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Everything posted by UnknownFry

  1. There is no human equivalent for what constitutes a moon in Equestria. As mentioned earlier it is just a term used to describe a passage of time without getting into specifics, but from the context of the film it sounds like being trapped in the alternate world while waiting for the portal to open is not a short amount of time thus explaining Twilight's urgency.
  2. Besides, some of us still need to get used to it. If some people have not gotten used to it by now than odds are pretty slim that they ever will. I could be wrong of course but three years seems like plenty of time to get over it as Twilight has been an alicorn longer than she has been an unicorn in actual time, and next season in terms of total episodes assuming nothing changes at this point.
  3. It seems like a moot point for the most part given that it already has been stated there is no human equivalent for the term moon according to one of the staff member.
  4. Not really given that Twilight "fixed" the problem by the end of Bats, but as others pointed out she is not a vampire! And yes those fangs were a throwaway gag.
  5. I imagine Cadence might start to show her pregnancy depending on what phase she is in of her pregnancy if and when she appears sometime in Season 6 before giving birth to the foal.
  6. I would imagine it works similar to the way it does for real life horses and ponies, and ponies get pregnant through natural processes that are not friendly to show in the show.
  7. I figure it might crossover with Equestria Girls at some point (well technically it already is), but I am thinking of a special that has both worlds interacting with each other, and Littlest Pet Shop for some odd reason.
  8. If one of the leaked details about the movie in 2017 remains true than there is supposedly an alicorn village out there. That may be where Celestia and Luna be were raised for a time assuming this remains true before moving to the Castle of the Two Sisters. That would be my guess for now, but I could be easily wrong assuming certain details change, and the matter has a slight chance of being addressed before the movie.
  9. Probably not as I don't think such a thing would fit their character arcs nor do any of the others really aspire to do as such as well. Probably best to keep it limited at this point as adding more would might further dilute the achievement while avoiding issues of redundancy. Most of the other five would have to learn how to cast magic, and the others would learn how to fly, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie both if one wanted them to be effective. Seems like a lot of hassle when as it stands now they got the job done as a team. That said I would not be entirely opposed to exploring the idea for an episode or so.
  10. Yes. The Journal of the Two Sisters even mentioned they were raised by other alicorns.
  11. I always assumed Sunset did some reconnaissance before embarking on her plan. Pretty simple. Also Sunset had no idea exactly on what the effects the crown would have in the first place which makes her comment towards Twilight in the first movie rather ironic.
  12. Just a book, folks. Nothing to get too excited about it.
  13. Maybe, and maybe not. The response to that question that people keep citing is more or a less a non-answer to the question without committing themselves too specifically.
  14. What to expect when expecting ? Apparently this episode. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows Plot and Characterization "Pinkie Pie struggles to keep a secret that involves Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.” Simple but amusing and hilarious plot that had Pinkie Pie struggling to keep such top secret information privy , and it went as well as expected especially if the news is that exciting. The writing was pretty sharp and the pacing is some of the best I have seen before the start of the second half of Season 5. This episode had a nice balance of touching moments with humor so it did not come across off as excessively saccharine. Pinkie Pie was handled well for the most part as her screwball antics did not detract from the narrative. Got to see some further backstory on Twilight’s and Shining Armor’s relationship, and it was refreshing to see Cadence take a backseat while focusing more on Shining Armor for a change instead. Twilight was left out in the dark, but she was busy with her own preparations, and her reaction to the whole scavenger hunt was handled well. Most of the other Mane 6 were kind of just there but their presence further added the pressure on Pinkie Pie. Also got to see a little more of the background ponies interacting in this episode as well too. 10/10 Animation and Music The background music was solid even if nothing really stood out. No complaints here. Animation wise there was a lot in going on in this episode, but I enjoyed the balloon gag encouraging Pinkie Pie to speak, Pinkie Pie pinball, Shining Armor’s to Twilight’s surprise, and also Twilight’s reaction to news as wells as Applejack’s birth certificates. What treat of delightful visual gags. 10/10 Voice Acting and Dialogue This episode was scattered with catchy lines and the voice acting was on point per usual. 10/10 Overall this episode scores a 30/30 or 10/10 with an excellent blend of touching moments and humor while finally delivering a big piece of news that has long been speculated. Excellent all the way through and a pretty good outing for GM Berrow as well. Well done, and the second half of Season 5 may be starting to gain some momentum at long last.
  15. Because the show actually tries to include some variety now instead of using the same copy and paste model for characters like it used to do. Also it depends on the lifestyle choices that some of these characters makes, and some ponies are comfortable in their own skin as is.
  16. I would say one could make a case for any of them as they all have their strong virtues and the what not, and one could make a case for why any of them should not be as they have their flaws as well. The show and Equestria Girls films does tend to push Princess Twilight a little more than the others when it comes to the idea of a pony being an example to others, but she has her drawbacks as well too.
  17. I wonder if the episode The Hoofields and the McColts will take place in one of these new areas. Anywise the expanded map is a great addition as I am always for world expanding and lore building, and hopefully Season 6 will explore more of these areas as well.
  18. If I had to venture a guess is that this season has had more of these "feels" because of tackling more mature themes now as well as resolving some long term goals of certain characters. I also second the notion that this season had several years of content to help hit such emotional pay dirt as well. Of course I am not the type of that goes for the "feels", but I can understand why some people may feel this way given the payout of this season so far. Sure not every episode is perfect or hits the right note, but I think there is something for everyone in Season 5 so far and we are not even done with it yet.
  19. Apparently some people can't handle variation from episode to episode as far as Twilight's princess status and popularity goes, but the show only brings it up or establishes when it is relevant to the episode. Just because it is not shown or mentioned in every episode does not make it any less as valid canon. I suspect Twilight became known more widely once she took the title of Princess of Friendship during the events of Twilight's Kingdom. This would explain Rarity Takes Manehattan rather perfectly in why no one recognized her as she was still was relatively unknown at the time, but she was widely recognized in Canterlot during Princess Twilight Sparkle suggesting there may be a regional variation in the recognition of Equestrian sovereigns Granted there is also Trade Ya to account for but I suspect the ponies at Rainbow Falls knew she was coming as well as a Princess always presides over the event. I don't think anyone has actually provided proof of Celestia rigging the poll to boost Twilight's image so the burden of proof still lies squarely on the accusers. As for the library thing no Princess is above the law or rules. Twilight Time, Princess Spike, Magical Mystery Cure, Twilight's Kingdom, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Amending Fences, and Canterlot Boutique,and Trade Ya more or less support the idea of her popularity as princess to a degree. So at least 10 episodes by my reckoning. There also have been some secondary materials that have suggested and or implied Twilight's popularity as a princess as well so this is not something that popped up just overnight as some would suggest.
  20. Probably Twilight Sparkle at this point all things considered where she began at the start of the show and where she is now. That is not to say the others have not developed as well, as they all have developed in their own ways at their own time.
  21. We have seen Cutie Marks been swapped and removed before but never changed as of yet. I suppose it might be possible but it would only happen under the most extreme of conditions and circumstances. However perception of Cutie Marks can change, and that by of itself can have profound consequences, but yeah a Cutie Mark does not define the pony, but the pony defines the Cutie Mark.
  22. No, and I don't think it was that complicated as you try to make it out to be, Sassy probably just took some polls around Canterlot and the results turned out the way they did. Simple as that. Twilight's is the new Princess on the block, and ponies in Canterlot tend to follow the hot new items. However one reason that Twilight may be more popular than Celestia is that Twilight appears to be far more approachable so that might make her a princess of the ponies as she does not have that aura that forces ponies to approach with a little more dignity and formality like they do with some of the princesses.
  23. All of them are righteous in their own ways, but in other ways less so. That said if I had to choose, I might pick Twilight as she seems to more consistent than the others, but she is not without her flaws/
  24. Maybe, but there are different constraints to consider when discussing an official project, and a fan work. Fans have the luxury of time, but they don't operate on the same level as the staff does when it comes to considerations needed to be made to appease Hasbro.
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