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Looking Glass

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Everything posted by Looking Glass

  1. so what you are saying is they were essentially forced to shut down jan animations or else they would lose their copyright to the franchise?
  2. sorry, i dunno. "oh yeah, those ballsy little punks with screwdrivers who took the door off your car while you were sleeping in the damn thing. "
  3. well, my current "flavor of the month" is the Mass Effect trilogy of games. I'm currently on no. 2, and it is AWESOME! on a more permanent basis, i am a huge classic car enthusiast ( 1984 and older) , especially classic Mopars (Chrysler corp. vehicles). I'm also big into retrogaming, i like to both play and collect them. my oldest console is an Apf Tv Fun Sportarama (model 402) pong system w/ lightgun.
  4. i have no clue. " you damn fringe world yokels are all alike, don't know where your loyalties lie" "y'all have a real good day now, ya hear"
  5. *long message alert* well, being an "EX-brony" can carry different meanings for different people. for some, it can mean they still are a fan of the show and/or the fanworks, but they don't consider themselves a member of the community. for others, it may mean they quit the show entirely. i know someone who despite still being a huge fan of the show and the fanworks (especially relating to one pony in particular), he considers himself an "ex-brony" cause he is disgusted with how many of the fans act and the intolerance and hate within the fandom, especially towards other bronies. also like with anything, some people can be wrapped up in it for a while and then get bored of it. that's how i was with the Killzone games. an intrest of yours can be a life-long passion or a fleeting fancy. and for some, mlp is a fleeting fancy that captures their intrest for but a brief time. And that's ok, everypony's different. as long as they don't cause trouble for the rest of us, then i say thank you for being a part of our community, even if it was for just a little while.
  6. waffle! Duuuuuuuuhhhh, i fergot was i waz gunna say!
  7. flying through the air using a giant slingshot
  8. to be honest, i don't usually have any problem with people like this, but if you attack others over it, then it becomes a problem. of course, I'm fine with just about anything, so long as you don't hurt others for what they like or shoving your thing down people's throats. :pinkiesmile:
  9. well in the incident I'm most familiar with, he was a regular member on another forum, then left over a comment that another user said about twi. wrote a thread announcing his leaving. well, many of the members went to say their goodbyes and such. one of the members left a post expressing their sympathy for him. well, he returned (several months later) and out of nowhere slammed the user who sympathized with him, (who had a twilight avatar and admitted in another post to have a crush on twi) as well as most of the users on there slamming users who liked twi, and the admins for allowing that to happen. this didn't sit too well with anyone and the many of the users were understandably pissed. after that, the admins banned him and locked the thread. that's all I'm gonna say on it, outta respect and privacy for the sites members.
  10. honestly, the who are always complaining about clop annoy me. the clop doesn't bother me at all. Lauren faust said it best: "I'm a big girl. If i see something i don't like, I'll just ignore it".
  11. Definitely Twilight Sparkle. I can relate to her so much! <3
  12. my favorites : Romance Reports. by sleeplessBrony.(contains some clop) a little cloppy, and it ships a lot, but its a well done story about twilight as she goes to learn about love (its kinda like the show itself, but with more adult content and luna fills the role of twis mentor. Inner demons by Saffirelibra3. (Dark content) the party hasn't ended by Butterscotchsundae. trixies getting back on her hooves trixies trying to make amends with the mane 6, but her sister interferes at every turn. the Kropolu Sector by Unholyheaven an excellent starcraft/mlp crossover that places the ponies in the roles of the terran and protoss. unfortunately, it stopped at chapter 50 and never got finished.
  13. one of my sisters and maybe my brother. i was watching it and they started watching it with me. my brother was acting disinterested, but his eyes were glued to the screen. also, i noticed he uses my phone sometimes when I'm asleep. , (he doesn't know how to clear history on my phone)
  14. i would love to with Twilight Sparkle. whether i was a human or a pony. to be honest, the idea of dating someone from a different species dosent really seem any different than being with another human. * an intelligent species, that is.
  15. seeing anypony living in a box would make me sad, especially if it was twilight. i would probably go to pieces if i saw twilight living in a box. i would give her a home faster than she could blink, and help her in any way i could.
  16. no, hes pretty serious, either that, or one of the most dedicated trolls i ever seen. while that's fine and good, what bothers me though is that he's a complete asshole. i browsed a couple of forums and he ended up getting into fights with the admins cause he hated that they allowed other users to post that said anything about twi, whether they didn't like her or if they had a crush on her or anything like that. he would attack other users on the forums. I've ran into others who have had the same feelings for the ponies, and they were some of the nicest people i have known. also, don't tell him "his" twilight is a tulpa, lol.
  17. its the gender role stereotypes at work. if a guy does anything considered not masculine, then people automatically assume they are feminine and gay. which is not only unfair to bronies, but gay people as well.
  18. yeah, i noticed that in family guy, but like everything else, its done as a parody. American dad seems to portray gays a little more realistically (mostly) , at least in that the gay neighbors aren't complete stereotypes. (although terry is borderline)
  19. its still hard to believe that people consider being gay a bad thing.
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