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Everything posted by Unr3alGamer

  1. What is your MBTI type? INTJ Who is your favorite pony? Rarity/Twilight Which pony are you most like? Probably Twilight What type of pony is your ponysona?(If you have one) Unicorn If applicable, how do you contribute to the fandom? PMV's and some personal analysis
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U_oUvwmqX4 Jurassic World has a sweet soundtrack.
  3. I used to take it WAY too seriously, now, I just find some enjoyment watching the show. It's just another show I like to watch.
  4. It's a lot of fun. To quote a short review I posted on IMDB: "Aside from some unnecessary subplots, not fully-fleshed out characters, and a few predictable moments, it's all made up for with some awesome dinosaur action, great cinematography, and likable central characters. 8.2/10" I might add that the last 20 minutes in Jurassic World are cinematic gold.
  5. I saw Jurassic World on Friday. The most entertaining movie I've seen all year. I liked it quite a bit. It wasn't a masterpiece (a few things are corny and a little predictable), but if you loved the first Jurassic Park (like I did) you'll like this one. The last 10-20 minutes, however, is cinematic masterpiece material. Not spoiling what happens ;D Unless you are a cold critic who can't have fun with anything, watch the movie. I think you'll enjoy it.
  6. I was going to recommend Past Sins, hmmmmm. My friends and I read fanfictions as a series on our channel (none of them are MLP, but all have their own flavors of so-bad-it's-good). Give them a listen and tell me what you think: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6GcaKikKax023QfTa8xm4XLi_AR-E0fM I must remind you, these ARE NOT dramatic readings, they are us reading fanfictions and offering our thoughts as we go along.
  7. What I meant by "generalizations do have some truth to them" was that generalizations are based off of perceptions because someone saw one person from group y do x. If not everyone in group y does x, it is a generalization and not entirely true, but is true for at least some people in said group. I agree, not every brony is in need of affirmation, hence why I put "some" in my post. Well, there's at least someone I can agree with on the matter that opinions can be true and false and aren't entirely subjective. I didn't word myself correctly, when I mentioned his opinion, I was meaning his opinion of the show. He can have a free pass on that. That was bad wording on my part.
  8. And a lot of it revolves around the problems with the analysis community addressed by T_O and T_O himself, which will turn into discussions about the overall community, which will turn into discussions about the different "sections" of bronies, which will turn into discussions about controversial topics, which will turn into flame wars, which will turn into a banned topic. Take this model, rinse, repeat. That's the way I've seen it with every major topic since I joined this forum. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On topic, I recommend giving this a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH4_rSXOVo0
  9. For the people who say that r34 is a recurring thing in fandoms: Yes, you're absolutely right. That doesn't excuse that it still happens when it shouldn't happen. That's like saying "someone got murdered by a serial killer in my hometown, but it happens all the time around the world." It comes off as more of a justification than an explanation, especially if it's being used in defense. But on Tommy Oliver, he was generalizing the fandom with his "affirmation" argument, but generalizations do have some truth to them. It's pretty sad that some of you bronies are in denial that (A LOT of) people depend on someone's affirmation to make them feel less weird when watching MLP and instead just blindly bash on Oliver because he's leaving the fandom and he dares to have an opinion. Granted, his opinions are based on perceptions by over-analysis, but he still has an opinion just like the rest of us do.
  10. I don't agree with his comments on the show (he's saying it's lost it touch, I don't think it has (I think it's getting better actually)) but his rant on the fandom has truth to it. It's part of the reason I hesitate to call myself a "brony" anymore. People want to be told that they're not weird for liking this show, so they need that affirmation from other people's videos saying how good the show is (a form of hopping on the bandwagon when you think about it). And you know what? Me and a few of my friends used to be like this, and eventually I learned to not let others decide how I personally feel about something, instead I decide for myself. Also, let's face it, the brony fandom as a whole used to be a lot more pure after its departure from 4chan. But since Season 3, it's been a mish-mash of either overly critical/negative "fans" or sissified people who are afraid to share their views. Tommy Oliver I think has changed his perceptions overtime and therefore has become a lot more critical of MLP to the point of over-analysis (Digibrony fell into the same pit). But part of the reason I didn't post anything on this site or bronysquares is because so many people have become too sensitive and/or beg people to agree with them. Edit: Also, wanting affirmation by itself isn't a bad thing. When it gets to the point of feeling extremely insecure without it is when it's a problem.
  11. June 12th will either be extremely awesome of extremely terrible. I'm taking my driver's test, and immediately after I'm seeing Jurassic World (dear God, please let it be good).

  12. Listening to this on repeat in hopes that Jurassic World is good (SPOILERS FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM JURASSIC WORLD'S SOUNDTRACK): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U_oUvwmqX4
  13. Hey Pink Mist. I haven't been on MLPForums in a while and I'm catching up on some people's feeds. I was wondering if you're doing all right judging from your past posts.

  14. Ah. I read Paradise Lost for school last year, so I knew I saw it somewhere. Also, from the conversations I've overheard at my private school, the terms wasn't used in any sort of silly way. However, I have heard it's a "controversial" topic in theology. Also, the idea that you presented isn't really "heretic". It's just more "out there".
  15. Has any Christian on here hear of the idea of the "Felix Culpa"? Taking latin class for 3 years, I believe this translates to "Happy Fault". I heard this phrase from my brother but he isn't going to tell me much about it until I get to 12th grade (I go to the same private school he went to before he graduated). All he's told me about it is it's "a way to explain why God allowed the fall to happen". I've tried looking up the term but all I found was a tad bit of info on wikipedia that doesn't really explain it.
  16. Fantastic Premiere. Perfectly Paced, interesting concept, and refreshing ending. Only nitpick: Rarity didn't get her moment to shine, but was still as present as all the other characters. A+
  17. I don't care for Fluttershy or Applejack most of the time. I enjoyed Spike at Your Service and TMMDW but recognize they're bad episodes. Background ponies are overrated, but I still find them somewhat appealing. Highly interested to see how M.A. Larson (best writer) can pull off an episode entirely about background characters on June 13. The Crystal Empire is miles better than the pilot and about on par with The Return of Harmony, but not as good as Princess Twilight Sparkle or The Cutie Map. Season 4 so far is the overall best season (but Season 5 is impressing me more than season 4 so far). In some regards, Season 3 is better than 2. I couldn't care less for Twilacorn. Meghan McCarthy is a better writer than Lauren Faust.
  18. It's been a LONG time since I've been on here. I apologize for being a jerk on some forums, it was my fault. However, I don't like it when someone fires the bullet at me first.

  19. I'm single, but I'm 16 and I'm not going to fall into the same trap as many other teens my age (as much as I am tempted to). But, I would like more friends that are girls. There was one at my school that was nice to talk to from time to time but now she's moving to another state. Otherwise, I don't have any"friends" that are girls. PM me if you'd like to talk to me. I like going to Movies (mostly superhero movies or franchises that I like), gaming, researching on topics my friends are in to, and watching TV from time to time. I sound like a 20 year old (and kind of act like one) and whenever I see an opportunity, I come up with a satirical joke.
  20. The song (which was AWESOME) and the Game of Thrones references were the outstanding things in a generally pretty good episode. It's somewhere between and 8.5 and a 9 out of 10 for me.
  21. Marvel's Daredevil came out on Netflix on April 10th and I've watched episodes 1-9 out of 13. Anybody else watching? If so what are your thoughts?
  22. The entirety of Star Wars (original trilogy and prequels) Jurassic Park Theme Indiana Jones Theme The Dark Knight Rises Theme Time from Inception Spider-Man 2 Opening Theme Interstellar End Theme Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Just to name a few
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