so far. I'd say my goodbyes to everyone I love, IRL and through the internets (no need to lie to them, don't want to die with that on my conscience), then I'd take some pills so I could die sleeping. Probably bring myself to the hospital before hand, so people know where to go to find my body.
  18. Probably everything I listen to. My tastes are incredibly pop, which means I'm probably disgusting and tasteless to the majority of people on the Internets. Sad but true.
  19. Pinkie Pie, definitely. I mean, I'm into and out of fandoms so it depends from time to time, and I still have small crushes on characters from anime and webcomics and the like. But Pinkie is besty.
  20. I prefer Applause, which between the two is actually a bit of a weaker song, but I've always felt like Katy Perry is the try-hard between the two and I respect the line up behind Gaga's album (Madeon and Zedd) much more than whatever generic pop producers Katy got for her album. I'm expecting to love ARTPOP a lot more than Prism, even if the first single wasn't quite there.
  21. I'm going to disagree with this, because one of the points of sampling is to take the bit out of context and use it's musicality differently, to make a different point, and to add something to your piece it wouldn't have had if you'd just, say, composed a more genre standard bit in place of the sample. In short, sampling is a way for you to explore music beyond the genre you specialize in. I mean, do I have to go learn how to thrash an electric in order to give my mixes a little metal? As long as all samples are legally cleared (and all of Kanye's are) I think it's fine.
  22. Building a song around a vocal or instrumental sample takes a lot of creativity and technical work. For me it's even harder than making stuff from scratch, which is why remixes of the show are so freaking difficult for me. So it is not easy nor cheap production, at least as far as I'm concerned.
  23. This is it, pretty much. This fandom really only became a fad in the first place because of the power of the internet. Without the internet the few people who gave it a chance would have had a far harder time getting the word out that, hey, this little girl's cartoon is super special awesome. So I figure it'd become a sort of cult cartoon, like He Man or something. It'd get interest in our current day from the peeps who remembered it and made nostalgia posts about it online.
  24. This is something cute I found while browsing Deviant Art. I love Pinkie Pie and I thought the avatar was kind of sultry, but not in an overt, perverse way. So yeah.
  25. I designed my OC to be really cute and stand-out, so I'd actually be anticipating responses from the rest of the community. Like if she became the new Button's mom...
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