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Jon the VGNerd

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Everything posted by Jon the VGNerd

  1. Finally back! Alive and well, too!

  2. WIsh me lots of luck, people. By 6 PM, power's already cut off and Hurricane Maria will make imminent downfall in Puerto Rico by tomorrow. Wish me lots of luck, everyone. Farewell for now.

  3. +1 Even when things come to worse, at least most of us can still build and improve for the better, even if other people were to seriously lament as a result of nature's destruction from hurricanes (but also other natural disasters). And yeah. I've had worse really. I'd move elsewhere but at this point, its basically like running away from problems not even I would escape from. Least I, including all of us, can change, even if governments cannot do the same. Yeah, it was basically a rant since PR and the other islands are still recovering from Irma, though Maria is ready for round two so just gonna brave the storm out there. Thanks for your advice, even if we all have to face the inevitable, but least we can still endure and survive and even move on to business as usual.
  4. Well, not exactly poor, but not exactly rich either. Its a mixed bag,a s are other people. And I seriously apologize if I was under pressure. It wasn't my intention though the news popped up and hit me pretty hard. However, owing to the debt Puerto Rico has faced through, most people are forced to be laid off of their jobs due to the rise in unemployment rates as a result of said debt. So I wouldn't call myself or the others poor, but rather, economically crippled, hence why power outages frequently happen from bad weather and lack of adequate maintenance. Again, I'm sorry if I was under pressure, especially after Irma had /barely/ passed through.
  5. Yeah. And even if I move to the mainland US where job offers are wide open, they're practically very choosy on the people and prefer the "right people" eligible to work. Even witht the skills and the degree, most, if not many, US jobs available do not always guarantee them work because they'd rather pick people who are perfect for them and not those struggling to may for food and bills.
  6. Exactly! And if I was working, that'd be fine. But it seems most jobs, especially if I were to move to the mainland US, do not hire people who are unemployed, including those who are in need of money, and are forced to take the brunt of bad weather from hurricanes.
  7. Unfortunately @Jeric, this isn't the case when you're living in an area that's hit through a huge debt and crippling infrastructure that is Puerto Rico, which is where I live in. Especially since their main electrical grid is outdated and neglected of maintenance as a result of an overwhelming debt that results in frequent power outages, be it from bad weather or lack of maintenance as a result of an unpayable debt. And as much as I love to move elsewhere, unemployment and lack of good funding is preventing me and my family from moving elsewhere. While you are managing very well for you, mine is the complete opposite, to be honest. Especially since the previous government borrowed far too much money for unnecessary needs instead of trying to improve the economy and even give the electrical grids an upgrade.
  8. Most people are pretty poor and are struggling through inadequate funds because their jobs do not give them the proper wages in order to move to better places where it isn't impacted by hurricanes or other natural disasters. Even their local governments cannot guarantee them safer havens elsewhere, or even better wages, especially when it comes to housing and costs of living.
  9. Since hurricanes Harvey and Irma had hit the US and the Leeward Islands, including Puerto Rico, now Maria is forming to hit the Leeward Islands, including Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic again. It seems that no matter how nice we are to Mother Nature, seems all she cares about is senseless destruction to many normal lives, even giving them nothing but pain and misery, not to mention the endless suffering. You can try and contribute to nature, but nature itself will never return the favor and resort to causing as much destruction as possible so that many people will suffer from food shortages and electricity being knocked down, as are their infrastructures as well. It seems that this year, mother nature's bringing hell on the weaker islands, no matter how well-prepared they are just so many people (myself included) will be suffering a lot. Not to mention having nowhere to evacuate due to inadequate funds. Anyone else realizing that Mother Nature is just not nice in general, no matter how much we try and improve?
  10. The episode feels like a mixed bag to me. The Sphinx is pretty interesting and would love to see it more like a real thing, just like when Ahuizotl turned out to be real.
  11. My reaction when Rarity's insanity face shows up when she says "Why I'm creating a gown, darling!":
  12. SpongeBob. Sorry to say but after Season 6 and beyond, the creators had desecrated a legendary cartoon into a sh*tshow. Even with the return of Stephen Hillenburg, the damage has been done, the show is of beyond help and he arrived too little too late to save the already-dead show. I eventually moved on so I went and buy Seasons 1-3 of SpongeBob on DVD as a final consolation.
  13. A list of fandoms that I left: Sonic, because of how toxic the fandom is, with 90% of "OC" being completely recolored with no actual effort. Call of Duty, because Activision cares nothing other than money, and will continue to make unnecessary releases for the franchise that most 12-year olds glorify, and their parents sure don't seem to care if they buy their kids M-rated games because they're considered "normal" and a "learning experience". Pokémon, because the show itself lost its luster with its usual, recycled plot, and Ash Ketchum doesn't age at all, much less being a complete Pokémon veteran because of, simply put, overused plot devices. Steven Universe, because while the show itself is great, the fandom itself is a complete opposite, hence why CN has been left in the shadows ever since. Never joined the fandom, but was glad to not step foot to it to find out myself. SpongeBob, because once the amazing show died out from Season 6 and beyond, the fandom itself also ceased to exist. Let's be honest, even the most popular shows end up going down in the gutter because of show the show is handled in a bad way nowadays. Bros, because PewDiePie is by far the biggest YouTube star with over 50 million subscribers... until it reaches to a breaking point where its community becomes rather cancerous with needless demands to make PewDiePie do this and do that. It seems that no celebrity is safe when it comes to these kinds of people who demand too many unnecessary things in order to get what they want. I used to subscribe to him, but I've grown distant and decided to just leave the poor man alone by simply unsubbing.
  14. Wouldn't Marble Pie be jealous tho? I mean, I know their relationships were only temporary in Hearthbreakers, but what about Marble Pie?
  15. 'fraid so. Newer fans are coming, but at lower numbers. Many veterans have already moved on to different and better things, and for them, MLP was nothing more than an enigma. The fandom's still strong, but with many veterans having left because of having lost their interests, even good things will eventually come to an end.
  16. Still, speedrunning isn't my cup of tea. Just my opinion is all, have nothing against speedrun. Just here to have fun, not to consider completing video games as a competition. I know I was a bit brash and I apologize for that. Again, speedrunning's simply not my cup of tea. @Celli
  17. No, I don't. Not only does it defeat the purpose of having normal fun, but it makes it feel like I'm being a show-off or trying too hard to be famous for speed runs. Its really not my thing and I'd rather have fun and explore the games' environments than to try to speedrun for bragging rights (most speedrunners simply show off by claiming to be better, when they're not really trying).
  18. Second Life is WAY too awkward for my taste. Not to mention that its not user-friendly in terms of user interface. IDK how can people even enjoy SL is beyond me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jon the VGNerd

      Jon the VGNerd

      Yeah. PlayStation Home was quite better and more user-friendly in terms of changing appearances. Second Life is pretty impractical and complicated IMO. Too bad Sony took it down for good with no chance of reviving it.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Yep, it was quite the experience for me, made a lot of great friends and a lot of fond memories. I remember being part of a Star Wars clan and everyone had the Storm Trooper outfits on, it was fun. And the giant conga lines people would randomly start doing in the main squares xD I was so sad when they shut it down and discontinued the service.

      They had a lot of outfits:



      One of the Dance Lines:



      Some of the Cool Spaces:

      HollywoodHills1.pngHollywood Mansion House.

      3635332360_d124d8632b.jpgEverybodys Golf Space.

      3895922257_fc7562cc11.jpgSingStar Club.

      ps_home_bowling_sony.jpgBowling Space.

      acornmeadows.jpgHome Park.

      playstationhome1-15-20109-53-28.jpgThe Beaches were Popular. 

    4. Jon the VGNerd

      Jon the VGNerd

      It is, and then Atom Universe existed. It looked to be more of a toned-down, inferior version of PlayStation Home, as Atom Universe has limited features and are riddled with bugs. Someone should take a stand and have Sony revive PlayStation Home for the PS4. There's no reason for them to just take down PS Home as it had a lot of potential and they wasted it.

  19. Wish people would help me on getting me to build a PC, if I wasn't so damn underfunded. Seems most PC gamers would rather build PCs for themselves instead of helping others who are struggling for funds.
  20. Nope. I doubt any girl would go out with a guy who's living with his parents and currently unemployed anyway.
  21. Now, here's a mystery in itself which not even Google is able to determine where they even come from. And no, I do not have head lice myself (never liked thick hair, always wanted to cut them really short, but did had dandruff before). I know head lice usually come from people with no proper hygiene or I dunno, they just exist. The biggest issue is that no one knows where do head lice even came from. And I don't meant he person's head because its just too vague that even a toddler would understand it. Same goes for kids who share combs and hats without a care because hey, sharing is caring, right? Wrong! And yes, that's what they come from too but even so, its actual origins have been left unanswered. Ina ll honesty, where do lice ACTUALLY come from? And I don't mean combs, hats or hygienic stuff. Even Google can't figure that one out either.
  22. Cartoons in 2010s are basically nonexistent except FiM and even the Duck Tales reboot. Other classic, legend cartoons are long-forgotten and even tarnished like the Powerpuff Girls.
  23. There are certain games that are horribly optimized for PC, though. No matter how powerful PCs can be, too.
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