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Everything posted by Unr3alGamer

  1. So...Blu Spark dies by the bite of 87, becomes an animatronic, comes back to life as a huge jerk, decides to work at the place he was killed, and then another plot where the CEO crash lands to Ponyville (via a storm-ex-machina) on a business trip and meets the mane 6? What kind of adventure are they going on? How do these 2 plots fit together? Who is the CEO? Who is Blu? Why is Blu a jerk when he comes back to life? I would suggest rewriting the plot so it's not as sloppy, then it will give any potential writers easier material to work with.
  2. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0nmWUV9KsX9
  3. American Sniper. It was one of the best movies I've seen in a while.
  4. Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie Star-Wars Battlefront (1 & 2) Sonic Adventure Battle for Bikini Bottom Just to name a few off the top of my head.
  5. There have been a lot of changes, but not changes so major that the show now is completely different. The animation has improved a lot. Compare a season 1 episode and a season 4 episode back to back and look for smoothness in movement and attention to detail in the backgrounds. The writing has gotten more complex and has aged with its audience without losing its heart. The characters have grown. The dialogue, voice acting, and situations have become less cringe-worthy. And the music has become a lot more diverse.
  6. Well the fact that they've taken a bit more time with this season might be a very good sign. I'm excited!
  7. Have the series milked out into seasonal rot. I'd much rather it end early, so that was it can be remembered as a great series. You either die a great show, or you live long enough to see yourself become Spongebob.
  8. Even though I've done a bad job of being the person I'm called to be, I have a very strong faith in God. Yes, I'm a Christian.
  9. If they killed off any of the Mane 6, then the show wouldn't be the same. If their death meant something, then I'd tear up a little.
  10. I might leave this forum. Don't expect many posts from me.

  11. You should've fit this with your picture: Even though I don't have Netflix, I feel sorry for the people who are dependent on it to watch the show. I usually just tune in to the Hub or watch it on Dailymotion/Youtube. MysteriousBrony or AstrumSpark upload top-notch quality on Dailymotion when the episodes come out.
  12. The first character I think of is Walter White from Breaking Bad. Some of his actions are so despicable that you want to hate him, yet some of his actions are so admirable that you want to sympathize with him.
  13. I'm thinking some people need to stop being pretentious idiots looking for things to complain about. I'm also thinking of what to do for homework.
  14. I sacrificed a good chunk of my money and free time for friends.
  15. A light female southern accent has always been cute to me. I don't have a particular accent that sounds sexy. Maybe it's just me.
  16. I like to think through with my decisions while also determining what might happen as a result. So I follow my heart and brain.
  17. I want to do a lot of traving when I have the time. Right now, the best place I'd like to live in is Seattle, Washington. Rain 2/3 of the year sound like my kind of place.
  18. I've never really liked many furries. All they need is a slap into reality, not death. Death is never the best answer to any solution, it's just the easiest one.
  19. The strangest? There are 2 that come to mind. For the first one, I was on top of some rusted train carts that went across the desert. I was talking to my friends from long-distance as if they were on skype or on the phone with no electronics whatsoever. We found ways to figure out where we were by using handheld lasers and shooting them up to the sky full of stars. Then when I walk down the track of train carts, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Pinkie Pie. When I got her attention, she looked back with a smile and she was ecstatic to see me. She showed me a spot where we could lay down and look up at the stars. We were looking at the milky way until I finally woke up. This was the dream that felt so extremely positive that I wish I didn't wake up. For the second one (it felt like I was in the dream for several hours) everyone in my house was missing, and when I go outside my house is floating on a piece of land in the sky. For some reason I decided to jump down, and it felt like a small jump. I landed in the backyard of my old house and find my brother. I ask him what's going on and he said he was looking for our family dog Stanley. We kept jumping over the other neighbors' fences until we find an abandoned mine and find our dog dirted up and ready to die. When I look back my brother tells me that I'm dreaming. I start to debate to myself whether or not I really am, and at that moment I fall to the ground and find myself in (what I thought was) someone else's dream. I "wake up" standing on a building in an oriental-styled city and see 2 people chasing me. We had a chase across the rooftops until I jumped down and hid in the closet of a restaurant and find a gun. I wait until the 2 people come to me and I shot them dead. Then the owner of the restaurant I was in turned out to be my old friend David. He came to me and told me "What are you doing in my dream?" and I replied "what were those people doing trying to kill me?" and he replied back "They were trying to wake you up. You need to wake up so I can take care of business." Then I fell this sensation of falling which woke me up in shock and I said to myself, "What?"
  20. Diet Coke sucks the chrome off of a 57 chevy bumper.
  21. Conservatives are closet capitalists. Liberals are closet socialists. Political Correctness is an indirectly marxist idea. Increase in divorces is when the s*** started to hit the fan in the USA. Relativism (knowledge, morality, truth) is idiotic and dare I say evil.
  22. Feel free to move this topic if need be. I'm still learning how this works. I'm an editor of simple Pony Music Videos (otherwise known as PMV's). If you want to see what I've done: https://www.youtube.com/user/Unr3alGamer I have a line up of songs I want to edit, and my next one is this: Here's the thing: this is going to be my first time doing a "sad" PMV. I've come up with some ideas, but they don't work. I like to make my PMV's congruent, meaning I want the scenes to fit with the lyrics while keeping the viewer invested. Any ideas of what I could do? I really love the song and I want to make it something special for a certain someone. Take a listen to the song and see if you can help. It would be extremely helpful.
  23. Season 1 - The Best Night Ever Season 2 - Hurricane Fluttershy/A Canterlot Wedding Season 3 - Magical Mystery Cure Season 4 - Twilight's Kingdom/Pinkie Pride
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