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Everything posted by Unr3alGamer

  1. Only if they legitimately threaten me. I definitely want to get married! I'm just not ready for it, I'm only 16 right now XD And that is why sometimes being blunt is a bad thing (bible thumpers take note).
  2. Eat some honey. That helps reduce the pain. And/or... Get a cup of warm salt water and gargle it. It helps to sooth your throat.
  3. You're not alone. My friend cries every other episode. As for me, most of the episodes stirred up my emotions, but didn't make me cry. Magical Mystery Cure, Tanks for the Memories, and Princess Twilight Sparkle stirred up my emotions (especially the first two). But strangely the one episode that legitimately made me shed some tears was Amending Fences. I have never seen an episode that was that "real" in the entire show. Moondancer's upbringing as well as the flashbacks really brought out her character, and when she finally exploded, the feels really kicked in.
  4. I feel 100% the way you do. This fandom has shown its craziness more and more over the years, and I felt like it was in my best interest to just become a "fan". I came to the realization that a good chunk of people who label themselves as "bronies" are overly-obsessive people (not to mention some bronies are really creepy) but it's your choice. You don't have to label yourself as a "brony" if you don't want to.
  5. So, please tell me how Lena Hall's song in MLP is one of the most beautiful things I've heard in a long time.

    1. Monsoon


      I never heard it before

  6. Either Minecraft on Creative Mode or Flower (PS3 or PS4). Those are real stress-relievers.
  7. I haven't seen all of Steven Universe or Gravity Falls (I plan on watching more of Gravity Falls this week) but I think I've seen enough of both to get an opinion: Steven Universe has interesting ideas, but I feel like they focus too much on character and not enough on plot, in which I wouldn't mind if they made Steven less annoying. I think that's partially due to the fact that all of the episodes are 11 minutes, so they can't cram in a solid plot for each episode. Gravity Falls on the other hand goes for plot over character, but I think that's okay because the episodes are (roughly) 22 minutes each and the characters are interesting enough that I can stay invested. What really makes Gravity Falls great is how it handles the mystery, which I always find intriguing with any show. Although most of what I watched goes between "good but not great" episodes and "meh" episodes. I have yet to see all of it, though. MLP: FiM I think just has more solid characters and more interesting plots, mostly because of how well the show can make it understandable for little girls but also relatable and entertaining for everyone else. It's a good balance of plot and character, which is how I think a TV show should be done. Admittedly, MLP has some noticeable duds, but there's more than enough real "great" to "amazing" episodes to make up for them. So currently, it's MLP>Gravity Falls>>Steven Universe, and I'm putting Gravity Falls not too far behind MLP. Edit: Forget what I said about GF. GF>>>>>>>>>MLP>SU
  8. This is probably one of the most entertaining episodes in the show, regardless of how the writing quality is. As for the actual quality of the episode, it impressed me quite a lot. It could get away with throwing in all of this "fan-pandering" and make it all into something that works. How? The entire episode was a mix of 2 things: a parody of fan pandering, and a thank you to long time MLP: FiM fans. I say parody because the entire episode is utter nonsense, and yet still worked as a standalone episode/story. It doesn't take itself seriously, and it was never supposed to. Are you honestly trying to tell me that an episode where 2 background characters are riding in ponyville playing dubstep/cello and (literally) jumping over a shark and later grabbing everyone in ponyville and tripping over a Twilicane all just to get to a wedding is supposed to be serious? No, it's simply a parody of fan-pandering. It's telling us "this is how ridiculous the show would be if we pandered to bronies". And, I think it's obvious this is a love letter to MLP: FiM fans. There's plenty of stuff in the episode that one will only catch if they had watched the entire show up to this point, plus you can watch this and enjoy it without catching all of the references. So at the end of the day, does it work as an episode? Yes. The plot (while comprised of nonsense) is good enough for an average viewer to follow and be entertained, and at the same time one can enjoy this as just plain old dumb fun. I give this a 9.7/10; A+ One of the most fun and entertaining episodes of the show.
  9. Depends on how you define "attractive". If we're talking sorely pony standards, yes. Both her personality and her looks are very cute. But, she's a pony, and I'm not attracted to cartoon characters. Although if there were a human with the same general cuteness both physically and emotionally, I'd find that person very attractive. P.S. Fluttershy is not my favorite pony, and I don't think she's likable because of her cuteness. I couldn't care less about if a character in anything is cute. When I'm watching TV, what interests me is their personality and wanting to see what happens next with said character.
  10. If my favorite director directed the movie, I'd imagine there would be a lot of this coming from Twilight: "Where's the trigger!?" "Nice coat." "I'm not the princess Equestria needs, but the one it deserves." "He must have frieeeends."
  11. I don't think so. It would be a lot less interesting if the characters weren't ponies in a fantasy world and just regular humans experiencing every-day life.
  12. I don't like that this had to happen, but I think I know why it's happening: We know for a fact that there is an episode set in Hearth's Warming Eve, and I'm sure they want that to air around Christmas. Also, Scare Master sounds like a Halloween episode, which should air around halloween. It would irritate me less if they 1. Had let us know ahead of time, or 2. Give us an air date for the beginning of Season 5 part 2.
  13. Link or screenshot of said post?
  14. Both posts were anonymous. That's the dealbreaker on the validity of the synopses. It could be somebody entirely different.
  15. We don't even know if the synopses for episode 14-26 were from an employee or not. For all we know it's a troll. The episode names all the way back in April could've been from someone entirely different.
  16. I doubt some of those are true. A few of them look like rehashes of previous episodes (inb4 Scare Master, What About Discord?) Yeah, that leak came the day AFTER the animatics from SDCC came out (that 4chan post was July 11, the animatics were released July 10). Plus, that user is anonymous and only posting the synopses for episodes 14 onward. I'm sure that the episodes names are true, but a few of those synopses sound suspicious. Take these with a grain of salt until at least a few are confirmed.
  17. These details have all of my yes. The question of "What would happen if the first sonic rainboom didn't happen?" is one that's been in my mind for a long time, and I hope they go with something really interesting for that. Also, I hope that episode is written by M.A. Larson (seeing as he is responsible for the greatness of The Cutie Mark Chronicles AND Sonic Rainboom). I was also hoping to see more relatives of the mane 6. Fluttershy having a brother sounds great! A pie episode with Maud Pie sounds great as well! And yes, please have Starlight Glimmer return (and another returning villain? Oooh, sweet). And that Lena Hall song......my gosh. Best song in the entire show, hands down.
  18. I have not seen episodes 6 and 10, but so far the worst episode this season that I've seen has been Castle Sweet Castle. That's pretty amazing since I think Castle Sweet Castle is mediocre at worst and decent at best. This season has had a lot of really great ideas and manages to keep everyone in character while having us entertained. Also, the dialogue for most of the episodes isn't consistent clunky exposition dumps. So far, my favorite season of the show.
  19. This episode was basically another excuse for the animators to go nuts, and it's a pretty dang good one at that. I liked all of the crazy things the ponies dreamed, and I like the idea of Luna creating the Tantabus so she can remind herself of all of the bad she caused. Also I love that they showed us the Mane 6's individual dreams. But there were 2 problems I had: clunky dialogue, and rushed ending. If they had shortened out the sequence with all of the ponies dreaming big to fight the Tantabus, they could've used that time to make the ending a bit less rushed. Also, the dialogue could've been more subtle and quit reminding us of what's going on every 5 minutes. Otherwise, this was great episode overall, and a good mid-season finale. 8.7/10; A- P.S. Season 5 has a good number of good-great episodes. Season 4's first half had some good episodes, but it had its share of mediocre to bad episodes.
  20. World building, Gilda's development, and Pinkie's funny antics make this one of the better of the season. 9/10 Grade: A-
  21. Wonky pacing and a somewhat cliché plot (X can't be impressed with anything, Y must do everything to make them impressed) is made up for with entertaining Pinkie moments. I am so happy Pinkie is being written well this season unlike the last season. 8/10 Grade: B
  22. I really liked this episode. The callbacks, the premise, the moral, and the choreography in some places were all great. And I'm being perfectly honest: this show doesn't really give me the feels, but this one for some reason made my eyes water. It's pretty great what they can put in to 22 minutes. The only real problems I had were that I think we could've just spend a little more time sinking in Moondancer's explosion at the end and a few deliveries from Tara Strong sound a little bit off, otherwise one of my favorites from the season. 9.2/10 Edit: After watching it a second time, it still strikes a chord and I don't know what I was thinking when I said Tara Strong sounded off, she's sounded as good as she's ever been. New rating: 9.7/10; A+
  23. PSN (PS4): colonelih8gumby For online, I primarily play Minecraft and BF4. I also have COD: AW, Blacklight Retribution.
  24. This question has been asked a million times, and both sides (bronies and anti-bronies) have fair and illogical points. To put it simply, when a Jehovah's Witness doesn't leave your door, it can get really, really irritating. Stuff like this is also why bronies and anti-bronies are always at odds with each other. ^ All of this. Dr. Wolf already has.
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